How to add IN statement with JOIN ON clause in tablegateway ZF2 - database

Getting all result so far until I added a 'IN' statement with join ON clause
My code is something like this:
// $this->table = 'category';
$sql = $this->getSql();
$select = $sql->select();
$select->join('user_category_subscriptions', 'user_category_subscriptions.category_id = AND user_category_subscriptions.status IN (1,2,3,4)', array(), 'left');
$select->where(array('category.user_id = 2 OR (user_category_subscriptions.status IN (2,4))'));
Message:Statement could not be executed
Used 'echo $select->getSqlString();' to print the query:
SELECT "categories".* FROM "categories"
LEFT JOIN "user_category_subscriptions"
ON "user_category_subscriptions"."category_id" = "categories"."category_id" AND "user_category_subscriptions"."status" IN ("1""," "2""," "3""," "4")
WHERE category.user_id = 2 OR (user_category_subscriptions.status IN (2,4))
So the problem is zend's auto converting (1,2,3,4) into ("1""," "2""," "3""," "4")
Any idea to solve this? Thanks

I think you can pass an expression instead of the join string:
// $this->table = 'category';
$sql = $this->getSql();
$select = $sql->select();
$join = new Expression('user_category_subscriptions.category_id = AND user_category_subscriptions.status IN (1,2,3,4)');
$select->join('user_category_subscriptions', $join, array(), 'left');
$select->where(array('category.user_id = 2 OR (user_category_subscriptions.status IN (2,4))'));

try this
->AND->NEST->equalTo('category.user_id', 2)
->addPredicate(new Sql\Predicate\In('user_category_subscriptions.status', array(2,4)));


How to bind pdo key and value from Question mark?

I want to make a query select data :
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass, $options);
$query = "SELECT ? FROM ? WHERE ? = ?";
How can I do it?
PDOpreapare statement is not support this query right row

update query sql table in yii

How can I update row in table in yii? I am using the following code but it is not working
$sql = "UPDATE auth_assignment SET itemname = 'Authenticated' WHERE userid = $user->accountID";
$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
My guess is that $user is being converted to a string and thus the ->accountID is not working. You have two methods, one unsafe and one safe.
Unsafe - Add {} around the $user->accountID.
$sql = "UPDATE auth_assignment SET itemname = 'Authenticated' WHERE userid = {$user->accountID}";
Safer - Use a parametrized query:
$sql = "UPDATE auth_assignment SET itemname = 'Authenticated' WHERE userid = :userid";
$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
$command->execute(array(':userid' => $user->accountID))
ok I forgot to put commas around

Symfony2 error Expected end of string

Trying to run a query with symfony and I get this error:
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 83: Error: Expected end of string, got 'username'
This code throws that error:
$query = $em->createQuery(
'SELECT username
FROM BLOGBlogBundle:user
WHERE username= :usrname'
)->setParameter('usrname', $usr);
$products = $query->getResult();
What am I doing wrong?
Seems to work when you add in the alias
$query = $em->createQuery('
SELECT u.username
FROM BLOGBlogBundle:user u
WHERE u.username = :usrname')
->setParameter('usrname', $usr);
$products = $query->getResult();
What worked for me is using Exp with ->set() like $qb->expr()
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$q = $qb->update('models\User', 'u')
->set('u.username', $qb->expr()->literal($username))
->set('', $qb->expr()->literal($email))
->where(' = ?1')
->setParameter(1, $editId)
$p = $q->execute();

ZF Db Append to column

Im trying to make an update similar to this with Zend_Db:
column = column + 'new value'
foo = 'bar'
any of you have done this before? is it possible?
With the help of Zend_Db_Expr this is possible.
$newValue = 101;
$data = array('column' =>
new Zend_Db_Expr($db->quoteInto('column + ?', $newValue)));
$where = $db->quoteInto('foo = ?', 'bar');
$updated = $db->update('TABLE', $data, $where);
Resulting Query:
UPDATE `TABLE` SET `column` = `column` + 101 WHERE `foo` = 'bar';
If you are asking how to append a string, then the code is similar, but you cannot use the + operator when dealing with character data, instead use CONCAT().
For example, change the $data array to this:
$data = array('varcharCol' =>
new Zend_Db_Expr(
$db->quoteInto('CONCAT(varcharCol, ?)', ' append more text!')

way for using DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 2 DAY) condition in cakephp

i am using cakephp and creating this condition:
$conditions = array("Userword.levelid"=>0, "Userword.userid"=>$this->Auth->user('UserId'),"date("=>"DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 0 DAY)");
$Userword = $this->paginate(null, $conditions);
cake using this select :
`Userword`.`userwordid`, `Userword`.`userid`, `Userword`.`wordid`, `Userword`.`date`, `Userword`.`levelid`, `Word`.`wordid`, `Word`.`word`, `Word`.`meaning`, `User`.`UserId`, `User`.`Email`, `User`.`password`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`cell`, `User`.`web` FROM `userwords` AS `Userword` LEFT JOIN `words` AS `Word` ON (`Userword`.`wordid` = `Word`.`wordid`) LEFT JOIN `users` AS `User` ON (`Userword`.`userid` = `User`.`UserId`) WHERE date(`Userword`.`date`) = 'DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 2 DAY)'
but by this select mysql can't return record because cakephp in this select use this character (') in last passage.
when i remove this character and test this code in phpmyadmin this code return rows. two images in below show this :
Just don't separate it out as key => value pair:
$conditions = array(
