How to set a global http timeout in AngularJs - angularjs

I know I can set a timeout each and every time:
$http.get('path/to/service', {timeout: 5000});
... but I want to set a global timeout to keep my code DRY.

This is possible with bleeding-edge angular.js (tested with git master 4ae46814ff).
You can use request http interceptor. Like this.
.factory('timeoutHttpIntercept', function ($rootScope, $q) {
return {
'request': function(config) {
config.timeout = 10000;
return config;
And then in .config inject $httpProvider and do this:

UPDATED: $http will not respect default setting for timeout set it in httpProvider (see the comments). Possible workaround:
Original answer:
angular.module('MyApp', [])
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.timeout = 5000;

Thanks for the post and update!!
In researching this issue specifically for $resource, I thought I'd elaborate on what I've found:
This issue was logged in the tracker and in angular 1.1.5, there is support for passing the timeout property through to the $http request:$resource
For those of us on earlier versions, specifically I am using angular 1.0.6, it is possible to edit the source file for angular-resource.js on line 396 you will find the call to $http where you can add the timeout property yourself for all resource requests.
Since it wasn't mentioned and I had to test Stewie's solution, when a timeout does occur, the way to tell between an error and an abort/timeout is checking the 'status' argument. It will return 0 for timeouts instead of say 404:
$http.get("/home", { timeout: 100 })
.error(function(data, status, headers, config){
Since there are only a few cases where I need to use a timeout as opposed to setting it globally, I am wrapping the requests in a $timeout function, like so:
//errorHandler gets called wether it's a timeout or resource call fails
var t = $timeout(errorHandler, 5000);
myResource.$get( successHandler, errorHandler )
function successHandler(data){
//do something with data...
function errorHandler(data){
//custom error handle code

I've the same requirement and I m using AngularJS 1.0.7. I've come up with the below code as none of the above solutions seems feasible for me (feasible in the sense I want timeout to be global at one place). Basically, I m masking the original $http methods and adding timeout for each $http request and overriding other shortcut methods, like get, post, ... so that they'll use the new masked $http.
JSFiddle for below code:
* #name ngx$httpTimeoutModule
* #description Decorates AngularJS $http service to set timeout for each
* Ajax request.
* Implementation notes: replace this with correct approach, once migrated to Angular 1.1.5+
* #author Manikanta G
;(function () {
'use strict';
var ngx$httpTimeoutModule = angular.module('ngx$httpTimeoutModule', []);
ngx$httpTimeoutModule.provider('ngx$httpTimeout', function () {
var self = this;
this.config = {
timeout: 1000 // default - 1 sec, in millis
this.$get = function () {
return {
config: self.config
* AngularJS $http service decorator to add timeout
ngx$httpTimeoutModule.config(['$provide', function($provide) {
// configure $http provider to convert 'PUT', 'DELETE' methods to 'POST' requests
$provide.decorator('$http', ['$delegate', 'ngx$httpTimeout', function($http, ngx$httpTimeout) {
// create function which overrides $http function
var _$http = $http;
$http = function (config) {
config.timeout = ngx$httpTimeout.config.timeout;
return _$http(config);
$http.pendingRequests = _$http.pendingRequests;
$http.defaults = _$http.defaults;
// code copied from angular.js $HttpProvider function
createShortMethods('get', 'delete', 'head', 'jsonp');
createShortMethodsWithData('post', 'put');
function createShortMethods(names) {
angular.forEach(arguments, function(name) {
$http[name] = function(url, config) {
return $http(angular.extend(config || {}, {
method : name,
url : url
function createShortMethodsWithData(name) {
angular.forEach(arguments, function(name) {
$http[name] = function(url, data, config) {
return $http(angular.extend(config || {}, {
method : name,
url : url,
data : data
return $http;
Add dependency on the above module, and configure the timeout by configuring ngx$httpTimeoutProvider, like below:
angular.module('App', ['ngx$httpTimeoutModule']).config([ 'ngx$httpTimeoutProvider', function(ngx$httpTimeoutProvider) {
// config timeout for $http requests
ngx$httpTimeoutProvider.config.timeout = 300000; // 5min (5 min * 60 sec * 1000 millis)
} ]);


Setting timeout in $http Service AngularJS 1.5.5

I have my controller calling the api and by the time the api returns results I have the 500 Internal server in the chrome console popping up. I am using angular 1.5.5, could you please help with some timeout code.
Tried using .timeout(3000,new Error(timeout exceeded)) before .then but it does not compile
var service={};
return $http({
method: "POST",
data: user
return resp;
return service;
You can try with setInterval
setInterval(function () {
//Call your Service here
}, 5000);
This server error occurs because there may be missing param or something like this
//if 'function2' is dependent on any condition of 'function1' call like this
var f1 = yourService.function1(param1);
f1.then(function (data1) {
var f2 = yourService.function2(param2);
f2.then(function (data2) {
//Do code
//if 'function2' and 'function1' are independent call like this
var f1 = yourService.function1(param1);
f1.then(function (data1) {
//Do code
var f2 = yourService.function2(param2);
f2.then(function (data2) {
//Do code
To set a timeout of for the $http service, use the timeout property of the config object:
app.factory('submitService', function ($http) {
var service = {};
service.getJwtToken = function (user) {
var config = { timeout: 3000 };
return $"http://localhost:5000/jwtTest", user, config);
return service;
From the Docs:
config object
Object describing the request to be made and how it should be processed. The object has following properties:
timeout – {number|Promise} – timeout in milliseconds, or promise that should abort the request when resolved.
A numerical timeout or a promise returned from $timeout, will set the xhrStatus in the response to "timeout", and any other resolved promise will set it to "abort", following standard XMLHttpRequest behavior.
For more information, see
AngularJS $http Service API Reference - Arguments

sending headers using $resource in angular js

I want to send headers each time for CRUD operation from factory side.
Here is my factory
var appangular.module("LifeStyleFactModule",["ngResource"]);
app.constant("RES_URL", "http://localhost:9090/")
var categoryinfo;
var categoryresource=$resource(RES_URL+"category/:id",{"id":"#id"},{update:{method:"PUT"}});
return categoryinfo;
var category = new categoryresource(categoryItem);
var category=new categoryresource({"id":id});
var category=new categoryresource(categoryItem);
the above functionality is working well. Now i want to send the token in the headers. How can i do that.
I have tried to do it by the following way
var categoryresource=$resource(RES_URL+"category/:id",{"id":"#id"},{update:{method:"PUT"},headers:{"token":"#token}});
but not getting how to send the token for CRUD operation.
Is procedure is correct, if so how can i send tokens.
Else let me know the way.
Instead of above method i tried the following way as
this is working but the procedure for the first procedure.
Please after answering mark it as duplicate or down vote
dont say ( / { such things are missing.
The best solution as to me is to use interceptor. Here is a way to send token in headers, I've used in one of my projects.
config.$inject = ['$httpProvider'];
function config($httpProvider) {
interceptor.$inject = ['$q', '$injector', 'AuthModel'];
function interceptor($q, $injector, AuthModel) {
return {
request: function (config) {
config.headers.Authorization = AuthModel.token;
return config;
responseError: function (rejection) {
Added a jsfiddle to demonstrate
Just click the Send button and check the request headers in developer tools

Angular JS global config for resource success query

I have implemented resources in my single page angular app which fires to my REST client server. I have made different services for each resource. Now my REST server is sending a value in response header, now I want to know a proper way where I can retrieve that value from headers.
My service code:
app.service('$job', function($resource) {
var job = $resource(service_base_url+'jobs.json/:id');
return job;
My controller which is getting headers:
app.controllerProvider.register('JobPostsController',['$scope','$job', function($scope, $job) {
$ = {};
$scope.job_titles = {};
var headers = responseHeaders();
$ =;
I am getting headers in my above code, but I don't want to inject it in all controllers. So is there a proper way to do it? Some single config code which will run for all future resources request or some kind of event which can be only triggered when successful resource response with 200 OK
Try interceptor.
I don't know exactly your logic. You could register a global interceptor which intercepts all requests:
angular.module('App', [])
.config(function ($httpProvider){
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function() {
return {
'response': function(response) {
var headers = response.headers();
return response;
or just register an interceptor which runs only for all requests of this query.
app.service('$job', function($resource) {
var job = $resource(service_base_url+'jobs.json/:id',{}, {
'query': {
interceptor: {
'response': function(response) {
var headers = response.headers();
return response;
return job;
Side notes:
Should not use $ prefix for your service name as it's reserved for angular, it may conflict with angular future versions.
I guess you need .factory instead of .service
You can set up the service in a run block like:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.run(['$rootScope', '$job',function ($rootScope, $job) {
$ = {};
$rootScope.job_titles = {};
var headers = responseHeaders();
$ =;
The only drawback your service is global to the app
I would go with a base service factory. This would allow you to have common service related functionality in one place
app.factory('ServiceBase', function () {
function ServiceBase() {
this.responseHeaders = function responseHeaders(resp){
// todo
return ServiceBase;
app.service('$job', function($resource, ServiceBase) {
var service = function () {
// $job related functions here
angular.extend(service, new ServiceBase());
return service;
Now anything in the ServiceBase is accessible to the controller and to the service. This allows you to have common functionality, has no new injection dependencies (on the controller), and is easy to extend further.
I think angulrjs response interceptors can help u for this.

Hitting a REST-based Service With AngularJS Resource

I have an AngularJS app. In this app, I'm trying to ping a REST API. This API returns a list of orders.
I need to be able to handle the scenario where I successfully GET the orders. I also need to handle the
scenario where the request to GET the orders fails. In an attempt to do this, I'm using the ngResource
module. My controller looks like the following:
function myController($scope, myService) {
myService.getOrders(function(data) {
$scope.orders = data;
The definition of myService is stored in myService.js. That file looks like this:
app.factory("myyService", function($resource, $log) {
return {
getOrders: function(onSuccess) {
var orders = $resource("http://localhost:1000/orders", { fetch:{method:'JSON'} });
orders.fetch(function (response) {
When I run this code, I get a runtime error. The error says:
TypeError: Object function g(b){z(b||{},this)} has no method 'fetch'
Maybe there has to be something I don't understand. In my mind, I see fetch defined.
The other question I have is how do I set this up to handle failed requests? Like a 404 or 502?
You forgot the curly braces after the URL parameter...
Change: http://localhost:1000/orders", { fetch :
To: http://localhost:1000/orders", {}, { fetch :
app.factory("myyService", function($resource, $log) {
return {
getOrders: function(onSuccess) {
var orders = $resource("http://localhost:1000/orders", {}, { fetch : {method:'JSON'} });
orders.fetch(function (response) {
To handle errors from the server side, you need to set the second function in the resource call.
Example :
orders.fetch(function success() {...},
function error() {... this will execute in a http error, 400 or 500}

Delay an angular.js $http service

I have some angular factories for making ajax calls towards legacy ASP.NET .asmx web services like so:
module.factory('productService', ["$http",
function ($http) {
return {
getSpecialProducts: function (data) {
return $'/ajax/Products.asmx/GetSpecialProducs', data);
} ]);
I'm testing on a local network so response times are "too" good. Is there a smart way of delaying the $http a couple of seconds from making the call to simulate a bad connection?
Or do I need to wrap all calls to the factory methods in a $timeout ?
$timeout(function() {
}, $scope.MOCK_ajaxDelay);
Interesting question!
As you mentioned yourself, $timeout is the most logical choice for a delayed call. Instead of having $timeout calls everywhere, you could push a response interceptor that wraps the $http promise in a $timeout promise, as conceptually outlined in the documentation of $http, and register it in one of your configuration blocks. This means all $http calls are affected by the $timeout delay. Something along the lines of:
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($timeout) {
return {
"response": function (response) {
return $timeout(function() {
return response;
}, 2500);
As a bonus to your "to simulate a bad connection?", you could reject or do absolutely nothing randomly, too. Heh heh heh.
The new chrome device emulator has a network throttling function:
To get there: In Google Chrome, press F12 to open the Developer Tools. Then, on the top left corner, click the "Toggle device mode" icon (left to the "Elements" menu).
Developing more on the answer of #stevuu
responseInterceptors seems to be depreceted (as of 1.2.20) I have modified the code to work on the interceptors mechanism:
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(function($q, $timeout) {
return {
'response': function(response) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$timeout(function() {
}, 2300);
return defer.promise;
You could use the $q service for defer().promise pattern:
function someFunction(MOCK_ajaxDelay) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$'/ajax/Products.asmx/GetSpecialProducs', data).success(function(response) {
$timeout(function() {deferred.resolve({ success: true, response: response })}, MOCK_ajaxDelay);
}).error(function() {
$timeout(function() {deferred.resolve({ success: true, response: response } }, MOCK_ajaxDelay);
return deferred.promise;
someService.someFunction(500).then(function(data) {
if (data.success) {
$scope.items = data.response.d;
But if you are really mock testing, the better solution is to look into ngMock:$httpBackend
While #stevuu's answer is correct, the syntax has changed in the newer AngularJS versions since then. The updated syntax is:
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(["$q", "$timeout", function ($q, $timeout) {
function slower(response) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$timeout(function() {
}, 2000);
return deferred.promise;
return {
'response': slower
You can achieve this using the promise api combined with a $timeout. The $ function returns a promise from which you can call .success and .error (these are http specific methods). This promise is resolved when the http request is complete. If you build your own promise then you can tell it to delay 2 seconds and then resolve when the http request is complete:
module.factory('productService', function ($http, $q, $timeout) {
return {
getSpecialProducts: function (data) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$'/ajax/Products.asmx/GetSpecialProducs', data).success(
function(data) {
// successful http request, resolve after two seconds
$timeout(function() {
}, 2000)
}).error(function() {
defer.reject("Http Error");
return defer.promise;
But note - you will have to use promise.then(successCallback, errorCallback) functionality - that is, you'll lose the ability to access http headers, status & config from your controllers/directives unless you explicitly supply them to the object passed to defer.resolve({})
Defer/Promise Api
Http/Promise Api
Resolve egghead video
In response to the testing aspect of your question, Fiddler has a really useful function that helps when you need to simulate delays:
Click on the AutoResponders tab in Fiddler.
Add a rule with a regex that matches the URL of the request you want to delay.
Set the "respond with" to "*delay:1000" where the number is the delay in milliseconds.
The AutoResponder functionality in Fiddler is extremely useful for testing JS that involves a lot of http requests. You can set it to respond with particular http error codes, block responses, etc.
If you are using a service that returns a promise, then inside you should put a return before the $timeout as well because that returns just another promise.
return dataService.loadSavedItem({
save_id: item.save_id,
context: item.context
}).then(function (data) {
// timeout returns a promise
return $timeout(function () {
return data;
Hope it helps someone!
