how to add hidden value from registeration from in db field in cakephp - cakephp

I have one registration form. I want to pass hidden value in that form. I have created one field in database 'lang'. In registration form I did like this: echo $form->hidden('lang', array('value' => '1')); But its not saving the value in db. Sorry I have no experience in cakephp, so please if anybody help me in this with all processes. Thanks

You should not just pass hidden stuff through the form just for the heck of it.
If you can, add those values prior to actually saving.
See for details
Basically, you do:
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
// add the content before passing it on to the model
$this->request->data['Post']['lang'] = '1';
if ($this->Post->save($this->request->data)) {


Add a user in Cakephp

There is a problem when I write an add() function for UsersController.
public function add() {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$this->request->data['User']['book_id'] = $this->Book('id');
if ($this->User->saveAssociated($this->request->data)){
$this->request->data['User']['book_id'] = "ff";
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Save User'));
return $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
$this->Session->setFlash(__('User Error.'));
If I add a User I want to save the book ID in my User book_id.
Anyone know how to deal with this problem? Thanks!
When you're adding a new user, does he get to select a book from a drop down(in the form)? If so, $this->request->data['User']['book_id'] will already contain the Book id.
There's no need to explicitly write $this->request->data['User']['book_id'] = $this->Book('id'); like you have done.
The way I see it, the add.ctp view file should contain a select box containing a list of all books which the user can select. On selecting one of those and submitting the form, $this->request->data['User']['book_id'] will automatically store the book_id, without having to write anything in the controller.
Please specify the add.ctp form fields so that I can assist you better.

hard-code Form input field in cakephp so user can't edit it?

I have following form field in a registration form in cakephp. I want to make it 'hard-coded', so user can't edit it
echo $form->input('name', array('label' => __('Name *', true)));
Then don't add it to the form.
Those fields should be added in the controller (or even beforeValidate/beforeSave model layer) then right before saving:
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
// add the content before passing it on to the model
$this->request->data['User']['status'] = 1;
if ($this->User->save($this->request->data)) {
See "default values - hidden" here.
You can set the readonly property:
echo $form->input('name', array('label' => __('Name *', true), 'readonly' => true));
However, this only affects the UI, and so you still have to apply mark's answer to ensure the value doesn't get changed by the user.
Two options:
hard code the value before the save
use white list
If you want the field to be a read-only, from the moment it is set. use white list. this way - it doesn't matter if the user will submit the field or not. cake won't save it.
$white_list = array('title', 'category');
The other solution is as mark coded it:
$this->request->data['User']['status'] = 1;
if ($this->User->save($this->request->data)) {
Any solution should mix a UI indication that the field will not be changed. tho a good UX will not allow it in the first-place.

CakePHP 2.0 Accessing model field values for view/controller comparisons - Only letting users edit/delete their own posted items

I am fairly new to CakePHP, I am trying to only allow those users who created an event to be able to edit or delete an event, so I am comparing the current user id, with the 'user_id' field of the event the current event (saved when a user creates an event). Any help would be appreciated thanks, my code(Andrew Perk) is as follows:
public function isAuthorized($user) {
if ($user['role'] == 'admin') {
return true;
if (in_array($this->action, array('edit', 'delete'))) {
if ($user['id'] != $this->request->data['Event']['user_id']) { ///THIS IS THE LINE I FEEL IS WRONG - PLEASE ADVISE
//echo debug($event['user_id']);
//$this->Session->setFlash(__('You are not allowed to edit someones event'));
return false;
return true;
There are a few ways you can accomplish this. The one I have found that usually works best is to put a callback in the model that will set the user_id for the record you are trying to modify. Then it doesn't have to get all mixed up in controller everywhere you are trying to CRUD a record.
You can read more about limiting user data here:
This will also apply to deleting data.
Hope it helps. Happy coding!

CakePHP controller name in behavior

I created relation Post hasMany Photos, Photos actsAs ImageBehavior.
How put to $data['Photo']['model'] = 'Post'? Automated?
I'm not sure what you are asking about but when you have a form, you can simply add to your $this->data['Photo']['model'] any value you want with hidden fields.
// photo/add.ctp:
$this->Form->input('model', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' =>'yourvalue'));
You can set this value after the form was submitted, so even if someone will replace the hidden field value you can just check it.
function add(){
$this->data['Photo']['model'] = "yourvalue";
rest of the code...
rest of the code

How to reduce form code duplication in CakePHP

I have a form in CakePHP with a few dozen fields in it. From all the examples I have seen, there is duplicate form code for an add view and an edit view.
Is there any tricks to keep the duplication out? What is best method in CakePHP for this?
What I do, is to put all form fields in an element, and then insert the element in the add.ctp and edit.ctp
Don't forget to add the hidden field with the id in the edit.ctp
This way all visible elements are in one file, easier to maintain.
echo $this->Form->create('MyModel');
echo $this->element('my_form');
echo $this->Form->end();
echo $this->Form->create('MyModel');
echo $this->Form->input('id');
echo $this->element('my_form');
echo $this->Form->end();
// your form inputs
// whatever they are
You should NOT merge those views, because add/edit are different actions and deserve separate view files. As your application grows you will realize that its good to have separate views to reduce complexity of if else conditions.
If you still want to avoid the separate files, Use
function add() {
I've done this before, but reverted back to having separate views, mainly for my own sanity.
It's easy enough to do. The edit requires an input for the record id. This is usually hidden. Any default form values for the add form will have to be contained in conditionals so that the stored values are not overwritten with defaults when you are editing a record
On the controller side of things, you'll need a conditional statement to decide whether to act as an add or edit depending on whether the $this->data['MyModel']['id'] is set.
I think that covers it - if I think of anything else I'll add it in.
My work pattern tends to be to build the edit view, then copy and paste to create the basis for the add view.
this code will check if you have admin_form.ctp or form.ctp which will make it use the same code for add / edit
1.3 submits the forms automatically to where the are from so when you go to /edit/1 it will post to there, and /add will post to add.
that is all you need to do. if you have a edit that is vastly different to the add, then you just create the 2 files. when you want them the same, just make the one.
in your app controller
public function render($view = null, $layout = null) {
$viewPaths = App::path('View', $this->plugin);
$rootPath = $viewPaths[0] . DS . $this->viewPath . DS;
$requested = $rootPath . $view . '.ctp';
if (in_array($this->request->action, array('admin_edit', 'admin_add', 'edit', 'add'))) {
$viewPath = $rootPath . $this->request->action . '.ctp';
if (!file_exists($requested) && !file_exists($viewPath)) {
if (strpos($this->request->action, 'admin_') === false) {
$view = 'form';
} else {
$view = 'admin_form';
return parent::render($view, $layout);
and in your view you can always check whether its edit or add
if ($this->request->params['action'] == 'admin_edit') {
//do something
if ($this->request->params['action'] == 'admin_add') {
//do something
in edit.ctp
if($this->data[ModelName]['id']) {
// create rest of the fields
in Controller::add()
$this->autoRender=false; // at the start of function
$this->render('edit.ctp'); // at the point where you actually want to render
no need to create add.ctp
