Programmatically capture X11 region with ffmpeg in C/whatever - c

There is an input format option to ffmpeg -- x11grab which allows one to capture specified region and output it to file/stream. I'm trying to do the same thing programmatically, but i haven't found any non-basic tutorials/reference for ffmpeg API.
I wonder, how it is possible to open x11 region with avformat_input_file or something like this. Or should i do it with XCopyArea/etc?
(Any programming language will satisfy)

There are many applications that take a screenshot. Major hint: it's open source, use the source. If you can't find the code in ffmpeg, any example application will do:
This is gnome-screenshot source code. This example uses gdk_get_default_root_window().


Is there a way to get help for some C functions inside of vim/Neovim?

This question may be a little off topic. But I was wondering if there was a way for me to look at the descriptions of C functions using vim or neovim. Is it possible to look at their documentations by doing something like :help? This would really be helpful since I wouldn't need to lookup to my browser everytime.
I am unclear about these things:
Can :help be my friend here ?
Can I use LSPs to do something like this ?
I am using latest Neovim inside Ubunutu 20.04 in WSL. Is this helpful somehow ?
By pressing K, the keyword under the cursor is looked up using a configured keyword lookup program, the default being man. This works pretty much out of the box for the C standard library.
For C++, you might want to look at something like cppman.
Well yes, you can get the description of C functions by using a LSP (language server plugin)! Here is an image of me using clangd as my LSP:
You'd "just" need to install the LSP and start it. I don't know how familiar you're with neovim, but just in case if you don't know how to install a plugin or to be more specifique: If you don't know how you can install a LSP server, then you can do the following:
There're plenty videos how to set up a LSP-Server for your language. Here's an example.
If you don't want to set up on your own, you can pick up one of the preconfigured neovim setups (some of my friends are recommending lunarvim)
But yeah, that's it. If you have any further questions feel free to ask them in the comments.
Happy vimming c(^-^)c
Let's explain how "K" command works in more detail.
You can run external commands by prefixing them with :! command. So running man tool is as easy as
:!man <C-R><C-W>
Here <C-R><C-W> is a special key combination used to put word under cursor from text buffer down to command line.
Same for showing Vim's built-in help page
:help <C-R><C-W>
As it feels tedious to type that, Vim also defines K Normal mode command that does pretty much the same thing. Except the tool name is taken from value of an option named "keywordprg".
So doing set keywordprg=man (default for *nix systems) makes K to invoke !man tool; while set keywordprg=:help is for bultin help.
Also, the option :h 'keywordprg' is made global or local-to-buffer, so any Vim buffer is able to overwrite global setting. For example, this is already done by standard runtime for "vim" and "help" buffers, so they call ":help" instead of "man".
The problem with :!man command is that it shows "black console". It'd be nice if we could capture man's output and open it inside Vim just like a builtin help page. Then we could also apply some pretty highlighting, assign key macros and all such. This is a pretty common trick and it is already done by a standard plugin shipped with Vim/Neovim.
A command that the plugin provides is called :Man, so you can open :Man man instead of :!man man, for example. The plugin is preactivated in Neovim; for Vim you still need to source one file manually. So to make use of this plugin you'll need something like this
set keywordprg=:Man
if !has("nvim")
source $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/man.vim
The previous answer recommending cppman is the way to go. There is no need to install a bulky language server just for the purpose of having the hover functionality. However, make sure you're caching the man pages via cppman -c. Otherwise, there will be a noticeable delay since cppman is fetching the page from on the fly.
If you like popups for displaying documentation, convert the uncompressed man pages (groff -t -e -mandoc -Tascii <man-page> | col -bx), and set keywordprg to your own wrapper to search for keywords according to your needs.

How to make LLDB able to print STL container's content?

I am now able to let my LLDB debugger print vector content, however, the output of unordered_map content is far from satisfaction. The output does not contain any key and value.
Here is a screenshot of what my current output is:
Is there a way to support LLDB debugger to do that?
It looks like you are using the libcpp version of the STL (the one from gcc)? The lldb data formatter coverage for the libcpp is not as complete as the libcxx (clang's STL implementation) data formatters. There is a formatter for libcpp's map, but not unordered_map.
You could file an ER requesting that support be added at or have a go at adding the support yourself. Or you can make a formatter for it in Python for your own use. That process is described here (the whole page describes how variable formatting works in lldb, then this is the section on doing it in Python):
Support was recently added for many STL types from libstdcpp:

How to get display devices name in Linux

I'd like to find linux analogs of EnumDisplayDevices and EnumDisplaySettingsEx WinAPI functions.
The info I need to get is display name and state (if it active or not), width, height, bits per pixel and frequency.
How can I get this info using C (C++)?
As mentioned by 'Some programmer dude' in the comments you can have to go through the X window system. Most specifically one option would be the RandR protocol. Here is the protocol specification as well as the source code of the command xrandr that invokes the XRR functions and outputs most of the info that you want on the terminal. Look for the place where the
XRRScreenResources *res
is populated and then how the modes are fetched from it using the find_mode() function.
other commands that might assist you and don't go over the RandR extensions could be xprop(1), xdpyinfo(1), xwininfo(1)
Some programmer dude and ramrunner are absolutely correct. For most Linux systems, the graphical "desktop" is based on X Windows. Command-line tools for querying your X "display" include xrandr and xdpyinfo. The C-language source code for both are freely available; you can find many example programs with a Google search.
... HOWEVER ...
X Windows is "client/server". Your Linux "desktop" need not be on your physical PC; your X "display" could just as easily be a Windows desktop. In this case - xrandr and xdpyinfo are still applicable: they refer to where you're displaying (e.g. an XMing client on Windows), and not the physical host Linux is running on.
If you want to query the graphics devicews on your physical server ... then you'll instead use commands like lshw -c display or get-edid

How to convert MP4 (h264/aac) file to F4F fragments for HDS (Adobe)

I am looking for some input on how to programmatically convert mp4 files to fragmented f4f files with accompanying manifests.
I currently have an implementation for creating segmented MPEG2-TS files with accompanying manifest for Apples HLS, and want to create a similar piece of software for Adobes HDS.
My code is based on Libav (alternatively, ffmpeg), so I was hoping they had native support for muxing f4f files, but I have not been able to find any resources for it.
What I am specifically looking for:
How (if) the format is used in libav?
If there is any special requirements (such as the h264_mp4toannexb filter required for converting MP4 to MPEG2 TS)?
Any sample code (even if it's not using libav/ffmpeg)
An easy-to-read manifest specification.
I'm afraid you have to read mp4/f4f specification, and implementation it your self.
MP4 file format: ISO/IEC 14496-14
f4f file format: It is included in the f4v specification.(
The code of mod_h264_streaming ( may be helpful.

draw call graph for C source codes using cppDepend

I have a problem with using cppDepend tool. I have a source code which is written in C language and I need to draw Its dependency or call graph. cppDepend's compiler's source code extension is set to c;cpp;cxx;cc but when I want to open source codes in C, the file chooser box only let me to choose source codes in C++.
What should I do????
In Linux? Why don't you use other options? Hast to be cppDepend? Look at cflow, callgrind (my favorite), or even gperf (which outputs a callgraph in graph form!)
