copy all files recursively into a single folder (without recreating folders) - batch-file

With a batch (.bat), I want to copy all mp3 files that are in 1 subdirectory of D:\TEMP
I tried with xcopy but
I don't know how to tell "just recurse subfolders of D:\TEMP and not subsubfolders, subsubsubfolders, etc."
When using xcopy, folders are created in the destination (in order to replicate source's folder tree), I don't want this : files should be copied in just 1 single folder.

for command is your friend. Read help for and then try this in the command prompt
for /d %a in (*) do #echo %a
as you see, it follows all subfolders in the current directory.
for /d %a in (*) do #copy %a\*.mp3 e:\myfolder
will copy all your mp3 to the destination folder.


7zip bat / command compress multiple folders to multiple corresponding archives without folder in archive

I'm often compressing folders of images or other project related documents into separate zip files the current command in a bat file I'm using is.
for /d %%X in (*) do "D:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "%%X.7z" "%%X\"
It automatically places the full contents of all folders separate archive files.
My question is if you double click on any of the archives it first navigates to a a folder of the same name as the archive. Is there a way to make it so it doesn't put have to folder, it just has the contents?
Right now I get
D:\User\1501.7z\1501\ contents
I just want
D:\User\1501.7z\ contents
Second if this is possible can it be set up so that if one of the folders has multiple folders in it all the contents of each folder is placed into just the on directory instead of having a multiple folders in the archive.
This will set the working directory to the folder that you want to zip up and save the zip file one level up from that directory.
#echo off
for /d %%X in (*) do (
"D:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "..\%%X.7z" "*"

Copy subfolders with exclusions

I have a messy situation on production server, there is a location on production which should only contain 3 folder however due to not following some process we have got more than 1000 folders and files and I am aiming to clean it via a batch file so that there is no chances of human error.
So I would like to copy all folders and files except 3 folders to a new location. can someone help in this as not able to put logic to exclude these 3 folders.
Create a file called ex.txt that includes 3 lines, each of which is the name of the folder that you would like to exclude from the copy, e.g.:
Now, go to the parent of the high-level directory (say, directory_to_copy), that you would like to copy, in which location exists the ex.txt file, and type
xcopy /e /i /exclude:ex.txt directory_to_copy destination_name
This will exclude the folders folder1, folder2, and folder3 from the copy.
Note: the backslashes \ are important to ensure that the other folders containing those strings (folder1, folder2, and folder3) are not excluded.
This writes tempmove.bat.txt in the same folder as the batch file that contains the move commands to move every folder except the three folders shown (testenv stageenv prodenv).
You can examine the text file before renaming it to .bat to actually use, if it shows the right commands.
Make sure "d:\wrong folders" folder already exists.
#echo off
cd /d "c:\production folder"
for /d %%a in (*) do (
if /i not "%%~nxa"=="testenv" if /i not "%%~nxa"=="stageenv" if /i not "%%~nxa"=="prodenv" echo move "%%~fa" "d:\wrong folders\%%~nxa"

How do I copy all files in the source folder and in the subfolders in batch

I have a folder with many subfolders inside them, the subfolders have random numbers/characters as their name, and they all do have an important file in them. But how do i copy all the files in the source folder and in the subfolders to one folder without copy the folders, in a batchfile?
I use Windows7
This should be all you need.
#echo off
for /r "d:\base\folder" %%a in (*) do copy "%%a" "c:\destination\folder"

winrar compress folders using batch

In a folder, I have some folders. I want to compress all the folders separately to the foldername.rar and delete the original files. I want to perform this function in batch.
I tried the ones given in other answers but they only compress the files if present, or do nothing. Here , I have to compress only folders to their respective archive. Please help
WinRAR includes two command-line tools, rar.exe and unrar.exe, where rar.exe compresses and unrar.exe uncompresses files.
Both are located in the “C:\Program Files\WinRAR” folder in the installable version.
Assuming, if there are multiple folders under D:\test and you want each folder to get its own .rar file , in the parent folder, from a batch file, this works for you:
#echo off
set zip="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -r -u -df
dir D:\test /ad /s /b > D:\test\folders.txt
for /f %%f in (D:\test\folders.txt) do if not exist D:\test\%%~nf.rar %zip% D:\test \%%~nf.rar %%f
It'll create .rar files of all the folders/subfolders under parent folder D:\test in the same parent folder.
Then, it'll delete all the original folders/subfolders under parent folder D:\test and thus you'll be left only with the archives at the same place.
“a” command adds to the archive
“-r” switch recurses subfolders
“-u” switch. Equivalent to the “u” command when combined with the “a” command. Adds new files and updates older versions of the files already in the archive
“-df” switch deletes files after they are moved to the archive
Maybe something like this, change C:\testfolder\ to you liking.
In my example I had 3 folders (with random files and subfolders inside em): one, two and three
#echo off
cd "C:\testfolder\"
for /d %%G in ("*") do (
"%programfiles%\WinRAR\Rar.exe" a -r %%G.rar %%G
rd /s /q %%G

batch script to rename files across many folders

I had a batch script that rename files inside the folder which looked like this:
ren B:\Backups\*.bc_ *.bc
Now I have files between many folders, the back up creates a new folder with a new name every day, and i need to rename files across several folders.
How can I do it? How to correctly use wild card in this case?
You cannot use a wildcard in the path in your REN statement. You will have to use some form of the FOR command.
Suppose you want to rename all *.bc_ files in the entire folder hierarchy rooted at B:\Backups.
You could use FOR /R to iterate all .bc_ files within the hierarchy and rename each file individually.
for /r "B:\Backups" %%F in (*.bc_) do ren "%%F" "%%~nF.bc"
Or you could use FOR /D /R to iterate all the folders under the root and run your wildcard REN against each of the folders
for /d /r "B:\Backups" %%F in (.) do ren "%%F\*.bc_" *.bc
Both of the commands above are designed to be used in a batch script. Change each double percent into a single percent if you want to run the command from the command line instead of from within a batch file.
