How to determine which row caused an error - ERROR CHECKING - sql-server

I saw that another poster (WolfiG) had asked a very similar question, but I don't see the answer.
(I understand the error message, and am NOT looking for how to fix the error, I AM trying to determine whether there is any type of error checking (or debugging technique) to use for other errors.
I found similar code and added to it, to get each table in each database on a server...and to show the PKs and rowcounts. (Working on an inventory and then a data dictionary - but this is not the issue, I am just explaining how the code came to be.)
SO in this case I had already narrowed down the data somewhat (meaning I know which database I am querying and encountered the error) so there were "only" 81 tables (rows) that could have been in error. BUT of course that would require too much manual checking to find the problem, so I was hoping that there was a way to see which "" was being read when the sub-query got the error. (I narrowed it down the the first sub-query by commenting out a line at a time (there were 10 and I just did not copy all of them here.)
Again the question is (and it looks like I am not the only person asking this type of question) -
Is there a way to determine which row (data) caused an error in a query?
and in the example below,
Is there a way to display the (or other column's data) was the most recent when an error occured?
Having worked in Mainframe - you can look at a dump or buffer. But I guess I don't want to expect too much since I keep seeing cryptic messages, where obviously the system has the info but doesn't display it.
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
use [DBName]
SELECT '[DBName]' as DBName, t.NAME, it.xtype,i.rowcnt,
(select from syscolumns c inner join sysindexkeys k on k.indid=i.indid and c.colid = k.colid and and k.keyno=1 and 'column1',
(select from syscolumns c inner join sysindexkeys k on k.indid=i.indid and c.colid = k.colid and and k.keyno=2 and 'column2'
from sysobjects t inner join sysindexes i on
LEFT OUTER JOIN sysobjects it on and =
WHERE i.indid < 2 AND OBJECTPROPERTY(t.ID, 'IsMSShipped') = 0
By the way, how I was able to find the row causing this error (in case this would help anyone else) is that I changed the first sub-query to "select count( from syscolumns" and then looked for any rows where the number was > 1.
Sebastian Meine Thank you, but now I've hit another problem. (I had to say that I am pretty much sadly disputing your comment that SQL is better than other DBs for the dictionary. GRRRR)
I was using " i.indid < 2" because - first off intially I was trying to get rowcnt and honestly the samples all use it. But I see how the query you pasted got far more rows and that the original missed - apparently because of the check: i.indid < 2
HOWEVER, with your query I am now getting many more occurences of the same table and I cannot see how it would be possible to "summarize" /ARGHHH while I am typing this up I am seeing that the COLS are not only primary keys and the same table name shows up (and with different row counts and it looks like in many cases there was a row for every column in the table - and NOT in other cases). So looking for a pattern, I found that MAYBE sysindexes.status = might limit my results - but while that was close there still were duplicate rows. Again ARGGGH

SQL Server does not provide the ability to do row by row debugging. Everything is handled as a set. If one element does not conform to the rules the whole query fails.
So, to find the offending row you need to write a separate query, as you already did.
The catalog vies in SQL 2000 have not been that great but since have been greatly improved and provide a lot more detail than most other RDBMSs out there. But since you seem to have the requirement to write one query that runs on all, try this:
FROM sysobjects o
JOIN sysindexes i
ON =
MAX(CASE WHEN k.keyno = 1 THEN END) AS column1,
MAX(CASE WHEN k.keyno = 2 THEN END) AS column2,
MAX(CASE WHEN k.keyno = 3 THEN END) AS column3,
MAX(CASE WHEN k.keyno = 4 THEN END) AS column4
FROM sysindexkeys k
JOIN syscolumns c
ON =
AND k.colid = c.colid
GROUP BY, k.indid
) cols
ON =
AND i.indid = cols.indid
I do not have a SQL 2000 version running anymore to try this on, but I believe it will run.
Two things to be aware of:
The sysindexes.rowcnt value was very unreliable in SQL 2000. The value you find in sys.indexes in later versions is reliable but not ACID compliant.
There can be up to 16 kolumns in an index. I added 4 to the query and also added the keycnt column, so you know how many you are missing.

What I find useful is re-structuring the sql to make it easier to trouble shoot. I would avoid sub-queries in general unless they are absolutely needed.
Otherwise, if you do use sub-queries, you also need to account for the case where they return more than one result in a scalar context.
Typically most sub-queries like this can be re-written as joins. Then, you can also directly see what data is duplicated -- you can join the table to itself on the duplicated field such that the id's are not equal.


slow query performance issue with partition and max

this a poor performancing query I have ... what have I done so wrong?
Please help me it is executed tons of times in my system, solving that will give me a ladder to heaven
I gave a check on the system with sp_Blitz and no mortal issues found
Here is the query :
FROM jfel_tagxml_invoicedigi F
INNER JOIN jfel_invoice_state S ON = S.idinvoice
WHERE S.idstato = #idstato
AND = F.idstatocorrente
AND F.sequence_invoice % #number_service_installed = #idServizio
Here is the query plan
I can send you privately my system properties
Made some modification , it is better , but I think it could be better ...
here is the new query :
FROM jfel_tagxml_invoicedigi F
INNER JOIN jfel_invoice_state S ON = S.idinvoice
WHERE S.idstato = #idstato
AND = F.idstatocorrente
AND F.sequence_invoice % #number_service_installed = #idServizio;
And the new plan:
Made some modification , it is better , but I think it could be better ...
here is the new query :
SELECT top 1 as id
FROM jfel_tagxml_invoicedigi AS F
INNER JOIN jfel_invoice_state AS S
ON F.idstatocorrente =
WHERE S.idstato= 1 AND = F.idstatocorrente
and S.datastato > dateadd(DAY,-5,getdate())
AND F.progressivo_fattura % 1 = 0
ORDER BY S.datastato
And the new new plan
Filtering by calculated fields used to affect performance negatively. You can do your other filters first, and as a last step do the calculated filter, to have less rows to match. Maybe it will fill TEMPDB because it will store the intermediate recordset there, but in this case you either increase the size of it, or use another method.
Here is your second query written like this (maybe you need to adjust it, I just wrote it in Notepad++:
SELECT, F.sequence_invoice % #number_service_installed as [idServizio]
FROM jfel_tagxml_invoicedigi F
INNER JOIN jfel_invoice_state S ON = S.idinvoice
WHERE S.idstato = #idstato
AND = F.idstatocorrente
-- AND F.sequence_invoice % #number_service_installed = #idServizio
WHERE idServizio = #idServizio
Instead of the subquery, you can try a temp table or CTE as well, maybe one is the clear winner above the others, worth a try for all if you want maximum performance.
The data calculation is Non-Sargable, you could try using a variable with OPTION RECOMPILE:
SET #d = dateadd(DAY,-5,getdate())
SELECT top 1 as id
FROM jfel_tagxml_invoicedigi AS F
INNER JOIN jfel_invoice_state AS S
ON F.idstatocorrente =
WHERE S.idstato= 1 AND = F.idstatocorrente
and S.datastato > #d
AND F.progressivo_fattura % 1 = 0
ORDER BY S.datastato
I think you need a NONCLUSTERED INDEX for your query that you describes above.
If you don't have any idea about INDEX, I mean you can not identify a witch field of your table NONCLUSTERED INDEXneed then simply, you just create an execution plan from SQL Server 2008 Management Studio and SQL Server intelligence gives you missing index details
and shows a green color text that is details of the missing index.
you can move your mouse pointer on missing Index text and SQL Server 2008 Management Studio intelligence will show the T-SQL code that is required to create the missing index or you can press your mouse to right-click on missing index text then select the missing index details option from the list to see the details of the missing index.
For more information, you can visit this article Create Missing Index From the Actual Execution Plan
I hope this solution helps you.
All Window Aggregation has a very big performance penalty. Try to take this window sliding mechanism outside the database (i.e. in your application RAM) will be the universal way of optimizing it.
Otherwise, you may try to give more RAM to each database section (in PostgreSQL, you can tweak this via a parameter. In other database, you may or may not able to).
The main reason why it is taking very long (slow) is that it invokes sorting and materializing of the sorted table.

Getting wrong results whith specific "WHERE" condition

I'm stuck with my problem and will appreciate any help or suggestion. Please check this pic.
I don't understand why I'm getting wrong result in bottom query. As you can see the difference with previuos query is only in "WHERE" clause, but this difference must lead to the same results since it's one-to-one join.
Important thing is that v_last_part_info is as a view and I changed it recently. I thought it's due to QEP cache, but i tried OPTION (RECOMPLIE) and even solution described here. The result is still same.
Please, help! What am I missing?
P.S.: [OBJECT_ID] is a column name, not built-in function
P.P.S: ANOTHER_DB has different collation that's the reason i need collate database_default
select Tracking
, SoItem
from v_last_part_info
where Tracking = '4170664293'
Tracking SoItem
4170664293 20
, lpi.SoItem
from v_last_part_info lpi
join ANOTHER_DB..SO_HEADER h on lpi.Tracking = h.[OBJECT_ID] collate database_default
where Tracking = '4170664293'
Tracking SoItem
4170664293 20
, lpi.SoItem
from v_last_part_info lpi
join ANOTHER_DB..SO_HEADER h on lpi.Tracking = h.[OBJECT_ID] collate database_default
where [OBJECT_ID] = '4170664293'
Tracking SoItem
4170664293 10
Thanks to GarethD I found out the reason. This happened because of row_number() function inside v_last_part_info. Accorgin to the definition at MSDN:
There is no guarantee that the rows returned by a query using
ROW_NUMBER() will be ordered exactly the same with each execution
unless the following conditions are true.
Values of the partitioned column are unique.
Values of the ORDER BY are unique.
Combinations of values of the partition column and ORDER BY columns are unique.
In my case option 2 was not secured.

Need help optimizing database query. Very unexperienced with indices

I need to optimize this query. The professor recommends using indices, but i'm very confused about how. If I could get just one example of what a good index is and why, and the actual code needed, I could definitely do the rest by myself. Any help would be awesome. (PSQL btw)
, count(DISTINCT
, count(DISTINCT
, 'l'
((locationsV x left outer join locationReviews xr on = xr.lid)
left outer join reviews r on =
left outer join comments c on = c.reviewId
x.vNo = 0
AND (r.enteredBy IS NULL OR
(r.enteredBy <> x.enteredBy
AND c.enteredBy <> x.enteredBy
AND r.enteredBY NOT IN
(SELECT requested FROM friends WHERE requester = x.enteredBY)
AND r.enteredBY NOT IN
(SELECT requester FROM friends WHERE requested = x.enteredBY)))
AND (c.enteredBy IS NULL OR
(c.enteredBY NOT IN
(SELECT requested FROM friends WHERE requester = x.enteredBY)
AND c.enteredBY NOT IN
(SELECT requester FROM friends WHERE requested = x.enteredBY)))
I tried adding something like this to the beginning, but the overall time it took didn't change.
CREATE INDEX friends1_idx ON friends(requested);
CREATE INDEX friends2_idx ON friends(requester);
I think the SQL itself could be optimized to improve performance in addition to looking at indexes. Having those IN clauses in the WHERE clause may cause the optimizer do full table scans. So if you could move those to be tables in the FROM section you would have better performance. Also, having the COUNT(DISTINCT ...) clauses in in the SELECT statement seems problematic. You would likely be better off if you could make changes so the DISTINCT clauses were necessary there and simply use the COUNT aggregate function.
Consider using a SQL statement in the FROM clause before you do the left join--a structure something like this:
(SELECT ... FROM Table2 INNER JOIN Table3 ON ...) AS Table4 ON
Table1.somecolumn = Table4.somecolumn
I know this isn't giving you the solution, but hopefully it will help you to think about other aspects of the problem and to explore other ways to address performance.

Order Of Execution of the SQL query

I am confused with the order of execution of this query, please explain me this.
I am confused with when the join is applied, function is called, a new column is added with the Case and when the serial number is added. Please explain the order of execution of all this.
select Row_number() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS 'Serial Number',
EP.FirstName,Ep.LastName,[dbo].[GetBookingRoleName](ES.UserId,EP.BookingRole) as RoleName,
(select top 1 convert(varchar(10),eventDate,103)from [3rdi_EventDates] where EventId=13) as EventDate,
(CASE [dbo].[GetBookingRoleName](ES.UserId,EP.BookingRole)
WHEN '90 Day Client' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Association Client' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Autism Whisperer' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Captain' THEN 'AD'
WHEN 'Chiropractic Assistant' THEN 'AD'
WHEN 'Coaches' THEN 'AD'
END) as Category from [3rdi_EventParticipants] as EP
inner join [3rdi_EventSignup] as ES on EP.SignUpId = ES.SignUpId
where EP.EventId = 13
and userid in (
select distinct userid from userroles
--where roleid not in(6,7,61,64) and roleid not in(1,2))
where roleid not in(19, 20, 21, 22) and roleid not in(1,2))
This is the function which is called from the above query.
CREATE function [dbo].[GetBookingRoleName]
#UserId as integer,
#BookingId as integer
RETURNS varchar(20)
declare #RoleName varchar(20)
if #BookingId = -1
Select Top 1 #RoleName=R.RoleName From UserRoles UR inner join Roles R on UR.RoleId=R.RoleId Where UR.UserId=#UserId and R.RoleId not in(1,2)
Select #RoleName= RoleName From Roles where RoleId = #BookingId
return #RoleName
Queries are generally processed in the follow order (SQL Server). I have no idea if other RDBMS's do it this way.
FROM [MyTable]
ON [MyCondition]
JOIN [MyJoinedTable]
WHERE [...]
GROUP BY [...]
HAVING [...]
SELECT [...]
ORDER BY [...]
SQL is a declarative language. The result of a query must be what you would get if you evaluated as follows (from Microsoft):
Logical Processing Order of the SELECT statement
The following steps show the logical
processing order, or binding order,
for a SELECT statement. This order
determines when the objects defined in
one step are made available to the
clauses in subsequent steps. For
example, if the query processor can
bind to (access) the tables or views
defined in the FROM clause, these
objects and their columns are made
available to all subsequent steps.
Conversely, because the SELECT clause
is step 8, any column aliases or
derived columns defined in that clause
cannot be referenced by preceding
clauses. However, they can be
referenced by subsequent clauses such
as the ORDER BY clause. Note that the
actual physical execution of the
statement is determined by the query
processor and the order may vary from
this list.
The optimizer is free to choose any order it feels appropriate to produce the best execution time. Given any SQL query, is basically impossible to anybody to pretend it knows the execution order. If you add detailed information about the schema involved (exact tables and indexes definition) and the estimated cardinalities (size of data and selectivity of keys) then one can take a guess at the probable execution order.
Ultimately, the only correct 'order' is the one described ion the actual execution plan. See Displaying Execution Plans by Using SQL Server Profiler Event Classes and Displaying Graphical Execution Plans (SQL Server Management Studio).
A completely different thing though is how do queries, subqueries and expressions project themselves into 'validity'. For instance if you have an aliased expression in the SELECT projection list, can you use the alias in the WHERE clause? Like this:
SELECT a+b as c
WHERE c=...;
Is the use of c alias valid in the where clause? The answer is NO. Queries form a syntax tree, and a lower branch of the tree cannot be reference something defined higher in the tree. This is not necessarily an order of 'execution', is more of a syntax parsing issue. It is equivalent to writing this code in C#:
void Select (int a, int b)
if (c = ...) then {...}
int c = a+b;
Just as in C# this code won't compile because the variable c is used before is defined, the SELECT above won't compile properly because the alias c is referenced lower in the tree than is actually defined.
Unfortunately, unlike the well known rules of C/C# language parsing, the SQL rules of how the query tree is built are somehow esoteric. There is a brief mention of them in Single SQL Statement Processing but a detailed discussion of how they are created, and what order is valid and what not, I don't know of any source. I'm not saying there aren't good sources, I'm sure some of the good SQL books out there cover this topic.
Note that the syntax tree order does not match the visual order of the SQL text. For example the ORDER BY clause is usually the last in the SQL text, but as a syntax tree it sits above everything else (it sorts the output of the SELECT, so it sits above the SELECTed columns so to speak) and as such is is valid to reference the c alias:
SELECT a+b as c
SQL query is not imperative but declarative, so you have no idea which the statement is executed first, but since SQL is evaluated by SQL query engines, most of the SQL engines follows similar process to obtain the results. You may have to understand how the query engine works internally to understand some SQL execution behavior.
Julia Evens has a great post explaining this, it is worth to check it out:
SQL is a declarative language, meaning that it tells the SQL engine what to do, not how. This is in contrast to an imperative language such as C, in which how to do something is clearly laid out.
This means that not all statements will execute as expected. Of particular note are boolean expressions, which may not evaluate from left-to-right as written. For example, the following code is not guaranteed to execute without a divide by zero error:
SELECT 'null' WHERE 1 = 1 OR 1 / 0 = 0
The reason for this is the query optimizer chooses the best (most efficient) way to execute a statement. This means that, for example, a value may be loaded and filtered before a transforming predicate is applied, causing an error. See the second link above for an example
See: here and here.
"Order of execution" is probably a bad mental model for SQL queries. Its hard to actually write a single query that would actually depend on order of execution (this is a good thing). Instead you should think of all join and where clauses happening simultaneously (almost like a template)
That said you could run display the Execution Plans which should give you insight into it.
However since its's not clear why you want to know the order of execution, I'm guessing your trying to get a mental model for this query so you can fix it in some way. This is how I would "translate" your query, although I've done well with this kind of analysis there's some grey area with how precise it is.
Give me all the Event Participants rows. from [3rdi_EventParticipants
Also give me all the Event Signup rows that match the Event Participants rows on SignUpID inner join 3rdi_EventSignup] as ES on EP.SignUpId = ES.SignUpId
But Only for Event 13 EP.EventId = 13
And only if the user id has a record in the user roles table where the role id is not in 1,2,19,20,21,22
userid in (
select distinct userid from userroles
--where roleid not in(6,7,61,64) and roleid not in(1,2))
where roleid not in(19, 20, 21, 22) and roleid not in(1,2))
For each of the rows give me a unique ID
Row_number() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS 'Serial Number',
The participants First Name EP.FirstName
The participants Last Name Ep.LastName
The Booking Role name GetBookingRoleName
Go look in the Event Dates and find out what the first eventDate where the EventId = 13 that you find
(select top 1 convert(varchar(10),eventDate,103)from [3rdi_EventDates] where EventId=13) as EventDate
Finally translate the GetBookingRoleName in Category. I don't have a table for this so I'll map it manually (CASE [dbo].[GetBookingRoleName](ES.UserId,EP.BookingRole)
WHEN '90 Day Client' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Association Client' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Autism Whisperer' THEN 'DC'
WHEN 'Captain' THEN 'AD'
WHEN 'Chiropractic Assistant' THEN 'AD'
WHEN 'Coaches' THEN 'AD'
END) as Category
So a couple of notes here. You're not ordering by anything when you select TOP. You should probably have na order by there. You could also just as easily put that in your from clause e.g.
from [3rdi_EventParticipants] as EP
inner join [3rdi_EventSignup] as ES on EP.SignUpId = ES.SignUpId,
(select top 1 convert(varchar(10),eventDate,103)
from [3rdi_EventDates] where EventId=13
Order by eventDate) dates
There is a logical order to evaluation of the query text, but the database engine can choose what order execute the query components based upon what is most optimal. The logical text parsing ordering is listed below. That is, for example, why you can't use an alias from SELECT clause in a WHERE clause. As far as the query parsing process is concerned, the alias doesn't exist yet.
See the Microsoft documentation (see "Logical Processing Order of the SELECT statement") for more information on this.
Simplified order for T-SQL -> SELECT statement:
2) Cartesian product
3) ON
4) Outer rows
9) Evaluation phase in SELECT
12) TOP
as I had done so far - same order was applicable in SQLite.
Source => SELECT (Transact-SQL)
... of course there are (rare) exceptions.

How to add more OR searches with CONTAINS Brings Query to Crawl?

I have a simple query that relies on two full-text indexed tables, but it runs extremely slow when I have the CONTAINS combined with any additional OR search. As seen in the execution plan, the two full text searches crush the performance. If I query with just 1 of the CONTAINS, or neither, the query is sub-second, but the moment you add OR into the mix the query becomes ill-fated.
The two tables are nothing special, they're not overly wide (42 cols in one, 21 in the other; maybe 10 cols are FT indexed in each) or even contain very many records (36k recs in the biggest of the two).
I was able to solve the performance by splitting the two CONTAINS searches into their own SELECT queries and then UNION the three together. Is this UNION workaround my only hope?
SELECT a.CollectionID
FROM collections a
INNER JOIN determinations b ON a.CollectionID = b.CollectionID
WHERE a.CollrTeam_Text LIKE '%fa%'
OR CONTAINS(a.*, '"*fa*"')
OR CONTAINS(b.*, '"*fa*"')
Execution Plan:
I'd be curious to see if a LEFT JOIN to an equivalent CONTAINSTABLE would perform any better. Something like:
SELECT a.CollectionID
FROM collections a
INNER JOIN determinations b ON a.CollectionID = b.CollectionID
LEFT JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(a, *, '"*fa*"') ct1 on a.CollectionID = ct1.[Key]
LEFT JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(b, *, '"*fa*"') ct2 on b.CollectionID = ct2.[Key]
WHERE a.CollrTeam_Text LIKE '%fa%'
OR ct1.[Key] IS NOT NULL
OR ct2.[Key] IS NOT NULL
I was going to suggest to UNION each as their own query, but as I read your question I saw that you have found that. I can't think of a better way, so if it helps use it. The UNION method is a common approach to a poor performing query that has several OR conditions where each performs well on its own.
I would probably use the UNION. If you are really against it, you might try something like:
SELECT a.CollectionID
FROM collections a
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT CollectionID FROM collections WHERE CONTAINS(*, '"*fa*"')) c
ON c.CollectionID = a.CollectionID
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT CollectionID FROM determinations WHERE CONTAINS(*, '"*fa*"')) d
ON d.CollectionID = a.CollectionID
WHERE a.CollrTeam_Text LIKE '%fa%'
OR c.CollectionID IS NOT NULL
OR d.CollectionID IS NOT NULL
We've experience the exact same problem and at the time, put it down to our query being badly formed - that SQL 2005 had let us get away with it, but 2008 wouldn't.
In the end, we split the query into 2 SELECTs that were called using an IF. Glad someone else has had the same problem and that it's a known issue. We were seeing queries on a table with ~150,000 rows + full-text going from < 1 second (2005) to 30+ seconds (2008).
