Drupal 7 : Add Existing User Registration Fields to User Profile - drupal-7

I am building a Multi Step User Registration Form With Profile2's Multipage Group Functionality.Its working fine. But I want to add in built user registration fields such as 'Username', 'Email Address', 'Password', 'Confirm Password' into the First Step of the Multipage Group and don't want these fields stayed at the top as it is behaving by default.
I am new to the Drupal 7. I have checked settings, but couldn't get such settings. Can anyone guide me in this regard? Please help
Dushyant Joshi

Check the post number 3 http://drupal.org/node/1426288 or post number 7 http://drupal.org/node/1068446(custom module). You should check first the drupal.org for any functionality first.


Can't find DSProSFUsername field for populated with DocuSign API Username in Salesforce org user

I am trying to implement Apex Toolkit by following this tutorial. But I am getting error "dfsle.UnauthorizedException: DocuSign has not yet been configured for this account.". I have googled it. I have found this solution. But on following this solution, I can't complete step 8 because of not finding DSProSFUsername field in saleforce user settings.
In Step 8: "Update the field labeled DSProSFUsername with the value from DocuSign API Username that you recovered earlier"
If you go to Salesforce->Setup->Users->Click on user profile->Click on quick access menu on the right you should be able to see the custom field under "User Custom Fields" at the bottom.
For dfsle, (DocuSign Apps Launcher) this field is DocuSign Username. 'DSProSFUsername' is the field for dsfs (Legacy DocuSign eSignature for Salesforce) please make sure when filling either of these fields the DS user id is used which is a 32 character alpha numeric code similar to: 0f5e52c7-324f-4761-b790-045cf65af92d and not the email address.

Login With Facebook After Registration - Meteor

I am currently working on my first AngularJs + Meteor app. In this app, user can either register using $meteor.createUser or can use Facebook to login i.e. $meteor.loginWithFacebook. After logging in, on one page I am displaying user's friends from Facebook who have used this app. If user has logged in using Facebook then that page is working properly. But if user has registered using normal Meteor login [$meteor.createUser], then on that page I have to display Login with Facebook button. When user logs in with Facebook on this page, it is creating new document in users collection. But I am using Meteor.userId() as primary key in all tables. So I have following options:
Option 1:
delete current document of user [_id no 1]
log in with Facebook
change _id of a document created while logging
with facebook to _id no 1
Option 2:
Assign "_id no 1" to user while he registers using Facebook
But I have not found any way to do so. How to do it? I am not able to change _id of document present in users collection. Please help. Thank you in advance.
I think you have to merge those accounts. This package will be helpful:

how to get all currenly logged-in user ids of anonymous user in drupal 7?

I have planed to create my own simple chat system. I am using wampserver on windowsxp. I need to get all currently logged-in user ids of anonymouse role in drupal 7. Having those ids we can get user names of all currently logged-in users from user table. so how do i get currently logged in user ids?
plase help me some to fix this problem.
"logged-in user ids of anonymous role" by default Drupal assigns 0 as uid for anonymous role.
If you want to display the users who is online currently, Drupal 7 comes with default block, "Who's online" block.
Goto Structure->Blocks and enable it to your preferred region.
and you can try Drupal chat module for chat feature.

login through email and phone number just like facebook in cakephp

i am new in cakephp.i am developing an application in which there is a login page .. i have a database where the the user email with his number is also stored in the database ... now what i want is in facebook you can login through your email and your phone number too .. so i want this functionality in my application too.. how can i do this in cakephp.how can i check the field in cake php that whether he has typed his phone number or email address.i dont want to add another textbox .. i want to have the same text box for email and phone number
You can use the multi column auth adapter:
by defining
'columns' => array('phone_number', 'email'),

Profile fields in Advanced User Management module - Drupal 7

I am developing a site in drupal 7.14, and I have installed the Advanced User Management module of version 7.x-3.0-alpha2. With this module I was able to filter out the users by username, email id etc. But in additional to these features, I need to add the profile fields (specifically, 'last name') and filter out the users according to the last name.
Anyone knows how to implement profile fields to this module? Any solution for this will be greatly appreciated..
In Drupal 7, users are entities, so you don't need a separate module for user management or profile fields.
Simply add fields to users similar to how you'd add them to content types, then build a custom management dashboard with views. You can expose the filters you want (by the fields you added to users).
