Accessing other collection inside backbone model - backbone.js

I have 2 post collections and a model as follows.
# router file
#posts = new MyApp.Collections.PostsCollection()
#posts.reset options.posts
#followed_posts = new MyApp.Collections.PostsCollection()
#followed_posts.reset options.followed_posts
# Post model file
class MyApp.Models.Post extends Backbone.Model
paramRoot: 'post'
follow_post: ->
# ajax call
console.log "_________Index:#{this.collection.indexOf(this);}"
console.log this.collection
console.log "_________Followed:"
console.log #followed_posts
class MyApp.Collections.PostsCollection extends Backbone.Collection
model: MyApp.Models.Post
url: '/posts_all'
What I am trying to do is when one of the model changed in one collection, I want to update the other model in other collection too.
These collections may or may not hold same models.
So let's say if a model in #posts changed in my Post model, I want to update that model in #followed_posts too. If #followed_posts doesn't have that model, I need to add a duplicate of the model to #followed_posts collection.
I can access the collection that model belongs, but I cannot access the other collection.
Any ideas appreciated, thanks.

If the two collections are antisocial and can't talk directly to each other, which is usually good design, then you'll need an intermediary -- a global event dispatcher. When a model changes, propagate that event to the dispatcher along with a reference to the model. Listen for the event in the other collection and use the model passed to check for existence and respond as needed.
Backbone's documentation mentions this pattern:
For example, to make a handy event dispatcher that can coordinate
events among different areas of your application: var dispatcher =
But in fact, this is such a common pattern that the Backbone object itself is extended with Events. So you can just do:
// In your Post model
#on "change", -> Backbone.trigger "post:change", this, #collection
// And then something like this in the collection class definition:
#listenTo Backbone, "post:change", (model, collection) =>
if post = #get model.cid
post.set model.toJSON()
#add model
Also, is followed posts a subset of posts? If so, why not put an attribute on the model designating it as followed? Then you could find all followed posts with a simple filter function.

I would strongly suggest that you should consider having a single collection and add some kind of attribute in the model to differentiate between what kind of posts they are.


Backbone.js: Why can't I retrieve the model in this case?

I'm trying to retrieve the model, because I need to access certain attributes, but I cannot. I'm inside a view, which extends another one. This is how the view looks like:
var ImageGridControlView = GridControlView.extend({
//.... stuff ....
alert(this.model.get('property')) //This gives me an error in console and nothing is alerted.
In the class that the above code extends, the model can be retrieved, like this:
var GridControlView = ControlView.extend({
//.... stuff ....
alert(this.model.get('property')) //This shows the property value correctly
Why can't the model be retrieved from ImageGridControlView? What is the persistence of models across different classes, children, etc? I'm new to Backbone, and the official documentation only covers models superficially.
Your snippets are too small to actually find the problem, so we have to just guess. Most likely candidates are:
you are accessing this.model inside a function triggered by an event binding that is not properly bound, so this isn't actually your view instance. It could be a the source DOM element of the window object instead.
You aren't passing a model property in the options object provided to the view's constructor

Backbone.js: Natively passing attributes to models when fetched with a collection

Let say you are defining a Backbone.js Model. From the documentation we have ...
new Model([attributes], [options])
This seems great for passing some default attributes to a model. When passed the model automatically inherits those attributes and their respective values. Nothing to do. Awesome!
On they other hand lets say we have a Collection of that model.
new Backbone.Collection([models], [options])
Okay, cool we can pass some initial models and some options. But, I have no initial models and no options I need to pass so let's continue. I am going to fetch the models from the server.
Well I don't have any options, but I want to pass some attributes to add to each models as it is fetched. I could do this by passing them as options and then adding them to the attributes hash in the initialize for the model, but this seems messy.
Is their a Backbone.js native way to do this?
You can pass the attributes as options to fetch and over-ride the collection's parse method to extend the passed options (attributes) on the response.
The solution would look like the following:
var Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
parse:function(resp,options) {
if (options.attributesToAdd) {
for (var i=0;i<resp.length;i++)
return resp;
Then to add attributes when you call fetch on the collection, you can:
var collection = new Collection();
You may have to tweak the code a bit to work with your JSON structure, but hopefully this will get you started in the correct direction.

Backbone.js event system (model and collection)

In Backbone.js (0.9.2) I have the following:
One collection and one method that gets called when something changes
this.collection.on("change", this.methodOne, this);
When I change a value of one model of this collection ...
model.set("value1", "abc");
... the change event from the model BUBBLES UP to the collection and so "methodOne" is called.
When I look into the source code of Backbone.js, "collection", method "add", a private
method "_prepareModel" is called that makes the model - collection reference:
model.collection = this;
But from there on I do not understand how and in which methods this bubble up mechanism
is functioning?
Has anybody got information for me about that?
Thanks alot in advance!
Take a look at Backbone.Collection _onModelEvent method. In the docs:
Internal method called every time a model in the set fires an event. Sets need to update their indexes when models change ids. All other events simply proxy through. "add" and "remove" events that originate in other collections are ignored.

What is the meaning of 'collection' attribute in Backbone Model?

A Backbone.Model object maintains a 'collection' attribute.
In the Backbone source code, we have :
var Model = Backbone.Model = function(attributes, options) {
if (options && options.collection) this.collection = options.collection;
The annotated source says nothing about that, and the documentation references only functions.
I guess it's mainly used when deleting the model : the collection removes this model.
But what if the model belongs to many collections ? Is there a danger to use/override this collection attribute ?
It's used in two places (look a bit further down in the annotated source).
As you note, it's used when a model is destroyed, to remove the model from the collection.
Optimistically removes the model from its collection, if it has one.
In the url function, if the collection exists with a URL scheme, it uses that to construct a URL for the model.
if you're using Backbone's restful methods, override this to change the endpoint that will be called.

Backbone.js - where does code to create a new post go?

I'm trying to make a quick sample Backbone.js app that has a Post model, a PostList collection, and a PostView + PostListView. Something simple where you can post in a form and it will add your post to the list of posts.
When someone clicks submit on the post form, it triggers an event in "PostListView", the view for the PostList collection. Where do I create a new post model and add it to the collection? Do I write this code in the View itself? Or does the view call a collection method that does this? Can you even write custom collection methods? If so, how do I call them from a view?
Coming from a Rails background, I naturally edge towards putting code in the collections/models rather than views (rails controllers), but I can't figure out how to call custom collection events from views.
Code is as below. Thanks so much for any help!
class forum.PostListView extends Backbone.View
tagName: 'section'
className: 'post-list'
'click .post-form button': 'submit'
initialize: ->
#causes the view to render whenever the collection's data is loaded
#collection.bind 'reset', #render
#collection.bind 'add', #render
render: =>
$(#el).html JST['postList']()
$postList = this.$('.post-list')
#iterates through posts, renders, appends to <ul>
#collection.each (post) =>
view = new forum.PostView
model: post
collection: #collection
$postList.append view.render().el
return this
submit: ->
console.log "submitted!"
#collection.trigger 'newPost', this.$('.post-form textarea').val()
class forum.PostList extends Backbone.Collection
model: forum.Post
url: '/posts'
initialize: ->
this.bind 'newPost', newPost
newPost: (postText) ->
console.log "Collection method called!!"
# post = new forum.Post
# content: postText
# #add post
You call a method in PostList, from the PostListView, to add a new model in the collection. Something like this in regular js:
this.collection.add( new forum.Post( this.$( ".post-form textarea").val() ) );
I don't do CoffeeScript so I guess the syntax for above in cs would be like this:
#collection.add new forum.Post
this.$( ".post-form textarea").val()
If it's more complicated to add a new Post to PostList, you could add a method for it in PostList
this.collection.complexAdd( params... );
You add custom methods to PostList in the place where you create the class.. you have done so with the newPost method already.
This is much simpler than your collection listening to view events because views are initialized last.
Edit: I guess it could also come down to opinion, some people prefer models/collections knowing about which backbone views are using them, but in a situation where there are more than one view for one model (for example, TabContent view and TabSelector view for a single TabModel), it makes stuff more complicated.
The following tips may help you...
It might separate things better if you have a separate view for NewPost, whose single responsibility is to manage the new post form. Your PostListView can create that and append it to itself.
Normally, you do not want to add a new model to a collection until after it is saved. So what you may do is give your NewPostForm a reference to the collection and have it add it once it is saved.
You may also want the PostList to dump and recreate the NewPost view after that, and get it ready to add a subsequent post.
Backbone "views" are sometimes more like controller actions in Rails. So creating models, moving them around, saving them, etc. are all perfectly ok to do in view code.
