To what extent are interrupts supported in Win32? - c

To what extent are interrupts supported in Win32 beyond processor definitions? For example, x86 machines define at least 18 interrupts, including traps such as the breakpoint trap (INT 3). The other 19-255 interrupts are left open by Intel as software defined interrupts. Are any of these used by Windows/WinAPI or are they just open and free for applications to use as they please? If Windows uses them, where can I find the relevant documentation? I looked on MSDN and could not find anything.
(BTW I am doing compiler, debugger and other system-level programming, so please don't lecture me on your opinions about the advisability of using interrupts in the first place.)

In Win32 apps, there's probably just one interrupt used commonly, int 2Eh. It's used as the system call entry point. It's analogous to int 21h in DOS. The rest of the interrupts aren't used by apps.
Apps, however, can handle some CPU exceptions (and debug breaks) via Structured Exception Handling (SEH)/Vectored Exception Handling (VEH). Windows catches CPU exceptions originating in apps and reflects them back into the apps, if and however possible (Windows is not perfect in imitating the CPU exception model).
Windows uses device interrupts internally and does not let apps mess with them. The x86 CPU handles interrupts in the most privileged mode, where the kernel runs.
Nowadays many device interrupts aren't associated with fixed interrupt vectors and are configurable and you need to work with the various things like PCI to query or change the settings.
If you want to work with devices and interrupts directly, you need to write a kernel-mode driver for Windows. There's the Device Driver Kit (DDK) and books like Windows Internals that can get you started.
Still, if you're looking for specifics of device XYZ and its interrupt programming, you aren't going to find everything or much on MSDN or in the DDK because you'll need hardware-specific information, something that's outside of Microsoft's control. The kernel provides the functionality necessary to do I/O and handle interrupts, but it's ultimately up to device drivers to use them one way or the other.


RTOS within an RTOS

I'm planning to run an RTOS e.g Nuttx as a Process of another RTOS e.g FreeRTOS such that freertos tasks and the Nuttx running as a Freertos task would co-exist.
Would this be feasible implementation given that the underlying hardware is an ARM cortex A8 single core processor? What changes could be required if the implementation is not based on VM concept?
Your requirement, in a nutshell, is to allow a GUEST RTOS to completely work within the realms of an underlying HOST RTOS. First answer would be to use virtualization extension, but A8 processor does not have that, hence will rule this option out. Without Virtualization extensions you have to resort to one of the following methods and would require a lot of code changes.
Option 1 - Port your GUEST OS API's
Take all your GUEST OS API's and replace their implementation, so that it mimics the required API behavior by making use of HOST OS's API's. Technically now your GUEST OS will not have a scheduler, and will be reduced to a porting layer on top of your HOST OS. This method is used by companies when they need their software solutions to work across multiple RTOS's. They would write their software solution based on an RTOS. When a customer comes to them with a requirement to run the software on their RTOS, they would simply port the RTOS API implementations on to the customer's RTOS.
Option 2 - Para-virtualization
Your guest RTOS user and kernel space should both work inside the userspace of your host RTOS. Let us break the problem into a few parts.
Handling Privileged Instructions
When your Guest OS, while executing in "Kernel mode" tries to execute a privileged instruction, will cause an undef instruction abort. You have to modify the undef instruction abort handler of your host kernel to trap/intercept these instructions and act on them. Every single privileged instructions has to be trapped/intercepted and 'simulated'. There are some instructions that wouldn't trap but would need to be handled by modifying code. Eg. If your kernel code reads CPSR to confirm the execution mode, CPSR would say the mode is User mode. (This instruction wouldn't cause an instruction abort, so you could not follow the trap and simulate model. The only way is to identify, search and replace these instructions in your GUEST OS codebase.)
Memory Management Unit
If a privilege violation happens the Data Abort will be triggered to your host OS. It has to be forwarded to your guest OS.
You would have to replace your GUEST OS's interrupt controller driver with dummy SVC calls that would call into your HOST OS to setup interrupts.
You would have to modify your GUEST timer driver to account for 'lost' ticks when you were running your HOST OS tasks.
Hardware Drivers
All other hardware drivers used by your GUEST OS have to be modified to allow device sharing between GUEST and HOST.
Your GUEST OS scheduler now works inside (and thus is at the mercy of ) another scheduler (HOST OS Scheduler).
It is feasible.
You need to separate resources: memory, timers, IRQs, etc. So that, "Host" OS (FreeRTOS) don't even "know" about resources used by "Guest" OS (Nuttx).
For Cortex-A8 you may want to use IRQ for FreeRTOS and FIQ for GuestOS. It will let you not to rewrite IRQ controller (but again, make sure Host does not control FIQ after GuestOS started).
And some changes might be required for context switch: you need to differ Host-Host context switch, Host-Guest (and Guest-Host) and Guest-Guest context switch.
Though not direct answer to your question, address this problem at design level, do a separation of code that depends hardware (create API) and make the application level code independent of the underlying OS or runtime i.e rather depend on particular implementation let it depend on the API.
where ever needed port the hardware (OS) dependent code to the underlying OS/Runtime

Low interrupt latency via dedicated architectures and operating systems

This question may seem slightly vague, however I am researching upon how interrupt systems work and their latency times. I am trying to achieve an understanding of how architecture facilities such as FIQ in ARM help decrease latency times. How does this differ from using a operating system that does not have access or can not provide access to this facilities? For example - Windows RT is made for ARM etc, and this operating system is not able to be ported to other architectures.
Simply put - how is interrupt latency different in dedicated architectures that have dedicated operating systems as compared to operating systems that can be ported across many different architectures (Linux for example)?
Sorry for the rant - I'm pretty confused as you can probably tell.
I'll start with your Windows RT example, Windows RT is a port of Windows to the ARM architecture. It is not a 'dedicated operating system'. There are (probably) many OSes that only run on only 1 architecture, but that is more a function of can't be arsed to port them due to some reason.
What does 'port' really mean though?
Windows has a kernel (we'll call is NT here, doesn't matter) and that NT kernel has a bunch of concepts that need to be implemented. These concepts are things like timers, memory virtualisation, exceptions etc...
These concepts are implemented differently between architectures, so the port of the kernel and drivers (I will ignore the rest of the OS here, often that is a recompile only) will be a matter of using the available pieces of silicon to implement the required concepts. This implementation is a called 'port'.
Let's zoom in on interrupts (AKA exceptions) on an ARM that has FIQ and IRQ.
In general an interrupt can occur asynchronously, by that I mean at any time. The CPU is generally busy doing something when an IRQ is asserted so that context (we'll call it UserContext1) needs to be stored before the CPU can use any resources in use by UserContext1. Generally this means storing registers on the stack before using them.
On ARM when an IRQ occurs the CPU will switch to IRQ mode. Registers r13 and r14 have there own copy for IRQ mode, the rest will need to be saved if they are used - so that is what happens. Those stores to memory take some time. The IRQ is handled, UserContext1 is popped back off the stack then IRQ mode is exited.
So the latency in this case might be the time from IRQ assertion to the time the IRQ vector starts executing. That going to be some set number of clock cycles based upon what the CPU was doing when the IRQ happened.
The latency before the IRQ handling can occur is the time from the IRQ assert to the time the CPU has finished storing the context.
The latency before user mode code can execute depends on too much stuff in the OS/Kernel to explain here, but the minimum boils down to the time from the IRQ assertion to the return after restoring UserContext1 + the time for the OS context switch.
FIQ - If you are a hard as nails programmer you might only need to use 7 registers to completely handle your interrupt servicing. I mentioned that IRQ mode has its own copy of 2 registers, well FIQ mode has its own copy of 7 registers. Yup, that's 28 bytes of context that doesn't need to be pushed out into the stack (actually one of them is the link register so it's really 6 you have). That can remove the need to store UserContext1 then restore UserContext1. Thus the latency can be reduced by up to the length of time needed to do that save/restore.
None of this has much to do with the OS. The OS can choose to use or not use these features. The OS can choose to make guarantees regarding how long it will take to execute the OSes concept of an interrupt handler, or it may not. This is one of the basic concepts of an RTOS, the contract about how long before the handler will run.
The OS is designed for some purpose (and that purpose may be 'general') - that target design goal will have a lot more affect on latency than haw many target the OS has been ported to.
Go have a read about something like freertos than buy some hardware and try it. Annotate the code to figure out the latencies you really want to look at. IT will likely be the best way to get your ehad around it.
(*Multi-CPU systems do it the same with but with some synchronization and barrier functions and a sprinkling of complexity)

Hardware Performance Counters using C [duplicate]

I'd like to use hardware performance counter, specifically x86 CPUs to obtain cache misses or branch mis-prediction. Performance counters are heavily used in advanced profilers like Intel VTune. Please don't be confused performance counters on Windows operating systems.
In order to use these counters in C/C++ program, one may use PAPI:
This allows you to easily use performance counters, but on only Linux. PAPI once supported Windows, but not now.
Is there anyone who recently tried PAPI or other APIs to use hardware performance counters on Windows?
You can use RDPMC instruction or __readpmc MSVC compiler intrinsic, which is the same thing.
However, Windows prohibits user-mode applications to execute this instruction by setting CR4.PCE to 0. Presumably, this is done because the meaning of each counter is determined by MSR registers, which are only accessible in kernel mode. In other words, unless you're a kernel-mode module (e.g. a device driver), you are going to get "privileged instruction" trap if you attempt to execute this instruction.
If you're writing a user-mode application, your only option is (as #Christopher mentioned in comments) to write a kernel module which would execute this instruction for you (you'll incur user->kernel call penalty) and enable test signing on your machine so your presumably self-signed "driver" can be loaded. This means you can't easily distribute this app, but that'll work for in-house tuning.
What about this HCP Reference? Does it not provide what you want?

Can anyone explain what is Windows HAL and what is it used for?

I understand that it stands for Hardware Abstraction Layer but what exactly does it do ? Is it designed for high level languages like VB to communicate with the hardware ? What about the IN/OUT instructions do these instructions call into a HAL routine or do they communicate directly with the hardware's device driver via the I/O manager ?
Thanks in advance
I understand that it stands for Hardware Abstraction Layer but what exactly does it do ?
It's essentially the "non-portable" part of the NT kernel, provided as a seperate module so that NT could be ported to multiple processor architectures. Example: interrupt routing.
Is it designed for high level languages like VB to communicate with the hardware ?
No. It is meant as support routines for the NT kernel. If you are coding in user mode (as you would be as in high level languages like VB) you have no need to know it exists.
What about the IN/OUT instructions do these instructions call into a HAL routine or do they communicate directly with the hardware's device driver via the I/O manager ?
When you use the the in and out instructions, this is talking directly to the CPU. This is entirely unrelated to the NT kernel topics you are discussing. There is no HAL there. There is no NT I/O manager. These instructions are what the x86 instruction set provides for talking to devices through an I/O address.
The HAL is designed to 'abstract' details of the hardware away from the operating system (It is a kernel component).
It provides routines to kernel for dealing with machine specific instructions (afaik includes handling of things like AVX state preservation through a context switch) as well as other details such as interrupts (Google 'Interrupts IDT' (no quotes))
Note that the HAL does not fully sit below the kernel, as the kernel still talks directly to hardware in some places, however the HAL also depends on the kernel for many of its functions (as such they often come in matched 'sets')
The HAL is like an isolation layer, it means that things on either side of the layer can change, and (theoretically) it will have no effect on the other side.
This means various different kinds of hardware can be below the HAL, and the software that calls through the HAL doesn't care.

Any open-source ARM7 emulators suitable for linking with C?

I have an open-source Atari 2600 emulator (Z26), and I'd like to add support for cartridges containing an embedded ARM processor (NXP 21xx family). The idea would be to simulate the 6507 until it tries to read or write a byte of memory (which it will do every 841ns). If the 6507 performs a write, put the address and data on some of the ARM's I/O ports and let the ARM code run 20 cycles, confirm that the ARM is floating its data bus, and let the ARM run for another 38 cycles. If the 6507 performs a read, put the address on the ARM's I/O ports, let the ARM run 38 cycles, grab the data from the ARM's I/O port (hopefully the ARM software will have put it there), and let the ARM run another 20 cycles.
The ARM7 seems pretty straightforward to implement; I don't need to simulate a whole lot of hardware features. Any thoughts?
What I have in mind would be a routine that would take as a parameter a struct holding the machine state and pointers to a memory access routine. When called, the routine would emulate the ARM's instruction engine, generating appropriate reads, writes, and code fetches. I could then write the memory access routine to regard appropriate areas as flash (with roughly-approximated wait states), RAM, I/O ports, and timer registers. Some other areas would be marked as don't-care, and accesses to any other areas would flag an error and stop the emulator.
Perhaps QEMU uses such a thing internally. Since the ARM emulation would be integrated into an already-existing emulation engine (which I didn't write and don't fully understand--the only parts of Z26 I've patched have been the memory read/write logic) I would need something with a fairly small footprint.
Any idea how QEMU works inside? Any idea what the GPL licence would require if I just use 2% of the code in QEMU--whether I'd have to bundle the code for the whole thing, or just the part that I use, or what?
With some work, you can make my emulator do what you want. It was written for ARM920, and the Thumb instruction set isn't done yet. Neither is the MMU/cache interface. Also, it's slow because it is an interpreter. On the bright side, it's all written in C99.
I haven't worked on it for a while (The svn trunk is 2 years old), but if you're going to use the code, I'll be glad to help you out with the missing features. It is licensed under MIT, so it's just the same as the broad BSD license.
