Mobile app clicks decline after February 6th - mobile

On our app insights we've noticed a rapid decline in the traffic that comes from mobile devices (insights > traffic > mobile) straight after the last February 6th breaking changes. Are there more developers here who suffered similar declines lately?
Unfortunately for us this happened 2 days before launching some improved and responsive screens especially for our iPhone users..

Your insight problem probably relates to the recent Facebook insight bug that has also impacted mobile devices such as you are seeing already. The mobile issue is covered in more detail over on TechCrunch. You can read the official Facebook post but doesn't cover the mobile insight issue yet...
Hope that helps.


Is there an Android/iOS API for a 3rd party app to control Google Home linked devices?

I'm looking to create a mobile app that controls lights that are connected to a Google Home, is this possible? I'm basically looking for a Google Home equivalent to Apple's HomeKit framework.
This is a similar question, but also three years old, so I'm wondering if anything has changed, or changing soon with Matter.
The platform does not give programmatic access to developers to the devices in their home. In this regard nothing has changed up to this point. I cannot speculate what may happen in the future.

Screen sharing and screen control on android and iOS using WebRTC

I've to share a mobile screen and display it on a browser using WebRTC. I then have to take control of the mobile screen.
I've researched this and know I can share a screen browser to browser using chrome(with extension) or firefox(after certain flags are set). Some information I've read suggests that screen sharing on mobile is not possible and then another article said it was but I think they meant be sharing through the chrome browser on a mobile.
Some of the the information and posts I read are dating back to 2013/2015/2016 and I wondered if there is any new information on this?
Is screen sharing on mobile devices(android or iOS) possible using webrtc now?
is screen control on mobile devices possible?
Thanks Andrea
I also investigated this topic a few days ago and it seems to me we are on the verge of the next step and the technology hasn't totally settled yet. Screencapture is mostly working with (very) up-to-date browsers and (still) an extension or some kind of white-listing. I could not find any kind of hint that a "remote control" mechanisms are part of webrtc and the getUserMedia implementations. Unfortunately.
ICE seems to work fine for most scenarios (if you don't mind waiting a minute) and Tickled ICE adresses the problem in an interesting way.
Mobile is very confusing indeed as the market is even more heterogeneous.
Maybe we should open a wiki or a chat channel or whatnot they habe nowadays on stackoverflow :-) I think I will have to read about this "community wiki" checkbox down there...
The most promising thing I could find was
Still trying it out in different scenarios.
[This might not be an answer...] I was on the same topic and then I noticed there's an existing tool (SDK) to serve the similar purpose: It works good in both the demo video and the simulator web page. Yet I'm not sure if it utilises WebRTC...

tumblr mobile not working with prettify.js

So I wired in Prettify.js and Prettify.css into my new Tumblr blog. It works out great in chrome, IE, and Firefox but I was astonished when I went to my Android Phone and suddenly the code inside ... looks like an atrocity.
I was about to go digging but figured before I spend hours trying to solve a problem someone else already fixed I would see if my ol' Stack Buddies have anything to say on the matter.
Any solutions will be greatly appreciated and if none are posted I'll likely toss up a solution by the end of the weekend.
Clarification EDIT This is viewing the post through the Tumblr Android application. I don't think it has anything to do with phone version but because someone is bound to ask it's a Motorola Droid Bionic running Android 2.3.4
Alrighty, since nobody came along with this one I'll throw the answer out there. The Tumblr application after decompiling it off the APK does not use a standard web frame. This means that javascript execution is not embedded in the view for the mobile application.
Sucks I know... Another possible solution would be to use straight CSS for formatting but alas this doesn't even work in the mobile version as the CSS sheets are overridden with mobile style sheets for more compact formatting.
So this one goes down as "unsolvable" due to the mobile application not operating within the same boundaries as the web driven blog does.
If someone does by chance have a solution to this that will work however, I would be interested in hearing it but at this time I don't have a valid solution. But, it's good to know.

Popularity of jQuery Mobile C-grade browsers

JQM leaves C-grades usable, not appealing to look at. Does the market share of C-grade browsers justify making a whole new stylesheet for them? Are there any credible statistics on their popularity?
Blackberry 4.x - You can get the ans here-
as u can see for 4.x its too less to worry about and its diminishing everyday.
Windows Mobile -
As read from the article, the market share is very less and no major manufacturer supports. so gone case.
All older smartphone platforms and featurephones – As the link says all browsers/smartphones not supporting CSS3 media queries will experience C class experience. Here is a link to give u an idea of browsers.
And correspondingly for those os' or browsers the market share is way low to consider making a separate style sheet for them without media queries.
Here are metrics from a site I work on from Jan 2012 to March 22nd for mobile. Out of MANY thousands of visits:
64.49% Safari (iOS)
26.01% Android
2.95% Chrome
2.56% Mozilla Compatible Agent
2.42% Firefox
1.03% Internet Explorer
Keep in mind that market share of handsets does not exactly translate to actual web usage. A lot of people still have feature phones and other C-Grade devices. However, that's pretty irrelevant because the experience of surfing the web on those things SUCKS. The users all know it and thus they do not use it for surfing the web. I think it's noble that jQuery Mobile even tried to support them, but they really didn't have to because none (statistically speaking) of those people are surfing the web on their crappy little old devices.

Sencha Touch and Internet Explorer 10

Sencha Touch is brilliant but IE cannot open websites which is developed using Sencha Touch.
I am not interested in using IE, but my opinion is not important since many others may use it.
Since Microsoft announces HTML-5 Support and I have worked with the great tools to make native apps even using HTML-5 and Java so it is obvious that IE 10 must support HTML5. But it seems sencha touch websites cannot be explored by IE 10 too, since I cannot explore Kitchen Sink (on using IE 10 however I can easily do this using Chrome.
Further to this problem, I want to make an web-site for a small company, is it right to use Sencha Touch to develop it or jQuery is a better choice? (I yearn for you say Sencha Touch :) since I am completely unfamiliar with jQuery)
I appreciate the time you are spending.
Sincerely yours,
Call me old-fashioned, but when I see the Kitchen Sink demo failing in IE10, I blame the developers behind the demo, and not those behind the browser. IE10 is an oustanding browser that is worthy of our attention, and not merely for the fact that it will be used by millions upon millions immediately following its official release, but also because it's a great browser from a technical perspective.
If you're going to build a solution for your clients, you should avoid libraries that wish to distance themselves from supporting half of the market, meaning they don't actively develop with IE in mind. The excuses for not supporting IE simply aren't there today as your code won't require that much variance to work properly in the latest version of Microsoft's browser.
Use jQuery, jQuery Mobile, or jQuery UI. You can get some great UI from and with all of them, and you'll find excellent support in all major browsers.
I am porting my Sencha Touch 2.0 app to 2.2.1 in order to support IE10.
So I have first-hand knowledge in the effort.
all Sencha websites / apps build previous to 2.2.0 and by developers targeting webkit browsers will never work on ie10 reliably because a bunch of stuff had to be done to the core of Sencha Touch in order for ie10 to work. Everyone has to go back and do what I'm doing... line by line of CSS and a few JS changes as well (esp if you do canvas stuff)
Running an old "kitchen sink" which was not properly architected for 2.2.1 and tested on IE10 is not going to work either. I do not know how much time Sencha folks spent testing kitchen sink on IE10 ...but one would assume...
I think what has thrown Sencha for a loop is developers don't have time or money to build business apps twice - once on ExtJS for laptop/desktop and 2nd time on Sencha Touch 2 for tablet touch/gesture support. This is the strange land of SDK's because the tablet real-estate so closely resembles that of a small laptop -- ergo as long as your UX people a really good, they can architect an experience that crosses over from tablet to laptop pretty good by building one code base in Sencha Touch.
But oooops - Sencha figured we'd all be building to small phones - a market dominated by webkit browsers. If that were the case, then this argument of IE market share would not hold - we all know Windows Phone numbers. It's hard to fudge/spin that. What's causing the rub is the tablet-laptop screen size being so similar.
IE10 in the Windows 8 preview is the same version that is slated for the tablets and mobile devices they have been producing. Saying it is for desktop support is not a very useful statement. The problem is this is what Microsoft is about to spend a very large amount of money marketing and pushing to businesses. This is not a case of a tablet/phone library not supporting a desktop, but of a tablet/phone library not supporting a target platform that is about to have billions of dollars of marketing spent to deploy it.
Any mention of Internet explorer seems to evoke deep emotion in everyone! However IE is a fact of life.
I would suggest that you use Google Chrome Frame. The first time IE visitors arrive at your site you can alert the user to install Google Chrome Frame and redirect them. It's a bit messy for the first visit but after that it should be seamless.
As I understand it Google Chrome Frame no longer requires admin rights to install.
Obviously people should just install Chrome in the first place but nobody's perfect.
Sencha Touch 2 is not designed to work on IE10. If desktop support is important for you, then you should use Ext JS 4.
Chrome and Safari use WebKit which Sencha Touch requires in order to function.
Internet Explorer might be able to display Sencha Touch apps in the future:
But who knows?
I had spent a month getting a project to work with Sencha Touch, but had to choose a more accessable framework. The goals of the project were to work across as many browsers (desktop and mobile) as possible. The webkit preference for Sencha, while admirable in how it is achieved, made it unusable for my needs.
I am glad they changed their licensing since I tried it. That was the second stumbling point for our project.
