As suggested in this post it's possible to retrieve a "missing" phone number for a contact (when kABPersonPhoneProperty is empty, but a phone number is visible in the address book) on ios 6 by using the linked contacts array (ABPersonCopyArrayOfAllLinkedPeople). How can I test for the specific contact in the array, and merge/overwrite the contact's phone number?
Given a table like this:
Unique identifier
A short name
Long description
A string of keywords separated by commas
How do I perform a search in SQL Server using ASP.Net Core 3.1 MVC or above that returns results in the order of most matches?
The user will enter one or more search keywords in the UI. The fields to be searched to test if any of the keywords match are Name, Description and Tags.
Searching will be case-insensitive. The Description field is a free form text string field, so some words may have pre or post punctuation marks.
And I need the results returned in order of “best match first”, which is defined as how many of the columns/fields in a given row contain the search keywords.
For example, if there were only 3 records in the Product table like this: -
A phone
iPhone 4
Mobile Phone
iPhone 5
iPhone mobile phone
Cell phone
If a user entered “iPhone” and that occurs in all three fields, this should be top of the list. So the results should look like this:
iPhone 5
iPhone mobile phone
A phone
iPhone 4
Mobile Phone
Cell phone
That is, with the best matches at the top.
How do I achieve this with SQL Server using ASP.Net Core 3.1 (or above) MVC and C#?
I am working on a MERN project (related to School) , wherein one of the screen needs to display 3 lists, i.e. Grades, Subjects and Topics.
By default first item of grade list is selected and the subject list is showing its corresponding subject along with first subject is selected and then topic list is showing the corresponding topics of the subject.
Grade is from 1 to 10
Each grade would have maximum of 7 subjects
Each subject can have maximum of 50 topics
So total data is 350 records
Now what should my mongodb data model should look like
Three collections, one for each list
Just one combined collection, since count of record is very low
Is there a way to export a list of all of your phone numbers on your Twillio account? I cannot see where you can do that when you pull up your list of phone numbers.
Is there any MS Graph API to read phone number assigned to Teams user for Direct Routing?
Please go through Get a user. It returns a default set of properties businessPhones, displayName, givenName, id, mobilePhone, officeLocation etc.
Edit :
Please go through Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumber to retrieve telephone numbers from the Business Voice Directory. Similar question was asked in this Where to find the phone number assigned to a MS Teams user?
I created a report with multiple DataSets. The first dataset contains adresses and the second contains contact data like phone and email.
So it is possible that a adress contains multiple contact items. But there is always only one contact item.
I've created a Matrix where the Adressdata is in it. In this matrix is another matrix, which should list all contact items.
In both tables is a VaNr which is the Id for the adress.
I try to explain more details:
I have the the table Adress which looks like this
As you can see there are some easy adress-data and the VaNr.
John doe can have multiple contact data:
So in my report it should list john doe with three contacts.
I grouped my adress list with the VaNr.
The contact list for my adress is grouped to the VaNr:
But this is the result I get:
It only show one contact, but it should have three. There are three Contacts for John doe (with the same VaNr).
I found the solution, maybe it helps someone in future:
I had grouping everthing correctly. But to show the contact data I used the Lookup function. This shows only the first item of another DataSet.
=Lookup(Fields!VaNr.Value, Fields!VaNr.Value, Fields!Contact.Value, "Contact")
What I need is a list of all possible items in Contact. I had to change this expression like this:
=Join(LookupSet(Fields!VaNr.Value, Fields!VaNr.Value, Fields!Contact.Value, "Contact"), Environment.NewLine)
This returns a collection of Contact Items.