How do I upgrade the database used by teamcity? - database

I'm trying to upgrade from teamcity 6.5 to 7.1.4a.
I get into maintenance mode at startup where it helpfully informs me that there is a :
Version mismatch: Configuration version is 544 but Database version is 454.
Data Directory
Directory path: /opt/TeamCity-7.1.4a/.BuildServer exists
Database properties file exists
Internal database file exists
Database type: ORACLE
Database connection URL: **
Server: Oracle Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning and Automatic Storage Management options
Server version: 11.2
Driver: Oracle JDBC driver
Driver version: 11.2
Software version: 544
Data directory version: 544
Database version: 454
All handy information, but how do I actually upgrade it. A google seems to indicate I should hit the 'upgrade' button. The problem being there isn't one.
So how do I actually upgrade it?

That issue happens with mismatch version of external database. In my case help update and restore Teamcity:
Upgrading from 8.1.6 to 9.0.1, TeamCity 9.0.1 will ask to upgrade drivers to the latest version 5.1. If the MySQL server version is 5.5 or newer, the JDBC driver version should be 5.1.23 or newer.
Upgrade to: Connector/J 5.1.34; Teamcity 9.0; MySQL 5.6.22 (MySQL 5.0.33+, 5.1.49+, 5.5+ (Please note that due to bugs in MySQL, versions 5.0.20, 5.0.22 and 5.1 up to 5.1.34 are not compatible with TeamCity))

Have you seen this Configuration version is XXX but Database version is YYY
One of the solution is to drop all the tables in the databases.


Oracle 12c Database Configuration Assistant: Error

Had this error while installing Oracle DB Enterprise (64-bit) on a VM with Windows Server 2016 (64 bit OS) with all the Hard/Software requirements. The installer file was unzipped in the same parent folder but I changed the folder name to: Oracle Database 12c Release 1 64 Enterprise (
Error while executing
"C:/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/admin/dbmssml.sql". Refer to
"C:/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/orcl/dbmssml0.log" for more details. Error in
Process: C:/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/perl/bin/perl.exe
The dbmssml0.log file is empty. Then the installer threw a:
[INS-20802] Oracle Database Configuration Assistant failed.
Cause - The plug-in failed in its perform method
Action - Refer to the logs or contact Oracle Support Services.
Log File Location
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActions2020-08-03_03-57-18PM.log
Here is the installation log.
I'm a new Oracle user and I'm not sure how to read the log or locate the error, please let me know if need any additional details. Thanks in advance.
Oracle 12.1 is not certified on Windows 2016, per the Database Installation Guide. But Oracle 12.2 is supported on Windows 2016.
There's a big difference between 12.1 and 12.2. Make sure you're always looking at the right version of the documentation.

How to update Oracle DB version from to

I have installed Oracle Database in my Windows 10 desktop PC with the installation files from official site link.
Is it possible to update this to ?
I'm asking this because our staging server uses so I'd like to match the version.
Normally if you have an Oracle support account you can download a CPU to upgrade. But if you don't, I would suggest to follow this link : ( although is Linux, the operative is more or less the same )
It explains very well the steps, nevertheless, are you aware that 11g is already unsupported. You should try to use a newer version.

Oracle expdp compatibility issue

I have an Enterprise Oracle Database installed. The output of 'show compatible' is
When I try to run EXPDP with the correct credentials, I get the following error:
Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39021: Database compatibility version is not supported.
After which EXPDP exists.
Should EXPDP's version be aligned with the 'compatible' parameter?

Configure Liferay 7.0 and WIldfly with Oracle

I have a doubt regarding LIferay 7.0 and Wildfly. I recently found a method to integrate Oracle DB with Liferay but, at least in the example and on my attempts to try it, when I start Wildfly with Liferay it keeps telling me "Unsupported Database Oracle".
The tutorial I followed was this one:
Is that only supported for Tomact? (Like in the example in that tutorial).
Thanks in advance.
The Oracle driver for Liferay 7 CE also works for the bundle with wildfly.
The procedure is very simple:
Build the Oracle Driver for Liferay (by following the guide liferay-portal-oracledb-support)
Download JDBC Oracle driver
Copy JDBC Driver in $LIFERA_HOME/wildfly-10.0.0/modules/com/liferay/portal/main/
Add JDBC Driver ojdbc7.jar as resource in module.xml ($LIFERA_HOME/wildfly-10.0.0/modules/com/liferay/portal/main/)
Copy jar (liferay-portal-oracledb-support-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) of the Oracle Driver for Liferay in $LIFERAY_HOME/wildfly-10.0.0/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war/WEB-INF/lib/
Start Liferay
By following the above steps you should be able to install successfully Liferay 7, also you can see this tutorial Liferay 7 Wildfly: How to add support for Oracle DB
I point out the project which groups the support for the three commercial databases for versions 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 of Liferay.
This project add support to the Oracle Database, SQL Server and IBM DB2 database. Liferay has performed refactorting the code so that it is possible and easy to add support for databases no longer supported OOTB (out-of-the-box). The last version (1.1.4) of the driver works with the Liferay 7.2.1 CE GA2.
You can download the latest version binary jar from Maven Central Repository liferay-portal-database-all-in-one-support (, by doing so you can avoid doing the build.
I invite you to read the article How to build a Docker Liferay 7.2 image with the Oracle Database support ( which may be interesting for you.

Where can I download the jar file for DB2 version 8.2?

Where can I download the jar file for DB2 version 8.2 ?
I could find the latest version but not the 8.2 version on IBM's page
Trying to migrate DB2 8.2 to Oracle 11g Any help appreciated.
Various DB2 client packages can be found here: Download Fix Packs by version for IBM Data Server Client Packages DB2 8 is long out of support, but you should be fine using version 9.1 or 9.5 of the driver. What you need is probably just the JDBC driver.
