Request to App Engine Backend Timing Out - google-app-engine

I created an App Engine backend to serve http requests for a long running process. The backend process works as expected when the query references an input of small size, but times out when the input size is large. The query parameter is the url of an App Engine BlobStore blob, which is the input data for the backend process. I thought the whole point of using App Engine backends was to avoid the timeout restricts that App Engine frontends possess. How can I avoid getting a timeout?
I call the backend like this, setting the connection timeout length to infinite:
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(url + "?" + query).openConnection());
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", charset);
InputStream in = connection.getInputStream();
int ch;
while ((ch = != -1)
json = json + String.valueOf((char) ch);
System.out.println("Response Message is: " + json);
The traceback (edited for anonymity) is:
Uncaught exception from servlet Timeout while fetching URL:
at org.someorg.server.HUDXML3UploadService.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
As you can see, I'm not getting the DeadlineExceededException, so I think something other than Google's limits is causing the timeout, and also making this a different issue from similar stackoverflow posts on the topic.
I humbly thank you for any insights.
Update 2/19/2012: I see what's going on, I think. I should be able to have the client wait indefinitely using GWT [or any other type of client-side async framework] async handler for an any client request to complete, so I don't think that is the problem. The problem is that the file upload is calling the _ah/upload App Engine system endpoint which then, once the blob is stored in the Blobstore) calls the upload service's doPost backend to process the blob. The client request to _ah/upload is what is timing out, because the backend doesn't return in a timely fashion. To make this timeout problem go away, I attempted to make the _ah_upload service itself a public backend accessible via, but I don't think that google allows a system service (like _ah/upload) to be run as a backend. Now my next approach is to just have ah_upload immediately return after triggering the backend processing, and then call another service to get the original response I wanted, after processing is finished.

The solution was to start a backend process as a tasks and add that to the task queue, then returning a response to client before it waits to process the backend task (which can take a long time). If I could have assigned ah_upload to a backend, this would have also solved the problem, since the clien't async handler could wait forever for the backend to finish, but I do not think Google permits assigning System Servlets to backends. The client will now have to poll persisted backend process response data, as Paul C mentioned, since tasks can not respond like a normal servlet.


Network request failed from fetch in reactjs app

I am using fetch in a NodeJS application. Technically, I have a ReactJS front-end calling the NodeJS backend (as a proxy), and then the proxy calls out to backend services on a different domain.
However, from logging errors from consumers (I haven't been able to reproduce this issue myself) I see that a lot of these proxy calls (using fetch) throw an error that just says Network Request Failed, which is of no help. Some context:
This only occurs on a subset of all total calls (lets say 5% of traffic)
Users that encounter this error can often make the same call again some time later (next couple minutes/hours/days) and it will go through
From Application Insights, I can see no correlation between browsers, locations, etc
Calls often return fast, like < 100 ms
All calls are HTTPS, non are HTTP
We have a fetch polyfill from fetch-ponyfill that will take over if fetch is not available (Internet Explorer). I did test this package itself and the calls went through fine. I also mentioned that this error does occur on browsers that do support fetch, so I don't think this is the error.
Fetch settings for all requests
Method is set per request, but I've seen it fail on different types (GET, POST, etc)
Mode is set to 'same-origin'. I thought this was odd, since we were sending a request from one domain to another, but I tried to set it differently and it didn't affect anything. Also, why would some requests work for some, but not for others?
Body is set per request, based on the data being sent.
Headers is usually just Accept and Content-Type, both set to JSON.
I have tried researching this topic before, but most posts I found referenced React native applications running on iOS, where you have to set some security permissions in the plist file to allow HTTP requests or something to do with transport security.
I have implement logging specific points for the data in Application Insights, and I can see that fetch() was called, but then() was never reached; it went straight to the .catch(). So it's not even reaching code that parses the request, because apparently no request came back (we then parse the JSON response and call other functions, but like I said, it doesn't even reach this point).
Which is also odd, since the request never comes back, but it fails (often) within 100 ms.
My suspicions:
Some consumers have some sort of add-on for there browser that is messing with the request. Although, I run with uBlock Origin and HTTPS Everywhere and I have not seen this error. I'm not sure what else could be modifying requests that would cause it to immediately fail.
The call goes through, which then reaches an Azure Application Gateway, which might fail for some reason (too many connected clients, not enough ports, etc) and returns a response that immediately fails the fetch call without running the .then() on the response.
For #2, I remember I had traced a network call that failed and returned Network Request Failed: Made it through the proxy -> made it through the Application Gateway -> hit the backend services -> backend services sent a response. I am currently requesting access to backend service logs in order to verify this on some more recent calls (last time I did this, I did it through a screenshare with a backend developer), and hopefully clear up the path back to the client (the ReactJS application). I do remember though that it made it to the backend services successfully.
So I'm honestly not sure what's going on here. Does anyone have any insight?
Based on your excellent description and detective work, it's clear that the problem is between your Node app and the other domain. The other domain is throwing an error and your proxy has no choice but to say that there's an error on the server. That's why it's always throwing a 500-series error, the Network Request Failed error that you're seeing.
It's an intermittent problem, so the error is inconsistent. It's a waste of your time to continue to look at the browser because the problem will have been created beyond that, either in your proxy translating that request or on the remote server. You have to find that error.
Here's what I'd do...
Implement brute-force logging in your Node app. You can use Bunyan, or Winston or just require(fs) and write out to some file when an error occurs. Then look at the results. Only log it out when the response code from the other server is in the 400 or 500 ranges. Log the request object and the response object.
Something like this with Bunyan:
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => whateverElseYoureDoing(res))
.catch(err => {
// Get the request & response to the remote server{request: req, response: res, err: err});
where the res in this case is the response we just got from the other domain and req is our request to them.
The logs on your Azure server will then have the entire request and response. From this you can find commonalities. and (🤞) the cause of the problem.

Logic Apps: HTTP trigger and response time out

I have pretty simple LA that contains just 3 actions. It has HTTP trigger, then it gets some data from SQL server and returns http response with SQL data.
Sometimes, it takes 30-50 seconds to get data from SQL but Logic App in the meantime responses with Timeout error to caller.
The execution of template action 'Response_2' is failed: the client application timed out waiting for a response from service. This means that workflow took longer to respond than the alloted timeout value. The connection maintained between the client application and service will be closed and client application will get an HTTP status code 504 Gateway Timeout.
Any idea how to increase allowed time for response?
You can turn on the Asynchronous Response in the Settings of the Response action:
When you run your logic app longer than its time limit, you will accept 202 HTTP Code first:
It will return a response contains location header:
You can request the location URL, if the status of your logic app still is running, it will return 202.
If the status of your logic app is Succeeded, then it will return the results you want.
You can refer this official document.

How to fetch data via http request from Node.Js on AppEngine?

Everything works perfect when I run locally. When I deploy my app on AppEngine, for some reason, the most simple request gets timeout errors. I even implemented retry and, while I made some progress, it still not working well.
I don't think it matter since I don't have the problem running on local, but here's the code I just used for request-retry module:
url: url,
maxAttempts: 5,
retryDelay: 1000, // 1s delay
}, function (error, res, body) {
if (!error && res.statusCode === 200) {
} else {
console.log(, 'Error getting data from url:', url, c.Reset);
Any suggestions?
Also, I can see this errors in the Debug:
This request caused a new process to be started for your application, and thus caused your application code to be loaded for the first time. This request may thus take longer and use more CPU than a typical request for your application.
The process handling this request unexpectedly died. This is likely to cause a new process to be used for the next request to your application. (Error code 203)
The error 203 means that Google App Engine detected that the RPC channel has closed unexpectedly and shuts down the instance. The request failure is caused by the instance shutting down.
The other message about a request causing a new process to start in you application is most likely caused by the instances shutting down. This message appears when a new instance starts serving a request. As your instances were dying due to the error 203, new instances were taking its place, serving your new requests and sending that message.
An explaination for why it's working on Google Cloud Engine (or locally) is because the App Engine component causing the error is not present on those environments.
Lastly, if you are still interested in solving the issue with App Engine and are entitled to GCP support, I suggest contacting with the Technical Support team. The issue seems exclusive to App Engine, but I can't answer further about the reason why, that's why I'm suggesting contacting with support. They have more tools available and will be able to help investigate the issue more thoughtfully.

Is it possible to delete data from Firebase by invoking servlets using Google App Engine cron jobs?

I have developed a simple chat application using AngularJs and Firebase. I have hosted this application on the Google app engine platform. Now, I want to delete the Firebase database containing chat messages on a schedule (every night).
Is there any way to achieve this using a servlet, so that it can be invoked as a cron job? Thanks.
PS: The firebase documentation has been given only for Android and I am new to this. SO, specifically looking for servlet code.
It's not entirely clear from your question or description what you need assistance with. This answer assumes you'd like a daily cron job to send a request to an App Engine handler which then deletes data from a Firebase database.
From the documentation, Firebase has a REST API. Therefore, data can be added, removed and updated using standard HTTP requests (GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE). Any application capable of issuing HTTP requests can make changes to the data when properly authenticated and authorized.
Given your request to use a cron job and Java servlet on App Engine, I'd advise the following:
Define a cron job that issues requests to a specific URL in your cron.xml
<description>Delete all chat messages of the day</description>
<schedule>every day 23:00</schedule>
Deploy a servlet that will handle such requests and issue the appropriate HTTP request to Firebase. In your case, it should issue a DELETE request. This can be done using HttpURLConnection.
URL url = new URL("firebase-url-formatted-for-delete-request");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
// Act upon responseCode accordingly
Note that the above servlet code does not include the authentication you'll need to issue the DELETE request. That will require your Firebase secret or a generated token. As I do not have a Firebase account, I cannot test the above so it will likely require some modifications.

GAE App gets socket errors when communicating with BigQuery

Our GAE python application communicates with BigQuery using the Google Api Client for Python (currently we use version 1.3.1) with the GAE-specific authentication helpers. Very often we get a socket error while communicating with BigQuery.
More specifically, we build a python Google API client as follows
1. bq_scope = ''
2. credentials = AppAssertionCredentials(scope=bq_scope)
3. http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
4. bq_service = build('bigquery', 'v2', http=http)
We then interact with the BQ service and get the following error
File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_dist/lib/python2.7/gae_override/", line 536, in getresponse
'An error occured while connecting to the server: %s' % e)
error: An error occured while connecting to the server: Unable to fetch URL: [api url...]
The error raised is of type google.appengine.api.remote_socket._remote_socket_error.error, not an exception that wraps the error.
Initially we thought that it might be timeout-related, so we also tried setting a timeout altering line 3 in the above snippet to
3. http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http(timeout=60))
However, according to the log output of client library the API call takes less than 1 second to crash and explicitly setting the timeout did not change the system behavior.
Note that the error occurs in various API calls, not just a single one, and usually this happens on very light operations, for example we often see the error while polling BQ for a job status and rarely on data fetching. When we re-run the operation, the system works.
Any idea why this might happen and -perhaps- a best-practice to handle it?
All HTTP(s) requests will be routed through the urlfetch service.
Beneath that, the Google Api Client for Python uses httplib2 to make HTTP(s) requests and under the covers this library uses socket.
Since the error is coming from socket you might try to set the timeout there.
import socket
timeout = 30
If we continue up the stack httplib2 will use the timeout parameter from the socket level timeout.
Moving further up the stack you can set the timeout and retries for BigQuery.
timeout = 30000
num_retries = 5
query_request =
query_data = {
'query': (query_var),
'timeoutMs': timeout,
And finally you can set the timeout for urlfetch.
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
If you believe it's timeout related you might want to test each library / level to make sure the timeout is being passed correctly. You can also use a basic timer to see the results.
start_query = time.time()
query_response = query_request.query(
end_query = time.time() - start_query)
There are dozens of questions about timeout and deadline exceeded for GAE and BigQuery on this site so I wouldn't be surprised if you're hitting something weird.
Good luck!
