I have to to give add more button in webform fieldset. add more can be done in multiple times.
What are the best approches.
I try to used webform_addmore module. but it cannot resolve my issue because in this module i have to pre created fieldset. so it can not be unlimited.
All suggestion are welcome.
I hope you can do drupal node theming. Here are the steps you can follow.
Find the drupal webform node id
Edit the node, like, node--node_id.tpl.php
All the variables comes in $node, you can see, by printing edit. you can customize your webfrom from this.
I intend to add dynamically fields like text boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes ,select boxes on a click of button like "ADD More".
I heard we can use AHAH to add fields dynamically, since I used a webform module to build my form, can I still be able to use AHAH to add the feature of "dynamically addition of fields" ?
I found an alternative solution, Simply used php files in building web pages and got the required functionality.
Simple web pages will have an option to add php scripts directly. And relying on AHAH is No- No for the required functionality.
I want to change the content of the checkout complete page in drupal commerce but not able to figure out where to change .I am not able to find the hook_form_alter for this , someone please guide me and help me in updating the content of the checkout page.
i.e Page where it says your order number is XYZ....
The "Checkout complete" page is customizable at /admin/commerce/config/checkout
Even i did face a similar problem. The simplest way to overcome this is to create a new checkout page as per your requirements & use rules module to redirect on that page.
Hope this helps you
I'm trying to create a questionnaire using Webform 3.18 in Drupal 7. However, when I create the form, I cannot see any form fields to add to it. I cannot figure out what to do. Anybody has any suggestions? I am also attaching a screenshot.
Ok so I figured it out. A module called 'Form builder Webform UI" was enabled which was causing the problem. Disabling it fixed things.
I my case are version of Form builder and Webform. if is used Form Builder 7.x-1.6 and Webform 7.x-4.2 the symptoms are as is indicated here. If is used Webform 7.x-4.1 or 7.x-3.21 and Form Builder 7.x-1.5 (does not work with 7.x-1.6) the things works ok. Seems could be related with https://www.drupal.org/node/2383285
I've got a form that's being generated using the Form API. There is a fieldset that contains several text fields. What I need to do is have a link or button that a user clicks if they want to add a duplicate of that fieldset to the form so they can add another set of similar information to the form. This is to essentially allow them to add multiple records without having to add each record individually. Is there a good way to go about adding this kind of functionality using the Forms API in Drupal 7?
There's a good example of this in the examples module package:
It's a little complex, but that is very well documented, so you should be able to follow along.
You'll want to look at the entire ajax_example module (part of http://drupal.org/project/examples) for the relevant menu callbacks as well.
hi i m new to drupal i want to know that how could i add my custom page for the display the some information which is come from databases, i have create that page in core php (for example information.php)but i want to add that page in drupal 7 how it is possible
looking for the quick and best reply
The quickest way would be to add a content type "Information" to your drupal site, rename your information.php file to node--information.tpl.php and use the Drupal Database API to get stuff from your database. Finally you'd want to put node--information.tpl.php in your theme/%themename/templates/ folder and add new content with the Content Type "Information".
The best way would be to make a new module. Build your menu structure and add a theming function that calls a template file. When calling the template file using theme(), pass along the data that needs to be displayed.
In addition you might want to check out the Custom Page module: http://drupal.org/project/custompage