WPF ListView with ItemsSource: how to know when model adds item - wpf

Question: What is "proper" way of letting the user control's "view model" (.xaml.cs file) know that a ListViewItem has been added to a ListView? Note that this post is addresses a different problem.
I have a UserControl which contains a ListView and a DataContext:
The ListView has an ItemsSource={Binding ActionLogEntries}
ActionLogEntries is an ObservableCollection property in the DataContext
The data context adds items to the ListView when certain things happen.
But there isn't a ListView.ItemAdded event. There is a CollectionChanged event on ObservableCollection in data context but the view model's handler of this event could get called before the item is added to the ListView so this doesn't seem like a good strategy.
FYI: This came up because when items are added to the ListView, it doesn't automatically scroll to the newly added item, which is behavior I have to add. Presumably I'd use ScrollIntoView after that.

So there are at least two ways of skinning this cat:
do as explained by Clemens in comment to my question
do as in this post by WPF Mentor
Solution 1 seems more natural for the event subscription, since you don't need to cast; also IntelliSense doesn't show class members of implemented interfaces without cast, so for Solution 2 you have to remember to look at what interfaces are implemented and check for events there too. Here is what the subscription looks like for each solution:
protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs e)
// Solution 1, subscription:
xActionListView.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged +=
new ItemsChangedEventHandler(ActionLog_ItemsChanged);
// Solution 2, subscription:
((INotifyCollectionChanged)xActionListView.Items).CollectionChanged +=
new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(ActionListView_CollectionChanged);
But solution 2 has easier to use event arg in handler:
// Solution 1, handler:
private void ActionLog_ItemsChanged(object sender, ItemsChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
// Solution 1, scroll the new item into view
xActionListView.Items[e.Position.Index + e.Position.Offset]);
// Solution 2, handler:
private void ActionListView_CollectionChanged(
object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
// Solution 2, scroll the new item into view
It looks like in some circumstances, one solution may be more appropriate than the other: the event data may be easier to use in one or the other based on what data you need.


How to set scroll position from view model with caliburn.micro?

I have a ListBox in my view, bound to a collection that is dynamically growing. I would like the scroll position to follow the last added item (which is appended to the bottom of the list). How can I achieve this with Caliburn.Micro?
An alternative could be to use the event aggregator to publish a message to the view.
Something like:
and in the view:
public class SomeView : IHandle<ItemAddedMessage<SomeItemType>>
public void Handle(ItemAddedMessage<SomeItemType> message)
// Implement view specific behaviour here
It depends on what your requirements are but at least then the view is responsible for display concerns and you can still test the VM
Also you could just implement the code solely in the view - since it appears to be a view concern (e.g. using the events that listbox provides)
A behaviour would also be useful but maybe one that's a little less coupled to your types - e.g. a generic behaviour SeekAddedItemBehaviour which hooks listbox events to find the last item. Not sure if the listbox exposes the required events, but worth a look
Ok this may work full stop - you should be able to just attach this behaviour to the listbox and it should take care of the rest:
public class ListBoxSeekLastItemBehaviour : System.Windows.Interactivity.Behavior<ListBox>
private static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceWatcherProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSourceWatcher", typeof(object), typeof(ListBoxSeekLastItemBehaviour), new PropertyMetadata(null, OnItemsSourceWatcherPropertyChanged));
private ListBox _listBox = null;
private static void OnItemsSourceWatcherPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
ListBoxSeekLastItemBehaviour source = d as ListBoxSeekLastItemBehaviour;
if (source != null)
private void OnItemsSourceWatcherPropertyChanged()
// The itemssource has changed, check if it raises collection changed notifications
if (_listBox.ItemsSource is INotifyCollectionChanged)
// if it does, hook the CollectionChanged event so we can respond to items being added
(_listBox.ItemsSource as INotifyCollectionChanged).CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(ListBoxSeekLastItemBehaviour_CollectionChanged);
void ListBoxSeekLastItemBehaviour_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add && e.NewItems.Count > 0)
// If an item was added seek it
protected override void OnAttached()
// We've been attached - get the associated listbox
var box = this.AssociatedObject as ListBox;
if (box != null)
// Hold a ref
_listBox = box;
// Set a binding to watch for property changes
System.Windows.Data.Binding binding = new System.Windows.Data.Binding("ItemsSource") { Source = _listBox; }
// EDIT: Potential bugfix - you probably want to check the itemssource here just
// in case the behaviour is applied after the original ItemsSource binding has been evaluated - otherwise you might miss the change
private void ScrollIntoView(object target)
// Set selected item and try and scroll it into view
_listBox.SelectedItem = target;
You probably want to tidy it up a bit and also make sure that the event handler for CollectionChanged is removed when the ItemsSource changes.
Also you might want to call it SeekLastAddedItemBehaviour or SeekLastAddedItemBehavior - I tend to keep the US spelling since it matches Microsoft's spelling. I think SeekLastItem sounds like it will scroll to the last item in the list rather than the last added item
You could reference the view in the view model using GetView(). That also couples the view and view model.
var myView = GetView() as MyView;
Another option is to create a behavior. This is an example of how to use a behavior to expand a TreeView from the view model. The same could be applied to a ListBox.
Actually, there is an easier way to achieve this, without any of the above.
Just extend your Listbox with the following:
namespace Extensions.Examples {
public class ScrollingListBox : ListBox
protected override void OnItemsChanged(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewItems != null)
int newItemCount = e.NewItems.Count;
if (newItemCount > 0)
this.ScrollIntoView(e.NewItems[newItemCount - 1]);
Then in Xaml, Declare the Location of your extension class as so:
And when you create your listbox, instead of using
Just use your extended class

SL4: need to register for a move (or redraw) event on an Item in an ItemsControl

Not finding a move event or redraw event in the FrameworkElement class. And Google not helping either. So...
I have a custom ItemsControl populated by an observable collection in the VM. The ItemsControl itself leverages the
<ei:MouseDragElementBehavior ConstrainToParentBounds="True"/>
behavior so the user can drag around the whole assembly.
When the user moves the assembly, I want to be notified by each item as the item is repositioned as a result of the assembly moving. So far I have tried registering for
this.myItem.LayoutUpdated += this.OnSomethingNeedsToUpdate;
but it doesn't seem to fire as I drag the assembly around.
this.myItem.MouseMove += this.OnSomethingNeedsToUpdate;
only works if I mouse into the item which is not good enough. Because I am moving the ItemsControl and then have to go mouse into the item to get the event to fire.
Any ideas? Can I look to some ancestor in the visual tree for help in the form of a OneOfMyDecendantsWasRedrawn event or similar? Again I am trying to be notified when an item moves not be notified when the assembly moves.
I would say your best bet would be to add the MouseDragElementBehavior to your custom ItemsControl in code instead of in the Xaml. Here is how this might look (using a Grid since that is easier to demo):
public class DraggableGrid : Grid
public DraggableGrid()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(DraggableGrid_Loaded);
void DraggableGrid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MouseDragElementBehavior dragable = new MouseDragElementBehavior();
dragable.Dragging += new MouseEventHandler(dragable_Dragging);
void dragable_Dragging(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// Custom Code Here
In the section that says Custom Code Here you would loop through you Items and notify them that they are being dragged.
I ended up writting another behavior for the individual items I care about and then wrote a LINQ query to search up the visual tree looking for ancestors with the MouseDragElementBehavior attached to them. That query found the ItemsControl since it was an eventual parent of the Item. I was then able to register for the Dragging event as desried.
Thanks again to Bryant for providing the solution over here.

WPF Listview : Column reorder event?

I need to sync the column order of two ListViews event when the user changes the order. But it seems there is not a Column reorder event.
For the moment I just did a AllowsColumnReorder="False" but that is not a permanent solution. While searching the net I found many people with the same problem but no solution. What can be done?
I'm not sure it works, but you could probably take advantage of the fact that GridView.Columns is an ObservableCollection : you could subscribe to the CollectionChanged event and handle the case where Action = Move
GridView gridView = (GridView)listView.View;
gridView.Columns.CollectionChanged += gridView_CollectionChanged;
private void gridView_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move)
string msg = string.Format("Column moved from position {0} to position {1}", e.OldIndex, e.NewIndex);

Event handler that will be called when an item is added in a listbox

Is there an event handler that will be called when an item is added in a listbox in WPF?
The problem is that the INotifyCollectionChanged interface which contains the event handler is explicitly implemented, which means you have to first cast the ItemCollection before the event handler can be used:
public MyWindow()
((INotifyCollectionChanged)mListBox.Items).CollectionChanged +=
private void mListBox_CollectionChanged(object sender,
NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
// scroll the new item into view
Josh's advice about the observable collection should also be considered.
Take a different approach. Create an ObservableCollection (which does have such an event) and set the ItemsSource of the ListBox to this collection. In other words, in WPF you should think about the problem differently. The control isn't necessarily what is being modified ... the collection behind it is.
Based on your comment to Mitch's answer which indicates your binding source is actually an XML document, I suggest looking into hooking up to the XObject.Changed event of the XML document/element/etc. This will give you change information about the XML structure itself - not the ItemCollection which is an implementation detail you shouldn't need to consider. For example, ItemCollection (or any INotifyCollectionChanged) doesn't guarantee an individual event for every change. As you noted, sometimes you'll just get a generic reset notification.

Using IEditableObject In Silverlight

I have a object that implements the IEditableObject interface exposed on a viewmodel bound to a Silverlight page.
How/Where do I call the BeginEdit, CancelEdit and EndEdit methods? How can I constrain only objects implementing this interface to my page?
I am NOT using DataGrid or DataForm controls. I am using Label, TextBox and DescriptionViewer controls to display the data for editing.
I know this is an old thread (but for the sake of future use...)
I do it this way:
whenever the current item (for instance of a CollectionViewSource) changes this is done:
void View_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (culturesView.Source != null)
Whenever i want to save (the current item) i do this:
private void Save()
//do the actual saving to the dbms here ....
Whenever i want to cancel (current changes) i do this:
private void Cancel()
//allthough we have canceled the editing we have to re-enable the edit mode (because
//the user may want to edit the selected record again)
Hope it helps someone in the future!
