Sharing files without letting the end users store them into their PC - file

We got PDF files that are only allowed to be viewed in the office. Some users keep those files in the flash drive disk and bring them home or send them to their email. What'd be the best way to prevent this situation. Taking a screenshot of screen is still enabled.
Network : 100 Mbps LAN-based
Number of concurrent users to view file
: Around 50 at a time.

If a user can read a file, he can copy it. You definitely need a piece of software to act as the go-between. There are a few software solutions out there that use DRM encryption to protect your PDF files. Some claim to prevent screen captures as well.
In your situation, you would probably want to have the DRM software check for a license certificate server on your network to ensure they are at the office before letting them open the file. This would allow them to still use take-home thumbdrives and laptops to get work done.
Try searching for "PDF DRM" and see what you find.


How can I protect our client database in either Windows or Access?

I started working for a company in the field service industry. We have a program and client database build in Access. As of right now, they are scheduling their service calls in a notebook. I am trying to get this company into this era by having a web-based scheduling software.
I have basic schooling networking but I am not a programmer nor do I know Access. I have learned how to split the database and create a multi-user environment and converted it to accdb from mdb to work with Access 2013 instead of 2003 in which it was written. These steps have greatly helped but I am not sure where to go from here.
My next step is the scheduling software but the company's greatest concern is the protection of their client database. Not from outside hackers but there is always a concern of employees selling our client list to our competitors. Also, at this time, employees do not have web access for this reason, which they will need.
Is there any way to keep the accdb file from being sent via email etc. or copied to external media? If I set up permissions through the OS, won't that make the client files uneditable (for lack of a better word) in Access? Like address/tele # changes or notes? I'm not even sure what to even search for help.
Thank in advance for your time
I understand that Access 2013 can be installed on a Server 2008 R2 or 2012 server. Put a password on the database. That should keep hackers out, and as far as keeping employees out of the data that they shoudn't be in, I know the navigation bar can be hidden, but it is unfortunately able to be viewed again by the F11 key. It would've been nice if MS could have made the navigation bar ability an easy option (yes or no), and make it modifyable in VBA....They may have. Keeping users out of raw data is something I have yet to figure out too....
I'm a novice at this stuff, but I was able to write code, and a login screen of my own so that users can have their own login ID, and a password (or phrase), and enable them to change their own password if they forget it, or if they just just to change it. You can make the navigation bar disappear by the VBA code: DoCmd.LockNavigationPane True...but unfortunately F11 can re-enable it.
Hope this helps....

Ability to detect if this is the users first login to Windows 7

I have an windows application (WPF) in which we are running on each login, however when the user first logs into a new PC the application will need to do some specific tasks, but only on the users first login and never on subsequent times.
Is there a way in .Net 3.5 to query wether the user has logged in before (ie some kind of login count)?
Failing any native support I will create a txt file in the users registry however I wanted to know if there is a native way of achieving this first.
We use redirected folders so the user may have already logged into a PC on our network these special events should only occur when the user hasnt logged in onto the PC and Windows has had to create a new profile for the user on the PC.
If I am not clearly explaining what I am seeking, please dont hesiate in letting me know.
Failing any native support I will create a txt file in the users registry however I wanted to know if there is a native way of achieving this first.
I'd recommend going with this option. Don't try to detect it, just create your own state on first run.
I suggest this, not because it is technically impossible to achieve the functionality you describe, but because it is a better user experience. It provides an easy way to re-do the action without having to recreate the user.
... a txt file in the users registry ...
I'm not sure what this means. You can create text files under the user's profile directory, and you can insert string values in the registry (but not files of any sort).
As for the particular mechanism, I suggest you consider:
An App.Config value. Clearing out the value is easier to support or batch-script than a registry value, and makes the user less scared that their machine will explode if you have to tell them to edit the settings. Users are scared of the registry.
A sentinel text file under the user profile directory. Wiping out the file is super-easy to support and batch-script. Instead of editing a text file, they can just delete one. But this makes it so you have multiple config mechanisms, so multiple points of failure. I'd only do this if I were using the App.Config for additional settings in the program and thought the user wouldn't be technical enough to hand edit it.
The windows registry. Remote registry access might be easier than remote file access, if you're having to do remote troubleshooting. It also might be easier to mess with via group policy, in case this is an intranet app and you need to force a re-run on all machines in your org.
I'd carefully consider my options and which is most likely to ease support (be understandable by my users) before committing to one. I'd also consider the remote-troubleshooting/remote reset scenario.
This may not be what you're looking for but I'm hoping it will help you anyway.. I do not know from the top of my head how to do this in WPF but I do know you can use an "unattend.xml" file and the FirstLogonCommands to execute a script or application on first logon. I have used this for Windows 7, it may not apply to XP.

Large File Advice

I have to deliver 2-ish GB media files to customers (zipped up) after purchase. Any advice on how to deliver such big files to the general population (translated: novice internet users who will not be savvy enough to use FTP or something).
We can build a download manager for Windows users, but I doubt we'll be able to get one for Mac/Linux. Is there a standard solution I don't know about?
For most users on a high speed internet connection, novice or not, a direct HTTP download link is likely sufficient. Just be sure that your HTTP responses for both HEAD and GET return the Content-Length header so that users get an accurate progress bar for their download.
In my opinion, the only other reasonable option for novices is probably a download manager. You could of course build your own (possibly using a product like Real Basic to quickly code for all 3 platforms)
There are a number of companies out there that have off the shelf "download assistants" as well. May want to take a look at what companies like Adobe are using for their software downloads.
EDIT: Turns out Adobe uses a custom AIR application for their "download assistant" which is a cross platform option as well.
I'd say have them as a .torrent file. That way people can continue where they left off, and don't have to start over. You can divide the file into a bunch of rar's or .r01-.r20 and it'll help with distribution. THe bottom line is you don't want people to keep having to start over, this can be frustrating. With a .torrent is viable, especially if you don't want to use FTP.
Windows doesn't have a built in .torrent handler, but I'm sure Linux does. OS X I'm not sure about either.

using IsolatedStorageFile with Silverlight 4

I am looking at writing a silverlight app that I plan to use OOB setting to enable use on both PC and mac.
I have been doing a little investagation on the isolationstoragefile and what I understand is it will work for both pc and mac without a problem.....Is that correct?
The application I am building is going to be a business application that will submit details back to the main database if there is an available connection. If not then I want to store the information locally until there is an available connection.
My question is lets say I have 3 user accounts using the same machine. Can I have the isolationfile stored in the same place? or must it be under the user profile?
I don't want to have orphaned records which I could see happening if the data is stored on each user's profile.
Any advise would be great!
I understand is it will work for both pc and mac without a problem.
That is correct. You don't need to worry about the mechanics of how it is persisted to disk.
I have 3 user accounts using the same machine. Can I have the isolationfile stored in the same place? or must it be under the user profile?
IS is located under the user profile. In a full trust (elevated) OOB app you may be able to store files elsewhere on the file system by using the FileSystemObject or by using some COM interop, but there is no guarantee that you can get to that file again (NOTE: i haven't played with saving files external to IS, so may be wrong/misinformed on this). If you can whack files out to anywhere on the file system you should be very careful doing it - what if you are running on a Mac?
I don't want to have orphaned records which I could see happening if the data is stored on each user's profile.
If you mean data may be stored locally because of no connection, then that user logs off and never logs back in again to that machine so their data never syncs to the server, then yes that is a possibility. Having a service monitoring for saved data files would be ideal, but you can't do that under SL. To completely eliminate that issue may take a change in your product, like writing it as a WPF client instead of SL.

How to assign permissions for Copy/Paste on windows

Well, as everyone knows there is no way you can assign permissions for Copy/Paste of files on windows platform.
I need to control the copy process from a central file server, in a way that helps me know:
which user performed the copy
Which files were copied
where did he pasted them
Total size of data copied
Time of copy operation
If user exceeds the allowed "Copy-Limit", a dialog box requests him to enter administrative credentials or deny him (as it would be configured)
Store all this data in a file for later review or send by email.
I need to collect this data by putting a utility program on the server itself, without any other installation on client computers.
I know about monitoring the Clipboard, but which clipboard would it be? the user's clipboard or the server's clipboard ?
And what about drag-drop operation, which doesn't even pass through the clipboard?
Any knowledge of whether SystemFileWatcher is useful in such case ?
Any ideas ?
I don't think the clipboard has anything to do with things here. The result of a "Copy and Paste" action at the client is that files are copied from a share, right? In fact, it's not the act of "Copy" that you care about, it's the "Paste" (A clipboard Copy of a file doesn't do anything until you Paste it somewhere).
So, I think you should ignore clipboards all together and look for ways to monitor file access on your share.
Essentially, you're looking for file share auditing. Windows has some of this built in, but I'm no expert. In fact, you might get more traction with this sort of question on (sister site to so long as you word it in terms of file share auditing. Oh, and you didn't mention the OS of your server here - you should do so if you post on
