CakePHP 2 : Implement CakePDF plugin by Ceeram - cakephp

I'm trying to implement the CakePDF plugin designed by Ceeram.
I'm using CakePHP 2 and I work locally using wamp on windows vista. I followed everything from the readme file but I got stucked at some point.
What I'd firstly like to do is converting an HTML link to a PDF using the WkHtmlToPdf engine. I see many people having issues to make it work so I'm gonna detail all the way through in the following different steps.
STEP 1: CakePdf plugin by Ceeram
I downloaded the plugin at
I extracted the contained folder into app/Plugin/CakePdf
STEP 2: Bootstrap
I added the following lines - app/Config/bootstrap.php :
CakePlugin::load('CakePdf', array('bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true));
Configure::write('CakePdf', array(
'engine' => 'CakePdf.WkHtmlToPdf'
'orientation' => 'portrait',
'download' => true
STEP 3: Controller
I've created my controller "InvoicesController.php" - app/Controller/InvoicesController.php:
class InvoicesController extends AppController {
public $components = array('RequestHandler');
public function view($id = null) {
$this->Invoice->id = $id;
if (!$this->Invoice->exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid invoice'));
$this->pdfConfig = array(
'orientation' => 'portrait',
'filename' => 'Invoice_' . $id
$this->set('invoice', $this->Invoice->read(null, $id));
STEP 4: View
I've created a pdf folder in my view folder and created view.ctp in app/View/Invoices/pdf/view.ctp.
STEP 5: Layout
I've created a pdf folder in my layout folder and created app/View/Layouts/pdf/default.ctp
That's about it. In my view I couldn't make a PDF file from an URL.
Although I have to mention I'm new in OOP and CakePHP so I would be very grateful if you could show me how to have this done. I'm sure it will help others because there many newbies like me who want to do this but because it's all meant for advanced programmers we cannot figure out how to put the pieces together.
Thank you very much for your understanding and your help!

You need to add RequestHandler component, and browse to localhost/invoices/view/1.pdf
Looks like i had forgotten to mention to add RequestHandler component in the readme.
Also for WkHtmlToPdf you need to tell it where it can find it, and since you are on windows the default location surely wont work for you. You can set the location with Configure::write('CakePdf.binary', 'C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\wkhtmltopdf.exe') after having installed it on windows

You are missing this code in app/config/routers.php
Router::setExtensions(array('json', 'xml', 'rss', 'pdf'));
details available on:


Using CakePdf data not showing

I am in a problem with CakePDF. I am using CakePHP 2.3.6. I setup everything alright, bootstrap & core files are ok.
Now, I want to generate many pdf files and download them. Downloading is ok, but when I download the files, I see that the generated pdf files say that Undefined $data, where I send $data to the view file.
Here is my Controller code:
App::uses('CakePdf', 'CakePdf.pdf');
// ...
public function createPdf($id) {
$data = $this->DBTable->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'' => $id
$CakePdf = new CakePdf();
$path = APP . DS . 'pdf' . DS;
foreach($data as $key => $var) {
$CakePdf->template('create', 'default');
$this->set('var', $var);
$this->pdfConfig = array(
'orientation' => 'portrait',
'filename' => $var['id'] . ".pdf"
$CakePdf->write($path . $var['id'] . ".pdf");
Here, I am downloading the files some other way, not related to this problem, because downloading is ok. When I run this, all files are downloaded, and when I see the files, they say "Udefined var", looks like they didn't receive and variable called "$var".
I put the view file & the layout exactly where ceeram said.
What should I do now ? Please help me.
At last I got a solution to this. In the Controller function :
$CakePdf=new CakePdf();
Here, we have to store view_file.ctp in View/Pdf/, and default in View/Layouts/pdf/, where view_file.ctp is the view file which we want to convert in pdf, and default is the layout for this specific view file.
Here, viewVars() function passes the data to the view file, just like :
Let me know if anything is not clear here.

Wrong File Type for File Download - CakePHP

In my cakephp web page, I have a button that the user clicks and it performs some maintenance on the server and then presents a download to the user. The file download is testlogs.gzip but when the download option occurs in firefox, it comes up as a file type of html document.
The file downloads and extracts fine, but I want the file type to be correct.
Here is the Media view class for the download:
//$this->autoRender = false;
$this->viewClass = 'Media';
$params = array(
'id' => 'systemlogs',
'name' => 'testsystemlogs',
'download' => true,
'extension' => 'gzip',
// 'mimeType' => 'zip',
'path' => DS . 'home' . DS
I tried to add in the 'mimeType' => 'zip' but that did not work.
Any help would be great.
UPDATE: I tested uploading of the same files and I used firebug to determine the content type. The only file types I care about are of type: application/octet-stream.
So I think I just need to set this type in the Media class settings, not sure how to do that though.
mimeType has to be specified as an associative array (extension -> type), in your case this would be array('gzip' => 'application/x-gzip'). CakePHP merges this array with the built-in array of known MIME types in CakeResponse class.
However, CakePHP already knows the MIME type of .gz files so changing the extension of your file, if it is an option, might be an even easier solution.

CakePHP generate and save PDF

I am using CakePHP for an application that does auto generation of vouchers to a PDF file. But they work through user clicks. Now I wish to create it automatically and have the file written to the server hard disk. Then later on, these files will get zipped up and sent to an email of my choice.
For the PDFs I use Html2ps/Html2pdf component found in CakePHP. You can view it here
One issue I have is the formatting doesn't look right. If I have links that look like this:
They will render this way in the generated PDF: is- my- perma- link
And that would be a broken link. I've tried to use other characters to replace the dash but it doesn't work. I am not sure why.
Another issue is, how can I write the generated PDF file to my server hard disk? Is there an option for me to do that and how do I define the destination. Any examples?
Maybe thanks in advance!
Hi you can to use FPDF library . and you can to save file in the server and then redirect to other function.
check the next code.
///Call to library
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
require_once APP . 'Vendor' . DS . 'fpdf17' . DS . 'fpdf.php';
class TestController extends AppController {
public function test(){
--Create fpdf.
$pdf = new FPDF();
return $this->redirect(
array('controller' => 'Test', 'action' => 'test_new')

HtmlHelper not loaded in tutorial example

I followed the tutorial to create a blog for CakePHP 1.3 up to this step but keep getting error when running the app:
Notice (8): Undefined property: View::$Html [APP\views\posts\index.ctp, line 27]
Line 27:
echo $this->Html->link($post['Post']['title'], array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'view', $post['Post']['id']));
Apparently CakePHP doesn't load the HtmlHelper class, I check over and over again in my controller, the Html should be loaded properly.
class PostsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Posts';
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');
function index() {
$this->set('posts', $this->Post->find('all'));
When I added this line to the view (index.ctp), it works
$this->Html = &$this->loaded['html'];
But apparently I can't do that for every ctp file. I'm running Windows 7, WAMP 2, PHP 5.3.5, CakePHP 1.3.7 stable.
Anyone has a clue?
Like the comment by mtnorthrop above:
Is the FormHelper being loaded in your
views? What do you get if you do
pr($this->Html) in your view? How
about pr($html)? Until CakePHP 1.3,
helpers were accessed directly instead
of through the View object. In CakePHP
1.3 both methods should work. Does the plain $html->link() or $form->input()
methods work for you? – mtnorthrop 51
mins ago
From the book:
"The HtmlHelper is available in all
views by default. If you're getting an
error informing you that it isn't
there, it's usually due to its name
being missing from a manually
configured $helpers controller
You shouldn't need to specify it in your controllers. Perhaps somehow doing so is interfering with the core? BTW, you don't need to specify Form either.

Setting up magic routes for plugins in CakePHP 1.3?

I'm working on upgrading my project from CakePHP 1.2 to 1.3. In the process, it seems that the "magic" routing for plugins by which a controller name (e.g.: "ForumsController") matching the plugin name (e.g.: "forums") no longer automatically routes to the root of the plugin URL (e.g.: "" pointing to plugin "forums", controller "forums", action "index").
The error message given is as follows:
Error: ForumsController could not be found.
Error: Create the class ForumsController below in file: app/controllers/forums_controller.php
class ForumsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Forums';
In fact, even if I navigate to "" or "", I get the same exact error.
Do I need to explicitly set up routes to every single plugin I use? This seems to destroy a lot of the magic I like about CakePHP. I've only found that doing the following works:
Router::connect('/forums/:action/*', array('plugin' => 'forums', 'controller' => 'forums'));
Router::connect('/forums', array('plugin' => 'forums', 'controller' => 'forums', 'action' => 'index'));
Setting up 2 routes for every single plugin seems like overkill, does it not? Is there a better solution that will cover all my plugins, or at least reduce the number of routes I need to set up for each plugin?
I guess, that topic Configuration-and-application-bootstrapping covers that:
'plugins' => array('/full/path/to/plugins/', '/next/full/path/to/plugins/')
Also take a look at this ticket: (Cake 1.3 had removed magic plugin routes).
You don't have myplugin_app_controller.php in your /app/plugins/myplugin directory.
Just create a file containing following:
class MypluginAppController extends AppController {
And you will have all your plugin's features. :)
