responsive mobile design viewport - mobile

I am trying to get a mobile site to behave. I am using the viewport meta tag to make the site fit all screens and be scalable. I have made all table and all images (over 200 px wide) 100% width, have set the viewport tag to:
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=2, user-scalable=yes"
because I want it to be able to zoom in for those needing to read the text, yet have it open initially to fitting centered on the screen (any screen).
It almost fits on iphones and androids in portrait (testing on iphone 4 & 5 as well as galaxy iii android). But part of it is still not visible on the right? It fits fine on ipads or in landscape mode on phones. This is driving me insane, and must be something simple I am over looking. Live view is:
I am using jquery colorbox on the page - could that be interfering? I thought colorbox was responsive?
Any help or suggestions will be gratefully accepted - what do I need to post of the code?

Your table that holds the More Info, Purchase and Testimonials has a width="340" on it. That is what is messing everything up.


why does viewport 700px not fit 700px website on mobile?

I am developing a website (mostly) without responsive adaptations. I made it so that it looks the same on PC as on smartphone (smartphone-first approach). No frameworks or anything, just nice clean html/css. I specifically made it to fit within 700px width, so that I only need to declare viewport 700px wide and it would fit - but it does not.
<meta name="viewport" content="700, initial-scale=1" />
but whatever I try, the website is always too big on the smartphone (tested on android, brave and chrome) and has to be zoomed out to get it to fit. How can that be? There is nothing on the page wider than 600px.
here is the site in development
I appreciate any input

how to debug html page on mobile?

I have developed a custom wordpress template based on theme twentythirteen.
The theme works fine on desktop, it's so so on tablets, and looks really wrong on smartphones.
The customized parts (the one that I made) resize correctly to take all the width possible, but the content structure that I kept of the original theme becomes more narrow that the screen. On smartphones the content width is like 20% of the available screen width.
How can I check what is wrong to fix it? I do suppose that it could be the other way around: the customizations stay too big, while the responsive layout resize itself correctly, with the result that the mobile browser scales everything to fit and I get my changes fine and the responsive part very small.
In that case, how could I fix the resize of my custom parts to fit nicely?
I looked for remote debugging and I solved my issue using this solution:

Responsive Design on a Samsung Galaxy S III Mini

I'm busy making an existing site responsive, currently I'm only making it responsive for one resolution so that my sales manager can "sell" the idea of a responsive site to the client. I've run into a problem, I've been assigned the screen size of 480px by 800px, the screen size of a Samsung Galaxy S III Mini.
When testing the responsive design on my computer using responsive design view in firefox or various other online tools, it works fine. However, when I test it on my phone, it displays the correct responsive design but it does not fill the width of the screen. In other words, the screen width is 480 pixels, but nothing on the page actually fills that 480px it only covers about half the screen width and leaves white space on the right.
This is the media query that I'm using:
#media only screen and (max-width : 480px),
only screen and (max-device-width : 480px){
Does this have something to do with pixel density or what is causing this problem?
Thanks in advance
Kind Regards
<meta name="viewport">
Have you looked into this tag? This changes the way the layout is zoomed/scaled on mobile browsers. You can look at what I found here: . This example shows the problem you seem to be having. The "viewport" tag works in all mobile browsers, as far as I know, but you should check different browsers on the phone if this doesn't help you.
I had the same right-side white problem when all widths were working correctly, and solved it by turning off overflow in CSS as follows... This might hide actual content so you will have to test per your situation/layout...
html { overflow-x: hidden; }

How do I keep text from zooming in while turning iPhone from portrait to landscape in a web app?

I am creating my first responsive site, I am having trouble because when the iPhone is in portrait orientation, the text looks fine, but while turning to landscape, the text, images, etc all zoom in and get bigger to fit the screen. The font-size is in pixels so shouldn't it stay the same? How do I make it so it stays the same size and just adjusts the text wrap? An example of what Im trying to achieve would be this site on an iPhone. Thanks.
This sounds like the iOS orientation bug. There's a lot of incorrect advice out there to set a maximum scale in the viewport meta tag which seems to fix it but actually introduces a number of other issues. You might want to look at the workround to see if this does what you need.

What is the maximum width of current mobile browsers?

I am using a script from to detect whether a site is being viewed on a mobile browser.
If the site is on a mobile browser, I show a pared down, simple slideshow. If it is a regular browser, I show a whiz-bang super slideshow. I'd like to optimize my images, making them as small as possible on the mobile slideshow. My mobile slideshow is responsive, so it will shrink to fit in whatever window, but I don't want to make it any larger initially than it absolutely has to be.
Does anyone know what the maximum width is on the current array of mobile browsers? Or rather, the maximum width of mobile devices that are detected with the script?
BTW, I'm not asking how to detect the width once the page is loaded in a browser.
Thank you!!
I think you guys misunderstood my question. I AM using max-width:100%. My images DO scale to fit any screen-size. And, I DO determine whether to show a simple slideshow or a complex one. Here's my logic:
If the user is using a mobile device (based on the device detector)
show a simple slideshow
Else the use is NOT using a mobile device (based on the device detector)
If this is a small screen (based on media queries)
show a simple slideshow
Else this is a large screen (based on media queries)
show a complex slideshow
End If (based on media queries)
End If (based on the device detector)
Why bother using mobile detection at all? Because even though for small screens I am only showing the simple, low-filesize slideshow on small screens, the images from the complex, image-heavy, high-filesize slideshow ARE STILL DOWNLOADED ( My media query determination of which slideshow to show doesn't save the user from having to download the images of the slideshow that's currently not shown. It's only used because the simple slideshow looks better on small screens than the complex one. Using the mobile detection screen makes sure that images that aren't shown, aren't downloaded.
Why do I care what the maximum width is on current mobile devices, when my images are set to 100% width and will scale down to fit any size? Because a 900px wide image has a larger filesize than a 600px wide image. If I know what the max width is that the image needs to be, I can save the slide down to that size initially, saving some additional bandwidth. Have you guys ever viewed a slideshow on a mobile device? Slow!
I would really appreciate if anyone can point me towards the proper stats. I googled, but couldn't find what I needed.
The answer is almost certain to change as soon as you deploy the software.
It also depends on whether you mean pixels or screen-resolution-pixels (the Retina displays define them differently).
Perhaps it's best to stick with detecting mobile browsers (if you don't like the scripts you're using, see , e.g.:
Detecting mobile browsers on the web?)
and then let users opt into higher-rez images.
Alternately, you could try to detect bandwidth, which is really what you're optimizing for; 'mobile' is just a proxy for this, and only moderately correlated with it.
