14-bit left-justified two's complement to a signed short - c

I have two bytes containing a 14-bit left-justified two's complement value, and I need to convert it to a signed short value (ranging from -8192 to +8191, I guess?)
What would be the fastest way to do that?

Simply divide by 4.
(Note, right-shift leads to implementation/undefined behaviour.)

A portable solution:
short convert(unsigned char hi, unsigned char lo)
int s = (hi << 6) | (lo >> 2);
if (s >= 8192)
s -= 16384;
return s;


How to combine two hex value(High Value & Low Value) at two different array positions?

I received two hex values where at array[1] = lowbyte and at array[2] = highbyte where for my example lowbyte = 0xF4 and highbyte = 0x01 so the value will be in my example 1F4(500). So I want to combine these two values and compare but how do I do that without any library function?
Please help and sorry for my bad English.
I did some research and I found this as my solution and it seems to be working fine:
int temp = (short)(((HIGHBYTE) & 0xFF) << 8 | (LOWBYTE) & 0xFF);
Just a basic example showing how to combine values of two different variables into one:
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
char highbyte = 0x01;
unsigned char lowbyte = 0xF4; //Edited as per comments from #Fe2O3,
short int val = 0;
val = (highbyte << 8) | lowbyte; // If lowbyte declared as signed, then masking is required `lowbyte & 0xFF`
printf("0x%hx\n", val);
return 0;
Tested this on Linux PC.
Based on the answer where you converted to short, it seems you may want to combine the two bytes to produce a 16-bit two’s complement integer. This answer shows how to do that in three ways for which the behavior is fully defined by the C standard, as well as a fourth way that requires knowledge of the C implementation being used. Methods 1 and 3 are also defined in C++.
Given two eight-bit unsigned bytes with the more significant byte in highbyte and the less significant byte in lowbyte, four options for constructing the 16-bit two’s complement value they represent are:
Assemble the bytes in the desired order and copy them into an int16_t: uint16_t t = (uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte; int16_t result; memcpy(&result, &t, sizeof result);.
Assemble the bytes in the desired order and use a union to reinterpret them: int16_t result = (union { uint16_t u; int16_t i; }) { (uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte } .i;.
Construct the result arithmetically: int16_t result = ((highbyte ^ 128) - 128) * 256 + lowbyte;.
If it is given that the code will be used only with C implementations that define conversion to a signed integer to wrap, then a conversion may be used: int16_t result = (int16_t) ((uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte);.
(In the last, the conversion to int16_t is implicit in the initialization, but a cast is used because, without it, some compilers will produce a warning or error, depending on switches.)
Note: int16_t and uint16_t are defined by including <stdint.h>. Alternatively, if it is given that short is 16 bits, then short and unsigned short may be used in place of int16_t and uint16_t.
Here is more information about the first three of these.
1. Assemble the bytes and copy
(uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte converts to a type suitable for shifting without sign-bit issues, moves the more significant byte into the upper 8 bits of 16, and puts the less significant byte into the lower 8 bits.
Then uint16_t = …; puts those bits into a uint16_t.
memcpy(&result, &t, sizeof result); copies those bits into an int16_t. C 2018 1 guarantees that int16_t uses two’s complement. C 2018 2 guarantees that the value bits in int16_t have the same position values as their counterparts in uint16_t, so the copy produces the desired arrangement in result.
2. Assemble the bytes and use a union
(type) { initial value } is a compound literal. (union { uint16_t u; int16_t i; }) { (uint16_t) highbyte << 8 | lowbyte } makes a compound literal that is a union and initializes its u member to have the value described above. Then .i reads the i member of the union, which reinterprets the bits using the type int16_t, which is two’s complement as describe above. Then int16_t result = …; initializes result to this value.
3. Construct the result arithmetically
Here we start with the more significant byte separately, interpreting the eight bits of highbyte as two’s complement. In eight-bit two’s complement, the sign bit represents 0 if it is off and −128 if it is on. (For example, 111111002 as unsigned binary represents 128+64+32+16+8+4 =252, but, in two’s complement, it is −128+64+32+16+8+4 = −4.)
Consider highbyte ^ 128) - 128. If the first bit is off, ^ 128 turns it on, which adds 128 to its unsigned binary meaning. Then - 128 subtracts 128, producing a net effect of zero. If the first bit is on, ^ 128 turns it off, which cancels its unsigned binary meaning. Then - 128 gives the desired value. Thus (highbyte ^ 128) - 128 reinterprets the first bit to have a value of 0 if it is off and −128 if it is on.
Then ((highbyte ^ 128) - 128) * 256 moves this to the more significant byte of 16 bits (in an int type at this point), and + lowbyte puts the less significant byte in the less significant position. And of course int16_t result = …; initializes result to this computed value.

Iterate bits from left to right for any number

I am trying to implement Modular Exponentiation (square and multiply left to right) algorithm in c.
In order to iterate the bits from left to right, I can use masking which is explained in this link
In this example mask used is 0x80 which can work only for a number with max 8 bits.
In order to make it work for any number of bits, I need to assign mask dynamically but this makes it a bit complicated.
Is there any other solution by which it can be done.
Thanks in advance!
long long base = 23;
long long exponent = 297;
long long mod = 327;
long long result = 1;
unsigned int mask;
for (mask = 0x80; mask != 0; mask >>= 1) {
result = (result * result) % mod; // Square
if (exponent & mask) {
result = (base * result) % mod; // Mul
As in this example, it will not work if I will use mask 0x80 but if I use 0x100 then it works fine.
Selecting the mask value at run time seems to be an overhead.
If you want to iterate over all bits, you first have to know how many bits there are in your type.
This is a surprisingly complicated matter:
sizeof gives you the number of bytes, but a byte can have more than 8 bits.
limits.h gives you CHAR_BIT to know the number of bits in a byte, but even if you multiply this by the sizeof your type, the result could still be wrong because unsigned types are allowed to contain padding bits that are not part of the number representation, while sizeof returns the storage size in bytes, which includes these padding bits.
Fortunately, this answer has an ingenious macro that can calculate the number of actual value bits based on the maximum value of the respective type:
#define IMAX_BITS(m) ((m) /((m)%0x3fffffffL+1) /0x3fffffffL %0x3fffffffL *30 \
+ (m)%0x3fffffffL /((m)%31+1)/31%31*5 + 4-12/((m)%31+3))
The maximum value of an unsigned type is surprisingly easy to get: just cast -1 to your unsigned type.
So, all in all, your code could look like this, including the macro above:
#define UNSIGNED_BITS IMAX_BITS((unsigned)-1)
// [...]
unsigned int mask;
for (mask = 1 << (UNSIGNED_BITS-1); mask != 0; mask >>= 1) {
// [...]
Note that applying this complicated macro has no runtime drawback at all, it's a compile-time constant.
Your algorithm seems unnecessarily complicated: bits from the exponent can be tested from the least significant to the most significant in a way that does not depend on the integer type nor its maximum value. Here is a simple implementation that does not need any special case for any size integers:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
unsigned long long base = (argc > 1) ? strtoull(argv[1], NULL, 0) : 23;
unsigned long long exponent = (argc > 2) ? strtoull(argv[2], NULL, 0) : 297;
unsigned long long mod = (argc > 3) ? strtoull(argv[3], NULL, 0) : 327;
unsigned long long y = exponent;
unsigned long long x = base;
unsigned long long result = 1;
for (;;) {
if (y & 1) {
result = result * x % mod;
if ((y >>= 1) == 0)
x = x * x % mod;
printf("expmod(%llu, %llu, %llu) = %llu\n", base, exponent, mod, result);
return 0;
Without any command line arguments, it produces: expmod(23, 297, 327) = 185. You can try other numbers by passing the base, exponent and modulo as command line arguments.
If you must scan the bits in exponent from most significant to least significant, mask should be defined as the same type as exponent and initialized this way if the type is unsigned:
unsigned long long exponent = 297;
unsigned long long mask = 0;
mask = ~mask - (~mask >> 1);
If the type is signed, for complete portability, you must use the definition for its maximum value from <limits.h>. Note however that it would be more efficient to use the unsigned type.
long long exponent = 297;
long long mask = LLONG_MAX - (LLONG_MAX >> 1);
The loop will waste time running through all the most significant 0 bits, so a simpler loop could be used first to skip these bits:
while (mask > exponent) {
mask >>= 1;

C standard on negative zero (1's complement and signed magnitude)

All of these functions gives the expected result on my machine. Do they all work on other platforms?
More specifically, if x has the bit representation 0xffffffff on 1's complement machines or 0x80000000 on signed magnitude machines what does the standard says about the representation of (unsigned)x ?
Also, I think the (unsigned) cast in v2, v2a, v3, v4 is redundant. Is this correct?
Assume sizeof(int) = 4 and CHAR_BIT = 8
int logicalrightshift_v1 (int x, int n) {
return (unsigned)x >> n;
int logicalrightshift_v2 (int x, int n) {
int msb = 0x4000000 << 1;
return ((x & 0x7fffffff) >> n) | (x & msb ? (unsigned)0x80000000 >> n : 0);
int logicalrightshift_v2a (int x, int n) {
return ((x & 0x7fffffff) >> n) | (x & (unsigned)0x80000000 ? (unsigned)0x80000000 >> n : 0);
int logicalrightshift_v3 (int x, int n) {
return ((x & 0x7fffffff) >> n) | (x < 0 ? (unsigned)0x80000000 >> n : 0);
int logicalrightshift_v4 (int x, int n) {
return ((x & 0x7fffffff) >> n) | (((unsigned)x & 0x80000000) >> n);
int logicalrightshift_v5 (int x, int n) {
unsigned y;
*(int *)&y = x;
y >>= n;
*(unsigned *)&x = y;
return x;
int logicalrightshift_v6 (int x, int n) {
unsigned y;
memcpy (&y, &x, sizeof (x));
y >>= n;
memcpy (&x, &y, sizeof (x));
return x;
If x has the bit representation 0xffffffff on 1's
complement machines or 0x80000000 on signed magnitude machines what
does the standard says about the representation of (unsigned)x ?
The conversion to unsigned is specified in terms of values, not representations. If you convert -1 to unsigned, you always get UINT_MAX (so if your unsigned is 32 bits, you always get 4294967295). This happens regardless of the representation of signed numbers that your implementation uses.
Likewise, if you convert -0 to unsigned then you always get 0. -0 is numerically equal to 0.
Note that a ones complement or sign-magnitude implementation is not required to support negative zeroes; if it does not, then accessing such a representation causes the program to have undefined behaviour.
Going through your functions one-by-one:
int logicalrightshift_v1(int x, int n)
return (unsigned)x >> n;
The result of this function for negative values of x will depend on UINT_MAX, and will further be implementation-defined if (unsigned)x >> n is not within the range of int. For example, logicalrightshift_v1(-1, 1) will return the value UINT_MAX / 2 regardless of what representation the machine uses for signed numbers.
int logicalrightshift_v2(int x, int n)
int msb = 0x4000000 << 1;
return ((x & 0x7fffffff) >> n) | (x & msb ? (unsigned)0x80000000 >> n : 0);
Almost everything about this is could be implementation-defined. Assuming that you are attempting to create a value in msb with 1 in the sign bit and zeroes in the value bits, you cannot do this portably by use of shifts - you can use ~INT_MAX, but this is allowed to have undefined behaviour on a sign-magnitude machine that does not allow negative zeroes, and is allowed to give an implementation-defined result on two's complement machines.
The types of 0x7fffffff and 0x80000000 will depend on the ranges of the various types, which will affect how other values in this expression are promoted.
int logicalrightshift_v2a(int x, int n)
return ((x & 0x7fffffff) >> n) | (x & (unsigned)0x80000000 ? (unsigned)0x80000000 >> n : 0);
If you create an unsigned value that is not in the range of int (for example, given a 32bit int, values > 0x7fffffff) then the implicit conversion in the return statement produces an implementation-defined value. The same applies to v3 and v4.
int logicalrightshift_v5(int x, int n)
unsigned y;
*(int *)&y = x;
y >>= n;
*(unsigned *)&x = y;
return x;
This is still implementation defined, because it is unspecified whether the sign bit in the representation of int corresponds to a value bit or a padding bit in the representation of unsigned. If it corresponds to a padding bit it could be a trap representation, in which case the behaviour is undefined.
int logicalrightshift_v6(int x, int n)
unsigned y;
memcpy (&y, &x, sizeof (x));
y >>= n;
memcpy (&x, &y, sizeof (x));
return x;
The same comments applying to v5 apply to this.
Also, I think the (unsigned) cast in v2, v2a, v3, v4 is redundant. Is
this correct?
It depends. As a hex constant, 0x80000000 will have type int if that value is within the range of int; otherwise unsigned if that value is within the range of unsigned; otherwise long if that value is within the range of long; otherwise unsigned long (because that value is within the minimum allowed range of unsigned long).
If you wish to ensure that it has unsigned type, then suffix the constant with a U, to 0x80000000U.
Converting a number greater than INT_MAX to int gives an implementation-defined result (or indeed, allows an implementation-defined signal to be raised).
Converting an out-of-range number to unsigned is done by repeated addition or subtraction of UINT_MAX + 1, which means it depends on the mathematical value, not the representation.
Inspecting a negative int representation as unsigned is not portable (positive int representations are OK, though).
Generating a negative zero through use of bitwise operators and trying to use the resulting value is not portable.
If you want "logical shifts", then you should be using unsigned types everywhere. The signed types are designed for dealing with algorithms where the value is what matters, not the representation.
If you follow the standard to the word, none of these are guaranteed to be the same on all platforms.
In v5, you violate strict-aliasing, which is undefined behavior.
In v2 - v4, you have signed right-shift, which is implementation defined. (see comments for more details)
In v1, you have signed to unsigned cast, which is implementation defined when the number is out of range.
v6 might actually work given the following assumptions:
'int' is either 2's or 1's complement.
unsigned and int are exactly the same size (in both bytes and bits, and are densely packed).
The endian of unsigned matches that of int.
The padding and bit-layout is the same: (See caf's comment for more details.)

Manually cast signed char

I'm working with some embedded hardware, a Rabbit SBC, which uses Dynamic C 9.
I'm using the microcontroller to read information from a digital compass sensor using one of its serial ports.
The sensor sends values to the microcontroller using a single signed byte. (-85 to 85)
When I receive this data, I am putting it into a char variable
This works fine for positive values, but when the sensor starts to send negative values, the reading jumps to 255, then works its way back down to 0. I presume this is because the last bit is being used to determine the negative/positive, and is skewing the real values.
My inital thought was to change my data type to a signed char.
However, the problem I have is that the version of Dynamic C on the Microcontroller I am using does not natively support signed char values, only unsigned.
I am wondering if there is a way to manually cast the data I receive into a signed value?
You just need to pull out your reference book and read how negative numbers are represented by your controller. The rest is just typing.
For example, two's complement is represented by taking the value mod 256, so you just need to adjust by the modulus.
int signed_from_unsignedchar(unsigned char c)
int result = c;
if (result >= 128) result -= 256;
return result;
One's complement is much simpler: You just flip the bits.
int signed_from_unsignedchar(unsigned char c)
int result = c;
if (result >= 128) result = -(int)(unsigned char)~c;
return result;
Sign-magnitude represents negative numbers by setting the high bit, so you just need to clear the bit and negate:
int signed_from_unsignedchar(unsigned char c)
int result = c;
if (result >= 128) result = -(result & 0x7F);
return result;
I think this is what you're after (assumes a 32-bit int and an 8-bit char):
unsigned char c = 255;
int i = ((int)(((unsigned int)c) << 24)) >> 24;
of course I'm assuming here that your platform does support signed integers, which may not be the case.
Signed and unsigned values are all just a bunch of bits, it is YOUR interpretation that makes them signed or unsigned. For example, if your hardware produces 2's complement, if you read 0xff, you can either interpret it as -1 or 255 but they are really the same number.
Now if you have only unsigned char at your disposal, you have to emulate the behavior of negative values with it.
For example:
c < 0
changes to
c > 127
Luckily, addition doesn't need change. Also subtraction is the same (check this I'm not 100% sure).
For multiplication for example, you need to check it yourself. First, in 2's complement, here's how you get the positive value of the number:
pos_c = ~neg_c+1
which is mathematically speaking 256-neg_c which congruent modulo 256 is simply -neg_c
Now let's say you want to multiply two numbers that are unsigned, but you want to interpret them as signed.
unsigned char abs_a = a, abs_b = b;
char final_sign = 0; // 0 for positive, 1 for negative
if (a > 128)
abs_a = ~a+1
final_sign = 1-final_sign;
if (b > 128)
abs_b = ~b+1
final_sign = 1-final_sign;
result = abs_a*abs_b;
if (sign == 1)
result = ~result+1;
You get the idea!
If your platform supports signed ints, check out some of the other answers.
If not, and the value is definitely between -85 and +85, and it is two's complement, add 85 to the input value and work out your program logic to interpret values between 0 and 170 so you don't have to mess with signed integers anymore.
If it's one's complement, try this:
if (x >= 128) {
x = 85 - (x ^ 0xff);
} else {
x = x + 85;
That will leave you with a value between 0 and 170 as well.
EDIT: Yes, there is also sign-magnitude. Then use the same code here but change the second line to x = 85 - (x & 0x7f).

Converting unsigned chars to signed integer

I have an unsigned char array with 2 elements that represents a signed integer. How can I convert these 2 bytes into a signed integer?
Edit: The unsigned char array is in little endian
For maximum safety, use
int i = *(signed char *)(&c[0]);
i *= 1 << CHAR_BIT;
i |= c[1];
for big endian. Swap c[0] and c[1] for little endian.
(Explanation: we interpret the byte at c[0] as a signed char, then arithmetically left shift it in a portable way, then add in c[1].)
wrap them up in a union:
union {
unsigned char a[2];
int16_t smt;
} number;
Now after filling the array you can use this as number.smt
It depend of endianness.
Something for big endian :
unsigned char x[2];
short y = (x[0] << 8) | x[1]
Something for little endian :
unsigned char x[2];
short y = (x[1] << 8) | x[0]
The portable solution:
unsigned char c[2];
long tmp;
int result;
tmp = (long)c[0] << 8 | c[1];
if (tmp < 32768)
result = tmp;
result = tmp - 65536;
This assumes that the bytes in the array represent a 16 bit, two's complement, big endian signed integer. If they are a little endian integer, just swap c[1] and c[0].
(In the highly unlikely case that it is ones' complement, use 65535 instead of 65536 as the value to subtract. Sign-magnitude is left as an exercise for the reader ;)
