createItem for - qooxdoo seems not to support the
Is there another way to add a delegate for createItem? I tried to add the create delegation on both classes, but createItem was not invoked.

Here is an example, how to use databinding with lists:
* Creates a list and returns it.
__createListDataBindings : function() {
var self = this;
var list = new{
configureItem : function(item, data, row)
var stopCount = self.getListData().getLength()-row;
item.setTitle("Stop #"+stopCount);
this.bind("listData", list, "model");
return list;
ListData is a class property:
properties :
// overridden
listData :
init : new,
nullable : true,
event : "updateListData"


How do I create a custom object class that's available to my methods in AngularJS

I'm a huge fan of angular but it's got some tricky concepts with extremely nuanced differences between them and this is one of them.
I just want to create an class that I can use to create custom objects in my Angular controllers and factories. It surely shouldn't be that hard but I can't figure out how to do it. I want to have a custom, ResultSet class which I can instantiate to create instances of ResultSet. However for the life of me I can't figure out the correct syntax of factory v. service to use.
This is all I want:
ResultSet = function(dataSet){
this.filter = function(){
# filters and returns dataSet
# ...
and then I want to be able instantiate an instance of ResultSet inside a controller etc:
MyApp.controller('pageCtrl', ['ResultSet', (ResultSet) ->
# ...
rs =
How can I create a service that allows me to create instances of my custom object?
It seems more correct to use an Angular Service rather than a Factory since a service returns an instance of an object (which is exactly what I want). But I can't figure out how to do this...
How would I use a service to declare my custom ResultSet class and then how would I instantiate an instance from it?
Maybe you were looking for something like this:
.factory('User', function (Organisation) {
* Constructor, with class name
function User(firstName, lastName, role, organisation) {
// Public properties, assigned to the instance ('this')
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.role = role;
this.organisation = organisation;
* Public method, assigned to prototype
User.prototype.getFullName = function () {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
* Private property
var possibleRoles = ['admin', 'editor', 'guest'];
* Private function
function checkRole(role) {
return possibleRoles.indexOf(role) !== -1;
* Static property
* Using copy to prevent modifications to private property
User.possibleRoles = angular.copy(possibleRoles);
* Static method, assigned to class
* Instance ('this') is not available in static context
*/ = function (data) {
if (!checkRole(data.role)) {
return new User(
data.role, // another model
* Return the constructor function
return User;
From this post by Gert Hengeveld.
myApp.factory('ResulSet', function() {
function ResultSetInstance(dataSet) {
this.filter = function(){
// ...
return {
createNew: function(dataSet) {
return new ResultSetInstance(dataSet);
and then
myApp.controller('pageCtrl', function(ResultSet) {
var someData = ...;
var rs = ResultSet.createNew(someData);
Edit (from the question asker)
On experimenting with this further I found that you didn't even need to have the createNew method.
myApp.factory('ResultSetClass', function() {
ResultSetClass = function(dataSet) {
this.filter = function(){
// ...
return ResultSetClass
works just fine and then you can call new ResultSetClass(args).
Note for those using Coffeescript
Coffeescript will return the last variable or method in your class instance so if you are using coffeescript (as a general rule), it's imperative to return this at the end of the class definition
myApp.factory 'ResultSetClass', () ->
ResultSetClass = (dataset) ->
this.filter = () ->
# do some stuff
return this
return ResultSetClass
If you don't return this explicitly then you'll find that when you call
myApp.factory 'ResultSetClass', () ->
ResultSetClass = (dataset) ->
this.filter = () ->
# do some stuff
then you'll simply be left with the last thing the coffeescript returns which is the filter method.
I recently has do do something like that because I wanted to implement a factory of class instance, and being able to configurate my instances and benefit from Angular Dependency injection. I ended up with something like that
// Implem
export class XAPIService {
private path: string;
/* this DO NOT use angular injection, this is done in the factory below */
private seed: XAPISeed,
private $http: ng.IHttpService,
private slugService: SlugService
) {
const PATH_MAP: Map<Y, Z> = new Map([
['x', id => `/x/${id}`],
['y', id => `/y/${id}`],
this.path = PATH_MAP.get(this.seed.type)(;
list() {
/* implem that use configured path */
return this.slugService
.from(this.path + `/x`)
.then(url => this.$http.get<IX>(url))
.then(response =>
export type IXAPIFactory = (s: XAPISeed) => XAPIService;
export function XAPIFactory(
$http: ng.IHttpService,
myService: SlugService
) {
return (seed: XAPISeed) =>
new XAPIService(seed, $http, myService);
// angular
angular.module('xxx', [])
.factory('xAPIFactory', XAPIFactory)
// usage in code
export class XsController implements ng.IComponentController {
/* #ngInject */
private xAPIFactory: IXAPIFactory,
) {}
$onInit() {
this.xService = this.xAPIFactory({ id: 'aaabbbaaabbb', type: 'y' });
return this.xService.list()
.then(xs => {
this.xs = xs;

ExtJS - Drag column header to other grid

I need keep the default feature of reordering columns and add
possibility drop the column in a second grid, building in the last a list
with the columns of first grid.
I hope has been clear.
I solved the issue extending DropZone. This implementation receive as constructor param the target grid, and this, be in the rbar (docked control) of source grid. The key is set ddGroup to "header-dd-zone-" plus id from source grid. I hope this is useful.
Ext.define('Crud.FilterDropZone', {
extend: 'Ext.dd.DropZone'
, constructor: function() {}
, init: function (grid) {
var me = this;
if (grid.rendered) {
me.grid = grid;
me.ddGroup = 'header-dd-zone-' + grid.up('grid').id;
render: function(v) {
me.view = v;, me.view.el);
single: true
} else {
grid.on('render', me.init, me, {single: true});
, getTargetFromEvent: function (e) {
return {};
, onNodeDrop: function (nodeData, source, e, data) {
var header = data.header
, store = Ext.getCmp(;
//store.add(new store.RecordType({ property: header.text, value: '', reference: header.dataIndex}));
store.add([[header.text, '', header.dataIndex]]);

How to make selected item to change class(How to make property observable in backbone)

i want to build simple screen, where list of items in one side and selected item details -on another. when user click on one of the items - its details displayed in 'details' section.
also the selected item in the 'list' section must be decorated with 'active' class.
here is my router code:
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
list:function () {
this.usersList = new UsersCollection(usersList);/* new UsersCollection()*/
var self = this;
// success: function () {
this.UsersListView = new UsersListView({ model: this.usersList });
// }
//})//end of fetch
userDetails:function (id) {
//unselect prevously selected
if(this.user )this.user.set({'selected':false});
this.user = this.usersList.get(id);
//select current
//empty refill the items section
this.UsersListView = new UsersListView({ model: this.usersList });
if (this.UserDetailsView) this.UserDetailsView.close();
this.UserDetailsView = new UserDetailsView({model:this.user});
So far i managed to set the 'active' item class by emptying and refill the items section html.
Is there any way to observe (like in knockoutjs) the 'selected' property, so once it changes -the change will be visible in html?
code of view:
window.UserListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
render:function (eventName) {
return this;
Thanks forwards
This is what you're looking for (especially the Events#listenTo method).
So; in your view:
initialize: function() {
// listen to your model
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:selected', this.updateClass);
updateClass: function() {
// something like...

Knockback: Remove item from an observable collection

Given an observable collection in Knockback, how do I remove an item from the underlying collection in response to a knockout.js click event?
If I'm right, a would say you want delete some item from the collection by clicking a button.
So we have the kb view:
var viewModel = kb.ViewModel.extend({
constructor: function(model, options) {
var self = this
this.delete= function(){
this.coll = options.coll = kb.Observable(model, {key: 'name'})
var yourCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
var yourModel = new Backbone.Model({name: 'Stefan'});
var yourKBView = new viewModel (yourModel, {coll: yourCollection});
This is a simple way to store some nested information.
When you will do this automatic when a model is add in the collection you can override the create function of the view like this.
var collectionViewModel = kb.ViewModel.extend({
constructor: function(collection, options) {
var self = this
this.coll= kb.collectionObservable(collection, {
* Calls by adding a model to the collcetion
* #param model -
* #param options -
create: function(model, options){
var options = options || {}
options.coll = self
return new viewModel(model,options)

passing data to a collection in backbone

So I am trying storing product types from a json file before trying to add them to a collection but am getting some strange results (as in I dont fully understand)
on my router page i setup a variable for cached products as well as product types
cachedProductTypes: null,
productType : {},
products : {},
if (this.cachedProductTypes !== null) {
return callback(cachedProductTypes);
var self = this;
self.cachedProductTypes = data;
parseResponse : function(data) {
result = { prodTypes: [], products: [] };
var type;
var types =;
var product;
var i = types.length;
while (type = types[--i]) {
longName: type.longName
// etc.
while (product = type.productList.pop()) {
product.productTypeId =,
this.productType = result.prodTypes;
console.log( "dan");
this.products = result.products;
var self = this;
var productTypesArray = self.productType;
var productList=new ProductsType(productTypesArray);
var productListView=new ProductListView({collection:productList});
when a user goes to the show product types page it runs the showProductsType function
So I am passing the products type array to my collection
on the collection page
var ProductsType=Backbone.Collection.extend({
var self=this;
var tmpItem;
//fetch the data using ajax
$.each(this.productTypesArray, function(i,prodType){
tmpItem=new ProductType({,, longName:prodType.longName});
return ProductsType;
now this doesnt work as it this.productTypesArray is undefined if i console.log it.
(how am I supposed to get this?)
I would have thought I need to go through and add each new ProductType.
the strange bit - if I just have the code
var ProductsType=Backbone.Collection.extend({
var self=this;
var tmpItem;
//fetch the data using ajax
return ProductsType;
it actually adds the products to the collection? I guess this means I can just pass an array to the collection and do not have to add each productType?
I guess this means I can just pass an array to the collection and do not have to add each productType?
Yes, you can pass an array to the collection's constructor, and it will create the models for you.
As far as your caching code, it looks like the problem is here:
if (this.cachedProductTypes !== null) {
return callback(cachedProductTypes);
The callback statement's argument is missing this - should be return callback(this.cachedProductTypes).
