AngularJS init model from controls value - angularjs

I have very big form (~500 controls) and want to integrate AngularJS on it. I have one problem, when I'm setting ng-model property it resets my value property.
Is there any way to automatically set model values from input values properties (textareas and selects), without messing with controller code?

You can use "ng-init"
<input ng-model="data.instructions" ng-init="data.instructions='bla bla'">
But still, the recommended way is using a controller.
Hope it helps.


Is it possible to perform a two way binding on a custom directive with ngModel?

My use case is completely different. When I strip off all the other factors, it boils down to this.
Say I have the following input element
<input type="text" [customDirective] [(ngModel)]="myValue" >
The job of this customDirective is to look into value entered by the user and changed its value based on the input on the fly.
How to achieve two-way binding for this.
I played around with ControlValueAccessor, DefaultValueAccessor. But no matter what I do, I was not able to achieve the two-way binding. The maximum I achieved at one time is view update on model update but not the other way round. But that code is somewhere lost.
Here is the vanilla plunker link.
PS: I already referred the following. But none of them were helpful in achieving 2-way binding w.r.t to directive
angular2 wysiwyg tinymce implementation and 2-way-binding
Thanks in advance
Finally figured out how to do this.
Model to UI changes can be done using ControlValueAcessor
UI to Model can be done like below
import {Output} from '#angular/core';
Use the event emitter
#Output() ngModelChange = new EventEmitter();
Whenever data gets changed emit the event
Here is the detailed example
Using Tinymce editor as a directive

AngularJS two way binding with multiple select options

I have a list of fields that are not exclusive. Typically you would use html check boxes and bind each one to a Boolean value in the model. However I have been thrown a curve, to save space the users want all of the items to be presented in a select that allows multiple selections. I know how to create the select itself in HTML however I am not sure the best way to wire that up the model using the 'Angular way'. Is there a better solution than creating something in the controller to "translate" the select result to series of Booleans?
Welcome to SO!
Try using this directive:
More info on SO here: AngularJS. Bootstrap multiselect without JQuery
I ended up creating a var in scope for the dropdown. Which wasn't too big of a deal as I keep my view model in a var called viewmodel, so it will not post to the server with rest of the view model. Then in my load and save functions I 'boxed' and 'unboxed' the booleans into a string array I fed to and read from the dropdown. little bit of work but it works. I was hoping the AngularJS framework could have handled this lifting for me but whatev.
Too bad you cannot data bind to an option in the select list (selected == true).

Event for any change in scope variable

I wanted to have a Dialog box for asking to save the current changes or not. For that I was searching for an event in AngularJS which triggers on change of any scope variable.
As per my logic I will achieve this by creating event on every control and update a variable to say 'Modified' else will have default value.
Is there any other way? Since my logic will need an event on every control.
If you're using a form directive, this is pretty simple. The value of myForm.$dirty will be true if any property has changed. You can even check an individual field with myForm.myField.$dirty.
If you're not using a form, you should probably consider it for what it sounds like you're trying to accomplish. One of my favorite angular features as it makes validation, etc. a breeze!
Reference: angular docs
Take a look at $scope.$watch(...) on the Angular docs, there is a great discussion on how $watch works here on another Stack Overflow question
You should, at the very least, be able to trigger alerts when specific scope-elements have changed. If you are using a form, then the $dirty approach above is absolutely a brilliant way to go.

update of ngModel inside Angular directive

I am binding an object from my controller on a directive in that controller. I can update fields from the directive on ngModel, however I cant seem to add or delete items from an existing property of type Array on that ngModel. It doesnt reflect on the value assigend to ngModel on the controller.
Editing a simple (existing) property of type Number or String is possible.
Could use some guidance on this.
If you could show some of your code, it would be helpful. However, from what you describe, I suspect it might be possible that you are not referencing either the array or the elements in the array correctly.

is ng-model allowed inside <td> element of a table?

Is ng-model allowed inside element of a table? Will angular automatically update the model if I change a particular column(i.e. view)?
If you are making the table cells directly editable using the HTML contenteditable attribute, ng-model won't work automatically as by default it's only for form elements.
It is possible to make it work with contenteditable though. There is an working example of how to do it on the angular website at
ng-model is allowed wherever typical form elements exist that can use the directive (input, select and textarea)
One thing I will say about ng-model that can make it a bit tricky is that you will want to bind ng-model to a property of an object rather than just a simple scope variable. I have run into several instances where I bind $ to ng-model and use it in an input control. Then, if you clear the input field, the binding is lost and it stops updating the variable. Use something like $scope.fooObj.modelProp where fooObj is an object and it will work fine.
