combine several queries into one - sql-server

I would like to be able to query multiple of the same type of argument (for example, several IDs, just to keep the example simple) so I only have to execute a procedure once instead of one time for each individual ID. Where my single-instance proc returns, say, a name, my get-all proc would return a single-column table of names.
What I have now:
EXEC MyProc(123);
EXEC MyProc(456);
EXEC MyProc(789);
What I would like:
// Square brackets aren't correct syntax,
// they just represent a list that contains x number of IDs
EXEC MyProc([123, 456, 789]);
Can I do this, and if so, is there an easy mechanism for handling such a thing that doesn't involve cursors and various over-complicated things? Would this even be considered a good idea?

To execute the proc only once, you'll have to refactor your proc to work with multiple IDs, as there is no T-SQL function or syntactic sugar to do this for you.
If this is to be varadic in that there may be one or many IDs, you'll have to pass multiple IDs to your proc in one parameter. This passing of an array of sorts can be easier in more recent versions of SQL Server.
For example, you can try passing:
TVPs in SQL Server 2008+
delimited strings that are then split in the proc
xml which is then parsed in the proc
a table name which is then read by the proc dynamically
use a table name which is known by both the proc and the caller beforehand
A quick search for passing arrays is SQL Server will yield more results, among the best of them is Arrays and Lists in SQL Server as mentioned by #Andomar.


Find Out List Of Objects Referenced In Snowflake Procedure

I want to get list of Objects referenced in Snowflake Procedure , let us say It is using Tables, Views Inside it , I want to find those items from Procedure definition , as currently there is no function in Snowflake that can provide this information.
GET_OBJECT_REFERENCES is function now only available for Views and not for Procedure.
Any pointers in scanning the definition of Procedure and figure out objects in it.
As Felipe pointed out, you can pass the name of a table or view as a parameter into the stored procedure. In that case there's no way to know what objects the SP will reference.
If your organization tends not to do that; if your SQL in stored procedures tends to be more along the lines of "select * from my_table" you can simply search for those references in the stored procedure code.
The following statement is crude, but effective. It could be developed and polished a lot, and it could miss references. It also only finds the first match, while a more useful query would return all and flatten out the array. I may have time to work on that a bit. It did find a lot in my test. It simply looks for the following pattern:
SQL Command ... Matching Clause for that Command ... Semicolon
The reason this works is that even if you don't terminate the SQL in the stored procedure, the JavaScript line should be terminated with a semicolon. JavaScript is comparatively forgiving of missing semicolons, but it should hit one eventually and match the SQL statement.
,regexp_substr(PROCEDURE_DEFINITION, 'SELECT\\s.*FROM.*;|INSERT\\s.*INTO.*;|UPDATE\\s.*SET.*;|MERGE\\s.*INTO.*;|DELETE\\s.*FROM.*;|MERGE\\s.*USING.*;',1, 1, 'ims') STATEMENT
where STATEMENT is not null;
I write a lot of stored procedures, and to Felipe's point this returns a lot of rows like this for me:
select ${params.leftColumnList} from ${params.leftObject} order by ${leftTimestamp};`);
In those cases, you'd need to have someone who can read code figure out what it's referencing. In this case, the SP accepts parameters for those fields, so they could be any tables.

SQL Server - compare the results of two stored procedures that output multiple tables

So, similar to "SQL Server compare results of two queries that should be identical", I need to compare the output of two stored procedures to ensure the new version is generating equivalent output to the old version. The tricky part is that my SP outputs six tables of differing widths.
I started writing a hybrid version of them that would compare each of the tables individually, but it's a pretty complex SP, so I was hoping there was an easier way.
I tried using EXCEPT as in the linked question, but it looks like that will only compare one table to one other table.
Easy option 1: Output the stored procedure results to a text file (one per procedure version) and use a diff tool/editor to make sure they are the same.
Easy option 2: Write the stored procedure results to a table/temp table (per return table per procedure) and write sql to compare the results. Just count the rows in each result table and then do a count of the union (not union all) of both tables. Repeat for each result table.
You can capture multiple result sets in .NET (C# or VB) quite easily. You can create a DataAdapter and DataSet, and use the DataAdapter.Fill() method to populate the DataSet. Each result set will be stored as a DataTable within that DataSet. Then you just need to loop through the DataTables collection in each DataSet and compare them. You can find more info on this MSDN page: Populating a DataSet from a DataAdapter
This can be done in either SQLCLR if you want to run it as a stored procedure or user-defined function, OR it can be a stand-alone console application. Running it as a SQLCLR stored procedure is quite convenient, but given that you will be stored all results for all 6 result sets, and for both stored procedures that you are testing, that might require too much memory. In that case, the console app is the the way to go.
The only thing I can think of is add an additional parameter to your both of (New/old) stored procedures to handle which result it should return like.
Exec usp_proc #var1 , #var2 , #ResultSet = 1
The above execution should return the first result set and if you pass #ResultSet = 2 it should return second result set and so on.....
do this with both stored procedure and then compare the result sets group by group (using except will do the trick).

Using an IN clause with LINQ-to-SQL's ExecuteQuery

LINQ to SQL did a horrible job translating one of my queries, so I rewrote it by hand. The problem is that the rewrite necessarily involves an IN clause, and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to pass a collection to ExecuteQuery for that purpose. The only thing I can come up with, which I've seen suggested on here, is to use string.Format on the entire query string to kluge around it—but that will prevent the query from ever ending up in the query cache.
What's the right way to do this?
NOTE: Please note that I am using raw SQL passed to ExecuteQuery. I said that in the very first sentence. Telling me to use Contains is not helpful, unless you know a way to mix Contains with raw SQL.
Table-Valued Parameters
On, we often need to pass a list of AssetIDs or UserIDs into a stored procedure or database query.
The bad way: Dynamic SQL
One way to pass this list in was to use dynamic SQL.
IEnumerable<long> assetIDs = GetAssetIDs();
var myQuery = "SELECT Name FROM Asset WHERE AssetID IN (" + assetIDs.Join(",") + ")";
return Config.GetDatabase().ExecEnumerableSql(dr=>dr.GetString("Name"), myQuery);
This is a very bad thing to do:
Dynamic SQL gives attackers a weakness by making SQL injection attacks easier.
Since we are usually just concatenating numbers together, this is highly unlikely, but
if you start concatenating strings together, all it takes is one user to type ';DROP TABLE Asset;SELECT '
and our site is dead.
Stored procedures can't have dynamic SQL, so the query had to be stored in code instead of in the DB schema.
Every time we run this query, the query plan must be recalculated. This can be very expensive for complicated queries.
However, it does have the advantage that no additional decoding is necessary on the DB side, since the AssetIDs are found by the query parser.
The good way: Table-Valued Parameters
SQL Server 2008 adds a new ability: users can define a table-valued database type.
Most other types are scalar (they only return one value), but table-valued types can hold multiple values, as long as the values are tabular.
We've defined three types: varchar_array, int_array, and bigint_array.
Both stored procedures and programmatically defined SQL queries can use these table-valued types.
IEnumerable<long> assetIDs = GetAssetIDs();
return Config.GetDatabase().ExecEnumerableSql(dr=>dr.GetString("Name"),
new Parameter("#AssetIDs", assetIDs));
Can be used in both stored procedures and programmatic SQL without much effort
Not vulnerable to SQL injection
Cacheable, stable queries
Does not lock the schema table
Not limited to 8k of data
Less work done by both DB server and the Mine apps, since there is no concatenation or decoding of CSV strings.
"typical use" statistics can be derived by the query analyzer, which can lead to even better performance.
Only works on SQL Server 2008 and above.
Rumors that TVP are prebuffered in their entirety before execution of the query, which means phenomenally large TVPs may be rejected by the server.
Further investigation of this rumor is ongoing.
Further reading
This article is a great resource to learn more about TVP.
If you can't use table-valued parameters, this option is a little faster than the xml option while still allowing you to stay away from dynamic sql: pass the joined list of values as a string parameter, and parse the delimited string back to values in your query. please see this article for instructions on how to do the parsing efficiently.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you're on SQL Server 2005. Table-valued parameters weren't added until 2008, but you can still use the XML data type to pass sets between the client and the server.
This works for SQL Server 2005 (and later):
create procedure IGetAListOfValues
#Ids xml -- This will recevie a List of values
-- You can load then in a temp table or use it as a subquery:
create table #Ids (Id int);
SELECT DISTINCT params.p.value('.','int')
FROM #Ids.nodes('/params/p') as params(p);
You have to invoke this procedure with a parameter like this:
exec IGetAListOfValues
#Ids = '<params> <p>1</p> <p>2</p> </params>' -- xml parameter
The nodes function uses an xPath expression. In this case, it's /params/p and that's way the XML uses <params> as root, and <p> as element.
The value function cast the text inside each p element to int, but you can use it with other data types easily. In this sample there is a DISTINCT to avoid repeated values, but, of course, you can remove it depending on what you want to achieve.
I have an auxiliary (extension) method that converts an IEnumerable<T> in a string that looks like the one shown in the execute example. It's easy to create one, and have it do the work for you whenever you need it. (You have to test the data type of T and convert to an adequate string that can be parsed on SQL Server side). This way your C# code is cleaner and your SPs follow the same pattern to receive the parameters (you can pass in as many lists as needed).
One advantage is that you don't need to make anything special in your database for it to work.
Of course, you don't need to create a temp table as it's done in my example, but you can use the query directly as a subquery inside an IN predicate
WHERE MyTableId IN (SELECT DISTINCT params.p.value('.','int')
FROM #Ids.nodes('/params/p') as params(p) )
I am not 100% sure that I understand correctly the problem, but LinqToSql's ExecuteQuery has an overload for parameters, and the query is supposed to use a format similar to string.Format.
Using this overload is safe against SQL injection, and behind the scenes LinqToSql transalets it to use sp_executesql with parameters.
Here is an example:
string sql = "SELECT * FROM city WHERE city LIKE {0}";
db.ExecuteQuery(sql, "Lon%"); //Note that we don't need the single quotes
This way one can use the benefit of parameterized queries, even while using dynamic sql.
However when it comes to using IN with a dynamic number of parameters, there are two options:
Construct the string dynamically, and then pass the values as an array, as in:
string sql = "SELECT * FROM city WHERE zip IN (";
List<string> placeholders = new List<string>();
for(int i = 0; i < zips.Length;i++)
sql += string.Join(",",placeholders.ToArray());
sql += ")";
db.ExecuteQuery(sql, zips.ToArray());
We can use a more compact approach by using the Linq extension methods, as in
string sql = "SELECT * FROM city WHERE zip IN ("+
string.Join("," , zips.Select(z => "{" + zips.IndexOf(f).ToString() + "}"))
db.ExecuteQuery(sql, zips.ToArray());

Stored procedure: Searching in a table when passing an array of values

I need to create a stored procedure which receives a parameter (named #codes).
This is a string which contains a list of codes separated by a semicolumn.
I'd need to look inside a table and return all rows that have a code (which is in the column EANcodes) which was passed in the #codes parameter.
Can anyone help me get started. My knowledge of stored procedures is very limited.
Thanks in advance.
Ideally, I'd prefer to see the parameter passed in another way, either using a table-value parameter (assuming SQL 2008) or XML which can be easily shredded into a table.
Alternatively, use a SQL split function (one example is here) to parse the string into a temp table, then join against that table in your select query.
Stored Procedures aren't really meant to handle a list of strings as a paramter. You'd be better off splitting it up in your App code and then calling the stored procedure many times with each one as a parameter.
However, if you feel the need to do it this way. You could loop through the string, and use CHARINDEX to find the next index of a semicolon and then use SUBSTRING to get the next code. Then you could use a CTE for the matching rows at each iteration and when the loop is done, simply return the CTE. This is pretty hacky, but I can't think of any other way to do this.
(Those are the T-SQL string functions)
For info on the string manipulation functions (in T-SQL):
And here are similar functions in MySQL:

Traversing multiple CSV in SQL

I have a SQL Server 2008 database. This database has a stored procedure that will update several records. The ids of these records are stored in a parameter that is passed in via a comma-delimited string. The property values associated with each of these ids are passed in via two other comma-delimited strings. It is assumed that the length (in terms of tokens) and the orders of the values are correct. For instance, the three strings may look like this:
My challenge is, I'm not sure what the best way to actually go about parsing these three CSVs and updating the corresponding records are. I have access to a procedure named ConvertCSVtoTable, which converts a CSV to a temp table of records. So Param1 would return
after the procedure was called. I thought about a cursor, but then it seems to get really messy.
Can someone tell me/show me, what the best way to address this problem is?
I'd give some thought to reworking the inputs to your procedure. Since you're running SQL 2008, my first choice would be to use a table-valued parameter. My second choice would be to pass the parameters as XML. Your current method, as you already know, is a real headache and is more error prone.
You can use bulk load to insert values to tmp table after that PIVOT them and insert to proper one.
