CXF interceptor to preprocess incoming message - cxf

I have an operation that has an input message like this:
messageType: String
other properties ...
I'd like to modify this messageType before it hits the target WS method and I wrote an interceptor for the Phase.USER_LOGICAL. However, in the handleMessage if I try to do:
message.getContent(InputMessageType.class) it returns null.
How could I get the reference to the InputMessageType, change it's messageType property and then let CXF call the WS with the modified input parameter?

I had the same problem as yours : message.getContent(xxx.class) returns null. I do not know why and I will check later this behaviour.
So instead I use the interceptor like this (I retrieve the MessageContentsList) :
public class ApiSoapActionInInterceptorService extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor<Message> {
public ApiSoapActionInInterceptorService(){
public void handleMessage(Message message) throws Fault {
MessageContentsList inObjects = MessageContentsList.getContentsList(message);
if (inObjects != null && !inObjects.isEmpty()){
for (Iterator<Object> it = inObjects.iterator(); it.hasNext() ;){
Object ob =;
if (ob instanceof InputMessageType){
} else {


Apache Camel - Create mock endpoint to listen to messages sent from within a processor

I have a route as follows:
.log("Received Tickets : ${body}")
.process(exchange -> {
List<TradeTicketDto> ticketDtos = (List<TradeTicketDto>) exchange.getIn().getBody();
.forEach(t -> solaceMessagePublisher.sendAsText("BOOKINGSERVICE.TICKET.UPDATED", t));
.forEach(t -> solaceMessagePublisher.sendAsText("BOOKINGSERVICE.TRADE.UPDATED", t));
.log(exceptionMessage().toString() + " --> ${body}");
solaceMessagePublisher is a utility class in application which performs some action on passed object (second argument) and finally converts it to json string and sends to a jms topic (first argument).
public void sendAsText(final String destinationKey, Object payload) {
LOGGER.debug("Sending object as text to %s",destinationKey);
String destinationValue = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(destinationKey)) {
destinationValue = properties.getProperty(destinationKey);
LOGGER.debug("Identified Destination Value = %s from key %s", destinationValue,destinationKey);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(destinationValue)) {
throw new BaseServiceException("Invalid destination for message");
sendAsTextToDestination(destinationValue, payload);
public void sendAsTextToDestination(final String destinationValue, Object payload) {
if (payload == null) {
LOGGER.debug(" %s %s",EMPTY_PAYLOAD_ERROR_MESSAGE, destinationValue);
final String message = messageCreator.createMessageEnvelopAsJSON(payload, ContextProvider.getUserInContext());
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("Created message = " + message);
jmsTemplate.send(destinationValue, new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
LOGGER.debug("Creating JMS Text Message");
return session.createTextMessage(message);
I am having a problem in creating a mock endpoint to listen to messages sent to this topic. Question is how to listen to the messages sent to a topic which is out of camel context?
I have tried in my Test using mock:jms:endpoint. It doesn't work.
My Test is as below
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { SiteMain.class })
public class TicketRouteCamelTest extends CamelSpringTestSupport{
protected BaseMessageEnvelopCreator messageCreator;
private static final String MOCK_TICKET_UPDATED_QUEUE = "direct:mockTicketUpdated";
public void configureMockEndpoints() throws Exception {
//mock input
final AdviceWithRouteBuilder mockRouteAdvice = new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
context().getRouteDefinition("ticketRoute").adviceWith(context(), mockRouteAdvice);
public void testTicketRouteWithListOfTickets() throws Exception {
//create test data
TradeTicketDto tradeTicketDto = TradeTestDataHelper.getTradeTicketDto();
//create an exchange and set its body with test data
List<TradeTicketDto> list = new ArrayList<>();
Exchange requestExchange = ExchangeBuilder.anExchange(context()).build();
//create assert on the mock endpoints
MockEndpoint mockTicketUpdatedEndpoint = getMockEndpoint("mock:DEV/bookingservice/ticket/updated");
messageCreator.createMessageEnvelopAsJSON(list.get(0), ContextProvider.getUserInContext()),
messageCreator.createMessageEnvelopAsJSON(list.get(1), ContextProvider.getUserInContext()) );
MockEndpoint mockTradeUpdatedEndpoint = getMockEndpoint("mock:DEV/bookingservice/trade/updated");
messageCreator.createMessageEnvelopAsJSON(list.get(0).getTicketInstruments().get(0), ContextProvider.getUserInContext()),
messageCreator.createMessageEnvelopAsJSON(list.get(0).getTicketInstruments().get(1), ContextProvider.getUserInContext()),
messageCreator.createMessageEnvelopAsJSON(list.get(1).getTicketInstruments().get(0), ContextProvider.getUserInContext()),
messageCreator.createMessageEnvelopAsJSON(list.get(1).getTicketInstruments().get(1), ContextProvider.getUserInContext()));
//send test exchange to request mock endpoint
template.send(MOCK_TICKET_UPDATED_QUEUE, requestExchange);
//test the asserts
On running test actual bodies received on mockendpont is 0
Mock is NOT a queue for consumers/producers to exchange data. Its a sink for testing purpose where you can setup expectations on the mock.
If you want to simulate a JMS via some kind of other means, then take a look at the stub component:
Its also listed in the bottom of the testing docs at:

Overriding Hystrix command properties specified in .properties file

I need to override command timeout property specified in my file. Here is what I tried
public void testTokenQueryTimeout() throws Exception
String propertyToSet ="hystrix.command.quickbaseTokenQueryCommand.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds";
String prop="";
try {
prop = ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().getProperty(
propertyToSet).toString();"\n\n\noriginal quickbaseTokenQueryCommand timeout ="+prop);
prop = ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().getProperty(
propertyToSet).toString();"\n\n\nupdated quickbaseTokenQueryCommand timeout ="+prop);
String response = accountValidation.isValidToken(token);;
catch (AccountValidationServiceException e)
finally {
propertyToSet)))prop = System.getProperty(
propertyToSet);"Updated testTokenQueryTimeout timeout ="+prop);
Notice, System.setProperty(propertyToSet,"10"). With this approach this test case passes i.e. the property gets changed and command times out but another test case fails due to this command timeout though I am clearing the property from System.
I also tried setting the property using ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty(
propertyToSet).toString(),"10"); But in that case, this change of property has no effect and command does not timeout.
Is there something I am missing here.
Please help.
Try using the ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration class
public class HelloWorldCommand extends HystrixCommand<String> {
public HelloWorldCommand() {
protected String run() throws Exception {
return "Hello";
public class HelloWorldCommandTest {
public void commandConfigTest() {
String propertyKey = "hystrix.command.HelloWorldCommand.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds";
ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration config = (ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration) ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance();
Integer originalTimeout = (Integer) config.getProperty(propertyKey);
config.setOverrideProperty(propertyKey, 1200);
String result = new HelloWorldCommand().execute();
assertThat(result, is("Hello"));
config.setOverrideProperty(propertyKey, originalTimeout);
Integer timeoutValue = (Integer) config.getProperty(propertyKey);
assertThat(timeoutValue, is(originalTimeout));

Hystrix fallback handling 2 dbcall

Hystrix fallback issue.
If dbcall1 goes in fallback due to some failure and short-circuit happens, then dbcall2 also goes in fallback evrytime untill the circuit opens.
public class CommandHelloFailure extends HystrixCommand<String> {
private final String name;
public CommandHelloFailure(String name) {
super(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey("ExampleGroup")); = name;
}`enter code here`
String dbcall1 ()
new CommandHelloFailure().execute();
String dbcall2()
new CommandHelloFailure().execute();
protected String run() {
throw new RuntimeException("this command always fails");
protected String getFallback() {
return "Hello Failure " + name + "!";
However i want independent fallback for both the method(DB call).
That's because you didn't specify HystrixCommandKey. If you doesn't specify HystrixCommandKey, HystrixCommandKey is derived from the class name. Namely CommandHelloFailure will be used as HystrixCommandKey.
It means that dbcall1 and dbcall2 will share the same circuit breaker.
Because Circuit Break is created for each HystrixCommandKey, not HystrixCommandGroupKey.

CXF WS, Interceptor: stop processing, respond with fault

I'm scratching my head over this:
Using an Interceptor to check a few SOAP headers, how can I abort the interceptor chain but still respond with an error to the user?
Throwing a Fault works regarding the output, but the request is still being processed and I'd rather not have all services check for some flag in the message context.
Aborting with "message.getInterceptorChain().abort();" really aborts all processing, but then there's also nothing returned to the client.
What's the right way to go?
public class HeadersInterceptor extends AbstractSoapInterceptor {
public HeadersInterceptor() {
public void handleMessage(SoapMessage message) throws Fault {
Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
BindingOperationInfo bop = exchange.getBindingOperationInfo();
Method action = ((MethodDispatcher) exchange.get(Service.class)
if (action.isAnnotationPresent(NeedsHeaders.class)
&& !headersPresent(message)) {
Fault fault = new Fault(new Exception("No headers Exception"));
fault.setFaultCode(new QName("Client"));
try {
Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
Element detail = doc.createElementNS(Soap12.SOAP_NAMESPACE, "mynamespace");
detail.setTextContent("Missing some headers...blah");
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
// bad: message.getInterceptorChain().abort();
throw fault;
Following the suggestion by Donal Fellows I'm adding an answer to my question.
CXF heavily relies on Spring's AOP which can cause problems of all sorts, at least here it did. I'm providing the complete code for you. Using open source projects I think it's just fair to provide my own few lines of code for anyone who might decide not to use WS-Security (I'm expecting my services to run on SSL only). I wrote most of it by browsing the CXF sources.
Please, comment if you think there's a better approach.
* Checks the requested action for AuthenticationRequired annotation and tries
* to login using SOAP headers username/password.
* #author Alexander Hofbauer
public class AuthInterceptor extends AbstractSoapInterceptor {
public static final String KEY_USER = "UserAuth";
UserService userService;
public AuthInterceptor() {
// process after unmarshalling, so that method and header info are there
public void handleMessage(SoapMessage message) throws Fault {
Logger.getLogger(AuthInterceptor.class).trace("Intercepting service call");
Exchange exchange = message.getExchange();
BindingOperationInfo bop = exchange.getBindingOperationInfo();
Method action = ((MethodDispatcher) exchange.get(Service.class)
if (action.isAnnotationPresent(AuthenticationRequired.class)
&& !authenticate(message)) {
Fault fault = new Fault(new Exception("Authentication failed"));
fault.setFaultCode(new QName("Client"));
try {
Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
Element detail = doc.createElementNS(Soap12.SOAP_NAMESPACE, "test");
detail.setTextContent("Failed to authenticate.\n" +
"Please make sure to send correct SOAP headers username and password");
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw fault;
private boolean authenticate(SoapMessage msg) {
Element usernameNode = null;
Element passwordNode = null;
for (Header header : msg.getHeaders()) {
if (header.getName().getLocalPart().equals("username")) {
usernameNode = (Element) header.getObject();
} else if (header.getName().getLocalPart().equals("password")) {
passwordNode = (Element) header.getObject();
if (usernameNode == null || passwordNode == null) {
return false;
String username = usernameNode.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue();
String password = passwordNode.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue();
User user = null;
try {
user = userService.loginUser(username, password);
} catch (BusinessException e) {
return false;
if (user == null) {
return false;
msg.put(KEY_USER, user);
return true;
As mentioned above, here's the ExceptionHandler/-Logger. At first I wasn't able to use it in combination with JAX-RS (also via CXF, JAX-WS works fine now). I don't need JAX-RS anyway, so that problem is gone now.
public class ExceptionHandler {
private Map<String, Boolean> registeredExceptions;
* Everything in my project.
void inScope() {
* Every single method.
#Pointcut("execution(* *(..))")
void anyOperation() {
* Log every Throwable.
* #param t
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "inScope() && anyOperation()", throwing = "t")
public void afterThrowing(Throwable t) {
StackTraceElement[] trace = t.getStackTrace();
Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExceptionHandler.class);
String info;
if (trace.length > 0) {
info = trace[0].getClassName() + ":" + trace[0].getLineNumber()
+ " threw " + t.getClass().getName();
} else {
info = "Caught throwable with empty stack trace";
logger.warn(info + "\n" + t.getMessage());
logger.debug("Stacktrace", t);
* Handles all exceptions according to config file.
* Unknown exceptions are always thrown, registered exceptions only if they
* are set to true in config file.
* #param pjp
* #throws Throwable
#Around("inScope() && anyOperation()")
public Object handleThrowing(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
try {
Object ret = pjp.proceed();
return ret;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// We don't care about unchecked Exceptions
if (!(t instanceof Exception)) {
return null;
Boolean throwIt = registeredExceptions.get(t.getClass().getName());
if (throwIt == null || throwIt) {
throw t;
return null;
Short answer, the right way to abort in a client-side interceptor before the sending the request is to create the Fault with a wrapped exception :
throw new Fault(
new ClientException( // or any non-Fault exception, else blocks in
// abstractClient.checkClientException() (waits for missing response code)
"Error before sending the request"), Fault.FAULT_CODE_CLIENT);
Thanks to post contributors for helping figuring it out.
CXF allows you to specify that your interceptor goes before or after certain interceptors. If your interceptor is processing on the inbound side (which based on your description is the case) there is an interceptor called CheckFaultInterceptor. You can configure your interceptor to go before it:
public HeadersInterceptor(){
The check fault interceptor in theory checks if a fault has occurred. If one has, it aborts the interceptor chain and invokes the fault handler chain.
I have not yet been able to test this (it is fully based on the available documentation I've come across trying to solve a related problem)

Silverlight 3 Validation - manual validate not working?

Apologies for cross posting (I asked this on the Silverlight Forum but got no response)
I have an entity that I am trying to use validation on so I have decorated a property like so:
public string Code
return this.code;
if (this.code != value)
this.code = value;
I have a list of these objects bound to a grid. If I put an empty entry in, it shows a validation error. If I put too long a code in, I get a validation error. Perfect! Except...
I want to be able to stop the user from saving the entity so I added the following to my entity:
public bool IsValid()
return false;
return true;
public void Validate()
var ctx = new ValidationContext(this, null, null);
Validator.ValidateObject(this, ctx);
And when i go to save I call the IsValid method on each object and not save if it's false.
This works fine for the required attribute (it wont save if Code is empty) but not for StringLength (I can save with any length code).
I have reproduced this in a simple project here:
Can anyone help?
you should write as:
[CustomValidation( typeof( MyExtraClassValidation ), "Validate" )]
public class MyExtraClass : Entity, IEditableObject, INotifyPropertyChanged
public class MyExtraClassValidation
public MyExtraClassValidation ()
public static ValidationResult Validate( MyExtraClass myExtraClass )
if ( /**class is not valid*/)
return new ValidationResult( "Oops" );
return ValidationResult.Success;
Of course, your interfaces may be ablolutely anorther, but I reccomend you use it.
Also, you can call validateHandler from your control and check, for example, after every user key pressing.
