Explore Charts to Pdf Using silverlight 4.0? - silverlight

I am using Infragistics control to design a chart in Silverlight 4.0.
I have created that one.
Now I want to explore the data from that data chart to PDf.
How can I do it? Could you please anyone provide me information regarding this?

You can add UIElements to Teleriks RadRichTextBox and then export the document to PDF. This also gives you the ability to add some additional styling (header, border, description etc) to the PDF document before saving.
This should get you started

If you render the XamDataChart to a bitmap, you can add that to a PDF using the Infragistics Document Engine. There is a WPF Data Chart to PDF blog post that demonstrates this and has a sample. Note that this is using WPF and you will likely need to use the WPF XamDataChart on your webserver to generate the chart and add it to the PDF document for the end user to download.


WinForms WebView2 not showing pdf draw tools

I have a WinForms application and a form with WebView2 control. I set Source property of the Webview2 control to a local pdf file. When I run the program, the pdfviewer is showing the pdf document, but the draw and highlight controls are not showing.
When I open the pdf in edge browser, the controls are showing. Where am I doing the mistake.
The feature to annotate PDFs is disabled in WebView2. You can read more about this on Disabling Feature: PDF Annotations Support.
Additionally, you can open a feature request to enable this feature on the WebView2 Feedback repo.

background image in Sencha Architect

Using Sencha Architect, How to display background image ? I wanna see background image in design view, so I can snapshot. I have tried two ways:
First using CSS resources and background CSS Property, that works when app is saved and view in chrome but there is no background in SA Design View.
Second, I tried to place image (as background) but can't add buttons on that image.
Please help me to view background image in SA Design View. Thanks.
Have a look at this:
Add your CSS file to your Architect project and it will apply in the design view like this:

is it possible to render a XAML canvas wihtout Silverlight?

Is it possible to create an online photo editor in XAML (editor allows users to add text, other images, clipart) that simply renders in a browser without the need for the user to download a plug in like Silverlight?
No. Closest would be using HTML5's canvas and javascript and/or jquery.

winform webbrowser display pdf in same window

I have a simple question which expects a simple answer! :-)
In a visual basic .NET winform I drop a WebBrowser control
Within the form's load event script I have this:
Now the issue is that the webbrowser actually launches an Adobe reader new window with the PDF document, and that window is NOT part of my application.
In my application the WebBrowser control says: Navigation Cancelled!!!!
What I want is the pdf file displayed within the actual WebBrowser control.
Any fix greatly appreciated.
Isn't this a setting in Adobe reader? Look for Display PDF in browser in settings.

Landscape Page Turn in Silverlight ( vertical )

i am looking for page turn Silverlight in landscape mode.
Or can we show PDF file Silverlight?
There is an extensive post on implementing page turn techniques here.
You could should PDF using an iframe in Silverlight 3 or using the Html control in Silverlight 4.
Managed to do using http://page-flip.com/
