Overloading free() so my program use mine instead of the system's - c

I need to recode the free() func for educational purpose and it must be named free() also.
When i rename my function myfree() it work flawlessly but when i name it free() the program don't know if he need to use mine or the system's so the program just Segmentation fault(core dumped) even if i don't call my free (just the declaration of another free() func seem to crash it)
so how can i tell the compiler to use mine instead of the system's ?
thanks you in advance.
EDIT : Linux operating system

Basically, you have three options that I can see
Redirect it during compile time, for example using #define as #Mohamed suggests.
Change it at runtime using LD_PRELOAD.
Modify the existing malloc/free using malloc hooks.

If you're using GCC, you can use the compiler to help you. When you compile, include this on your link line: -Xlinker --wrap=free. This will redirect all calls to free() to use __wrap_free(), which you must provide. If you wish to call the original free() function, it's still there but renamed; you can call __real_free().
This will capture pre-compiled libraries you link against, something a macro cannot do (but LD_PRELOAD can).

use macros for that: to force program to use your myfree() function:
#define free(X) myfree(X)

The easiest (not the safest) way is to #define free myfree so the preprocessor will replace all calls from free() to myfree(). Another, more safe approach, would be create a normal function called free() and do not include libraries, that also contain free() function.

If you are looking for a standard way, I'm afraid it doesn't exist. Redefining standard library names is undefined behavior.
... If the program declares or defines an identifier in a
context in which it is reserved (other than as allowed by 7.1.4), or defines a reserved
identifier as a macro name, the behavior is undefined.
In 7.1.4, there are is a long explanation of how the library may define a macro with the same name as the function and how to bypass that macro. There is no indication of how a user may override a standard library function.
You can also see this question for more information.
Non standard ways are of course always possible as you can find in other answers.


Providing a `malloc` implementation for `newlib-nano`

I'd like to provide an implementation of malloc for newlib-nano when using it with gcc. In my situation, I have some source file, say main.c, that calls strftime. The newlib-nano implementation of strftime uses malloc. In a header file, my_memory.h, I've declared a function void *malloc(size_t size) and provided an implementation in a corresponding my_memory.c file.
When linking the project using gcc, the linker fails at .../libc_nano.a(liba-malloc.o) because of multiple definitions of malloc. The behavior I'd like is for the linker to take my implementation of malloc rather than pulling newlib-nano's, but to retain using newlib-nano's implementation of other standard library functions, e.g. memset.
I've searched around for an "exclude object file from static library" option in gcc to try to exclude libc_nano.a(liba-malloc.o) but with no luck. Note that the compiler is pulling in this object file and I don't have access to the compiler's libc_nano.a to patch liba-malloc.o with my own object file.
Anyway, am I missing something, or is it not possible to achieve what I'm trying to achieve?
Likely liba-malloc.o contains other allocator function definitions like calloc, free, realloc, etc. and thus is getting pulled in for linking because of references to one of them. You can see this with the -t option to ld (pass -Wl,-t on gcc command line when linking to use it). If this is the case, you can avoid linking it just by ensuring you've provided definitions of all these functions yourself.
A better idea might be getting rid of the malloc dependency by using a different strftime. It's rather ridiculous for strftime, especially an embedded-oriented implementation, to be calling malloc; it has no fundamental need to and I'm somewhat baffled how they found a way to make malloc useful to it. Aside from some tie-in with locale which could be extricated fairly easily, musl libc's strftime.c (disclosure: author=me) is very self-contained and could probably serve as a drop-in replacement.

Disable default malloc with arm-none-eabi on cortex m3 (bare metal)

I want to provide my own or better no malloc function. So I want to make sure it's not linked at all.
I already pass -nostdlib and --specs=nano.specs to the linker.
When providing my own malloc function I get:
../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/7.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v7-m\libc_nano.a(lib_a-malloc.o): In function `malloc':
malloc.c:(.text.malloc+0x0): multiple definition of `malloc'
I'm looking for a way to skip linking of the lib_a-malloc.o
As a clarification: It's more about having no malloc at all than about providing my own implementation. Providing my own implementation was just to check if there already is one or for debugging purpose.
Using the same name as a standard function's name is almost always a bad idea.
Even you, after some time not working on that project, will not remember that this malloc() you are reading in your code is not the malloc() that we all know and loved. Let aside anyone else.
So, for maintainability and readability, I suggest you name your function differently, plain example: my_malloc().
PS: You might want to read GCC - How to stop malloc being linked?

Compiling a custom malloc

I have written a custom library which implements malloc/calloc/realloc/free using the standard C prototypes, and I figured out how to compile it to an so. I want to test the library by linking a standard application against it? What would be a good way to do this? Once I have a working library I assume I can just load it with LD_PRELOAD, but how do I get my functions to co-exist with but take precedence over the system library ones? My functions need to make a call to malloc in order to get memory to run, so I can't just completely ditch stdlib... Help?
Functions that you are trying to replace are standard C functions, not macros, not system calls. So you have to simply give your functions the same names and compile them into a shared library.
Then, use LD_PRELOAD to pre-load your library before binary starts. Since all addresses are resolved once, linker will figure out addresses of your functions and remember their names and will not look for them in standard library later.
This approach might not work if your program is linked with the standard runtime statically. Also, it will not work on Mac OS X as there is another API for interpolation.
In Linux, for example, in order for your functions to co-exist (i.e. if you want to use system malloc in your own implementation of malloc), you have to open the standard library manually using dlopen, look up functions you need there using dlsym and call them later by address.
Don't write your malloc() in terms of malloc() -- write it using sbrk, which gets memory directly from the OS.
If you have control of the source code that is to use this library, here is one possibility. Use different function names: Rather than malloc, for example, call it newCoolMalloc. This method is sometimes simpler and doesn't depend on special linker options.
Then in your code, use #define to cause the code to call the desired set of functions. You can #define malloc to be something different. For example:
#define malloc newCoolMalloc
#define free newCoolFree
If you do that, though, you have to be very very careful to include that consistently. Otherwise you run the risk of using stdlib malloc in one place and then your own free in another leading to messy bugs. One way to help mitigate that situation is to (if possible) in your own code use custom names for the allocation and free functions. Then it is easier to ensure that the correct one is being called. You can define the various custom names to your own malloc functions or even the original stdlib malloc functions.
For example, you might use mallocPlaceHolder as the actual name in the code:
someThing = mallocPlaceHolder( nbytes );
Then your defines would look more like this:
#define mallocPlaceHolder myCoolMalloc
If no function of the form mallocPlaceHolder (and associated free) actually exist, it avoids mixing different libraries.

Question about overriding C standard library functions and how to link everything together

I made my own implementation of _init , malloc , free ( and others ).
Inside these functions I use the dlfcn.h (dlopen , dlsym etc) library to call the actual standard versions. I put then in a single file and compile them as a shared library ( memory.so ). When I wish to run an executable and make it call my versions of these functions I simply set LD_PRELOAD=memory.so .
The problem is that I have a number of other modules which memory.c depends on. These include a file containing functions to scan elf files ( symbols.c ) and my own implementation of a hash table ( hashtable.c ) which I use to keep track of memory leaks among others.
My question is if there is a way to separately compile hashtable.c & symbols.c so any malloc references are resolved with the standard library and not with the ones included on memory.c. I could of course use the dlfcn.h libraries on everything that memory.c depends on but I would prefer it if there was a way to avoid that.
I still haven't completely figured out how linking works so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
If you are working with glibc you can use alternative non-overriden function names:
[max#truth ~]$ nm --defined-only --dynamic /lib64/libc.so.6 | egrep "malloc\b"
0000003e56079540 T __libc_malloc
0000003e56079540 T malloc
Note the same function address in the above. In other words, malloc() function is given two names, so that the original malloc() version is available under __libc_malloc() name in case malloc() has been interposed.
A quick grep on glibc sources reveals the only caller of __libc_malloc() is mcheck. These function aliases are a glibc implementation detail and there is no header for them. malloc/mcheck.c declares the internal functions as below:
extern __typeof (malloc) __libc_malloc;
extern __typeof (free) __libc_free;
extern __typeof (realloc) __libc_realloc;
Other C libraries may have differently named aliases, so using dlsym() to get the original malloc() address is more portable.
First it is important to note there is no need to do what you want to do for memory debuggers in Linux as glibc provides specific hook functions for memory functions (see: http://www.gnu.org/s/libc/manual/html_node/Allocation-Debugging.html)
But disregarding this, the general solution is to NOT use dlopen() to get a reference to glibc for dlsym() but rather use the magical handle RTLD_NEXT. Here is the relevant part from the dlopen() man page:
"There are two special pseudo-handles, RTLD_DEFAULT and RTLD_NEXT. The former will find the first occurrence of the desired symbol using the default library search order. The latter will find the next occurrence of a function in the search order after the current library. This allows one to provide a wrapper around a function in another shared library."
See for example: http://developers.sun.com/solaris/articles/lib_interposers_code.html
You could take a look at electric fence. It overrides a lot of standard functions to do various memory debugging.

Is there a way to redefine malloc at link time on Windows?

I would like to replace the default malloc at link time to use a custom malloc. But when I try to redefine malloc in my program, I get this error:
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR80.dll) : error LNK2005: _malloc already defined in test.lib(test.obj)
This works perfectly on any Unix, and it works on Windows with most functions, but not with malloc. How can I do this? And what is different with malloc that disallow overriding it?
I know I could replace every call to malloc with my custom malloc, or use a macro to do this, but I would rather not modify every third party library.
There is really good discussion of how hard this is here:
Apparently, you need to patch the CRT
Edit: actually, a MS employee gave the technique in the discussion. You need to move your malloc to a lib, and then link it before the CRT
"he also mentions that if you link your malloc as a lib before the CRT (i.e. make sure to turn on ‘ignore default libs’ and explictly include the CRT), you’ll get what you want, and can redistribute this lib without problems."
I think it depends in which order you link the files. I think you need to link your custom function first, then the import library.
From version 3.0 Firefox uses a custom allocator (AFAIR jmalloc) -- you could check how they did it. I read that they had some problems with it. You may check this blog post.
What about defining malloc=_custom_malloc in the project makefile.
Than adding a file such as:
#undef malloc
#undef calloc
void *_custom_malloc(int size) { return jmalloc(size); }
void *_custom_calloc(int size) { return jcalloc(size); }
