Use checkboxes in angularjs to manage array of objects - angularjs

I had asked a question about
How to associate objects as models using ng-options in angularjs.
And I got an awesome answer very fast. My followup questions is that the response uses <select mutiple> to handle the child object array.
You can see a working example of what I want, working with <select> at
How can I use <input type='checkbox'> (instead of <select>) to handle that object array i.e. ng:model="shirt.colors" while repeating the items from colors object array.
The reason, this appears so complicated to me is that I have to manage an array of objects instead of array of values... for example, if you look in the fiddle, there are color objects and shirt object that has multiple colors.
If the color object changes, it should change the corresponding color objects in shirt objects.
Thank you in advance.

You just need some intermediate value in your scope, and bind checkboxes to it. In your controller - watch for it changes, and manually reconstruct shirt.colors, according to it value.
<div ng-repeat='shirt in shirts'>
<label>Size: <input ng-model='shirt.size'></label><br/>
<label ng-repeat="color in colors">
{{color.label}} <input ng-model="selection[$parent.$index][$index]" type="checkbox"/>
And in your controller:
$scope.selection = [[],[]];
$scope.$watch('selection', function () {
console.log('change', $scope.selection);
angular.forEach($scope.selection, function (shirtSelection, index) {
$scope.shirts[index].colors = [];
angular.forEach(shirtSelection, function (value, index2) {
if (value) $scope.shirts[index].colors.push($scope.colors[index2]);
}, true);
You can test it here:


Is it Item based or content based Collaborative filtering?

(Updated code)
Hi all i want to filtering items for count and quality using the filter functionality in meanjs app. then i tried many ways but unable to get the solution if any one knows the solution please help me.....
here is my plunker sample
Count All
<div class="col-md-2 form-group form-group-default">
<label>Quality</label> <select data-ng-model="searchtable.quality" id="quality" ng-options="item.quantity as item.quantity for item in descriptionyarnqualitys" class="form-control" placeholder="Quality"required><option value="">All</option></select>
The quality property is a sub property of colorshades and not of the order itself. Use searchtable.colorshades.quality model name and it works
dynamically extract the 'quality' value from the order list:
$scope.getDescriptionyarnqualitys = function() {
var qualities = {};
angular.forEach($scope.sryarnorders, function(order) {
angular.forEach(order.colorshades, function(shade) {
return qualities;
In the HTML you can call the function to extract the available qualities:
<select data-ng-model="searchtable.colorshades.quality" id="quality" ng-options="name for (name, value) in getDescriptionyarnqualitys()" class="form-control" placeholder="Quality" required>
Hope this help.

Exclude selected options from multiple dropdowns in angularjs?

I have five dropdowns. All five dropdowns have same source for options. An option selected in one dropdown should not appear in options of remaining dropdowns. What is best way to achieve it in angularjs?
And source for ng-options is array of objects.
You'll need to come up with an implementation that suits your specific needs and desired user experience, but this may help you work out some basic principles you can use. This is just the most minimal example I could think of. The main point is the custom filter that you'll filter ng-options down with. It will receive your array of objects (the options), and you'll also pass in the other models so that you can filter them out if they're selected.
Here, I'm looping over each selected object and removing it from the ng-options array, unless it's the object selected on this element.
angular.module('myApp', [])
.filter('customFilter', function(filterFilter) {
return function(input, filterEach, exclude) {
filterEach.forEach(function(item) {
if (angular.equals(item, exclude)) { return; }
input = filterFilter(input, '!'+item);
return input;
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-init="foos = [{label:'label 1',id:1},{label:'label 2',id:2},{label:'label 3',id:3}]; selected = []">
<div ng-repeat="foo in foos">
<select ng-model="selected[$index]" ng-options=" as obj.label for obj in foos | customFilter:selected:selected[$index]"></select>

AngularJS model not updating inside javascript array

I have a simple issue with AngularJS: the properties outside of the array update normally, but the array elements (that are bound to those properties) don't, here is a plunker to show that:
var vm = this;
vm.topLine = {
netWrittenPremiumLastFye: 1000000,
netWrittenPremiumYtd: 123000
vm.grossColumnChartData = [
['Previous YE', vm.topLine.netWrittenPremiumLastFye],
['YTD', vm.topLine.netWrittenPremiumYtd]
We can use $scope.$watch('something', function(oldValue, newValue) {...}) but that's not a good choice in my situation since i'll have to do that many times, repeatedly.
I want to take advantage of angular 2-way binding as explained above.
Any helps or suggestions are appreciated, thanks!
I think the only way you can do this without using $watch is by updating the array directly in the html binding.
{{ grossColumnChartData = [
['Previous YE', vm.topLine.netWrittenPremiumLastFye],
['YTD', vm.topLine.netWrittenPremiumYtd]
] }}
grossColumnChartData = {{grossColumnChartData | json}}
See this:
I have updated my plnkr and i have my answer now:
<div ng-repeat="item in vm.grossColumnChartData">
<label>Input {{$index+1}}:</label>
<input ng-model="" type="text"/>
I was confused between data binding and reference.
I used ng-repeat to update the array elements.

ng repeat not updating

Hi I am a newbie to angular js and I am hoping someone can help me out with the following problem.
I have a numeric field called numAdults and I need to show a set of field (such as name, address, telephone etc ) numAdult times to get those information for each of those person.
Here is the jsfiddle for the problem jsfiddle link
Here is also an overview of code of the controller
function bookingController($scope){
$scope.numAdults = 1;
$scope.personLoop = function(){
console.log('personLoop called')
return new Array($scope.numAdults);
//return new Array(2);
the html
<label for="book_num_adults">Number of adults:</label>
<input id="book_num_adults" type="text" ng-model="numAdults">
<div class="row" ng-repeat="t in personLoop()" style="border:2px solid red;margin-top:10px">
<h4>Person {{$index+1}}</h4>
<input placeholder="name"><br>
<input placeholder="address"><br>
<input placeholder="telephone"><br>
Can you also help me with how to transform this as an module ( not just a controller based )
Thank you in advance!
Your Fiddle was riddled with errors...
Under Frameworks & Extensions, you need to change the 2nd dropdown from "onLoad" to one of the "No wrap" options
Your controller definition is mangled. It's supposed to be: .controller('name', ['depname', function (depname) { })]); -- you had your closing array misplaced.
You should really use semi-colons.
You don't create an array of 5 items in JavaScript like this: var a = new Array(5), that creates an array that contains a 5. Instead, you should do var a = []; a.length = 5;

How to pass an array of checkboxes to a knockout custom binding?

i'm using knockout 2.2.1.
I have a set of 3 check boxes to concatenate to get the corresponding values all together:
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" id="top-colours" data-bind="topColoursLabel: { topColoursRed,topColoursBlue,topColoursGreen }">
<legend>Top Colours:</legend>
<input type="checkbox" name="top-colours-red" data-bind="checked: topColoursRed" id="tc-check-1" />
<label for="tc-check-1">Red stripes</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="top-colours-blue" data-bind="checked: topColoursBlue" id="tc-check-2" />
<label for="tc-check-2">Blue stripes</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="top-colours-green" data-bind="checked: topColoursGreen" id="tc-check-3" />
<label for="tc-check-3">Green stripes</label>
The result shall be for example: "Red stripes, Blue stripes".
My viewmodel is as follows:
function ColoursViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.template = "coloursView";
self.topColoursRed = ko.observable(false);
self.topColoursBlue = ko.observable(false);
self.topColoursGreen = ko.observable(false);
self.topColoursDescription = ko.observable("");
How shall be the custom bindings to achieve this?
I try something like that:
ko.bindingHandlers.topColoursLabel = {
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
// ...
var checkText = '...';
I'm not able to find out how to pass the array to my custom bindings to subscribe to the values of the 3 check boxes, because I'm noob to knockout.
It seems to me, that a declaration like:
data-bind="topColoursLabel: { topColoursRed,topColoursBlue,topColoursGreen }"
would be great to achieve this, but i'm searching the right way to do that.
Note: i cannot use a computed observable here, because i need to get some other properties from element - i mean the label-for text - so a custom binding is needed.
Can someone help?
UPDATED jsFiddle:
Actually, custom binding handler is not what you really need. You should implement your self.coloursDescription as computed observable which will track checkbox changes and return currently selected stripes:
self.topColoursDescription = ko.computed(function(){
var colors = [];
if (self.topColoursRed()) colors.push('Red stripes');
if (self.topColoursBlue()) colors.push('Blue stripes');
if (self.topColoursGreen()) colors.push('Green stripes');
return colors.join(', ');
Also remove all tracks of your custom bindings from markup and you will get something like this:
I can make your updated fiddle to work with top colours. Making it work with bottom colors too looks a bit complicated with your current approach.
Enumerate all linked color observables in your binding:
<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" id="top-colours" data-bind="topColoursLabel: [ topColoursRed, topColoursBlue, topColoursGreen ]">
Change your custom binding code (the line where ko.utils.unwrapObservable is called):
ko.utils.arrayForEach(valueAccessor(), ko.utils.unwrapObservable);
