to batch trace (vectorize) many bitmaps to .swf? - batch-file

Does anybody know way to batch trace (vectorize) many bitmaps into flash .swf format on the fly?
I could do it with Flash Pro, but i am looking for tracing big numbers of them so need automated way to do it.
there are some batch tracing progs for svg, but i need to trace into .swf
(p.s. I now there are tools to embed bitmap into swf , I actually need to trace them)

You could trace the images directly from AS3 using the
as3potrace library & save it. A minimal code for tracing can be
found here. Another project is the vectorizationpackage.
Use a console script to modify the image path in the as3 code &
recompile for multiple images. To recompile from command line, you
would need to use JSFL as suggested by mitim.


How to lock an exe file?

(Sorry in advance, if I have the wrong tags)
So I am trying to work on a personal WPF project which would allow the client application exe to download another application exe (Unity Application) and open it within the client exe's Grid. Everything is working fine.
But, I am wondering if there's a way to "lock" the downloaded application in a way that only my client exe can open the downloaded exe?
Here's the only solution I have thought of but not sure with
Check for command line arguments within the Unity Applications
This works well but people who knows about the existence of decompiler might be able to decode that I am trying to check the arguments, and input relevant data there. :(. So, it won't help too much?
Thanks for any insights.
There is no non-hackable solution, you can only make it harder for crackers to break into the app by code obfuscation (hard to read the code) + adding integrity checks (make sure that your app is not modified).. There are commecial apps out there to do this (ex. PreEmptive), and their solutions differ from each other, nothing is ultimate.
Anyway, You might make Unity Application read some file or some registry value that Client application has updated just before launching the Unity Application, along with command line args method that you mentioned..

How Can I View/Open This File?

i am trying to open and edit a file that contains some type of custom protection.
file game :gameguard.des
its from lineage2/interlude/system file.
this is not the original version though, it has been modified to block some packets sent to the server.
i've used VS2010 to open it and it shows me the memory and the contents in hex, like viewing computer memory.
here is the file attached.
so my question is, how can i open it viewing the code in a higher level and edit it? what tools i need to use to do that?
regards, George
This is a Win32 program. You can try to disassemble it, but it's itself a binary file and what the VS2010 is showing you is correct, because it's showing it most probably in HEX format to you.
You need to first figure out which compiler was used to compile this application, then maybe it helps you to refactor the executable.
The fact that you can not directly run this application might be just the extension, maybe if you change the extension to .exe, it runs under windows. I don't recommend it though.

How to copy resources from one executable to other

Ok my question is a little odd. But here we go.
I am trying to develop an executable file "wrapper" and a console program. The task of the console program is to copy Icons and Version Informations from another exe file to the wrapper file so that both the wrapper file and the exe file looks exactly same. Apart from that the exe file is appended to the wrapper file at the end. So that when the wrapper is executed it can extract and execute the appended exe file.
My question is how do I create the wrapper file so as to accomodate the Icons and Version info from other exe file ? I mean How should my resource file be ?
And next is How to copy Icons and version info. I hv searched and found a few codes and MSDN instructions but everyone of them uses FindResource, LoadResource, etc. But by following this method, I am losing the original contents of the wrapper file. The size of my file reduces from originally 67kb to 14kb and when I open up in notepad, I see lots of contents are gone ...
can anything be done by using SHGetFileInfo() ? This can be used to get HICON from the exe file. but how do I use this HICON to replace the icon resource in the wrapper file ??
The basic approach in your previous question is correct. You definitely don't want to be mucking around with SHGetFileInfo and HICONs. The type of resource shouldn't matter.
Your wrapper should start with no resources. This ensures, for example, that any icon you add will be both first and lowest numbered and thus guaranteed to be used as the app icon.
To understand what's happening with your code, use a tool that can view the resources in the resulting exe. Visual C++ Express can't do this, but the paid versions can. Alternatively, Google turns up a bunch of free utilities to do this. Here's one, I don't know if it's any good. The page also contains links to some other tools.

Strange .XAP.PNG archives (bing maps)

When I was looking at the html source file I came across some
strange "streetsidePrefetchFileUrls" URLs to .xap.png archives:
For exmaple:
This file has a PNG Header and contains an IDAT chunk. The IDAT chunk doesn't contain pixel data but a (corrupt) PKZIP archive with Microsoft Maps DLLs inside.
Does anybody know why Microsoft uses PNG as a container for xap Archives?
I've tried to unpack that archive with unzip and 7z. They all detect the ZIP-Archive inside the PNG but abort unpacking with an error.
Yes I noticed this they changed to this kind of protection just before the map app api came out of Beta. I presume it is their way of providing some protection for xap code from 3rd party developers, we have tried lots of ways to decrypt these without any luck but the code for it must be in the initial silverlight code so with a lot of decompiling you could probably find it
Many of the Bing Maps App's available on contain proprietary algorithms and code. The png encoding is there to help prevent people from decrypting the XAP files and decompiling them. That said, if there is something you are trying to figure out how to do then try asking that question instead.

Can I save a FlowDocument to BAML in a programmatic way?

Has anyone found a way to save a FlowDocument as BAML or other compressed format? I can import XML with images to create a new FlowDocument:
<TextRange class instance>.Load(fs, DataFormats.Rtf)
However, I haven't found a good way to save it in a 'native' compressed format. Uncompressed XAML is easy to generate using:
<TextRange class instance>.Save(fs, DataFormats.Xaml);
But is there any programmatic method to save it to a compressed format?
If there isn't an existing method, does anyone know where to find a programmatic XAML compiler? Or even just the BAML specifications? I could programmatically generate an entire XAML window with the FlowDocument embedded, but I'd still want to convert the XAML to BAML for faster load times. I'm using relatively large rtf documents and conversion time using DataFormats.Rtf is significant.
I do not think it is possible... The BamlWriter is marked as internal, this will hopefully open up soon!
I unfortunatly do not know of any XAML compilers
Well, it turns out you can run Visual C# 2008 Express w/o the GUI. And you can modify the final program name via code before you compile as well. I'm sure you can do it via APIs, but here's the hack I found:
The program's is name determined in .csproj, in the xml tag.
Run via code or batch file: "\Common7\IDE\vcsexpress" ".sln" /rebuild Release /projectconfig Release /out errors.txt
I like to examine and then delete the errors.txt after each run to make it easier to see if I got a clean build. This isn't ideal because you have to have a full bought version of Visual C# 2008 on each machine you use this way, but it is a way to create a new executable to display each flow document in a programatic way. Also if you have an error in your XAML, you may generate a program that won't run.
Note that the BAML format does NOT compress the text, only the tags and other 'plumbing'. Even the Margin and Padding information is saved in clear ASCII. This is inherited by the end .exe leaving the text clearly visible in sections to notepad or similar.
The XamlPackage format is compressed:
<TextRange class instance>.Save(fs, DataFormats.Xaml);
