Salesforce: Trying to deliver a CSV from a scheduled job - salesforce

I read where someone was able to do this, but I'm having a hard time getting it to work.
Basically, I'm scheduling an HTTP callout to a page that has a controller that builds a CSV and emails it to a recipient.
The Scheduled class:
global class ReportExporter implements System.Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
getmailReportOutput ex = new getmailReportOutput();
The getEmailReportOutput class:
public class getmailReportOutput{
public Static String strSessionID;
public getmailReportOutput() {
public void exportCSV() {
#future (callout=true)
public Static void makeReportRequest() {
strHost ='';
strSessionID = UserInfo.getSessionId();
String requestUrl = 'https://' + strHost + '/apex/TestSendReport#';
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Cookie','sid=' + strSessionID );
String output = new Http().send(req).getBody();
System.debug('HTTP RESPONSE RETURNED: ' + output);
The getEmailReportOutput class does an HTTP Callout to a VF page: I make sure to send the sessionID with the request:
And the "TestSendReport" is just a simple callout to a controller:
<apex:page controller="Exporter" action="{!runrpt}">
...And the controller is calling the report content:
public class Exporter {
public static Boolean isTest;
public static String strEmailAddr;
public void runrpt() {
public static void executeRpt() {
String ReportName__c = '00OP0000000Jp3N';
String strEmailAddr = '';
ApexPages.PageReference report = new ApexPages.PageReference( '/' + RptName__c + '?csv=1');
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment attachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
message.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] { attachment } );
message.setPlainTextBody('The report is attached.');
message.setToAddresses( new String[] { strEmailAddr } );
Messaging.sendEmail( new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { message } );
...Any ideas? The debug logs show all is well, but nothing is received. I know this is a wall of code, but it seems to be what people recommend to accomplish the task - I just can't see anything wrong.

I don't see anything obviously missing here :/
Just to be safe - getEmailReportOutput & getmailReportOutput are the same class (typo error in the post, not in your actual code)?
This looks like jumping a lot of hops, do I read it correctly that it's scheduled class -> REST callout -> VF page with action -> #future -> send an email? Geez, a lot can go wrong here ;) I've read somewhere that SF will keep some kind of reference counter and calling out to same instance might block you from using page.getContent...
Can you see the report body System.debug(report.getContent().toString());? Can you try saving this email as task for your own user or under a sample Account for example (setSaveAsActivity())?
As blatant plug as it is - I've used different path to solve similar requirement. Check out and see if you can get it to work?


Hystrix Circuit breaker not opening the circuit

I am implementing Circuit breaker using Hystrix in my Spring boot application, my code is something like below:
public class MyServiceHandler {
public String callService() {
// if(remote service is not reachable
// throw ServiceException
public String fallback() {
// return default response
// In, I have below properties defined:
I see that the fallback() is getting called with each failure of callService(). However, the circuit is not opening after 3 failures. After 3 failures, I was expecting that it will directly call fallback() and skip callService(). But this is not happening. Can someone advise what I am doing wrong here?
B Jagan
Edited on 26th July to add more details below:
Below is the actual code. I played a bit further with this. I see that the Circuit opens as expected on repeated failured when I call the remote service directly in the RegistrationHystrix.registerSeller() method. But, when I wrap the remote service call within Spring retry template, it keeps going into fallback method, but circuit never opens.
public class RegistrationHystrix {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RegistrationHystrix.class);
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private RetryTemplate retryTemplate;
public RegistrationHystrix(RestTemplate restTemplate) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
retryTemplate = new RetryTemplate();
FixedBackOffPolicy fixedBackOffPolicy = new FixedBackOffPolicy();
SimpleRetryPolicy retryPolicy = new SimpleRetryPolicy();
#HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallbackForRegisterSeller", commandKey = "ordermanagement")
public String registerSeller(SellerDto sellerDto) throws Exception {
String response = retryTemplate.execute(new RetryCallback<String, Exception>() {
public String doWithRetry(RetryContext context) {"Retry count %d", context.getRetryCount()));
return restTemplate.postForObject("/addSeller", sellerDto, String.class);
return response;
public List<SellerDto> getSellersList() {
return restTemplate.getForObject("/sellersList", List.class);
public String fallbackForRegisterSeller(SellerDto sellerDto, Throwable t) {
logger.error("Inside fall back, cause - {}", t.toString());
return "Inside fallback method. Some error occured while calling service for seller registration";
Below is the service class which in turn calls the above Hystrix wrapped service. This class in turn is invoked by a controller.
public class RegistrationServiceImpl implements RegistrationService {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RegistrationServiceImpl.class);
private RegistrationHystrix registrationHystrix;
public RegistrationServiceImpl(RegistrationHystrix registrationHystrix) {
this.registrationHystrix = registrationHystrix;
public String registerSeller(SellerDto sellerDto) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String registerSeller = registrationHystrix.registerSeller(sellerDto);"add seller call returned in - {}", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return registerSeller;
So, I am trying to understand why the Circuit breaker is not working as expected when using it along with Spring RetryTemplate.
You should be using metrics.healthSnapshot.intervalInMilliseconds while testing. I guess you are executing all 3 request within default 500 ms and hence the circuit isn't getting open. You can either decrease this interval or you may put a sleep between the 3 requests.

SignalR WPF server - How to trigger a player?

I am currently working on a standalone app that can handle communication from a mobile and also utilizes VLC player to output a stream.
The way I do it is that output stream object is in the main window, but I receive requests via SignalR.
The request is fairly simple - it's just a string. The problem is I have no clue on how to pass the string from a SignalR hub back to the MediaPlayer object. How do I either get a string passed to an object outside or make a mediaplayer "persist" inside the hub? For now my code concerning it looks like this:
The hub:
public class CommHub:Hub
VLCControl outputplayer = new VLCControl();
public void RequestConnectionsList()
var databasePath = "--dbpath here--";
var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath);
List<string> output = db.Table<VideoSources>().Select(p => p.Name).ToList(); //Gets names from the db
Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).CamsInfo(output); //send available connection names to client
public void RequestOutStream(string requestedName) //this function is called but i have no idea how to make it work
class VLCControl
public Media rtsp;
private const string VIDEO_URL = "rtsp://";
private MediaPlayer player;
public static string GetConfigurationString() //using this method in mainwindow player as well
string address = Properties.Settings.Default.LocalAddress;
string port = Properties.Settings.Default.LocalPort;
string result=
":sout=#duplicate" +
"{dst=display{noaudio}," +
"dst=rtp{mux=ts,dst=" + address +
",port=" + port + ",sdp=rtsp://" + address + ":" + port + "/go.sdp}";
return result;
public void playSelected(string inputAddress)
var databasePath = "D:\\Projects\\Sowa\\Sowa\\Serwer\\VideoSources.db";
var db = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath);
string input = db.Table<VideoSources>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "test").Address;
var rtsp = new Media(MainWindow._libvlc, input, FromType.FromLocation);
player.Play(new Media(MainWindow._libvlc, VIDEO_URL, FromType.FromLocation));
The players are definitely working - when i create a mediaplayer in mainwindow it does indeed output as expected.
I think your question can be rephrased as "How can I call a method on my UI from a SignalR Hub"
For that, you have several options :
If you are using core's SignalR, you can use dependency injection to inject either your window or an accessor to your window
You can get your main window with (MyWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow. What you do with it is up to you then
You can create a static class that will hold a reference to your component directly. This example assumes you have only one view at a time in your application.
public static class ViewAccessor {
public static MyView View { get; set; }
In your view constructor, after InitializeComponents:
ViewAccessor.View = this;
In your hub :

Crash on iOS when downloading and inserting in Database

I have a problem with my application on iOS only (iPad 9.7" 11.3.1), it works perfectly on the simulator and on Android device.
When the app is launched for the first time, the user has to log in. This works fine. After that, the menu form is launched and a Dialog is shown on onShowCompleted():
if (!Preferences.get("download", false)) {
dialog = new Dialog("...");
dialog.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
SpanLabel label = new SpanLabel("...");
dialog.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, label); / 5, ..., ..., ...);
In the constructor, a method that downloads informations is launched :
if (!Preferences.get("download", false)) {
The method :
public void dlReferentiel() {
source = DataSource.getInstance();
// I also tried with invokeAndBlock() but doesn't work
Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(() -> requestS());
Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(() -> requestB());
Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(() -> requestZ());
Display.getInstance().invokeAndBlock(() -> requestA());
The requestX methods get informations from server with ConnectionRequest :
(Exemple with requestA() which needs to be the last because it disposes the dialog, it is the only one that calls the UI)
public void requestA() {
ConnectionRequest connectionRequest = new ConnectionRequest() {
ArrayList<A> as = new ArrayList<>();
protected void readResponse(InputStream in) throws IOException {
JSONParser json = new JSONParser();
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8");
Map<String, Object> data = json.parseJSON(reader);
for (String s : data.keySet()) {
as.add(new A(s, (String) data.get(s)));
protected void postResponse() {
source.createAllA(as); // makes insertions with Transaction
ToastBar.showErrorMessage("Référentiel téléchargé", 10);
Preferences.set("download", true);
I was able to see some logs with a Mac. Each time, the app crashes after the Dialog is shown and few insertions are made. The same error message is output :
HW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus
Unable to get short BSD proc info for 513: No such process
Unable to get proc info for 513: Undefined error: 0
I search for informations about this issue but nothing interesting with Codename One.
I don't know what to do with this error, I tried some things like using invokeAndBlock() or changing build hints like ios.keyboardOpen (just because there is "keyboard" in it) but nothing worked.
Thanks for the help.

(Unity) Why is my list of a class not getting saved in JSON

I want to save a list of dialogue items. I made a script called dialogue item which is just one message, I made an array of that so it can be a conversation, and I made a list of that conversation so that I can have multiple conversations.
[SerializeField] public List<DialogueList> dialogue = new List<DialogueList();
So I made this variable of a class named DialogueList, that contains the dialogueitems.
public class DialogueList
[SerializeField] public string convoName;
[SerializeField] public int dialogueID;
[SerializeField] public DialogueItem[] dialogues;
I want to save these conversations so that I can load them in specific languages in later stages. But for some reason my JSON file is empty when I try to save my variable named dialogue.
string jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(dialogue, true);
string _fullPath = "/caroline-dialogue" + ".json";
File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + _fullPath, jsonData);
I tried using a different method, that actually works, but it can get really messy.
for (int i = 0; i < dialogue.Count; i++)
string jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(dialogue[i], true);
string _fullPath = "/caroline-dialogue-" + i + ".json";
File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + _fullPath, jsonData);
My question is: What am I doing wrong? Am I forgetting something? My guess it that something is wrong with the variable named dialogue, since saving all the dialogueitems with a for loop works.
I hope I explained my problem well enough.
Serialization/deserialization of the arrays or lists is not supported using the JsonUtility. You would need to wrap the list in a serializable class:
private class DialogueListWrapper
public List<DialogueList> objects;

How to properly canalize multithreaded message flow in a single threaded service?

In a WPF application, I have a 3rd party library that is publishing messages.
The messages are like :
public class DialectMessage
public string PathAndQuery { get; private set; }
public byte[] Body { get; private set; }
public DialectMessage(string pathAndQuery, byte[] body)
this.PathAndQuery = pathAndQuery;
this.Body = body;
And I setup the external message source from my app.cs file :
public partial class App : Application
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
//handle message
These messages can be publishing from multiple thread at a time, making possible to call the event handler multiple times at once.
I have a service object that have to parse the incoming messages. This service implements the following interface :
internal interface IDialectService
void Parse(Message message);
And I have a default static instance in my app.cs file :
private readonly static IDialectService g_DialectService = new DialectService();
In order to simplify the code of the parser, I would like to ensure only one message at a time is parsed.
I also want to avoid locking in my event handler, as I don't want to block the 3rd party object.
Because of this requirements, I cannot directly call g_DialectService.Parse from my message event handler
What is the correct way to ensure this single threaded execution?
My first though is to wrap my parsing operations in a Produce/Consumer pattern. In order to reach this goal, I've try the following :
Declare a BlockingCollection in my app.cs :
private readonly static BlockingCollection<Message> g_ParseOperations = new BlockingCollection<Message>();
Change the body of my event handler to add an operation :
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
Create a new thread that pump the collection from my app constructor :
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Message message;
while (g_ParseOperations.TryTake(out message))
However, this code does not seems to work. The service Parse method is never called.
Moreover, I'm not sure if this pattern will allow me to properly shutdown the application.
What have I to change in my code to ensure everything is working?
PS: I'm targeting .Net 4.5
[Edit] After some search, and the answer of ken2k, i can see that I was wrongly calling trytake in place of take.
My updated code is now :
private readonly static CancellationTokenSource g_ShutdownToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
private static void MessageReceived(Message message)
g_ParseOperations.Add(message, g_ShutdownToken.Token);
static App()
MyComponent.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
while (!g_ShutdownToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var message = g_ParseOperations.Take(g_ShutdownToken.Token);
protected override void OnExit(ExitEventArgs e)
This code acts as expected. Messages are processed in the correct order. However, as soon I exit the application, I get a "CancelledException" on the Take method, even if I just test the IsCancellationRequested right before.
The documentation says about BlockingCollection.TryTake(out T item):
If the collection is empty, this method immediately returns false.
So basically your loop exits immediately. What you may want is to call the TryTake method with a timeout parameter instead, and exit your loop when a mustStop variable becomes true:
bool mustStop = false; // Must be set to true on somewhere else when you exit your program
while (!mustStop)
Message yourMessage;
// Waits 500ms if there's nothing in the collection. Avoid to consume 100% CPU
// for nothing in the while loop when the collection is empty.
if (yourCollection.TryTake(out yourMessage, 500))
// Parses yourMessage here
For your edited question: if you mean you received a OperationCanceledException, that's OK, it's exactly how methods that take a CancellationToken object as parameter must behave :) Just catch the exception and exit gracefully.
