What's the fastest way to hash a very large dataset for UICollectionView Layout...NSIndexPath is too slow - ios6

I have a UICollectionViewController with a large dataset (>2000 items) with a custom layout. Using sections, the scrolling performance became extremely choppy. Using Instruments and a few tests, I determined this was due to lookup in the layout (layoutAttributesForElementsInRect: ). I cache layout attributes in prepareLayout, and look them up here like so, in the fastest way I know of:
[elementsInfo enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSIndexPath *indexPath, UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *attributes, BOOL *innerStop) {
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(rect, attributes.frame)) [allAttributes addObject:attributes];
I found that ~25% of cpu time was spent enumerating this, mostly on [NSIndexPath isEqual:]. So, I need a faster way to hash these values.
It must be possible, because I did a cross test using the same data with a sectioned UICollectionViewFlowLayout and it was smooth.

Well, turns out using arrays instead of dictionaries, and filtering by an NSPredicate was much faster since in this case the indices were already known.


What is the best way to find Array equality in Python ? (Time efficient)

My goal is to make an image searching (matching) software, matching cause both of them will be identical, so what is the best time-efficient function to use?
Currently, I am using numpy.array_equal() function, if there is more time efficient function let me know. It would be a great help, cause there are more than 800 images.
Does the use of more smaller images, makes the code run faster?

Using Array[Boolean] in Scala to find out progress of foreach

I have a class in Scala that has a method to perform a bunch of calculations sequentially using foreach on a list which is provided in the constructor. The class has a field val progress: Array[Boolean] = list.map(_ => false).toArray. Some of these calculations can take a long time so at the end of each one I set the appropriate index in progress to true. Then I can get progress to determine where I am in the calculations from outside the class.
This does not seem like the best approach in Scala (because I'm using a mutable data structure) so any advice to improve it would be much appreciated.
I don't think your approach is bad. The alternative is to use a var progress: List[Boolean] as an immutable data structure and have a long list of immutable lists pointed at by that variable. You don't really gain anything, you lose the ability to reserve the exact memory you will need in a single step and memory allocation is going to make this slower.
There is a reason why mutable data structures exist and that is because they are incredibly useful and very needed, same as why you can still define var instead of val, the important piece is not that one is "bad" and the other "good", it is a matter of knowing when you can use val and sacrifice mutability in exchange for security. In your example you just can't.
Side note: Instead of using
val progress: Array[Boolean] = list.map(_ => false).toArray
This is much clearer and faster IMHO:
val progress = Array.fill(list.size)(false)
Well, it depends on what you want to do with that information. If you are interested in specific events (e.g., 50% done or something like that), you could pass a listener into your foreach method and ask to be notified. But if you really need to inquire about the current state at any time, then ... well, if you need to know the state, then you have to keep the state, there is no way around that :)
Array of booleans seems to be an overkill (you could just keep the current index instead), but you mentioned that you were planning to keep se additional info around as well, so, it looks reasonable.

Advice for Object Detection on Embedded System with no non-standard libraries

I am looking for some advice for a good way to detect either square or circular objects in an image. I currently have a canny edge algorithm running on the original greyscale and I can produce this output:
Now I can see that there is a cubesat in this picture, but what is a good computationally efficient way that the program can see that aswell? I have looked at houghs transform but that seems to be very computation heavy. I have also looked at Harris corner detect, but I feel I would get to many false positives, for I am essentially looking to isolate pictures that contain said cube satellite.
Anyone have any thoughts on some good algorithms to pursue? I am very limited on space so I cannot use any large external libraries like opencv. (This is all in C btw)
Many Thanks!
I would into what is called mathematical morphology
Basically you operate on binary images, so you must find a clever way to threshold them first , the you do operations such as erosion and dilation with some well selected structuring element to extract areas of interest in your image.

best method of turning millions of x,y,z positions of particles into visualisation

I'm interested in different algorithms people use to visualise millions of particles in a box. I know you can use Cloud-In-Cell, adaptive mesh, Kernel smoothing, nearest grid point methods etc to reduce the load in memory but there is very little documentation on how to do these things online.
i.e. I have array with:
for i = 100 million for example. I don't want a package like Mayavi/Paraview to do it, I want to code this myself then load the decomposed matrix into Mayavi (rather than on-the-fly rendering) My poor 8Gb Macbook explodes if I try and use the particle positions. Any tutorials would be appreciated.
Analysing and creating visualisations for complex multi-dimensional data is complex. The best visualisation almost always depends on what the data is, and what relationships exists within the data. Of course, you are probably wanting to create visualisation of the data to show and explore relationships. Ultimately, this comes down to trying different posibilities.
My advice is to think about the data, and try to find sensible ways to slice up the dimensions. 3D plots, like surface plots or voxel renderings may be what you want. Personally, I prefer trying to find 2D representations, because they are easier to understand and to communicate to other people. Contour plots are great because they show 3D information in a 2D form. You can show a sequence of contour plots side by side, or in a timelapse to add a fourth dimension. There are also creative ways to use colour to add dimensions, while keeping the visualisation comprehensible -- which is the most important thing.
I see you want to write the code yourself. I understand that. Doing so will take a non-trivial effort, and afterwards, you might not have an effective visualisation. My advice is this: use a tool to help you prototype visualisations first! I've used gnuplot with some success, although I'm sure there are other options.
Once you have a good handle on the data, and how to communicate what it means, then you will be well positioned to code a good visualisation.
I'll offer a suggestion for the data you have described. It sounds as though you want/need a point density map. These are popular in geographical information systems, but have other uses. I haven't used one before, but the basic idea is to use a function to enstimate the density in a 3D space. The density becomes the fourth dimension. Something relatively simple, like the equation below, may be good enough.
The point density map might be easier to slice, summarise and render than the raw particle data.
The data I have analysed has been of a different nature, so I have not used this particular method before. Hopefully it proves helpful.
PS. I've just seen your comment below, and I'm not sure that this information will help you with that. However, I am posting my update anyway, just in case it is useful information.

How could we get a variable value from GLSL?

I'm doing a project with a lot of calculation and i got an idea is throw pieces of work to GPU, but i wonder whether could we retrieve results from GLSL, if it is posible, how?
GLSL does not provide outputs besides what is placed in the frame buffer.
To program a GPU and get results more conveniently, use CUDA (NVidia only) or OpenCL (cross-platform).
In general, what you want to do is use OpenCL for general-purpose GPU tasks. However, if you are insistent about pretending that OpenGL is not a rendering API...
Framebuffer Objects make it relatively easy to render to multiple outputs. This of course means that you have to structure your processing such that what gets rendered matches what you want. You can render to 32-bit floating-point "images", so you have access to plenty of precision. The biggest difficulty is what I stated: figuring out how to structure your task to match rendering.
It's a bit easier when using transform feedback. This is the ability to write the output of the vertex (or geometry) shader processing to a buffer object. This still requires structuring your tasks into something like rendering, but it's easier because vertex shaders have a strict one-vertex-to-one-vertex mapping. For every input vertex, there is exactly one output. And if you draw GL_POINTS, it's not too difficult to use attributes to pass the data that changes.
Both easier and harder is the use of shader_image_load_store. This is effectively the ability to read/write from/to arbitrary images "whenever you want". I put that last part in quotes because there are lots of esoteric rules about data race conditions: reading from a value written by another shader invocation and so forth. These are not trivial to deal with. You can try to structure your code to avoid them, by not writing to the same image location in the same shader. But in many cases, if you could do that, you could just render to the framebuffer.
Ultimately, it's pretty much impossible to answer this question in the general case, without knowing what exactly you're trying to actually do. How you approach GPGPU through a rendering API depends greatly on exactly what you're trying to compute.
