Wheel numbers in FF18 - mobiscroll

Re: wheel #s outside wheel (#dioslaska)
That issue is fixed, but now numbers make funny shadow inside wheel (also in demo page)...
or is there another animation parameter to disable this?


D3 zoom and pan zooming independently on mouse and programmatically

Could some kind and clever D3 soul please put me out of my misery. I have the following example setup - https://codesandbox.io/s/compassionate-night-kpqc8t?file=/src/App.js. There are zoom buttons and the svg takes mouse events to initiate zoom. Problem is that the zoom triggered by the button is independent of that triggered by the button.
I believe this stackOverflow describes the problem and the solution - D3.zoom jumps when using mouse wheel after programmatically zoom - I just cannot figure out the implementation for the life of me in the context I have.
I got it to work. I'm not entirely sure what the difference is, but somewhere along the line I must've been targeting the wrong element...
At the bottom of this article - https://www.d3indepth.com/zoom-and-pan/ - is an example codepen. Following the codepen to the letter resolved my issue.

Custom cursor with react three fiber - camera issue

I have a small issue about a custom cursor made in react three fiber.
To track the mouse movement on the viewport and update the position of an element with it is quite easy but it get's trickier once you add camera movements in the equation.
I made a small codepen to showcase the problem, basically my custom cursor would only work if my camera was right in front of the scene, for instance if the position was [0,0,5] which is not the case in my project.
To add more complexity i also have camera animation on mouse movement on my real pro, which gets the cursor even wronger.
Anyone has a trick to resolve my problem ?
Thanks !

Circular Slider in WPF

I really want to create circular slider. I've been searching, but I can't find any information. So any tutorial, guide or if someone already created like this. Please post their XML code.
Instead of making a circular slider (which as #auburg points out) would be a little unintutive to use (think the old telephone dials), consider making it a dial like a thermostat:
It's functionally very similar, but has a much larger hit-test area and is therefore less easy to mess-up for the user.
Try this guide: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jerrynixon/2012/12/06/walkthrough-building-a-sweet-dial-in-xaml-for-windows-8/
A circular slider can be implemented just like a normal horizontal or vertical slider. The only difference would be that in the MouseMove event handler of the thumb during the drag operation you cannot just handle the horizontal or vertical position. Instead you have to calculate the angle relative to the center of the slider and map that to the value of the slider.

Wheel numbers visible outside wheel

With v:2.4, FF18, using datetime demo, if I click-drag the number wheel up/down, the numbers go momentarily outside the wheel area, then disappear and then wheel is actually scrolled. This did not happen in v:2.0. Is there a way to avoid this effect, or is it a bug?
Sorry, hard to get a screen shot; it just happens for an instant, but looks ugly.
Got a screenshot
Looks like it's fixed in 2.4.1
The issue did not happen in 2.0 (and 2.1) because the top property was animated instead of the hardware accelerated translate3d, which provides more fluid animations, but appears to behave funky on FF18.
Surprisingly removing the border-radius from the .dww class (the animation container) looks like solved the issue.

How to imitate zune panning control

I'm looking to imitate the following control, found in the zune software, in the quickplay tab. When you move the mouse from left to right the boxes new, pinned and history move to the opposite direction.
I'm thinking of applying a method to the mousemove handler which checks for the relative position of the cursor and then moves a grid containing panels accordingly but before I try to reinvent the wheel I'd like to ask around if there are people who have more experience with this, especially getting a fluid motion.
Please let me know
Do you mean something like this http://sachabarber.net/?p=829
