Onetomany with parent database design - database

Below is a database design which represents my problem(it is not my actual database design). For each city I need to know which restaurants, bars and hotels are available. I think the two designs speak for itself, but:
First design: create one-to-many relations between city and restaurants, bars and hotels.
Second design: only create an one-to-many relation between city and place.
Which design would be best practice? The second design has less relations, but would I be able to get all the restaurants, bars and hotels for a city and there own data (property_x/y/z)?
Update: this question is going wrong, maybe my fault for not being clear.
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes are subclasses of "place" (in both
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes must have the parent "place"
the restaurant/bar/hotel classes have there own specific data (property_X/Y/X)

Good design first
Your data, and the readability/understandability of your SQL and ERD, are the most important factors to consider. For the purpose of readability:
Put city_id into place. Why: Places are in cities. A hotel is not a place that just happens to be in a city by virtue of being a hotel.
Other design points to consider are how this structure will be extended in the future. Let's compare adding a new subtype:
In design one, you need to add a new table, relationship to 'place' and a relationship to city
In design two, you simply add a new table and relationship to 'place'.
I'd again go with the second design.
Performance second
Now, I'm guessing, but the reason for putting city_id in the subtype is probably that you anticipate that it's more efficient or faster in some specific use cases and this may be a very good reason to ignore readability/understandability. However, until you measure performance on the actual hardware you'll deploy on, you don't know:
Which design is faster
Whether the difference in performance would actually degrade the overall system
Whether other optimization approaches (tuning SQL or database parameters) is actually a better way to handle it.
I would argue that design one is an attempt to physically model the database on an ERD, which is a bad practice.
Premature optimization is the root of a lot of evil in SW Engineering.
Subtype approaches
There are two solutions to implementing subtypes on an ERD:
A common-properties table, and one table per subtype, (this is your second model)
A single table with additional columns for subtype properties.
In the single-table approach, you would have:
A subtype column, TYPE INT NOT NULL. This specifies whether the row is a restaurant, bar or hotel
Extra columns property_X, property_Y and property_Z on place.
Here is a quick table of pros and cons:
Disadvantages of a single-table approach:
The extension columns (X, Y, Z) cannot be NOT NULL on a single table approach. You can implement row-level constraints, but you lose the simplicity and visibility of a simple NOT NULL
The single table is very wide and sparse, especially as you add additional subtypes. You may hit the max. number of columns on some databases. This can make this design quite wasteful.
To query a list of a specific subtype, you have to filter using a WHERE TYPE = ? clause, whereas the table-per-subtype is a much more natural `FROM HOTEL INNER JOIN PLACE ON HOTEL.PLACE_ID = PLACE.ID"
IMHO, mapping into classes in an object-oriented languages is harder and less obvious. Consider avoiding if this DB is going to be mapped by Hibernate, Entity Beans or similar
Advantages of a single-table approach:
By consolidating into a single table, there are no joins, so queries and CRUD operations are more efficient (but is this small difference going to cause problems?)
Queries for different types are parameterized (WHERE TYPE = ?) and therefore more controllable in code rather than in the SQL itself (FROM PLACE INNER JOIN HOTEL ON PLACE.ID = HOTEL.PLACE_ID).
There is no best design, you have to pick based on the type of SQL and CRUD operations you are doing most frequently, and possibly on performance (but see above for a general warning).
All things being equal, I would advise the default option is your second design. But, if you have an overriding concern such as those I listed above, do choose another implementation. But don't optimize prematurely.

Both of them and none of them at all.
If I need to choose one, I would keep the second one, because of the number of foreign keys and indexes needed to be created after. But, a better approach would be: create a table with all kinds of places (bars, restaurants, and so on) and assign to each row a column with a value of the type of the place (apply a COMPRESS clause with the types expected at the column). It would improve both performance and readability of the structure, plus being more easier to maintain. Hope this helps. :-)

you do not show alternate columns in any of the sub-place tables. i think you should not split type data into table names like 'bar','restaurant', etc - these should be types inside the place table.
i think further you should have an address table - one column of which is city. then each place has an address and you can easily group by city when needed. (or state or zip code or country etc)

I think the best option is the second one. In the first design, there is a possibility of data errors as one place can be assigned to a particular restaurant (or any other type) in one city (e.g. A) and at the same time can be assigned to another restaurant in a different city (e.g. B). In the second design, a place is always bound to a particular city.

Both designs can get you all the appropriate data.
If all extending classes are going to implement the location (which sound obvious for your implementation) then it would be a better practice to include it as part of the parent object. This would suggest option 2.
The thing is that even-tough you can find out the type of each particular PLACE, it is easier to just know that a type (CHILD) is always a place (PARENT). You can think of that while you visualize the result-set of option 2. With that in mind, I recommend the first approach.
First one doesn't have more relations, it just splits them.

If bar, restaurant and hotel have different sets of attributes, then they are different entities and should be represented by 3 different tables. But why do you need the place table? My advice it to ditch it and have 3 tables for your 3 entities and that's that.
In code, collecting common attributes into a parent class is more organised and efficient than repeating them in each child class - of course. But as spathirana comments above, database design is not like OOP. Sure, you'll save on the repetition of column names by sticking common attributes of places into a "place" table. But it will also add complication:
- you have to join on that table whenever you want to reference a bar, restaurant or hotel
- you have to insert into two tables whenever you want to add a new bar, restaurant or hotel
- you have to update two tables when ... etc.
Having 3 tables without the place table is ALSO, PROBABLY, the most performance-optimal design. But that's not where I'm coming from. I'm thinking of clean, simple database design where a single entity means a single row in a single table. There are no "is-a" relationships in a relational DB. Foreign key relationships are "has-a". OK, there are exceptions I'm sure, but your case is not exceptional.


Parent child design to easily identify child type

In our database design we have a couple of tables that describe different objects but which are of the same basic type. As describing the actual tables and what each column is doing would take a long time I'm going to try to simplify it by using a similar structured example based on a job database.
So say we have following tables:
These tables have no connections between each other but share identical columns. So the first step was to unify the identical columns and introduce a unique personId:
Now we have the "header" columns in person that are then linked to the more specific job tables using a 1 to 1 relation using the personId PK as the FK. In our use case a person can only ever have one job so the personId is also unique across the Taxi driver, Programmer and Construction worker tables.
While this structure works we now have the use case where in our application we get the personId and want to get the data of the respective job table. This gets us to the problem that we can't immediately know what kind of job the person with this personId is doing.
A few options we came up with to solve this issue:
Deal with it in the backend
This means just leaving the architecture as it is and look for the right table in the backend code. This could mean looking through every table present and/or construct a semi-complicated join select in which we have to sift through all columns to find the ones which are filled.
All in all: Possible but means a lot of unecessary selects. We also would like to keep such database oriented logic in the actual database.
Using a Type Field
This means adding a field column in the Person table filled for example with numbers to determine the correct child table like:
So you could add a 0 in Type if it's a taxi driver, a 1 if it's a programmer and so on...
While this greatly reduced the amount of backend logic we then have to make sure that the numbers we use in the Type field are known in the backend and don't ever change.
Use separate IDs for each table
That means every job gets its own ID (has to be nullable) in Person like:
Now it's easy to find out which job each person has due to the others having an empty ID.
So my question is: Which one of these designs is the best practice? Am i missing an obvious solution here?
Bill Karwin made a good explanation on a problem similar to this one.
We've now decided to go with the second option because it seem to come with the least drawbacks as described by the other commenters and posters. As there was no actual answer portraying the second option as a solution i will try to summarize our reasoning:
Against Option 1:
There is no way to distinguish the type from looking at the parent table. As a result the backend would have to include all logic which includes scanning all tables for the that contains the id. While you can compress most of the logic into a single big Join select it would still be a lot more logic as opposed to the other options.
Against Option 3:
As #yuri-g said this one is technically not possible as the separate IDs could not setup as primary keys. They would have to be nullable and as a result can't be indexed, essentially rendering the parent table useless as one of the reasons for it was to have a unique personID across the tables.
Against a single table containing all columns:
For smaller use cases as the one i described in the question this might me viable but we are talking about a bunch of tables with each having roughly 2-6 columns. This would make this option turn into a column-mess really quickly.
Against a flat design with a key-value table:
Our properties have completly different data types, different constraints and foreign key relations. All of this would not be possible/difficult in this design.
Against custom database objects containt the child specific properties:
While this option that #Matthew McPeak suggested might be a viable option for a lot of people our database design never really used objects so introducing them to the mix would likely cause confusion more than it would help us.
In favor of the second option:
This option is easy to use in our table oriented database structure, makes it easy to distinguish the proper child table and does not need a lot of reworking to introduce. Especially since we already have something similar to a Type table that we can easily use for this purpose.
Third option, as you describe it, is impossible: no RDBMS (at least, of I personally know about) would allow you to use NULLs in PK (even composite).
Second is realistic.
And yes, first would take up to N queries to poll relatives in order to determine the actual type (where N is the number of types).
Although you won't escape with one query in second case either: there would always be two of them, because you cant JOIN unless you know what exactly you should be joining.
So basically there are flaws in your design, and you should consider other options there.
Like, denormalization: line non-shared attributes into the parent table anyway, then fields become nulls for non-correpondent types.
Or flexible, flat list of attribute-value pairs related through primary key (yes, schema enforcement is a trade-off).
Or switch to column-oriented DB: that's a case for it.

When I should use one to one relationship?

Sorry for that noob question but is there any real needs to use one-to-one relationship with tables in your database? You can implement all necessary fields inside one table. Even if data becomes very large you can enumerate column names that you need in SELECT statement instead of using SELECT *. When do you really need this separation?
1 to 0..1
The "1 to 0..1" between super and sub-classes is used as a part of "all classes in separate tables" strategy for implementing inheritance.
A "1 to 0..1" can be represented in a single table with "0..1" portion covered by NULL-able fields. However, if the relationship is mostly "1 to 0" with only a few "1 to 1" rows, splitting-off the "0..1" portion into a separate table might save some storage (and cache performance) benefits. Some databases are thriftier at storing NULLs than others, so a "cut-off point" where this strategy becomes viable can vary considerably.
1 to 1
The real "1 to 1" vertically partitions the data, which may have implications for caching. Databases typically implement caches at the page level, not at the level of individual fields, so even if you select only a few fields from a row, typically the whole page that row belongs to will be cached. If a row is very wide and the selected fields relatively narrow, you'll end-up caching a lot of information you don't actually need. In a situation like that, it may be useful to vertically partition the data, so only the narrower, more frequently used portion or rows gets cached, so more of them can fit into the cache, making the cache effectively "larger".
Another use of vertical partitioning is to change the locking behavior: databases typically cannot lock at the level of individual fields, only the whole rows. By splitting the row, you are allowing a lock to take place on only one of its halfs.
Triggers are also typically table-specific. While you can theoretically have just one table and have the trigger ignore the "wrong half" of the row, some databases may impose additional limits on what a trigger can and cannot do that could make this impractical. For example, Oracle doesn't let you modify the mutating table - by having separate tables, only one of them may be mutating so you can still modify the other one from your trigger.
Separate tables may allow more granular security.
These considerations are irrelevant in most cases, so in most cases you should consider merging the "1 to 1" tables into a single table.
See also: Why use a 1-to-1 relationship in database design?
My 2 cents.
I work in a place where we all develop in a large application, and everything is a module. For example, we have a users table, and we have a module that adds facebook details for a user, another module that adds twitter details to a user. We could decide to unplug one of those modules and remove all its functionality from our application. In this case, every module adds their own table with 1:1 relationships to the global users table, like this:
create table users ( id int primary key, ...);
create table users_fbdata ( id int primary key, ..., constraint users foreign key ...)
create table users_twdata ( id int primary key, ..., constraint users foreign key ...)
If you place two one-to-one tables in one, its likely you'll have semantics issue. For example, if every device has one remote controller, it doesn't sound quite good to place the device and the remote controller with their bunch of characteristics in one table. You might even have to spend time figuring out if a certain attribute belongs to the device or the remote controller.
There might be cases, when half of your columns will stay empty for a long while, or will not ever be filled in. For example, a car could have one trailer with a bunch of characteristics, or might have none. So you'll have lots of unused attributes.
If your table has 20 attributes, and only 4 of them are used occasionally, it makes sense to break the table into 2 tables for performance issues.
In such cases it isn't good to have everything in one table. Besides, it isn't easy to deal with a table that has 45 columns!
If data in one table is related to, but does not 'belong' to the entity described by the other, then that's a candidate to keep it separate.
This could provide advantages in future, if the separate data needs to be related to some other entity, also.
The most sensible time to use this would be if there were two separate concepts that would only ever relate in this way. For example, a Car can only have one current Driver, and the Driver can only drive one car at a time - so the relationship between the concepts of Car and Driver would be 1 to 1. I accept that this is contrived example to demonstrate the point.
Another reason is that you want to specialize a concept in different ways. If you have a Person table and want to add the concept of different types of Person, such as Employee, Customer, Shareholder - each one of these would need different sets of data. The data that is similar between them would be on the Person table, the specialist information would be on the specific tables for Customer, Shareholder, Employee.
Some database engines struggle to efficiently add a new column to a very large table (many rows) and I have seen extension-tables used to contain the new column, rather than the new column being added to the original table. This is one of the more suspect uses of additional tables.
You may also decide to divide the data for a single concept between two different tables for performance or readability issues, but this is a reasonably special case if you are starting from scratch - these issues will show themselves later.
First, I think it is a question of modelling and defining what consist a separate entity. Suppose you have customers with one and only one single address. Of course you could implement everything in a single table customer, but if, in the future you allow him to have 2 or more addresses, then you will need to refactor that (not a problem, but take a conscious decision).
I can also think of an interesting case not mentioned in other answers where splitting the table could be useful:
Imagine, again, you have customers with a single address each, but this time it is optional to have an address. Of course you could implement that as a bunch of NULL-able columns such as ZIP,state,street. But suppose that given that you do have an address the state is not optional, but the ZIP is. How to model that in a single table? You could use a constraint on the customer table, but it is much easier to divide in another table and make the foreign_key NULLable. That way your model is much more explicit in saying that the entity address is optional, and that ZIP is an optional attribute of that entity.
not very often.
you may find some benefit if you need to implement some security - so some users can see some of the columns (table1) but not others (table2)..
of course some databases (Oracle) allow you to do this kind of security in the same table, but some others may not.
You are referring to database normalization. One example that I can think of in an application that I maintain is Items. The application allows the user to sell many different types of items (i.e. InventoryItems, NonInventoryItems, ServiceItems, etc...). While I could store all of the fields required by every item in one Items table, it is much easier to maintain to have a base Item table that contains fields common to all items and then separate tables for each item type (i.e. Inventory, NonInventory, etc..) which contain fields specific to only that item type. Then, the item table would have a foreign key to the specific item type that it represents. The relationship between the specific item tables and the base item table would be one-to-one.
Below, is an article on normalization.
As with all design questions the answer is "it depends."
There are few considerations:
how large will the table get (both in terms of fields and rows)? It can be inconvenient to house your users' name, password with other less commonly used data both from a maintenance and programming perspective
fields in the combined table which have constraints could become cumbersome to manage over time. for example, if a trigger needs to fire for a specific field, that's going to happen for every update to the table regardless of whether that field was affected.
how certain are you that the relationship will be 1:1? As This question points out, things get can complicated quickly.
Another use case can be the following: you might import data from some source and update it daily, e.g. information about books. Then, you add data yourself about some books. Then it makes sense to put the imported data in another table than your own data.
I normally encounter two general kinds of 1:1 relationship in practice:
IS-A relationships, also known as supertype/subtype relationships. This is when one kind of entity is actually a type of another entity (EntityA IS A EntityB). Examples:
Person entity, with separate entities for Accountant, Engineer, Salesperson, within the same company.
Item entity, with separate entities for Widget, RawMaterial, FinishedGood, etc.
Car entity, with separate entities for Truck, Sedan, etc.
In all these situations, the supertype entity (e.g. Person, Item or Car) would have the attributes common to all subtypes, and the subtype entities would have attributes unique to each subtype. The primary key of the subtype would be the same as that of the supertype.
"Boss" relationships. This is when a person is the unique boss or manager or supervisor of an organizational unit (department, company, etc.). When there is only one boss allowed for an organizational unit, then there is a 1:1 relationship between the person entity that represents the boss and the organizational unit entity.
The main time to use a one-to-one relationship is when inheritance is involved.
Below, a person can be a staff and/or a customer. The staff and customer inherit the person attributes. The advantage being if a person is a staff AND a customer their details are stored only once, in the generic person table. The child tables have details specific to staff and customers.
In my time of programming i encountered this only in one situation. Which is when there is a 1-to-many and an 1-to-1 relationship between the same 2 entities ("Entity A" and "Entity B").
When "Entity A" has multiple "Entity B" and "Entity B" has only 1 "Entity A"
"Entity A" has only 1 current "Entity B" and "Entity B" has only 1 "Entity A".
For example, a Car can only have one current Driver, and the Driver can only drive one car at a time - so the relationship between the concepts of Car and Driver would be 1 to 1. - I borrowed this example from #Steve Fenton's answer
Where a Driver can drive multiple Cars, just not at the same time. So the Car and Driver entities are 1-to-many or many-to-many. But if we need to know who the current driver is, then we also need the 1-to-1 relation.
Another use case might be if the maximum number of columns in the database table is exceeded. Then you could join another table using OneToOne

What is the best way to realize this database

I have to realize a system with different kind of users and I think to realize it in this way:
A user table with only id, email and password.
Two different tables correlated to the user table in a 1-to-1 relation. Each table define specific attributes of each kind of user.
Is this the best way to realize it? I should use the InnoDB storage engine?
If I realize it in this way, how can I handle the tables in the Zend Framework?
I can't answer the second part of your question but the pattern you describe is called super and subtype in datamodelling. If this is the right choice can't be answered without knowing more about the differences between these user types and how they will be used in the application. There are different approaches when converting logical super/subtypes into physical tables.
Here are some relevant links:
and the next one about pitfalls and (mis)use of subtyping
In general I am, from a pragmatic point of view, very reluctant to follow your choice and most often opt to create one table containing all columns. In most cases there are a number of places where the application needs show all users in some sort of listing with specific columns for specific types (and empty if not applicable for that type). It quickly leads to non-straigtforward queries and all sort of extra code to deal with the different tables that it's just not worth being 'conceptually correct'.
Two reasons for me to still split the subtypes into different tables are if the subtypes are so truly different that it makes no logical sense to have them in one table and if the number of rows is so enormous that the overhead of the 'unneeded' columns when putting it all in one table actually starts to matter
On php side you can use Doctrine 2 ORM. It's easy to integrate with zf, and you could easily implement this table structure as inheritance in your doctrine mapping.

Person name structure in separate database table

I am wondering when and when not to pull a data structure into a separate database table when it appears in several tables.
I have pulled the 12 attribute address structure into a separate table because I have a couple of different entities containing a single address in this format.
But how about my 3 attribute person name structure (given, middle, surname)?
Should this be put into its own table referenced with a foreign key for all the entities containing a name... e.g. the company table has a contact person name, the citizen table has a person name etc.
Are these best left as attributes in the main tables or should they be extracted?
I would usually keep the address on the Person table, unless there was an unusual need for absolutely uniform addresses on each entity, or if an entity could have an arbitrary number of addresses, or if addresses need to be shared between entities, or if it was a large enterprise product where I know I have to invest in infrastructure all over the place or I will end up gutting everything down the road.
Having your addresses in a seperate table is interesting because it's flexible, but in the context of a small project lacking a special need like the ones mentioned above, it's probably a slight waste. Always be aware of the balance between complexity and flexibility. Flexibility is important, but be discriminating... It's easy to invest way too much there!
In concrete terms, the times that I experimented with (for instance) one-to-one relationships for things like addresses, I ended up refactoring them back into the table because it introduced a bunch of headaches including more complex queries, dealing with situations where the address does not exist, etc. More entities also increases your cognitive load -- it makes the project harder to think about. In my case, it was an unecessary cost because there was no concrete need and, in truth, not even a gain in flexibility.
So, based on my experiences, I would "try" to keep the addresses in the same table, and I would definitely keep the names on them - again, unless there was a special need.
So to paraphrase Einstein, make it as simple as possible and no simpler. But in the short term, experiment. It's the best way to learn these lessons.
It's about not repeating information, so you don't want to store the same information in two places when one will do.
Another useful rule of thumb is one entity per table. If you find that one table contains, say, "person" AND "order" then you probably should split those into two tables.
And (putting myself at risk of repeating information...) you might find it helpful to review some database design basics, there are plenty of related questions here on stackoverflow.
Start with these...
What is normalisation?
What is important to keep in mind when designing a database
How many fields is 'too many'?
More tables or more columns?
Creating a person entity across your data model will give you this present and future advantages -
The same person occurring as a contact, or individual in different contexts. Saves redundancy.
Info can be maintained and kept current with far-less effort.
Easier to search for a person and identify them - i.e. is it the same John Smith?
You can expand the information - i.e. maintain addresses for this person far more easily.
Programming will be more consistent and debugging will be easier as well.
Moves you closer to a 'self-documenting' system.
As a counterpoint to the other (entirely valid) replies: within your application's current structure, how likely will it be for a given individual (not just name, the actual "person" -- multiple people could be "John Smith") to appear in more than one table? The less likely this is to happen, the less likely you are to get benefits from normalization.
Another way to think of it is entities. Outside of labels (names), is their any overlap between "customer" entity and an "employee" entity?
Extract them. Your aim should be to have no repeating data in your database.
Read about Normalization
It really depends on the problem you are trying to solve. In general it is probably a good idea to have some sort of 'person' table which holds details of people. However, there are occasions where that is potentially a very bad idea.
One example would be if you are holding details of prescriptions written out to people by a doctor. In some countries it is a legal requirment that the prescription details are held with the name in which they were prescribed NOT the name the person is going under currently. For instance a woman might be prescribed a drug as miss X, but then she gets married and becomes Mrs Y. If you had a person table that was linked to the prescriptions table you would now have the wrong details and would possibly face legal consequences. In that case you would need to probably copy the relevant details of the person into the prescription table, even though this would be duplicating data.
So again - it depends on the problem you are trying to solve. Don't just blindly follow what people consider to be best practices. Understand your data and any issues surrounding it, then try to follow best practices that fit.
Depends on what you're using the database for.
If you want fast queries on your tables you should de-normalize your tables. Having to run multiple JOIN's will take longer and make your queries more complex.
On the other hand if your intention is to have a flexible storage database which is not meant to be hit with a ton of fast-response queries, then normalizing the tables by splitting them out into multiple xref'ed tables will provide more flexibility in your design and reduce the need for submitting duplicated data.
Since de-normalization is "optimization", I would suggest you normalize the tables first, index them properly and see if you're getting any bottlenecks on your queries. If so, flatten the affected tables where needed.
You should really consider your whole database structure and do a ER diagram (entity relationship diagram) first. OF COURSE there should be another table called "Person" where the concept of a person is stored...

What exactly does database normalization do?

Supposedly normalization reduces redundancy of data and increases performance. What is the reason for dividing the master table into other small tables, applying relationships between them, retrieving the data using all possible unions, subqueries, joins etc.? Why can't we have all the data in a single table and retrieve it as required?
The main reason is to eliminate repetition of data, so for example if you had a user with multiple addresses and you stored this information in a single table the user information would be duplicated along with each address entry. Normalisation would seperate the addresses into their own table and then link the two using keys. This way you wouldn't need to duplicate the user data, and your db structure becomes a little cleaner.
Full normalisation will generally not improve performance, in fact it can often make it worse but it will keep your data duplicate free. In fact in some special cases I've denormalised some specific data in order to get a performance increase.
Normalization comes from the mathematical concept of being "normal." Another word would be "perpendicular." Imagine a regular two-axis coordinate system. Moving up just changes the y coordinate, moving to the side just changes the x coordinate. So every movement can be broken down into a sideways and an up-down movement. These two are independent of each other.
Normalization in database essentially means the same thing: If you change a piece of data, this is supposed to change just one single piece of information in a database. Imagine a database of E-Mails: If you store the ID and the name of the recipient in the Mails table, but the Users table also associates the name to the ID, that means if you change a user name, you don't only have to change it in the users table, but also in every single message that this user is involved with. So, the axis "message" and the axis "user" are not "perpendicular" or "normal."
If on the other hand, the Mails table only has the user ID, any change to the user name will automatically apply to all the messages, because on retrieval of a message, all user information is gathered from the Users table (by means of a join).
Database normalisation is, at its simplest, a way to minimise data redundancy. To achieve that, certain forms of normalisation exist.
First normal form can be summarised as:
no repeating groups in single tables.
separate tables for related information.
all items in a table related to the primary key.
Second normal form adds another restriction, basically that every column not part of a candidate key must be dependent on every candidate key (a candidate key being defined as a minimal set of columns which cannot be duplicated in the table).
And third normal form goes a little further, in that every column not part of a candidate key must not be dependent on any other non-candidate-key column. In other words, it can depend only on the candidate keys. This leads to the saying that 3NF depends on the key, the whole key and nothing but the key, so help me Codd1.
Note that the above explanations are tailored toward your question rather than database theorists, so the descriptions are necessarily simplified (and I've used phrases like "summarised as" and "basically").
The field of database theory is a complex one and, if you truly wish to understand it, you'll eventually have to get to the science behind it. But, in terms of your question, hopefully this will be adequate.
Normalization is a valuable tool in ensuring we don't have redundant data (which becomes a real problem if the two redundant areas get out of sync). It doesn't generally increase performance.
In fact, although all database should start in 3NF, it's sometimes acceptable to drop to 2NF for performance gains, provided you're aware of, and mitigate, the potential problems.
And be aware that there are also "higher" levels of normalisation such as (obviously) fourth, fifth and sixth, but also Boyce-Codd and some others I can't remember off the top of my head. In the vast majority of cases, 3NF should be more than enough.
1 If you don't know who Edgar Codd (or Christopher Date, for that matter) is, you should probably research them, they're the fathers of relational database theory.
We use normalization to reduce the chances of anomalies that may arise as a result of data insertion, deletion, updation. Normalization doesnt necessarily increase performance.
There is much material on internet so i wont repeat the stuff here again. But you can have a look at
Normalization rules
(others aswell)
As well as all the above, it just makes a certain sense. Say you have a user and you want to record what kind of car they have.
Put that all in one table and then you're fine, until someone owns two cars... You're then going to need two rows for that person, and a way of making sure that you can link those two rows together...
And then what if you also want to record how many dogs they have? Same table with lots of confusing dups? Another table with your own custom logic to manage unique users?
Normalization keeps you away from a lot of these problems...
