Error when using BreezeJS with AngularJS - angularjs

Using BreezeJS with AngularJS gives errors. For example when using 'filter' in an ng-repeat the console reports: running out of stack space.
Steps to reproduce
Take the Todo-Angular BreezeJS sample & open in VS 2012.
In index.html add right before the <ul>
<input ng-model="query" type="search" placeholder="search" />
Add the following code to the data-ng-repeat on the li element
<li data-ng-repeat="item in items | filter:query">
The filter:query should filter the list based upon the text in the input
but it doesn't.
In IE 10 the console reports "running out of stack space".
In Chrome the console reports"Range Error":
(anonymous function) angular.js:5582
(anonymous function) angular.js:4679
Scope.$digest angular.js:7739
Scope.$apply angular.js:7926
listener angular.js:11228
v.event.dispatch jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2
When you use angular.copy(src, dest); where src is created by BreezeJS I see
another stack_overflow error.

That won't work because you're asking Angular to match the search text to every property of the TodoItem.
A Breeze entity's properties include the entityAspect which has a property called entity that points back to the TodoItem instance ... and around you go until the stack overflows (pun intended).
You need to use a filter function that does specific comparisons. Try this:
In Index.html
<input data-ng-model="searchText" type="Search" placeholder="search" />
<li data-ng-repeat="item in items | filter:itemFilter">
... etc. ...
In controller.js
$scope.searchText = "";
// Beware: this is called a lot!
$scope.itemFilter = function (todoItem) {
var searchText = $scope.searchText;
// if there is search text, look for it in the description; else return true
return searchText ?
-1 != todoItem.Description.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchText.toLowerCase()) :
Works like a charm on my machine :)
p.s.: your mishap with angular.copy() has the same cause ... it does a depth copy of every property and entities tend to have circular references.

Ok, i implemented a custom filter, that excludes navigation properties. It just filters in the currently received breeze entity.
(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('appFilter', []).filter('breezeFilter', function () {
function contains(searchString, searchTerm) {
if (!searchString) return false;
return searchString.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase()) != -1;
function getKeys(entity) {
var names = [];
var properties =;
for (var property in properties) { names.push(property); }
return names;
function search(entity, searchTerm) {
var found = false;
if ("entityAspect" in entity) {
var keys = getKeys(entity);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length && !found; i++) {
if (keys[i].slice(-2) !== "Id") {
var obj = entity[keys[i]];
switch (typeof obj) {
case 'object':
if (obj && !('navigationProperty' in obj)) {
found = search(obj, searchTerm);
case 'number':
case 'string':
found = contains(obj, searchTerm);
case 'boolean':
return found;
return function (breezeEntities, expression) {
if (!expression || expression.length < 2) return breezeEntities;
var filtered = [];
angular.forEach(breezeEntities, function (entity) {
if (search(entity, expression)) {
return filtered;
I hope this helps.

I just had the same problem and I solved by using query projections in breeze, i.e. the "select" clause. It returns pure JavaScript object as opposed to the "wrapped" breeze entities.


How can I combine these custom filters?

Im trying to create a filter mechanism using this code, which works perfectly (independently):
// Report Filtering
$scope.filter = {};
$scope.getCategories = function () {
return ($rootScope.reportsData || []).map(function (report) {
return report.type;
}).filter(function (report, idx, arr) {
return arr.indexOf(report) === idx;
$scope.getPackages = function () {
return ($rootScope.reportsData || []).map(function (report) {
return report.package;
}).filter(function (report, idx, arr) {
return arr.indexOf(report) === idx;
$scope.filterByCategory = function (reportsData) {
return $scope.filter[reportsData.type] || noFilter($scope.filter);
$scope.filterByPackage = function (reportsData) {
return $scope.filter[reportsData.package] || noFilter($scope.filter);
function noFilter(filterObj) {
for (var key in filterObj) {
if (filterObj[key]) {
return false;
return true;
and the ng-repeat is:
ng-repeat="item in filtered=(reportsData | filter:filterByPackage)"
This works perfectly if I replace filter: with either filterByPackage or filterByCategory.
Im using this code to iterate through the keys and create checkboxes to toggle the visibility of the items:
<label ng-repeat="cat in getCategories()">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="filter[cat]" />{{cat}}</label>
However, I would like to use these both in conjunction. If i modify my inline code on the ng-repeat to:
ng-repeat="item in filtered=(reportsData | filter:filterByPackage | filter:filterByCategory)"
then clicking on checkbox makes the entire list disappear. What is the syntax to properly combine these two filters?
If you select a category and a package you only want to display the reportData that matches with both?
The problem you are having is that you are using your "filter" object for both types of filtering and this in combination with your noFilter function that also verifies if anything is checked on the filter is causing that you need to select both a package and category exactly matching the reportData for it to be displayed (you cannot leave a filter unselected or it doesn't display any).
What you can do is initialize your filter as an object in which each criteria is a member, and utilize them as so:
$scope.filter = { packages: {}, categories: {}};
return $scope.filter.categories[reportsData.type] || noFilter($scope.filter.categories);
<label ng-repeat="cat in getCategories()">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="filter.categories[cat]" />{{cat}}

$filter with OR [duplicate]

I want to use the filter in angular and want to filter for multiple values, if it has either one of the values then it should be displayed.
I have for example this structure:
An object movie which has the property genres and I want to filter for Action and Comedy.
I know I can do filter:({genres: 'Action'} || {genres: 'Comedy'}), but what to do if I want to filter it dynamically. E.g. filter: variableX
How do I set variableX in the $scope, when I have an array of the genres I have to filter?
I could construct it as a string and then do an eval() but I don't want to use eval()...
I would just create a custom filter. They are not that hard.
angular.module('myFilters', []).
filter('bygenre', function() {
return function(movies,genres) {
var out = [];
// Filter logic here, adding matches to the out var.
return out;
<div ng-init="movies = [
{title:'Man on the Moon', genre:'action'},
{title:'Meet the Robinsons', genre:'family'},
{title:'Sphere', genre:'action'}
];" />
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="genrefilters.action" />Action
<br />
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="" />Family
<br />{{genrefilters.action}}::{{}}
<li ng-repeat="movie in movies | bygenre:genrefilters">{{movie.title}}: {{movie.genre}}</li>
Edit here is the link: Creating Angular Filters
UPDATE: Here is a fiddle that has an exact demo of my suggestion.
You can use a controller function to filter.
function MoviesCtrl($scope) {
$scope.movies = [{name:'Shrek', genre:'Comedy'},
{name:'Die Hard', genre:'Action'},
{name:'The Godfather', genre:'Drama'}];
$scope.selectedGenres = ['Action','Drama'];
$scope.filterByGenres = function(movie) {
return ($scope.selectedGenres.indexOf(movie.genre) !== -1);
<div ng-controller="MoviesCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="movie in movies | filter:filterByGenres">
{{ }} {{ movie.genre }}
Creating a custom filter might be overkill here, you can just pass in a custom comparator, if you have the multiples values like:
$scope.selectedGenres = "Action, Drama";
$scope.containsComparator = function(expected, actual){
return actual.indexOf(expected) > -1;
then in the filter:
Here is the implementation of custom filter, which will filter the data using array of values.It will support multiple key object with both array and single value of keys. As mentioned inangularJS API AngularJS filter Doc supports multiple key filter with single value, but below custom filter will support same feature as angularJS and also supports array of values and combination of both array and single value of keys.Please find the code snippet below,
myApp.filter('filterMultiple',['$filter',function ($filter) {
return function (items, keyObj) {
var filterObj = {
applyFilter : function(obj,key){
var fData = [];
if (this.filteredData.length == 0)
this.filteredData =;
if (obj){
var fObj = {};
if (!angular.isArray(obj)){
fObj[key] = obj;
fData = fData.concat($filter('filter')(this.filteredData,fObj));
} else if (angular.isArray(obj)){
if (obj.length > 0){
for (var i=0;i<obj.length;i++){
if (angular.isDefined(obj[i])){
fObj[key] = obj[i];
fData = fData.concat($filter('filter')(this.filteredData,fObj));
if (fData.length > 0){
this.filteredData = fData;
if (keyObj){
return filterObj.filteredData;
arrayOfObjectswithKeys | filterMultiple:{key1:['value1','value2','value3',...etc],key2:'value4',key3:[value5,value6,...etc]}
Here is a fiddle example with implementation of above "filterMutiple" custom filter.
:::Fiddle Example:::
If you want to filter on Array of Objects then you can give
filter:({genres: 'Action', key :value }.
Individual property will be filtered by particular filter given for that property.
But if you wanted to something like filter by individual Property and filter globally for all properties then you can do something like this.
<tr ng-repeat="supp in $data | filter : filterObject | filter : search">
Where "filterObject" is an object for searching an individual property and "Search" will search in every property globally.
I've spent some time on it and thanks to #chrismarx, I saw that angular's default filterFilter allows you to pass your own comparator. Here's the edited comparator for multiple values:
function hasCustomToString(obj) {
return angular.isFunction(obj.toString) && obj.toString !== Object.prototype.toString;
var comparator = function (actual, expected) {
if (angular.isUndefined(actual)) {
// No substring matching against `undefined`
return false;
if ((actual === null) || (expected === null)) {
// No substring matching against `null`; only match against `null`
return actual === expected;
// I edited this to check if not array
if ((angular.isObject(expected) && !angular.isArray(expected)) || (angular.isObject(actual) && !hasCustomToString(actual))) {
// Should not compare primitives against objects, unless they have custom `toString` method
return false;
// This is where magic happens
actual = angular.lowercase('' + actual);
if (angular.isArray(expected)) {
var match = false;
expected.forEach(function (e) {
e = angular.lowercase('' + e);
if (actual.indexOf(e) !== -1) {
match = true;
return match;
} else {
expected = angular.lowercase('' + expected);
return actual.indexOf(expected) !== -1;
And if we want to make a custom filter for DRY:
.filter('filterWithOr', function ($filter) {
var comparator = function (actual, expected) {
if (angular.isUndefined(actual)) {
// No substring matching against `undefined`
return false;
if ((actual === null) || (expected === null)) {
// No substring matching against `null`; only match against `null`
return actual === expected;
if ((angular.isObject(expected) && !angular.isArray(expected)) || (angular.isObject(actual) && !hasCustomToString(actual))) {
// Should not compare primitives against objects, unless they have custom `toString` method
return false;
console.log('ACTUAL EXPECTED')
actual = angular.lowercase('' + actual);
if (angular.isArray(expected)) {
var match = false;
expected.forEach(function (e) {
e = angular.lowercase('' + e);
if (actual.indexOf(e) !== -1) {
match = true;
return match;
} else {
expected = angular.lowercase('' + expected);
return actual.indexOf(expected) !== -1;
return function (array, expression) {
return $filter('filter')(array, expression, comparator);
And then we can use it anywhere we want:
{name:'Jack Bauer'},
{name:'Chuck Norris'},
<li ng-repeat="item in list | filterWithOr:{name:['Jack','Chuck']}">
Finally here's a plunkr.
Note: Expected array should only contain simple objects like String, Number etc.
you can use searchField filter of angular.filter
$scope.users = [
{ first_name: 'Sharon', last_name: 'Melendez' },
{ first_name: 'Edmundo', last_name: 'Hepler' },
{ first_name: 'Marsha', last_name: 'Letourneau' }
<input ng-model="search" placeholder="search by full name"/>
<th ng-repeat="user in users | searchField: 'first_name': 'last_name' | filter: search">
{{ user.first_name }} {{ user.last_name }}
<!-- so now you can search by full name -->
You can also use ngIf if the situation permits:
<div ng-repeat="p in [
{ name: 'Justin' },
{ name: 'Jimi' },
{ name: 'Bob' }
]" ng-if="['Jimi', 'Bob'].indexOf( > -1">
{{ }} is cool
The quickest solution that I've found is to use the filterBy filter from angular-filter, for example:
<input type="text" placeholder="Search by name or genre" ng-model=""/>
<li ng-repeat="movie in ctrl.movies | filterBy: ['name', 'genre']:">
{{}} ({{movie.genre}}) - {{movie.rating}}
The upside is that angular-filter is a fairly popular library (~2.6k stars on GitHub) which is still actively developed and maintained, so it should be fine to add it to your project as a dependency.
I believe this is what you're looking for:
<div>{{ (collection | fitler1:args) + (collection | filter2:args) }}</div>
Please try this
var m = angular.module('yourModuleName');
m.filter('advancefilter', ['$filter', function($filter){
return function(data, text){
var textArr = text.split(' ');
angular.forEach(textArr, function(test){
data = $filter('filter')(data, test);
return data;
Lets assume you have two array, one for movie and one for genre
Just use the filter as: filter:{genres: genres.type}
Here genres being the array and type has value for genre
I wrote this for strings AND functionality (I know it's not the question but I searched for it and got here), maybe it can be expanded.
String.prototype.contains = function(str) {
return this.indexOf(str) != -1;
String.prototype.containsAll = function(strArray) {
for (var i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) {
if (!this.contains(strArray[i])) {
return false;
return true;
app.filter('filterMultiple', function() {
return function(items, filterDict) {
return items.filter(function(item) {
for (filterKey in filterDict) {
if (filterDict[filterKey] instanceof Array) {
if (!item[filterKey].containsAll(filterDict[filterKey])) {
return false;
} else {
if (!item[filterKey].contains(filterDict[filterKey])) {
return false;
return true;
<li ng-repeat="x in array | filterMultiple:{key1: value1, key2:[value21, value22]}">{{}}</li>
Angular Or Filter Module
$filter('orFilter')([{..}, {..} ...], {arg1, arg2, ...}, false)
here is the link:
I had similar situation. Writing custom filter worked for me. Hope this helps!
App.filter('searchMovies', function() {
return function (items, letter) {
var resulsts = [];
var itemMatch = new RegExp(letter, 'i');
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
if ( itemMatch.test( || itemMatch.test(item.genre)) {
return results;
<div ng-controller="MoviesCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="movie in movies | searchMovies:filterByGenres">
{{ }} {{ movie.genre }}
Here is my example how create filter and directive for table jsfiddle
directive get list (datas) and create table with filters
<div ng-app="autoDrops" ng-controller="HomeController">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<ng-Multiselect array-List="datas"></ng-Multiselect>
my pleasure if i help you
Too late to join the party but may be it can help someone:
We can do it in two step, first filter by first property and then concatenate by second filter:
$scope.filterd = $filter('filter')($scope.empList, { dept: "account" });
$scope.filterd = $scope.filterd.concat($filter('filter')($scope.empList, { dept: "sales" }));
See the working fiddle with multiple property filter
Using Angular providered filter comparator parameter
// declaring a comparator method
$scope.filterBy = function(actual, expected) {
return _.contains(expected, actual); // uses underscore library contains method
var employees = [{name: 'a'}, {name: 'b'}, {name: 'c'}, {name: 'd'}];
// filter employees with name matching with either 'a' or 'c'
var filteredEmployees = $filter('filter')(employees, {name: ['a','c']}, $scope.filterBy);
Using Angular providered filter negation
var employees = [{name: 'a'}, {name: 'b'}, {name: 'c'}, {name: 'd'}];
// filter employees with name matching with either 'a' or 'c'
var filteredEmployees = $filter('filter')($filter('filter')(employees, {name: '!d'}), {name: '!b'});
My solution
ng-repeat="movie in movies | filter: {'Action'} + filter: {'Comedy}"
the best answer is :
filter:({genres: 'Action', genres: 'Comedy'}

Angular filter match by character?

I have angular 1.3, and i have the following array:
data : [
id :2,
name : "danny davids",
age :9
id :3,
name : "sanny gordon",
age :9
I want the filter to do the follwing:
When i start writing the word "s", i want the danny davids to disappear, right now the default behavior is, both of them are still shown (the s is in the end of the last name of danny).
strict mode is something that i dont want to use, the behavior i want is:
if there is no value in the input, i want to see all, if i start to write i want to see the exact one by firstName/lastName.
is there a default filter for this in angular 1.3?
You can filter match by any characters:
Sample condition:
yourDataList.display.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchData) !== -1;
function createFilterForAnycharacters(searchData) {
var lowercaseQuery = query.toLowerCase();
return function filterFn(yourDataList) {
return (yourDataList.display.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchData) !== -1);
I suggest using $filter by a custom filter function for you ng-repeat. According to the documentation, $filter expects
function(value, index, array): A predicate function can be used to write arbitrary filters. The function is called for each element of the array, with the element, its index, and the entire array itself as arguments.
And only elements that return true with be shown. So all you have to do is write that function.
Your filter function might look like this:
$scope.filterData = function (obj) {
return anyNameStartsWith(, $scope.searchFilter);
function anyNameStartsWith (fullname, search) {
//validate if name is null or not a string if needed
if (search === '')
return true;
var delimeterRegex = /[ _-]+/;
//split the fullname into individual names
var names = fullname.split(delimeterRegex);
//do any of the names in the array start with the search string
return names.some(function(name) {
return name.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.toLowerCase()) === 0;
Your HTML might look something like this:
<input type="text" ng-model="searchFilter" />
<div ng-repeat="obj in data | filter : filterData">
Id: {{}}
Name: {{}}
A demo via plnkr
Use this custom filter to get result match starting characters
app.filter('startsWithLetter', function () {
return function (items, letter) {
var filtered = [];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
if (item.substr(0,letter.length).toLowerCase() == letter.toLowerCase()) {
return filtered;
it works for your scenario, you can create custom filter
below is html code
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="PersonCtrl as person">
<input type="text" ng-model="letter" placeholder="Enter a letter to filter">
<li ng-repeat="a in | startsWithLetter:letter">
js code
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.filter('startsWithLetter', function () {
return function (items, letter) {
var filtered = [];
var letterMatch = new RegExp(letter, 'i');
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i];
if (letterMatch.test(, 1))) {
return filtered;
app.controller('PersonCtrl', function () { = [
id :2,
name : "danny davids",
age :9
id :3,
name : "sanny gordon",
age :9
Need to create a custom filter function to do this. There is no default method to match first character in angular.

Filter a ng-repeat with values from an array

I have this table with a ng-repeat.
ng-repeat="project in projects"
I have a property in project, prj_city. I'd like to filter this value.
I can do this with:
ng-repeat="project in projects | filter={prj_city: <value>}
But I want the <value> to be an array with multiple cities instead of a string. Is there any easy way to do this or do I have to do this filter manually in my controller?
Most likely a custom filter in the controller, should be easy enough tho:
var filteredCities = ["LosAngelos", "etc.."];
$scope.arrayFilter = function(project) {
for (var i = 0; i < filteredCities.length; i++) {
if (filteredCities[i] == project.prj_city)
return true;
return false
And the call:
ng-repeat="project in projects | filter: arrayFilter"
You need to create a filter function on your controller. Something like:
$scope.filteredCities = function(city) {
return ($scope.userFilteredCities.indexOf(city) !== -1);
$scope.userFilteredCities;//List of filtered cities
Define the following function in your controller:
// use a map for faster filtering
var acceptedCityMap = {};
angular.forEach(acceptedCities, function(city) {
// case insensitive search. But you're not forced to
acceptedCityMap[city.toLowerCase()] = true;
$scope.isProjectedAccepted = function(project) {
// case insensitive search. But you're not forced to
return acceptedCityMap[project.prj_city.toLowerCase()];
And then in your view:
ng-repeat="project in projects | filter:isProjectAccepted"

Filter by multiple columns with ng-repeat

I'm wondering if there's an easy way in Angular to filter a table using ng-repeat on specific columns using or logic, rather than and. Right now, my filter is searching everything in the table (10+ columns of data), when it really only needs to filter on 2 columns of data (ID and Name).
I've managed to get it down to look only at those 2 columns when filtering (by using an object in the filter expression as per the docs and looking at this SO answer), but it's using and logic, which is too specific. I'd like to get it to use or logic, but am having trouble.
<input type="text" ng-model="filterText" />
<tr ng-repeat="item in data"><td>{{ }}</td><td>{{ }}</td>...</tr>
My filter logic:
$filter('filter')(data, {id:$scope.filterText, name:$scope.filterText})
The filtering works, but again, it's taking the intersection of the matching columns rather than the union. Thanks!
It's not hard to create a custom filter which allows you to have as many arguments as you want. Below is an example of a filter with one and two arguments, but you can add as many as you need.
Example JS:
var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);
app.filter('myTableFilter', function(){
// Just add arguments to your HTML separated by :
// And add them as parameters here, for example:
// return function(dataArray, searchTerm, argumentTwo, argumentThree) {
return function(dataArray, searchTerm) {
// If no array is given, exit.
if (!dataArray) {
// If no search term exists, return the array unfiltered.
else if (!searchTerm) {
return dataArray;
// Otherwise, continue.
else {
// Convert filter text to lower case.
var term = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
// Return the array and filter it by looking for any occurrences of the search term in each items id or name.
return dataArray.filter(function(item){
var termInId = > -1;
var termInName = > -1;
return termInId || termInName;
Then in your HTML:
<tr ng-repeat="item in data | myTableFilter:filterText">
Or if you want to use multiple arguments:
<tr ng-repeat="item in data | myTableFilter:filterText:argumentTwo:argumentThree">
Use this to search on All Columns (can be slow): search.$
AngularJS API: filter
Any Column Search:
<input ng-model="search.$">
<tr ng-repeat="friendObj in friends | filter:search:strict">
To expand on the excellent answer by #charlietfl, here's a custom filter that filters by one column(property) which is passed to the function dynamically instead of being hard-coded. This would allow you to use the filter in different tables.
var app=angular.module('myApp',[]);
app.filter('filterByProperty', function () {
/* array is first argument, each addiitonal argument is prefixed by a ":" in filter markup*/
return function (dataArray, searchTerm, propertyName) {
if (!dataArray) return;
/* when term is cleared, return full array*/
if (!searchTerm) {
return dataArray
} else {
/* otherwise filter the array */
var term = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
return dataArray.filter(function (item) {
return item[propertyName].toLowerCase().indexOf(term) > -1;
Now on the mark-up side
<input type="text" ng-model="filterText" />
<tr ng-repeat="item in data |filterByProperty:filterText:'name'"><td>{{ }}</td><td>{{ }}</td>...</tr>
I figured it out- I had to write my own custom filter. Here is my solution:
var filteredData;
filteredData = $filter('filter')(data, function(data) {
if ($scope.filter) {
return$scope.filter) > -1 ||$scope.filter) > -1;
} else {
return true;
I created this filter to perform search in several fields:
var find = function () {
return function (items,array) {
var model = array.model;
var fields = array.fields;
var clearOnEmpty = array.clearOnEmpty || false;
var filtered = [];
var inFields = function(row,query) {
var finded = false;
for ( var i in fields ) {
var field = row[fields[i]];
if ( field != undefined ) {
finded = angular.lowercase(row[fields[i]]).indexOf(query || '') !== -1;
if ( finded ) break;
return finded;
if ( clearOnEmpty && model == "" ) return filtered;
for (var i in items) {
var row = items[i];
var query = angular.lowercase(model);
if (query.indexOf(" ") > 0) {
var query_array = query.split(" ");
var x;
for (x in query_array) {
query = query_array[x];
var search_result = true;
if ( !inFields(row,query) ) {
search_result = false;
} else {
search_result = inFields(row,query);
if ( search_result ) {
return filtered;
How to use:
<tr repeat="item in colletion
| find: {
model : model, // Input model
fields : [ // Array of fields to filter
clearOnEmpty: true // Clear rows on empty model (not obligatory)
} "></tr>
Easily We can do this type Following written code according you will easily create another field filter....
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
function myfilter(){
return function (items, filters) {
if (filters == null) {
return items;
var filtered = [];
//Apply filter
angular.forEach(items, function (item) {
if ((filters.Name == '' || angular.lowercase(item.Name).indexOf(angular.lowercase(filters.Name)) >= 0)
return filtered;
var i=0;
var item={Name:'',Marks:[]};
item.Name='student' + i;
item.Marks.push({Maths:50-i,Science:50 +i});
<html ng-app='myApp'>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-controller='mycontroller'>
<input type='text' name='studentName' ng-model="filters.Name" placeholder='Enter Student Name'>
<div ng-repeat="student in students | myfilter: filters">
Name : {{student.Name}} Marks == >
<span ng-repeat="m in student.Marks">Maths:{{m.Maths}} Science:{{m.Science}}</span>
Here is my solution, it's very lazy, it will search on all strings in array on first level, you could update this to recusively go down the tree, but this should be good enough...
app.filter('filterAll', function () {
return function (dataArray, searchTerm, propertyNames) {
if (!dataArray) return;
if (!searchTerm) {
return dataArray;
} else {
if (propertyNames == undefined) {
propertyNames = [];
for (var property in dataArray[0]) {
if(typeof dataArray[0][property] == "string" &&
property != "$$hashKey" &&
property != "UnitName" )
console.log("propertyNames", propertyNames);
var term = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
return dataArray.filter(function (item) {
var found = false;
propertyNames.forEach(function(val) {
if (!found) {
if (item[val] != null && item[val].toLowerCase().indexOf(term) > -1)
found = true;
return found;
see this link Filter multiple object properties together in AngularJS
