WPF Relevancy vs HTML [closed] - wpf

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Closed 10 years ago.
At work we have an application that we need to update. It is a fat client that is largely written in Windows Forms with newer parts of it being in WPF. The main section of this application is a form designer that is implemented with a Web Browser control using HTML.
We need to redesign a large portion of the application and need to generally improve the user experience. There's a good chance that I will be the one working on this project and I am very familiar with WPF and feel like it would be a very suitable technology to use. I would plan to remove the old windows forms portions and largely rewrite the application.
However, there has been some discussion of migrating this application to be a web application in a future release. My coworker was tossing around the idea of trying to redesign the dialogs and application using HTML while still being a fat client.
Does this seem like a reasonable idea? Is there any kind of design similar to this approach that would support this kind of hybrid application? Would we be able to realistically create the same kind of user experience using HTML5 / JS that WPF would offer?
The idea of making portable code is enticing, but I have serious concerns about the feasibility of this suggestion. I know that windows 8 apps support a variety of design options, but this application would be targeted for xp / windows 7.

This really depends on the application audience but I'd say go with Web if it's easy enough and it should be since you're starting from scratch.
I was faced with the same question 3 years ago and I still regret sticking to WPF because the app could have been deployed on tablets if it was a web app.
If your app contains abundant business logic make sure you split that out well, business logic in JS doesn't work well - crappy to debug, difficult to manage over the entire life of the app. Generally expect more difficult development when compared do WPF but with much larger potential audience.


Better way to a front-end and back-end developing [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm starting a project and I'm not sure about what technology to use on the back-end and front-end sides. The project needs to generate charts and a lot of statistics so I have been surfing on the site and I think that the best way to front-end is Backbone.js or Ember.js, is it?
On the other hand I've to decide the server part. I'm an old school developer...Php. I need to develope an API that reads de ddbb and provide the information to the front-end side. I don't know what is the best way to develope a system that let final user to choose a date interval to view their statistics (like Google Analytics, Square, etc.). Maybe Ruby? Symfony as well?
Thx! =)
I was in your same situation months ago and I decided to go for Backbone. The main reason is that it's more used and so it's easier to get help and find good tutorials, plus it's not much opinionated so I think you can learn more while develping and also you can shape your app to fit better your needs. Anyway I didn't tried in deep Ember or Angular so take my opinion with care. For the server side part I've always worked with PHP too, I tried Ruby and I think it's a better support for a webapp but I ended use PHP anyway cause of my company's needs. You can do a good job with PHP too, but I suggest to use frameworks like Silex, Slim or Laravel that are better suited to put up a REST api which you will need if you want to use Backbone.

Is WPF mature enough to use in large scale softwares [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm wondering to replace our WinForms technology to WPF.
Is WPF mature enough to migrate to?
What are the migration risks?
Is it tweaked and robust enough? Isn't there any plan to deprecate WPF like SilverLight?
I'm wondering to replace our WinForms technology to WPF. Is WPF mature
enough to migrate to?
What are the migration risks?
Time and training to understand SOLID implementations of MVVM.
Is it tweaked and robust enough? Isn't there any plan to deprecate WPF
like SilverLight?
WPF is "depricated" in Windows 8... but all of the features are still there - it's hard to explain...
Metro Apps will still use XAML and DataBinding to describe the UI and interraction with the View Model. Applications can still be written in C#, and there is a .net framework dedicated to it (4.5). But instead of compiling to CLR - it compiles into Native Code.
So, while WPF is technically depricating, what we are left with (Metro) walks, talks, and otherwise behaves just like a WPF development effort.
That said, WPF apps can run on the "Classic Desktop" of a Windows 8 computer, and the .net framework 4.0 is still current technology.
P.S. This topic is likely to be closed - you might be able to get better answers at https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/

Web application - silverlight [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Is is reasonable to make a web application using Silverlight technology?
All elements on the page do this with Silverlight applications? (LOGIN, Chat, Search Users, etc.)
The application for a thousand users?
What are the disadvantages?
The number one disadvantage of Silverlight is that it requires browser support to run. So if your goal is to build a truly cross platform solution that needs to work in many Browsers, be very careful. For example, Mobile Safari has no support for it.
My company made the mistake of choosing Silverlight early and then had to redo much of the development because Silverlight does not work on iPad.
Also Microsoft might be dropping support for Silverlight in favor of WinRT.
On the plus side, if you already have WPF knowledge, you should have little problem moving into Silverlight. The development enviroment, tools and libraries are all top knotch and fun to work with.
Ultimately it all comes down to what you already know and what your requirements are. If your target environment is always going to be Windows and you already know .net or WPF, going with Silverlight makes a lot of sense.
Silverlight works really well for big applications.
Silverlight has all the ingredients for a web application.
One disadvantage I can think of is that Linux users might not be able to view your application, because the Silverlight client for Linux is less feature-rich.
From what I remember the biggest disadvantage would be if Microsoft drops support for Silverlight: Microsoft may halt development work on Silverlight plugin after next release

Tools to measure performance in ASP.net or C# [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Can you please guide me to a book, tool or article that would guide me on how to make an asp.net MVC 2 application that uses WCF to perform better?
I am interested in lower database query time.
How to render pages more quickly.
How to write controllers and action and what are the best practices in order to obtain an efficient application.
I use Asp.Net MVC 2 , NHibernate / Entity Framework, WCF 4.0 and JQuery.
It may not be the answer you are looking for. I dont think there is a magic tool that will tell you all the problems in all the framework you are using.
I am interested in lower database query time.
For this, you have to use Sql profiler and go through each procedure/query then optimize.
How to render pages more quickly.
Try YSlow from Yahoo. I cant remember tool name from Google. I will add it latter
Check out Hanselmans podcast with Steve Sodders. Creator of YSlow on Web Site Optimization. They talk about various tools on performance tuning.
Sam Saffron works at Stack Overflow and writes numerous articles on performance tuning. This one may be useful for you. Profiling your website like a true Ninja
That's all said, logging is going to be your friend. With good logging, you have more freedom to focus on specific code/component or with AOP tools you can instrument entire app with little code.
I would also add the very easy to use MVC-Mini-profiler. It works with MVC and EF.

What is the future of WPF and silverlight ? Why are there two different ui toolkits? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
Will WPF die out and be replaced by a silverlight that continues to be improved ? What is the direction of bothh ...i am asking as i have heard of MS possibly dumping WPF primarily because of percieved or actual performance impact on the snappyness etc of the UI.
WPF is for desktop applications, Silverlight for webbased (ala flash) ones, and also for the new Windows Phone 7, Silverlight is just a subset of wpf adjusted for different platforms.. Also - it really depends on the coding, as with everything. If you execute everything in the UI Thread, of course the UI won't be as responsive. I'm coding a wpf application and it is as snappy as a win forms one.
It's relatively unlikely that WPF will die out or be replaced by Silverlight any time soon. Silverlight can't create the kind of rich client applications that WPF can, and like it or not, desktop applications aren't going away any time soon.
Not to mention, Microsoft has written the interface for several of its major software packages in WPF (Visual Studio and Expression Studio). Many of the things these applications are required to do simply can't be done in the kind of sandboxed environment that Silverlight can provide.
