Undefined reference to functions C - c

I downloaded a library from here. I added the header file in my program but when I try to access the functions of this header file, I get error:
undefined reference to the function for u_open() and u_accept(). I tried to compile the .c files of this header file but I get this error:
undefined reference to main.
I tried everything in my knowledge to solve this issue, but couldn't solve it. Here is the program.
#include "uici.h"
int main()
char client[50];
char buf[1024];
u_port_t portnumber;
int fd = u_open(portnumber);
int communFd = u_accept(fd,client,50);
fprintf(stderr,"\nComun fd is %d\n\n\n",communFd);
fprintf(stderr,"\n\nReading complete\n");
return 0;
What can I do to solve this problem?

Your header file uici.h declares the functions you're calling in main() (u_open() and u_accept()), but not their implementations, which are in the source files. When the linker tries to create the entire program, it then complains that the implementations can't be found.
The solution is to link all the files together when creating the actual program binary. When using the g++ frontend, you can do this by specifying all the source files together on the command line. For example:
g++ -o main main.c uici.c
will create the main program called "main", assuming that the implementations you need are in uici.c.
edit: In the case you're linking against a prebuilt library for uici, you'll need to specify to the frontend that the library is needed for linking, e.g. with:
g++ -o main main.c -luici

You need to link the library when using gcc like :
gcc nameofprgram.c -l<library>

Use any of these flags while compiling with gcc
-I <searchpath to include files>
-L <searchpath to the lib file>
gcc -o myprogram -lfoo -L/home/me/foo/lib myprogram.c
This will link myprogram with the static library libfoo.a in the folder /home/me/foo/lib


Using a function from another C file placed in another directory?

Say I have a parent directory A with two subdirectories B and C.
Sub-directory C has a helper.c and helper.h as shown:
void print(){
printf("Hello, World!\n");
void print();
Now, in sub directory B, I have a main.c which just calls the print function:
void main(){
I tried the following commands for compiling main.c:
Command 1: gcc main.c //Gives undefined reference to 'print' error
Command 2: gcc main.c ../C/helper.c //Compiles successfully
Now I removed the #include"../C/helper.h" from main .c and tried the Command 2 again. It still works.
So I have the following questions:
i) What difference does it make whether the helper.h file is included or
ii) Why command 1 fails?
iii) Is there a way to compile my C program without having to specify
helper.c everytime?
What happens when you execute:
Command 1: gcc main.c //Gives undefined reference to 'print' error
When execute gcc main.c
Compiler compiles main.c and creates objective file. This file will contain unresolved link to function print(). Because there is no implementation of function print() in main.c file.
After compilation gcc tries to make full executable file. To do this gcc combines all objective files and tries to resolve all unresolved links. As you remember there is unresolved link for function print(), gcc can't find implementation and raise the error.
When you execute
Command 2: gcc main.c ../C/helper.c //Compiles successfully
gcc compiles both files. Second file ../C/helper.c contains implementation of function print(), so linker can find it and resolve reference to it in function main().
i) What difference does it make whether the helper.h file is included or helper.c?
In your case helper.h contains forward declaration of function print(). This gives information to compiler how to make call of function print().
ii) Why command 1 fails?
See above.
iii) Is there a way to compile my C program without having to specify helper.c everytime?
Use make utility. Compile helper.c in separate objective file helper.o and use it in linkage command.
helper.o: ../C/helper.c ../C/helper.h
gcc -c ../C/helper.c
main.o: main.c main.h
gcc -c main.c
testprog: main.o helper.o
g++ main.o helper.o -o testprog
See make utility manual for details.
Commands should be indented by TAB.
First you need to understand that #include simply adds whatever text is in the #include parameter to the position in the file the statement is in, for example:
void foo();
#include "file1.txt"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;
Will cause the pre-compilation to generate this unified file for compilation:
void foo();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;
So to answer your first and second questions:
When you include a header file (or any file) that only contains declarations (i.e function signatures) without definitions (i.e function implementations), as in the example above, the linker will fail in finding the definitions and you will get the 'undefined reference' error.
When you include a c code file (or any file) that contains definitions, these definitions will be merged to your code and the linker will have them, that's why it works.
and as for your third question
It is bad practice to include c files directly in other c files, the common approach is to keep separate c files with headers exposing the functionality they provide, include the header files and link against the compiled c files, for example in your case:
gcc main.c helper.c -o out
Will allow you to include helper.c in main.c and still work because you instructed the compiler to compile both files instead of just main.c so when linking occurs the definitions from the compilation will be found and you will not get the undefined behavior error
This is, in a nutshell. I abstracted a lot of what's going on to pass on the general idea. this is a nice article describing the compilation process in fair detail and this is a nice overview of the entire process.
I'll try to answer:
i) What difference does it make whether the helper.h file is included or helper.c?
When you include a file, you don't want to expose your implementation, hence its better to include h files, that contains only the "signatures" - api of your implementation.
ii) Why command 1 fails?
When you compile you must add all your resources to the executable, otherwise he won't compile.
iii) Is there a way to compile my C program without having to specify
helper.c everytime?
You can use Makefile to compile your program. Maybe this tutorial can help you.
i) What difference does it make whether the helper.h file is included
or helper.c?
Including helper.c means that helper.c gets compiled each time as if it were part of main.c
Including helper.h lets the compiler know what argument types the function print() takes and returns so the compiler can give an error or warning if you call print() incorrectly
ii) Why command 1 fails?
The compiler is not being told where to find the actual code for the print function. As explained, including the .h file only helps the compiler with type checking.
iii) Is there a way to compile my C program without having to specify
helper.c everytime?
You can compile it once into an object file and optionally you can add that obj to a static or dynamically loaded library. You still need to help the compiler find that obj or library. For example,
gcc -c helper.c
gcc main.c helper.o
The correct way to avoid compiling modules that don't need compiling is to use a Makefile. A Makefile compares when a module was last compiled compared to when it was last modified and that way it knows what needs to be compiled and what doesn't.

how does gcc -c option work?

int main(){
return 0;
above is simplified form of my code. I implemented function() in header.h file, and put it in the same directory with this code.c file.
I heard that "gcc -c code.c" is "compile but no linking" option, but this code need linking with header.h file. So I guess -c option will flag an error, while it didn't. Though, without -c option it flags an error. Can anyone explain how this -c options works?
Header files have nothing to do with linking. Linking is combining multiple object files and libraries into an executable.
Header files are processed by the compiler, as part of generating an object file. Therefore, gcc -c will process header files.
gcc -c compiles source files without linking.
header files have nothing to do with linking process, they are only used in compilation process to tell compiler the various declaration and function prototypes.
However it is bad practice to implement function in header file, both compilation strategy should work in this case. i.e. gcc with and without c flag

How to link and compile with .so file in Linux

I am having .c and .so file. I tried by using the following compilation: gcc main.c -ldl. In that .c file i linked to .so file through dlsym(). How to compile using .so file with .c.
Probably you can do this:
when linking do:
g++ -o prog prog.o -ldllname
If libdllname.so is not in the system directory then add its directory to the library path:
g++ -o prog prog.o -L/path/to/my/library/folder -ldllname
This is based on your further comments. First guard the declarations of your header file.
---------- Here is the content of header
Next, check in your code, are you defining multiple definitions. Or are you re-defining the standard functions again? Can you please post your code to guide you better?
Looks like you have re-defined Close_Comm(), can you check it? Error says that the definition is there in main.c also.
The following is the general way to compile shared object and link it.
To compile shared objects.
-g : for debug information
fPIC: for position independent code
$gcc -fPIC -g myfile
The following will create the shared object libmyfile.so
$gcc -shared -o libymyfile.so myfile.o
Now,In order to link it with your main.c.
I assume that the libmyfile.so is in your current path, thus -L./
$gcc main.c -o main.out -L./ -lmyfile
Now, you need to export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the bash; in order to execute the binary.
The dlsym is to load the symbol from the shared object at the run-time. If you want to load the shared object at run time, this can be used. The following is one of the example of dlsym Hack the standard function in library and call the native library function afterwards
dlsym() is used to find a symbol in an open library file.
you first need to use dlopen() in order to open the file, and only then use dlsym()

Building object files that depends on other object files

EDITS: Including link to my makefile
I have a main program that calls a bunch of functions defined in other source files. This is not a problem because I am using cc -c functionSource.c functionHeader.h and generating object files before compiling my main program with cc main.c func1.o func2.o .... -o test.o
I am having problems when one of my functions depends on another function.
For example:
My main program calls an shuffle function which is defined in it's own source file and the shuffle function calls a swap function which in turn is defined in it's own source file.
When i try to generate the shuffle.o file for my main program using cc -c shuffle.o I get an undefined reference to swap error.
When I try to cc shuffle.c swap.o i get an undefined reference to main error.
Here is my makefile
How do I go about fixing this?
Found the problem. I had a swap function declared inside insertionSort.h and shuffle.h but no implementations.
Have a look to the man page: '-c' makes the compiler generating object files only (not trying to link).
Do the following:
cc -c insertionSort.c # => gives insertionSort.o
cc -c -c functionSource.c # => gives functionSource.o
cc insertionSort.o functionSource.o ...and-so-on... main.c -o test
It's not necessary to specify header files - it doesn't help.
BTW: If you have mor than one implementation file, it is rather useful
(a) to learn make
(b) stick to the convention that object files and programs should be named like th sources.
foo.c => foo.o
bar.c => bar
etc - you get the picture.
This has nothing to do with make. You need to get a book on introductory C programming, that will explain how to use the preprocessor, and you need to examine the documentation for your compiler so you understand what the different compiler flags do (such as when you want to use the -c flag and when you don't, and what the difference is).
It's wrong to include header files (.h files) on the compile line. Only source files (.c) should be included on the command line when building object (.o) files. You should be adding the headers you need into your .c files using the #include directive: #include "insertionSort.h". If you're missing a reference to a function, then #include the header file that declares that function: #include "swap.h".

GCC unable to find header file in a included library

I am trying to include a library file named libmathematica.a in gcc so it gets linked in the executable example.
I attempt to do this with gcc main.c libmathematica.a -o example
Note: I have to do this with gcc, as ld won't link it properly with the correct system libraries
But I get: fatal error: mathematica.h: No such file or directory ,which is odd because mathematica.h is in the library.
Can you help?
A header file cannot be in the library. It has to be present at a certain location and you have to specify that location with the -I compiler flag:
gcc -I/path/to/mathematica/include main.c libmathematica.a -o example
If the header file is in the directory where the main.c is or in a subdirectory, then be sure that you use quotes and not angle brackets in the #include directive.
The issue would be in your source file. If the mathematica.h is in the system includes directory then you would use #include <mathematica.h> and if it was in some local directory then you would use something like #include "libs/mathematica.h".
Try adding to the gcc call - an option like
For example:
gcc -I/usr/include/mathematica -lmathematica -o example main.c
