OpenGL total beginner and 2D animation project? - c

I have installed GLUT and Visual Studio 2010 and found some tutorials on OpenGL basics ( and 2D graphics programming. I have advanced knowledge in C but no expirience with graphics programming...
For project (astronomy - time scales) , i must create one object in center of window and make other 5 objects (circles,dots...) to rotate around centered object with respect to some equations (i can implement them and solve). Equations is for calculating coordinates of that 5 objects and all of equations have parameter t (as time). For creating animation i will vary parameter t from 0 to 2pi with some step and get coordinates in different moments. If task was to print new coordinates of objects it would be easy to me but problem is how to make animation of graphics. Can i use some functions of OpenGL for rotation/translation ? How to make an object to move to desired location with coordinates determined by equation? Or i can redraw object in new coordinates every millisecond? First thing i thought was to draw all objects, calculate new coordinates, clear screen and draw all objects in new coordinates and repeat that infinitely..(it would be primitive but will work?)
Here is screen shot of that objects - . My question is how to make animation by calculating new coordinates of objects each step and moving them to new location. Can i do that with basics in OpenGL and good knowledge of C and geometry? Any ideas from what to start? Thanks

Or i can redraw object in new coordinates every millisecond? First
thing i thought was to draw all objects, calculate new coordinates,
clear screen and draw all objects in new coordinates and repeat that
This is indeed the way to go. I would further suggest that you don't bother with shaders and vertex buffers as is the OpenGL 3/4 way. What would be easiest is called "immediate mode", deprecated by OpenGL 3/4 but available in 1/2/3. It's easy:
glPushMatrix(); //save modelview matrix
glTranslatef(obj->x, obj->y, obj->z); //move origin to object center
glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); //start drawing triangles
glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //a nice red one
glVertex3f(0.0, +0.6f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(-0.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(+0.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //almost equilateral
glPopMatrix(); //restore modelview matrix/origin
Do look into helper libraries glu (useful for setting up the camera / the projection matrix) and glut (should make it very easy to set up a window and basic controls and drawing).
It would probably take you longer to set it up (display a rotating triangle) than to figure out how to use it. In fact, here's some code to help you get started. Your first challenge could be to set up a 2D orthogonal projection matrix that projects along the Z-axis, so you can use the 2D functions (glVertex2).

First thing i thought was to draw all objects, calculate new coordinates, clear screen and draw all objects in new coordinates and repeat that infinitely..(it would be primitive but will work?)
That's exactly how it works. With GLUT, you set a display function that gets called when GLUT thinks it's time to draw a new frame. In this function, clear the screen, draw the objects and flush it to the screen. Then just instruct GLUT to draw another frame, and you're animating!
Might want to keep track of the time inbetween frames so you can animate things smoothly, but I'm sure you can figure that part out.
OpenGL is really just a drawing library. It doesn't do animation, that's up to you to implement. Clear/draw/flush is the commonly used approach for it though.
Note: with 'flush' I mean glFlush(), although GLUT in multi-buffer mode requires glutSwapBuffers()

The red book explains the proper way to draw models that can first be translated, rotated, scaled and so on:
Basically, you load the identity, perform transforms/rotations/scales (which one you want first matters - again the book explains it), draw the model as though it was at the origin at normal scale and it'll be placed in its new position. Then you can load identity and proceed with the next one. Every frame of an animation, you glClear() and recalculate/redraw everything. (It sounds expensive, but there's usually not much you can cache between draws).


Do DirectX Pixel Shaders Operate on Every Pixel of the Frame Like WPF Pixel Shaders?

From my own trial-and-error experience, it seems that DirectX pixel shaders only run for pixels/fragments that are within the bounds of some geometric primitive rendered by DirectX, and are not run for pixels of the frame that are simply the clear-color.
MSDN says:
Pixel shaders work in concert with vertex shaders; the output of a vertex shader provides the inputs for a pixel shader.
This stands in contrast to WPF pixel shaders, which are run for every pixel of the frame, because WPF doesn't render 3D primitives and therefore doesn't know or care what it means to be a geometric primitive pixel or clear-color pixel.
So for the following image, a DirectX pixel shader would only be run for the area in white, because it corresponds to a geometric primitive output by the vertex shader, but not for the black area, because that's the clear-color. A WPF pixel shader, on the other hand, would be run for every pixel of the frame, both white and black.
Is this understanding correct?
Your understanding is mostly correct - pixel shader invocations are triggered by drawing primitives (e.g. triangles). In fact, a pixel in the window may end up getting more than one pixel shader invocation, if for example a second triangle is drawn on top of the first. This is referred to as overdraw and is generally something to avoid, with the most common method of avoidance being using z-culling.
If you want to trigger a pixel shader for every pixel in the window, simply draw two triangles that make up a "full screen quad", i.e. coordinates (-1,-1) to (1,1). Behind the scenes, this is what WPF essentially does.

Opengl Lighting and Normals

I'm currently experimenting with opengl and glut.
As i have like no idea what i'm doing i totally mess up with the lighting.
The complete compilable file can be found here: main.c
I have a display loop which currently operates like following:
glutDisplayFunc(also idle func):
switch to modelview matrix
load identity
first Rotate and then Translate according to my keyboard and mouse inputs for the camera
draw a ground with glNormal 0,1,0 and glMaterial on front and back,
which is encapsulated by push/popmatrix
do lighting related things, glEnable GL_LIGHTING and LIGHT0 and passing
float pos[] = {0.1,0.1,-0.1,0.1};
glLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, pos );
swap the buffers
the function associated with
glutReshapeFunc operates(this is from the glut tutorial):
calculate the ratio of the screen
switch to projection matrix
set the viewport
set the perspective
switch to modelview matrix
However this all seems to work somehow,
but as i enable lighting, the normals seem to totally mess up.
My GL_LIGHT0 seems to stay as it should, as i can see the lightspot on the ground
not moving, as i move around
And the Teapods texture seem to move if i move my camera,
the teapod itself stands still.
Here is some visual material to explain it,
i apologize for my bad english : /
Link to YouTube video describing visually
You have a series of mistakes in your code:
You don't properly set the properties of your OpenGL window:
glutCreateWindow (WINTITLE);
glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH);
The glutInitDisplayMode will only affect any windows you create after that. You should swap those two lines.
You never enable the depth test. You should add glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) after you created the windows. Not using the depth test expalins the weird "see-through" effect you get with the teapot.
You have the following code
This is wrong in two ways: the GLenums are not single bits, but just values. You cannot OR them together and expect anything useful to happen. I don't know if this particular call will enable something you don't expect or just generate an error.
The second issue here is that GL_CULL_FACE_MODE isn't even a valid enum to enable.
In your case, you either skip the CULL_FACE completely, or you should write
glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
The latter call changes the face orientation from OpenGL's default counterclokcwise rule to the clockwise one, as the GLUT teapot is defined that way. Interestingly, your floor is also drawn following that rule, so it will fit for your whole scene. At least for now.
You have not fully understood how GL's state machine works. You draw the scene and then set the lighting. But this will not have an effect on the already drawn objects. It just affects the next time you draw something, which will be in the next frame here. Now, the lighting of the fixed function pipeline works in eye space. That means that if you want a light source which is located at a fixed position in the world, and not in a fixed position relativ to the camera, you have to re-specify the light position, with the updated modelview matrix, everytime the camera moves. In your case, the light source will lag behind one frame when the camera moves. This is probably not noticeable, but still wrong in principle. You should reorder your display() function to
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
control (WALKSPEED, MOUSESPEED, mousein);
drawhelpgrid(1, 20);
With those changes, I can actually get the expected result of a lighted teapot on my system. But as I side note I feel obligded to warn you that almost all of your code relies on deprecated features of OpenGL. This stuff has been removed from modern versions of OpenGL. If you start learning OpenGL now, you should consider learning the modern programmable pipeline, and not some decades old obsolete stuff.

OpenGL texture transformations

I'm a beginner to OpenGL and I'd like a simple introduction to using textures. For my application, I have no need of geometry, just some texture manipulation. I want to be able to scale, rotate, and translate textures, blend textures together (mixing R,G,B components), and display textures on the screen. If you could also tell me how to draw a solid filled rectangle, that would be good.
I'm also fuzzy on shaders. Could I use GLSL to transform the color at every point on a texture by a formula?
Examples or explanations in C would be preferred.
You have asked a lot of questions...
If you want to play with textures and do some 2d effects here is a little pseudocode that could help:
render() {
// rest of opengl...
read more on:
What's the best way to draw a fullscreen quad in OpenGL 3.2?

how do I do "reverse" texture mapping from texture image x,y to 3d space?

I am using WPF 3D, but I think this question should apply to any 3d texture mapping.
Suppose I have a model of a cow, and I want to draw a circular spot on the cow (and I want to do this dynamically -- supposed I don't know the location of the spot until run-time). I could do this by coloring the vertexes (vertexes are assigned a color based on their distance from the center of the spot), but if the model is fairly low-poly, that will give a pretty jagged-edged circle.
I could do it using a pixel shader, where the shader colors each pixel based on its distance from the center of the spot. But suppose I don't have access to pixel shaders (since I don't in WPF).
So, it seems that what I want to do is dynamically create a texture with the circle pattern on it, and texture the cow with it.
The question is: As I'm drawing that texture, how can I know what 3d coordinate in model space a given xy coordinate on the texture image corresponds to?
That is, suppose I have already textured my model with a plain white texture -- I've set up texture coordinates, done texture mapping, but don't have the texture image yet. So I have this 1000x1000 (or whatever) pixel image that gets draped nicely over the cow according to some nice texture coordinates that have been set up on the model beforehand. I understand that when the 3D hardware goes to draw a given triangle, it uses the texture coordinates of the vertexes of the triangle to find the corresponding triangular region of the image, and then interpolates across the surface of the triangle to fill displayed model pixels with colors from that triangular region of the image.
How do I go the other way? How do I say, for this given xy point on my texture image, and given the texture coordinates that have already been set up on the model, what's the 3d coordinate in model space that this image pixel is going to correspond to once texture mapping happens?
If I had such a function, I could color my texture map image such that all the points (in 3d space) within a certain distance of the circle center point on the cow would get one color, and all points outside that distance would get another color, and I'd end up with a nice, crisp circular spot on the cow, even with a relatively low-poly model. Does that sound right?
I do understand that given the texture coordinates for the vertexes of each triangle, I can step through the triangles in my model, find the corresponding triangle on the texture image, and do my own interpolation, across the texture pixels in that triangle, by interpolating across the 3d plane determined by the vertex points. And that doesn't sound too hard. But I'm just trying to understand if there is some standard 3d concept/function where I can just call a ready-made function to give me the model space coordinates for a given texture xy.
I did end up getting this working. I walk every point on the texture (1024 x 1024 points). Using the model's texture coordinates, I determine which polygon face, if any, the given u,v point is inside of. If it's inside of a face, I get the model coordinates for each point on that face. I then do a barycentric interpolation as described here:
That is, for each u,v point on the texture, I use an inside-polygon check to determine which quad it's in on the 2D texture sheet and then I use an interpolation on that same 2D geometry as described in the link above, but instead of interpolating colors or normals I'm interpolating 3D coordinates.
I can then use the 3D coordinate to color the point on the texture (e.g., to color a circular spot on the cow based on how far in model space the given texture point is from the spot center point). And then I can apply the texture to the model, and it works.
Again, it seems like this must be a standard procedure with a name...
One issue is that the result is very sensitive to the quality of the the texturing as set up by the modeler. For instance, if a relatively large quad on the cow corresponds to a small quad on the texture image, there just aren't enough pixels to work with to get a smooth curve within that model quad once the texture is applied. You can of course use a higher-res texture, such as 2048x2048, but then your loop time is 4x.
It's actually a rasterization process if I didn't misunderstand your question. In lightmapping, one may also need to find the corresponding positions and normals in world space for each texel in the lightmap space and then baking irradiance. (which seems similar to your goal)
You can use standard Graphics API to do this task instead of writing your own implementation. Let:
Size of texture -> Size of G-buffers
UVs of each mesh triangle -> Vertex positions vec3(u, v, 0) of the input stage
Indices of each mesh triangle -> Indices of the input stage
Positions (and normals, etc.) of each mesh triangle -> Attributes of the input stage
After the rasterizer stage of the graphics pipeline, all fragments that lie within the UV triangle are generated, and the attributes that have been supplied are interpolated automatically. You can do whatever you want now in pixel shader!

In OpenGL, can I draw a pixel that exactly at the coordinates (5, 5)?

By (5, 5) I mean exactly the fifth row and fifth column.
I found it very hard to draw things using screen coordinates, all the coordinates in OpenGL is relative, and usually ranging from -1.0 to 1.0. Why it is so serious to prevent programmers from using screen coordinates / window coordinates?
The simplest way is probably to set the projection to match the pixel dimensions of the rendering space via glOrtho. Then vertices can be in pixel coordinates. The downside is that resizing the window could cause problems and you're mostly wasting the accelerated transforms.
Assuming a window that is 640x480:
// You can reverse the 0,480 arguments depending on you Y-axis
// direction preference
glOrtho(0, 640, 0, 480, -1, 1);
Frame buffer objects and textures are another avenue but you'll have to create your own rasterization routines (draw line, circle, bitmap, etc). There are problaby libs for this.
#dandan78 OpenGL is not a Vector Graphics renderer. Is a Rasterizer. And in a more precise way is a Standard described by means of a C language interface. A rasterizer, maps objects represented in 3D coordinated spaces (a car, a tree, a sphere, a dragon) into 2D coordinated spaces (say a plane, your app window or your display), these 2d coordinates belong to a discrete coordinated plane. The counter rendering method of rasterization is Ray Tracing.
Vector graphics is a way to represent by means of mathematical functions a set of curves, lines or similar geometrical primitives, in a nondiscrete way. So Vector graphics is in the "model representation" field rather than "rendering" field.
You can just change the "camera" to make 3D coordinates match screen coordinates by setting the modelview matrix to identity and the projection to an orthographic projection (see my answer on this question). Then you can just draw a single point primitive at the required screen coordinates.
You can also set the raster position with glWindowPos (which works in screen coordinates, unlike glRasterPos) and then just use glDrawPixels to draw a 1x1 pixel image.
glEnable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST );
glScissor( 5, 5, 1, 1 ); /// position of pixel
glClearColor( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); /// color of pixel
glDisable( GL_SCISSOR_TEST );
By changing last 2 arguments of glScissor you can also draw pixel perfect rectangle.
I did a bit of 3D programming several years back and, while I'm far from an expert, I think you are overlooking a very important difference between classical bitmapped DrawPixel(x, y) graphics and the type of graphics done with Direct3D and OpenGL.
Back in the days before 3D, computer graphics was mostly about bitmaps, which is to say collections of colored dots. These dots had a 1:1 relationship with the pixels on your monitor.
However, that had numerous drawbacks, including making 3D very difficult and requiring bitmaps of different sizes for different display resolutions.
In OpenGL/D3D, you are dealing with vector graphics. Lines are defined by points in a 3-dimensional coordinate space, shapes are defined by lines and so on. Surfaces can have textures, lights can be added, as can various types of lighting effects etc. This entire scene, or a part of it, can then be viewed through a virtual camera.
What you 'see' though this virtual camera is a projection of the scene onto a 2D surface. We're still dealing with vector graphics at this point. However, since computer displays consist of discrete pixels, this vector image has to be rasterized, which transforms the vector into a bitmap with actual pixels.
To summarize, you can't use screen/window coordinates because OpenGL is based on vector graphics.
I know I'm very late to the party, but just in case someone has this question in the future. I converted screen coordinates to OpenGL matrix coordinates using these:
double converterX (double x, int window_width) {
return 2 * (x / window_width) - 1;
double converterY (double y, int window_height) {
return -2 * (y / window_height) + 1;
Which are basically re-scaling methods.
