Storing Serialized Video files to SQL Server - sql-server

I currently am faced with a need to host 20 small video files for my website. I know I could just host them with my project in a folder but I came a crossed this article.
The thought of storing the file in the db had not occurred to me. My question is would there be a performance increase or decrease by storing the files as bit data in the db versus just streaming the data. I like the idea of having the data in the db for portability and having control and who gets access to the videos. Thanks in advance.

Unless you have a pressing need to store them in a database, I wouldn't, personally. You can still control who gets access to which files by using a handler to validate access to the file. One big problem that the method in that article has is that it doesn't support reading a byte range - so if someone wants to seek to the middle of a video, for example, they would have to wait for the whole thing to download. You'd want it to be able to support the range header, as described in this question.


Picture on phpmyadmin

I would like to put photos in my phpmyadmin database but I can't find the solution that allows me to do so. I made an image array with a varchar but I can't find the path that allows to put an image. I thank you in advance for helping a young beginner ❤️
The best solution is to store the image as a file on disk and put the path to the file in the database (as a varchar or some other text type), then your application references the file instead of loading the BLOB data directly from the database. There are performance reasons that are well documented elsewhere that explain the intricate details better than I can, but basically the database slows and the amount of disk space it takes up expands as you store the images in the database.
If you decide to defy that advice and store the image directly in the database, you shouldn't be using phpMyAdmin as your main interface. Don't get me wrong, it's fully capable of uploading the image, but presumably you'll have some custom application interface that you should be using instead that also does application-level logic. But that's not what you asked, so to do this in phpMyAdmin, there should be a "Browse" button near the field on the phpMyAdmin Insert page. This requires your column be some appropriate sort of binary such as BLOB.

What is the best method to store images in db for email sending?

Hi Im a newbie in stackoverflow!
As mentioned on the question title, I've been storing the email's image path into the db via localhost. Once the email is sent and received, my outlook automatically block the image download and I will need to manually download it (Not a big issue here).
Then I started to wonder what if my website/server is down? If it is down, the email will not be able to locate and download the image at all. So I'm wondering if there is any alternative ways to display the image without worrying bout the availability of my server.
Thanks in advance for any incoming advises/replies!
Since your primary concern seems to be about failure mitigation and not actual coding, I'll direct you to this question.
Your current method isn't actually embedding the images and is making a link. What you want to do is add the images as linked resources. This WILL make your emails larger in size and slower to send, but as long as you aren't a spammer, you should be OK.
Alternatively, you could have an enterprise level failure plan where your server would go offline and a mirrored server in a different location would begin serving up the data/images.

Server backend: how to generate file paths for uploaded files?

I am trying to create a site where users can upload images, videos and other types of files.
I did some research and people seem to suggest that saving the files as BLOB in database is a Bad idea; instead, save the file paths in database.
My questions are, if I save the file paths in a database:
1. How do I generate the file names?
I thought about computing the MD5 value of the file name, but what if two files have the same name? Adding the username and time-stamp etc. to file name? Does it even make sense?
2. What is the best directory structure?
If a user uploads images at 12/17/2013, 12/18/2018, can I just put it in user_ABC/images/, then create time-stamped sub-directories 20131217, 20131218 etc. ? What is the best structure for all these stuff?
3. How do all these come together?
It seems like maintaining this system is such a pain, because the file system manipulation scripts are tightly coupled with the database operations(may also need the worry about database transactions? Say in one transaction I updated the database but failed to modify the file system so I need to roll back my database?).
And I think this system doesn't scale (what if my machine runs out of hard disk so I need to upload the files to a second machine? What if my contents are on a cluster?)
I think my real question is:
4. Is there any existing framework/design pattern/db that handles this problem?
What is the standard way of handling this kind of problems?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
I've actually asked this same question when I was designing a social website for food chefs. I decided to store the url of the image in a MySQL database along with recipe. If you plan on storing multiple images for one recipe, in my example, maybe having a comma separated value would work. When the recipe loaded on the page, I would fetch the image associated with that recipe onto the screen.
Since it was a hackathon and wasn't meant for production purposes, I didn't encode the file name into something unique. However, if I were developing for productional purposes, I would append the time-stamp to the media file name when storing it into the server and database/backend.
I believe what I've proposed is the best data structure of handling this scenario. Storing the image onto the server is not only faster, but it should also take less space. I have found that when converting a standard jpg file of reasonable resolution to base64 encoding, the encoded text file representation took 30% more space. There is also the time of encoding the file and decoding the file for storage and resolving when using some BLOB type of data format instead of straight up storing the file on the server.
Using some sort of backend server scripting like PHP, you'll be able to do some pretty neat stuff with the information you have available. Fetch the result from the database, and load it in from the page using HTML.
As far as I know, there isn't a standard way of fetching media from a database yet. Perhaps there will be one day.
There is not standard way to do that, it is different to the different application. The idea is you need generate a different Path+FileName for every upload, here is a way:
HashId = sha1(microsecond + random(1,1000000));
Path = /[user_id]/[HashId{0,2}]/[HashId{-2}];
FileName = HashId

How do I make uploaded content uploaded from many servers

I have this kind of problem. I have created a web application and I am going to run it on a dedicated server. Users will be able to upload photos and other kind of files. If the users increase I add another server.
So they become two like in the picture below. Now since the files are being uploaded to my applications root folder, I think the new server won't be able to read those files. How can I accomplish to store files in a way that whatever server a user will be connecting to he will be able to retrieve the file. How are the cheaper computers (small ones in the ring) connected so that they store files like one big drive with one giant folder such that whenever I want to increase storage I just add another cheap computer to the ring. What do I need to search for in the web?
please pardon me for my poor English. I had asked a similar question before but nobody answered so I thought the photo might help. I am willing to learn anything new to solve this problem. my other earlier question

How do I create a database on the computer in flash?

I want to create a a application in actionscipt 3.0 that allows the user to listen to music and read descriptions of the music. For this to happen i suppose there should be a database where the textbits and music is located and then flash fetch the info when the correct buttons are pushed. The database will contain up to 100 tracks and textbits.
The application will function on a stand that won't have a connection to the internet.
What is the easiest way to do this in actionscript 3.0?
If any of you are familiar with UML and thinks this might help in understanding the problem, then here is use-case and flow-chart:
alt text
alt text
Thanks in advance.
The easiest way to do what you're asking is probably to store the files in a directory on the machine the application is going to be running on, and then design an XML structure for storing your data. The XML is easily loaded in to Flash at runtime and is easily edittable.
Your other option would be running a database server on the machine, creating web services that run locally and push/pull the data from the database, and then call those services from your Flash application.
The first option is most definitely the easiest and should be able to provide exactly what you need. The second would be more geared towards a distributed Flash application where you needed a central data repository for the clients.
If you're building an AIR application, you can use the integrated SQLITE database. But, i agree with Justin, the easiest way is to use a XML file.
You can probably consider using "Local Shared Objects" which is a kind of cookie, with bigger capacity (100Kb by default, but you can change it). Compared to other solutions already proposed, it has then advantage of not requiring any web server.
