TreeView fontsize - Custom Draw or Owner Draw - c

I want to change the font size of a TreeView control. After searching on goolge, I just get some idea that one should use CustomDraw for this TreeView. But NMTVCUSTOMDRAW structure only has clrText and clrText which set the foreground and background color of the displayed texts in TreeView.
My questions are:
Q1: How to change the font size in a TreeView? For the background color of TreeView,
one can just use `TreeView_SetBkColor` or send a message. Anything similar
for font size?
Q2: What's the difference between Custom Draw and Owner Draw?

Q1. You can do this with the WM_SETFONT message.
Q2. They do similar things. Owner draw is an older system and means you have to draw the entire control yourself. Custom draw is newer and more flexible, letting you handle just parts of the drawing if you like (or even no drawing, and just changing fonts/colors).


Change border brush from skyblue in wizard control of extended wpf toolkit

I'm using Wizard control of Extended wpf toolkit package.
I would like to change color of the border. See sky blue in image below:
I tried set broder brush\background to wizard\wizard page\window controls, but it failed.
Anybody know how to change it?
Your assistance is appreciated!
Now that you have provided more info, I can see that your question title does not match what you asking to change. You are not asking to change the color of the border of the Wizard Control, you are asking to change the color of the WPF Window.
It takes some time to get things right, and I highly discourage doing this if you app will be used by people with disabilities, who need high contrast, who customized their desktop to a certain color because of color blindness, and the list goes on...Microsoft has worked very hard to address such issues with the defaults. can change this by restyling your Window Style. You can find plenty of code examples.
Here are two:
Can i set the window border color in WPF?
How can I style the border and title bar of a window in WPF?

Winforms semi-transparent PNG over semi-transparent PNG

I think I must be missing something obvious, but I'm unable to find this after several hours of searching. Is there no way to use a PictureBox or other control to contain an image with partial transparent/alpha-blended pixels, and place that over another image and have the blending be based on the image under it?
For example, this produces the results I want:
Place a panel on a form.
Add an OnPaint handler.
In the OnPaint handler draw 1 PNG, then draw another PNG over it, using Graphics.DrawImage for both.
This does not:
Place a PictureBox on a form and set it to a PNG.
Place another PictureBox on the form and set it to a PNG.
Place the 2nd picture box over the first.
...even if the 2nd picture box is just empty and has a background color of Transparent, it still covers the picture below it.
I've read this stems from all winform controls being windows, so by nature they aren't transparent.
...but even the 15 year old platform I'm migrating from, Borland's VCL, had several windowless controls, so it's hard to imaging winforms doesn't at least have some easy solution?
My first example above is one answer, true, but that adds a lot of work when you can only use one big panel and draw all of your "controls" inside of it. Much nicer if you can have separate controls with separate mouse events/etc. Even if not an image control, and a control I have to draw myself, that would be fine, as long as I can just put one image in each control. In VCL they called this a "paint box", just a rectangle area you could place on a form and draw whatever you want on it. Has it's own mouse events, Bounds, etc. If you don't draw anything in it, it is like it's not even there (100% transparent) other than the fact it still gets mouse events, so can be used as a "hot spot" or "target" as well.
The PictureBox control supports transparency well, just set its BackColor property to Transparent. Which will make the pixels of its Parent visible as the background.
The rub is that the designer won't let you make the 2nd picture box a child of the 1st one. All you need is a wee bit of code in the constructor to re-parent it. And give it a new Location since that is relative from the parent. Like this:
public Form1() {
pictureBox2.Location = new Point(0, 0);
pictureBox2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
Don't hesitate to use OnPaint() btw.
Sorry, I just found this... once I decided to Google for "winforms transparent panel" instead of the searches I was doing before, the TransPictureBox example show seems to do exactly what I need:
Transparency Problem by Overlapped PictureBox's at C#
Looks like there are 2 parts to it:
Set WS_EX_TRANSPARENT for the window style
Override the "draw background" method (or optionally could probably make the control style Opaque).

Silverlight 4: how to highlight control on mouse over

My aim is to get fine control "animation" when it is mouse-over-ed. For example, I have a "map" of controls (game map that represent different type of terrain), each of them is an image with trees/rocks/hills on the green grass or water (lake or see) image of blue/cyan color. When user point any image with mouse it should get shiny: either get more bright background or get a shiny border.
It is hard to say what exactly I want to have (either background change or border), I would like to try each of them and see what is the most appropriate for me.
I am going to have a custom control (MapTile) that will represent a map tile. I know how to catch MouseEnter/MouseLeave events, but not sure how to change control style and if it is a good idea to work with control style in CodeBehind, probably there are better XAML-based solutions.
Could you please help with a solution that provide few goals:
Goal1: Add highlighted border around the control (it will be squares/rectangles, or circles; use what is easier) on mouse enter, remove border on move leave;
Goal2: Change some properties of my CustomControl (for example, background color).
Thank you very much!
1. How to han
You might find it easiest to get hold of Expression Blend and use it to create a custom template for your control.
The Learn Expression Blend page would be a good place to start. Look for tutorials on customising buttons and this is the same sort of thing that you want to do.
You need to use an attached behavior on your control. You don't need to learn Blend for this.
Check this one as an example, but you can search the site for Mouse Over for other examples.

WPF Custom Draw Multiple Progress Bar

In processing a group of items, I wanted to display a unified image of the status of the group, so I essentially made a Grid of a number of progressbars with transparent backgrounds and various colored foregrounds all at the same cell.
I'm running into some transparency artifacts (purple bar is actually purple under the green, and sometimes it draws over the top, etc) and it just seems a bit wasteful. So, I decided to make my own, but now I've got a bit of paralysis on how to do it. Do I use the DrawingContext in FrameworkElement's OnRender, or is there something simpler? Is there a set of general rules when it comes to making your own control?
I pondered switching to a pie chart since those are easy to come by, but its high time I did something not off-the-shelf.
I'm not quite sure how you intend the progressbar to combine different progresses, but if say the furthest along progress is at the bottom of the z-index and the least along progress is at the top, then I'd do something on the lines of this:
1) I would probably create a user control for this new progresbar.
2) It would have a property called NumberOfProgresses, that is tied with an array containing status of said progresses.
3) Each progress would be represented by a Border item (or perhaps something more suitable up the visual tree), because it's a simple wpf control with a background property. The background property would be set to nice a looking progress style and the progress color can be bound in the style to say the border's borderbrush property. Making it easy to set the color of the progress.
4) The user control would have a method UpdateProgress which takes the percentage value and the index of the progress in the array as parameters.
5) As progresses are updated you can either, just calculate the appropriate width (user control actual width * percentage) for the border and play around with the Z index to get it displayed at the top/bottom, or stack the borders horizontaly, set the least along progress as first, then for the rest of the progresses you'd have to substract previous progresses lengths to get the same effect.
This way there would be no transparency induced artifacts and no OnRender()...
Mind you, in WPF there should be no reason to mess with OnRender this and OnRender that, like it was required in WinForms with OnPaint.
Just set up the elements via code to get the look you want, and let WPF do it's rendering ;)
I can imagine one problem with this user control though. You'd have to provide feedback to the user as to which color belongs to which progress. But that would probably take you back to square one, meaning it's better/simpler to just display multiple progressbars.

WPF - UserControl sizing on Custom Canvas

I have a custom canvas that I can drop controls on, move, and resize. I need to be able to at least start with a pre-determined size but then allow re-sizing.
My problem is that I have a user control that doesn't appear to resize. I set Height and Width on the user control (works on drop). But then as the control is resized on the canvas the visual size stays the same (the sizing handles are changing). I can see the Height property changing (usercontrol.height) as the control is resized. But again, the appearance of the control stays the same size.
I had a thought that the inner container on the user control should be bound to the usercontrol.height but that didn't seem to help. (or maybe I didn't have the binding right).
On the same canvas, if the dropped control is for example, an Image control, I can set an explicit height on the drop and everything resizes as it should. So it seems to be UserControl thing.
So is there something special I need to do with UserControls to get the visuals to resize? Should I be using explicit height and width to get it all started?
Thanks for any help.
The WPF layout system can be confusing, as you've discovered. There is no substitute for a solid understanding of the layout and measurement system. If you plan on doing much WPF development, it's worth taking 20 minutes to read this article on the layout system and then experimenting for a while in an iterative environment such as Kaxaml until you feel comfortable.
The system is very logical. It won't take long for the penny to drop. Sorry for the indirect answer, but I don't believe there's enough information in your question to really explain what's going on.
You might also look at the HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties.
Not a WPF expert but I believe you need to enable auto-sizing in order to achieve the scenario you are looking for. This is done by setting the Height/Width of a control to Double.NaN which essentially says, "I have no specific size". Once you do that, the control should resize to occupy available space based on the need of the control.
