backbone events not triggering in Safari - backbone.js

For a learning exercise I converted a sinatra/backbone app to the Rails environment. I got it working on Chrome and Firefox but it doesn't work on Safari. It turns out that the original app doesn't work on Safari either. When you click "new game" it doesn't seem to fire an event. The Safari console doesn't show any errors (although I'm not that experienced with Safari's developer tools as I never use them).
Since there is a live version of the app available here I won't post a lot of code, but this is the view code that sets an event on click #new_game, triggering the startNewGame function. Nothing happens in Safari. Source code for the original is here
I googled a bit and found some mention of Safari treating events differently but couldn't find a solution. Can any recommend anything?
$(function() {
window.OptionsView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#options"),
initialize: function() {
this.model.bind("gameStartedEvent", this.removeGetAnswerButton, this);
this.model.bind("guessCheckedEvent", this.showGetAnswerButton, this);
events: {
'click #new_game': 'startNewGame',
'click #show_answer': 'showAnswer'
startNewGame: function() {;
removeGetAnswerButton: function() {
showGetAnswerButton: function(response) {
var threshold = this.model.get("threshold");
if (response.incorrect_guesses == this.model.get("threshold")) {
$(this.el).append('<input type="button" id="show_answer" class="action_button" value="Show answer" />');
showAnswer: function() {
Based on one of the comments below the OP, I'm posting more code. This is hangman.js where the objects are instantiated
var game = new Game
var options_view = new OptionsView({model: game});
var characters_view = new CharactersView({model: game});
var hint_view = new HintView({model: game});
var word_view = new WordView({model: game});
var hangman_view = new HangmanView({model: game});
var answer_view = new AnswerView({model: game});
var stage_view = new StageView({model: game});
The views and models are attached to the window like this
window.AnswerView = Backbone.View.extend({ ...
Aside from Backbone, jQuery and Underscore which are loaded sitewide, the following files are loaded for this specific app in the Rails system.

This is jQuery + Safari issue (document.ready)
You can just move your scripts inside the body tag and remove $(function(){ /**/ }) wrapper in every file.
Also I added requirejs support and made pull request
First of all sorry for my English :)
File views/index.haml:
We should embed js at the bottom of the page (to avoid Safari error)
= javascript_include_tag "javascript/require.js", :"data-main" => "javascript/config"
Here javascript/config is the path to requirejs config.
File public/javascript/config.js:
"deps" : ["hangman"]
This means that application will start with hangman.js
File public/javascript/hangman.js:
We don't need $(function() { wrapper because our script initialized from the body and document is already 'ready'
/* ... */
function(Game, OptionsView, /* ... */) {
// ...
Here we load our modules (first array element will be available in the first function argument and so on)
Other files
We just replace $(function() { with define(['backbone'], function(Backbone) {
In the first line we load backbone module. When it will be fetched it will be available inside anonymous function (first parameter - Backbone)
Next we should return the view to avoid undefined module value (public/javascript/hangman.js file should initialize a lot views. It can't initialize undefined it should initialize Backbone.View that we should return)
To learn more you should read requirejs documentation.
I recomend you to start with this article

Try this instead.
var OptionsView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#options"),
initialize: function() {
this.model.bind("gameStartedEvent", this.removeGetAnswerButton, this);
this.model.bind("guessCheckedEvent", this.showGetAnswerButton, this);
events: {
'click #new_game': 'startNewGame',
'click #show_answer': 'showAnswer'
startNewGame: function() {;
removeGetAnswerButton: function() {
showGetAnswerButton: function(response) {
var threshold = this.model.get("threshold");
if (response.incorrect_guesses == this.model.get("threshold")) {
$(this.el).append('<input type="button" id="show_answer" class="action_button" value="Show answer" />');
showAnswer: function() {
Your code dosen't need to be in a document ready (it's not directly manipulating DOM, it's just declaring an object);
Make sure game.js goes after all your declarations though.
It looks like a problem Safari has in adding variables to the Global Object. Using var in the global context makes sure window.OptionsView exists. You might want to consider using require.js in the future to manage all of these global object problems.


Accessing app object from Marionette ItemView method

In the following code, I am trying to trigger an event using dynamic require. For some reason I am not able to access app object in the eventRouter method. I am getting "TypeError: app is undefined" error. I have implemented listener on show event in respective controller files.
My question is similar to this post except my listeners are in different controller files and I am not able to access app object as suggested in the post.
Help appreciated !!!!
function(app, navTpl, navMenuItem, navEntity){
navMenuItem = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: navMenuItem,
events: {
"click a": "eventRouter"
var that = this;
var moduleName = $(ev.currentTarget).text().toLowerCase();
require(['controllers/' + moduleName + 'Controller'], function(controller){
app.trigger(moduleName + ':show');
navMenu = Backbone.Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
itemView: navMenuItem,
collection: navEntity.navItems,
return {
navMenu: navMenu,
navMenuItem: navMenuItem
To overcome Circular dependencies you can check the Following :
Manage your modules accordingly and avoid dependencies. Make common js file for functions you use use now and then. You can even use Marionette Vent object to pass events and do according on that event.

Bug while creating object in View

I'm working on a backbone.js project which is mainly to learn backbone framework itself.
However I'm stuck at this problem which i can't figure out but might have an idea about the problem...
I've got an Create View looking like this...
define(['backbone', 'underscore', 'jade!templates/addAccount', 'models/accountmodel', 'common/serializeObject'],
function(Backbone, underscore, template, AccountModel, SerializeObject){
return Backbone.View.extend({
template: template,
initialize: function(){
this.accCollection = this.options.accCollection;
events: {
'submit .add-account-form': 'saveAccount'
//Event functions
saveAccount: function(ev){
//Using common/serializeObject function to get a JSON data object from form
var myObj = $(ev.currentTarget).serializeObject();
this.accCollection.create(new AccountModel(myObj), {
success: function(){
myObj = null;
Backbone.history.navigate('accounts', {trigger:true});
error: function(){
//show 500?
//Display functions
render: function(){
$('.currentPage').html("<h3>Accounts <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right'> </span> New Account</h3>");
//Render it in jade template
return this;
The problem is that for every single time I visit the create page and go to another and visit it again. It remebers it, it seems. And when i finally create a new account I get that many times I've visited total number of accounts...
So console.log("Saving!"); in saveAccount function is called x times visited page...
Do I have to close/delete current view when leaving it or what is this?
Here's a part of the route where i init my view..
"account/new" : function(){
var accCollection = new AccountCollection();
this.nav(new CreateAccountView({el:'.content', accCollection:accCollection}));
console.log("new account");
You have zombie views. Every time you do this:
new CreateAccountView({el:'.content', accCollection:accCollection})
you're attaching an event listener to .content but nothing seems to be detaching it. The usual approach is to call remove on a view to remove it from the DOM and tell it to clean up after itself. The default remove does things you don't want it to:
remove: function() {
return this;
You don't want that this.$el.remove() call since your view is not responsible for creating its own el, you probably want:
remove: function() {
this.$el.empty(); // Remove the content we added.
this.undelegateEvents(); // Unbind your event handler.
return this;
Then your router can keep track of the currently open view and remove it before throwing up another one with things like this:
this.currentView = new CreateAccountView({ ... });
While I'm here, your code will break as soon as you upgrade your Backbone. As of version 1.1:
Backbone Views no longer automatically attach options passed to the constructor as this.options, but you can do it yourself if you prefer.
So your initialize:
initialize: function(){
this.accCollection = this.options.accCollection;
won't work in 1.1+. However, some options are automatically copied:
constructor / initialize new View([options])
There are several special options that, if passed, will be attached directly to the view: model, collection, el, id, className, tagName, attributes and events.
so you could toss out your initialize, refer to this.collection instead of this.accCollection inside the view, and instantiate the view using:
new CreateAccountView({el: '.content', collection: accCollection})

How do I simply refresh a view in Backbone?

I'm brand new to backbone and just learning the basics. I am building an image gallery with backbone. I am displaying a large version of an image. The routing is working properly. When a url is passed with an id the appropriate JSON is loaded into the model and the html is injected into the dom. Everything displays as expected.
However, I tried entering a url for the JSON for an image that didn't exist and noticed that the view still rendered but with the previously rendered view's properties (image url) still present. How do I ensure that the view is refreshed - all empty properties? Or is it the model that needs to be refreshed?
Note: I am re-using the view to avoid the overhead of creating and dystroying the view itself.
Here is the view in question:
var ImageView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile(
'<div class="galleryImageSingle">'+
'<h2>{{title}}</h2>' +
'<img id="image" src="{{imageUrl}}" class="img-polaroid" />' +
'<div class="fb-share share-btn small"><img src="img/fb-share-btn- small.png"/></div>'+
'</div>' +
'<div class="black-overlay"></div>'
initialize: function () {
this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render);
fbSharePhoto: function () {
console.log('share to fb ' + this.model.attributes.shareUrl)
close: function () {
render: function () {
'click .fb-share' : 'fbSharePhoto',
'click .black-overlay' : 'close'
return this;
Here is the router:
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"" : "dashboard",
"image/:iId" : "showImage",
initialize: function () {
// this.galleriesCollection = new GalleriesCollection(); //A collection of galleries
// this.galleriesCollection.fetch();
this.imageModel = new Image();
this.imageView = new ImageView ({ model: this.imageModel });
dashboard: function () {
console.log('#AppRouter show dashboard - hide everything else');
showImage: function (iId) {
console.log('#AppRouter showPhoto() ' + iId);
this.imageModel.set('id', iId);
Is is it that the model still has the old info or the view, or both?
For extra credit, how could I detect a failure to fetch and respond to it by not triggering the corresponding view? Or I am I coming at it wrongly?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Looks like I found something that works. I think just the process of framing the question properly helps to answer it. (I'm not allowed to answer the question so I'll post what I found here)
It appears that its the model that needs refreshing in this case. In the app router when I call the showImage function I clear the model and reset its values to default before calling fetch and this did the trick. Ironically the trick here is showing a broken image tag.
showImage: function (iId) {
console.log('#AppRouter showPhoto() ' + iId);
this.imageModel.set('id', iId);
For my own extra credit offer: In the event of an error (if needed fetch() accepts success and error callbacks in the options hash). Still definitely open to hearing about a way of doing this thats baked in to the framework.
You can just update the model like this:

Backbone Layout Manager subview's events doesn't work after reload

I'm using the Backbone Layout Manager Boilerplate. Unfortunately, a quite frustrating bug occurred. I like render a list of items as subviews inserted by insertView function. At the first load everthing works fine. But after a reload the the click events doesn't work anymore :(. I already tried to call delegateEvents() on the TableItem View manually but nothing changed. I hope anyone can give me a clue.
App.Views.Item = Backbone.View.extend({
template: "templates/item",
tagName: "li",
events: {
"click .applyButton" : "apply",
"click .viewDetailsButton" : "showDetail"
serialize: function() {
return { table : this.model.toJSON() };
apply: function(ev) {
alert("apply button clicked");
showDetail: function(ev) {
var id = this.model.get("_id");
app.router.navigate("#events/"+ id, {trigger : true})
* List View
App.Views.List = Backbone.View.extend({
template: "templates/list",
tagNam: "ul",
className: "tableList",
beforeRender: function() {
var events = this.model.get("userEvents").get("hosting");
events.each(function(model) {
this.insertView(new App.Views.Item({ model : model }));
}, this);
serialize: function() {
return {};
I think you might want to add a cleanup function on your Item view to undelegate the events when layoutmanager removes the view. I don't know if this will fix your problem, but it seems like good practise.
When you say after a reload, do you mean reloading the page with the browser reload button? if so, how do you get it to work in the first place?
It would help if you could provide a jsfiddle of your setup, or point us to a repo so we can test it on our machines. Make sure you include the router so that we can have a look at how the view and the layout that contains it are initialised.

can't get application to work after namespacing

I have a Backbone app that is working properly, however, when I tried to reorganize the code under a namespace I can't get it to do anything. I can't even trigger events (by clicking on ids) for views that I know are getting initialized (through console log messages), so I'm wondering if I've introduced some fundamental flaw somehow. I'm following a pattern set out by this blog (in french)
In the main application.js (see below), I instantiate all of the views and models after initiating the app on document ready. One change introduced as a result of creating this namespace was setting the models for the views with
this.views.clock_view = new this.Views.clockView({ model:});
Inside the modules folder, I had a views.js and a models.js. I created each view and object like this, prefaced with app.Views or app.Models accordingly
app.Views.announceView = Backbone.View.extend({
app.Views.optionsView = Backbone.View.extend({
This app.Views.optionsView is getting initialized (according to a console.log statement in the initializer) but when I click on #new_game, the console.log in the startNewGame is not getting triggered
'click #new_game': 'startNewGame'
// 'click .action_button': 'startNewGame'
startNewGame: function() {
As a result of the namespacing, one other key change I made was when I created new views inside one of the other views. Under the previous (non-namespaced app), I created individual question items from a QuestionListView
var view = new QuestionListItemView({ model: game });
but now I'm doing
var view = new app.Views.questionListItemView({ model: })
because the instance of the model was saved to in application.js, however, I also tried using ''
var view = new app.Views.questionListItemView({ model: })
Either way, before the games model gets involved, I can't trigger the startNewGame function outlined above, so it's not solely an issue of how to identify the model.
I also wondered whether i should be using this.Views or app.Views after the 'new' when creating new views from within
var view = new app.Views.questionListItemView({ model: })
I'd be grateful if you could help me identify any flaws I've introduced.
var app = {
// Classes
Collections: {},
Models: {},
Views: {},
// Instances
collections: {},
models: {},
views: {},
init: function () { = new;
this.views.story_view = new this.Views.storyView(); #doesn't have a model
this.views.clock_view = new this.Views.clockView({ model:});
this.views.field_view = new this.Views.fieldView({ model:});
this.views.options_view = new this.Views.optionsView({ model :});
this.views.announcement_view = new this.Views.announceView({ model:});
this.views.question_list_view = new this.Views.questionListView({ model :});
this.views.question_list_item_view = new this.Views.questionListItemView({ model :});
$(document).ready(function () {
}) ;
The options view is getting initialized but I can't trigger the startNewGame function when I click that #id
app.Views.optionsView = Backbone.View.extend({
// el: $("#options"),
el: $("#options"),
initialize: function() {
console.log("app views OptionsView initialized");
// this.model.bind("gameStartedEvent", this.removeGetAnswerButton, this);
this.model.bind("gameStartedEvent", this.disableNewGame, this);
events: {
'click #demo': 'startDemo',
'click #new_game': 'startNewGame'
// 'click .action_button': 'startNewGame'
startDemo: function(){
console.log("start demo");
startNewGame: function() {
disableNewGame: function(){
$('#new_game').attr("disabled", true);
My file structure looks like this
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application.js'%>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'modules/models'%>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'modules/views'%>
At the top of the views and models file, I just do something like this
app.Views.optionsView = Backbone.View.extend({
ie.. there is no further document ready. In fact, including another document ready in these files breaks the application.js init
Prior to using the namespace, I defined the element this way in the view
el: $("#options")
which, as was pointed out in the comments to this question, is not the ideal way to do it(see #muistooshort comment below), (even though it worked).
Defining the el this way instead
el: '#options'
got it working, and let Backbone "convert it to a node object" on its own.
