C: Data forwarding server using epoll ET fills the send buffer - c

I have the following situation. My server receives data from remote server (fd_server) and forwards it to the client (fd_client). I'm using edge triggered epoll so I can handle multiple clients and multiple server conncetions.
client connects to the server.
my server connects to the remote server and requests data.
remote server responds and my server forwards data to the client.
After my server connects to the remote server the fd_server is added to epoll control with EPOLLIN flag. Server waits for events.
When epoll_wait return the fd_server as readable I go in the following loop displayed bellow.
After some read/writes my sctp_sendmsg return EAGAIN, which means sctp send buffer is full. How should I handle this situation without loosing the data I have already read from the fd_server socket?
IS there a way of knowing before hand, how much data can I send, so I only read the right amount?
N = recv(fd_server,buf, sizeof buf,0);
if (N == -1){
/* If errno == EAGAIN, that means we have read all
data. So go back to the main loop. */
if (errno != EAGAIN){
perror ("tcp_recv error");
if(N == 0){
/* End of file. The remote has closed the
connection. */
pos = 0;
while(pos < N){
got = sctp_sendmsg(fd_client, &buf[pos], N-pos, to, tolen, 0, 0, stream, 0, 0);
if (errno == EAGAIN){
//what to do?
perror("tcp to sctp send error");
pos += got;}

After some read/writes my sctp_sendmsg return EAGAIN, which means sctp send buffer is full. How should I handle this situation without losing the data I have already read from the fd_server socket?
You need to keep some sort of "context" (data structure) for each fd_client socket. For each new client socket that gets connected to your server, create an instance of a "connection state" struct and store it in a hash table. This will be something like the following:
struct ConnectionState
int fd_client; // socket
uint8_t buffer[MAX_CHUNK_SIZE]; // protocol buffer for this connection
int buffer_length; // how many bytes received into this buffer
int pos; // how many bytes transmitted back out on fd_client from "buffer"
int has_data; // boolean to indicate protocol state (1 if there's still data in buffer to send)
If you can't send everything at once, toggle the fd_client socket from EPOLLIN to EPOLLOUT in your epoll mode. Change "has_data" to true in the ConnectionState structure. Then go back to waiting for socket events. When you are able to send again, you look at your ConnectionState struct for that socket to decide if you still need to keep sending or receive a new buffer.
Be careful with edge triggered sockets. When you do transition from EPOLLOUT back to EPOLLIN, you need to go ahead and recv() again just to make sure you don't lose any data. (Similarly for entering the send state, try an initial send).


How to handle Multiple Clients on Single Thread Server (with Sockets)

Before I Start
Please don't mark this question as a duplicate. I have already seen the numerous posts on SO about handling multiple clients with socket programming. Most people recommend just multi-threading, but I am trying to avoid that path because I have read it has a few problems:
Bad Scalability
Large Overhead/Inefficient/Memory Hungry
Difficult to Debug
Any posts that I have read that specifically talk about using a single thread either have bad/no answers or have unclear explanations, like people saying "Just use select()!"
The Problem
I am writing code for a server to handle multiple (~1000) clients, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to create an efficient solution. Right now I already have the code for my server that is able to handle 1 client at a time. Both are written in C; the server is on Windows using WinSock and the client is on Linux.
The server and client send several communications back and forth, using send() and blocking recv() calls. Writing this code was pretty simple, and I won't post it here because it is pretty long and I doubt anyone will actually read through all of it. Also the exact implementation is not important, I just want to talk about high level pseudocode. The real difficulty is changing the server to handle multiple clients.
What's Already Out There
I have found a nice PDF tutorial about how to create a WinSock server that handles multiple clients and it can be found here: WinSock Multiple Client Support. It's in C++ but it's easily transferable to C.
From what I understand the server operates something like this:
while (running) {
/* Accept all incoming clients and add to clientArray. */
for (client in clientArray) {
/* Interact with client */
if (recv(...) == "disconnect") {
/* Disconnect from client */
/* Close all connections. */
The problem that I see with using this approach is that you essentially only handle one client at a time (which is obvious because you aren't multithreading), but what if the interaction with each client only needs to happen once? Meaning, what if I just want to send some data back and forth and close the connection? This operation could take anywhere from 5 seconds to 5 minutes depending on the speed of the clients connection, so other clients would be blocking on a connect() call to the server while the server handles a client for 5 minutes. It doesn't seem very efficient, but maybe the best way would be to implement a waiting queue, where clients are connected and told to wait for a while? I'm not sure, but it makes me curious about how large servers send out update downloads concurrently to thousands of clients, and if I should operate the same way.
Also, is there a reason for adding a Sleep(1000) call in the main server loop, if the send() and recv() between the server and client take a while (~1 minute)?
What I'm Asking For
What I want is a solution to handling multiple clients on a single threaded server that is efficient enough for ~1000 clients. If you tell me that the solution in the PDF is fine, that's good enough for me (maybe I'm just too preoccupied with efficiency.)
Please give answers that include a verbal explanation of the implementation, server/client pseudocode, or even a small sample code for the server, if you're feeling sadistic.)
Thanks in advance.
I have written single thread socket pool handling. Im using non-blocking sockets and select call to handle all send, receive and errors.
My class keep all sockets in array, and build 3 fd set's for select call. When something happens it check read or write or error list and handle those events.
For example, non-blocking client socket during connection can trigger write or error event. If error event happens then connection failed. If write happens, connection is established.
All sockets is in read fd set. If you create server socket (with bind and listen) new connection will trigger read event. Then check if socket is server socket then call accept for new connection. If read operation is triggered by regular socket then there is some bytes to read.. just call recv with buffer arge enough to suck all data from that socket.
SOCKET maxset=0;
fd_set rset, wset, eset;
for (size_t i=0; i<readsockets.size(); i++)
SOCKET s = readsockets[i]->s->GetSocket();
FD_SET(s, &rset);
if (s > maxset) maxset = s;
for (size_t i=0; i<writesockets.size(); i++)
SOCKET s = writesockets[i]->s->GetSocket();
FD_SET(s, &wset);
if (s > maxset) maxset = s;
for (size_t i=0; i<errorsockets.size(); i++)
SOCKET s = errorsockets[i]->s->GetSocket();
FD_SET(s, &eset);
if (s > maxset) maxset = s;
int ret = 0;
if (bBlocking)
ret = select(maxset + 1, &rset, &wset, &eset, NULL/*&tv*/);
timeval tv= {0, timeout*1000};
ret = select(maxset + 1, &rset, &wset, &eset, &tv);
if (ret < 0)
//int err = errno;
return false;
if (ret > 0)
// loop through eset and check each with FD_ISSET. if you find some socket it means connect failed
// loop through wset and check each with FD_ISSET. If you find some socket check is there any pending connectin on that socket. If there is pending connection then that socket just got connected. Otherwise select just reported that some data has been sent and you can send more.
// finally, loop through rset and check each with FD_ISSET. If you find some socket then check is this socket your server socket (bind and listen). If its server socket then this is signal new client want to connect.. just call accept and new connection is established. If this is not server socket, then just do recv on that socket to collect new data.
There is few more things to handle... All sockets must be in non-blocking mode. Each send or recv calls will return -1 (error) but error code is EWOULDBLOCK. Thats normal and ignore error. If recv returns 0 then this connection is dropped. If send return 0 bytes sent then internal buffer is full.
You need to write additional code to serialize and parse data. For example, after recv, message may not be complete (depending on message size) so it may take more than one recv calls to receive complete message. Sometimes if messages is short recv call can deliver several messages in buffer. So, you need to write good parser or design good protocol, easy to parse.
First, regarding single-thread approach: I'd say it's bad idea because your server processing power is limited by performance of single processor core. But other than that it'll work to some extent.
Now about multiclient problem. I'd suggest using WSASend and WSARecv with their compilation routines. It also can be scaled to multiple threads if necessary.
Server core will look something like this:
struct SocketData {
::SOCKET socket;
::WSAOVERLAPPED overlapped;
::WSABUF bufferRef;
char buf [1024];
// other client-related data
SocketData (void) {
overlapped->hEvent = (HANDLE) this;
bufferRef->buf = buf;
bufferRef->len = sizeof (buf);
// ...
void OnRecv (
DWORD dwError,
DWORD cbTransferred,
DWORD dwFlags) {
auto data = (SocketData*) lpOverlapped->hEvent;
if (dwError || !cbTransferred) {
::closesocket (data->socket);
delete data;
// process received data
// ...
// same for OnSend
void main (void) {
// init and start async listener
::SOCKET serverSocket = ::socket (...);
HANDLE hAccept = ::CreateEvent (nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr);
::WSAEventSelect (serverSocket, FD_ACCEPT, hAccept);
::bind (serverSocket, ...);
::listen (serverSocket, ...);
// main loop
for (;;) {
int r = ::WaitForSingleObjectEx (hAccept, INFINITE, 1);
// accept processing
auto data = new SocketData ();
data->socket = ::accept (serverSocket, ...);
// detach new socket from hAccept event
::WSAEventSelect (data->socket, 0, nullptr);
// recv first data from client
::WSARecv (
Key points:
wait in main loop (WaitForSingleObjectEx, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx etc.) must be alertable;
most data processing done in OnSend/OnRecv;
all processing must be done without blocking APIs in OnSend/OnRecv;
for event-based processing events must be waited in main loop.
OnRecv will be called for each processed incoming packet. OnSend will be called for each processed outgoing packet. Keep in mind: how many data you asked to send/recv is not the same as what actually processed in packet.

Designing a proxy with non-blocking pipe forwarding to another server

I have written a proxy which also duplicates traffic. I am trying to duplicate network traffic to a replica server which should receive all the inputs and also process all the requests. However only the responses on the main server are visible to the client. The high level workflow is as follows
Thread 1. Take input from client forward it to a pipe in non-blocking way, and to the server
Thread 2. Read from server and send to client
Thread 3. Read from pipe and forward to replica server
Thread 4. Read from replica server and drop
The code is available in this gist: https://gist.github.com/nipunarora/679d49e81086b5a75195ec35ced646de
The test seems to work for smaller data and transactions, but I seem to be getting the following error when working with iperf and larger data sets:
Buffer overflow? : Resource temporarily unavailable
The specific part in the code where the problem is stemming from:
void forward_data_asynch(int source_sock, int destination_sock) {
char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
int n;
//put in error condition for -1, currently the socket is shutdown
while ((n = recv(source_sock, buffer, BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0)// read data from input socket
send(destination_sock, buffer, n, 0); // send data to output socket
if( write(pfds[1],buffer,n) < 0 )//send data to pipe
//fprintf(stats_file,"buffer_overflow \n");
//printf("format string" ,a0,a1);
perror("Buffer overflow? ");
//DEBUG_PRINT("Data sent to pipe %s \n", buffer);
shutdown(destination_sock, SHUT_RDWR); // stop other processes from using socket
shutdown(source_sock, SHUT_RDWR); // stop other processes from using socket
The reading process is as follows:
void forward_data_pipe(int destination_sock) {
char buffer[BUF_SIZE];
int n;
//put in error condition for -1, currently the socket is shutdown
while ((n = read(pfds[0], buffer, BUF_SIZE)) > 0)// read data from pipe socket
//DEBUG_PRINT("Data received in pipe %s \n", buffer);
send(destination_sock, buffer, n, 0); // send data to output socket
shutdown(destination_sock, SHUT_RDWR); // stop other processes from using socket
Please note, the pipe has been defined as follows:
/** Make file descriptor non blocking */
int setNonblocking(int fd)
int flags;
/* If they have O_NONBLOCK, use the Posix way to do it */
#if defined(O_NONBLOCK)
/* Fixme: O_NONBLOCK is defined but broken on SunOS 4.1.x and AIX 3.2.5. */
if (-1 == (flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)))
flags = 0;
return fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
/* Otherwise, use the old way of doing it */
flags = 1;
return ioctl(fd, FIOBIO, &flags);
Could anyone help in fixing what could be the reason of the error?
The problem in your case is that data is sent too fast to the socket that has been set to non-blocking mode. You have several options:
Accept the fact that data may be lost. If you do not want to delay the processing on the main server, this is your only option.
Don't set the socket to non-blocking mode. The default mode, blocking, seems like a better fit for your application if you don't want data to be lost. However, this will also mean that the system may be slowed down.
Use poll(), select(), kqueue(), epoll(), /dev/poll or similar to wait until the socket has enough buffer space available. However, when using this, you should consider why you set the socket to non-blocking mode in the first place if you nevertheless want to block on it. This also leads to slowdown of the system.

How to receive and send data from server to a client in loop

How to keep the connection listening from the connected client? In the below code the thread receives the data and replies to the client and disconnects. I want to put the receive and sent process in loop. How can I do that ?
void *thread_handle_connection(void *arg) {
char buffer[MAX_MSG_SIZE]; // Receive buffer
int bytes_read;
do {
// If there aren't any connections, sleep and recheck every second
while(!num_connections && !term_requested) {
// Lock out connections queue and grab the first one
int connectionfd = remove_connection_from_queue();
if(-1 == connectionfd) {
// pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier); // Barrier for threads - for testing only
// Read up to 1024 bytes from the client
bytes_read = recv(connectionfd, buffer, MAX_MSG_SIZE - 1, 0);
// If the data was read successfully
if(bytes_read > 0) {
// Add a terminating NULL character and print the message received
buffer[bytes_read] = '\0';
// Calculate response
int multiplicand = atoi(buffer);
char *response;
asprintf(&response, "%d", multiplicand * MULTIPLIER);
// Echo the data back to the client; exit loop if we're unable to send
if(-1 == send(connectionfd, response, strlen(response), 0)) {
warn("Unable to send data to client");
// Close connection
} while(bytes_read > 0 && !term_requested);
return NULL;
First, recv function doesn't guarantee that you read everything that has been written by sender. You may get part of the data (for example sender may send 10KByte but receiver may receive only 1.5K on first read).
Second, send function doesn't guarantee that it send everything you ask. If not everything has been sent you need to send rest of the answer.
Third, TCP is stream oriented. This means that you need to separate one message from another. For text-based protocol typically "new line" is used for this purpose.
Putting all together. If you want persistent connection with request you need:
define request and response separators
maintain read buffer
read all data to the buffer and scan it for request separator
send response with response separator
If you want level up in networking programming you may want to know something about non-blocking operations and poll/select functions.

Proper way to send data when using select() and write_fds in C

So I'm building a chat server, now I'm trying to echo all the messages from the client. Currently as soon as I get the message, I send it back within readData(). However, as soon as I send it, select() notifies the write_fds and sendData() is called, even I already called send()
Most of my calls to send data would be inside the readData().
Is this the right way of using select() and write_fds?
How can I notify select() that I want to send data without two calls to send()?
It seems redundant to me having to deal with two calls to send().
int readData(int j){
// get message from the client
recv(j, client_buffer , 6000 , 0);
// echo message to the client
send(j, client_buffer, strlen(client_buffer));
int sendData(int j){
send(j, buf, nbytes, 0);
read_fds = master;
write_fds = master;
if(select(fdmax+1, &read_fds, &write_fds, NULL, NULL) == -1){
for(i = 0; i <= fdmax; i++){
if(FD_ISSET(i, &read_fds)){
if(i == listener){
// handle new connections
addrlen = sizeof remoteaddr;
newfd = accept(listener, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &addrlen);
FD_SET(newfd, &master);
if(newfd > fdmax) fdmax = newfd;
// we got some data from a client
if(FD_ISSET(i, &write_fds)){
if(i != listener){
// send data when notified
I would not suggest calling sendData() directly inside of readData(). They should be kept separate. Have readData() return the received data to the caller, and let the caller decide what to do with it. If the caller wants to send data, it can then call sendData() as needed.
To address the select() issue, you need to create a per-socket buffer for outgoing data. And make sure the socket is running in non-blocking mode.
If sendData() is called when the buffer is empty, send() as much of the caller's data as possible. send() will return how many bytes it actually accepted. If send() reports a EWOULDBLOCK or EAGAIN error, stop sending and append any unsent data to the end of the buffer.
If sendData() is called when the buffer is not empty, just append the new data to the end of the buffer and exit without calling send() at all.
Whenever select() reports a socket is writable, send() whatever is currently cached in that socket's buffer, if anything. For each successful send(), remove the reported number of bytes from the front of the buffer. Stop sending if the buffer is exhausted or send() fails.

Asynchronous transfer message between two clients

This time I code a chat server and client. The idea is this.
The server uses the select method for with a readfd(FD_SET) to seek which of the clients connected on it have something to send. If it founds something it send it to the rest of clients.
Here is the select function on server and a part of server's code.
SelectResults = select(maxDescriptor+1,&BackUpfdread,NULL,NULL,&time);
I use the select function in client too, to make it seek for incoming and outcoming messages.(these that server sends from other clients and these that this client want to send).
Well, the client in the select function has a fdread and fdwrite (FD_SET).
Here is the part of the code that client has for the connection and for the chat.
The problem is that if i connect two clients on the server message transfer isn't concurrent and that means that clients cannot chat correctly.
Finally i thought to use threads in server. One thread for waiting to receive and one for sending to the clients, but i want to hear and your opinion.
In the client you don't really need that loop from 0 to maxDescriptor. Just check if ConnectSocket is set. Something like this:
// Main loop starts here
for(; ;)
memset(SentBuff, 0, sizeof(SentBuff));
printf("Write: ");
gets_s(SentBuff, sizeof(SentBuff));
// Copy the fdread into BackUpfdread and fdwrite to BackUpfdwrite.
BackUpfdread = fdread;
BackUpfdwrite = fdwrite;
SelectResults = select(maxDescriptor+1,&BackUpfdread,&BackUpfdwrite,NULL,&timer);
if(SelectResults == -1)
perror("Client-select() error!\n");
if (FD_ISSET(ConnectSocket, &BackUpfdread))
RecvBytes = recv(ConnectSocket, RecvBuff, sizeof(RecvBuff), 0);
if(RecvBytes > 0)
// Cleaning the Receive Buffer
if (FD_ISSET(ConnectSocket, &BackUpfdwrite))
SentBytes = send(ConnectSocket, SentBuff,sizeof(SentBuff),0);
// Cleaning the Sent Buffer
} // Main loop ends here
Also don't forget to check for errors from send and recv. Especially recv is important, as it's the call that will tell you the server has disconnected.
Edit: Another important thing to note, is that the socket may be writeable always, so add a check if there is something to write before you check if the socket is writeable.
