Is OData suitable for multi-tenant LOB application? - sql-server

I'm working on a cloud-based line of business application. Users can upload documents and other types of object to the application. Users upload quite a number of documents and together there are several million docs stored. I use SQL Server.
Today I have a somewhat-restful-API which allow users to pass in a DocumentSearchQuery entity where they supply keyword together with request sort order and paging info. They get a DocumentSearchResult back which is essentially a sorted collection of references to the actual documents.
I now want to extend the search API to other entity types than documents, and I'm looking into using OData for this. But I get the impression that if I use OData, I will face several problems:
There's no built-in limit on what fields users can query which means that either the perf will depend on if they query a indexed field or not, or I will have to implement my own parsing of incoming OData requests to ensure they only query indexed fields. (Since it's a multi-tenant application and they share physical hardware, slow queries are not really acceptable since those affect other customers)
Whatever I use to access data in the backend needs to support IQueryable. I'm currently using Entity Framework which does this, but i will probably use something else in the future. Which means it's likely that I need to do my own parsing of incoming queries again.
There's no built-in support for limiting what data users can access. I need to validate incoming Odata queries to make sure they access data they actually have permission to access.
I don't think I want to go down the road of manually parsing incoming expression trees to make sure they only try to access data which they have access to. This seems cumbersome.
My question is: Considering the above, is using OData a suitable protocol in a multi-tenant environment where customers write their own clients accessing the entities?

I think it is suitable here. Let me give you some opinions about the problems you think you will face:
There's no built-in limit on what fields users can query which means
that either the perf will depend on if they query a indexed field or
not, or I will have to implement my own parsing of incoming OData
requests to ensure they only query indexed fields. (Since it's a
multi-tenant application and they share physical hardware, slow
queries are not really acceptable since those affect other customers)
True. However you can check for allowed fields in the filter to allow the operation or deny it.
Whatever I use to access data in the backend needs to support
IQueryable. I'm currently using Entity Framework which does this, but
i will probably use something else in the future. Which means it's
likely that I need to do my own parsing of incoming queries again.
Yes, there is a provider for EF. That means if you use something else in the future you will need to write your own provider. If you change EF probably you took a decision to early. I don´t recommend WCF DS in that case.
There's no built-in support for limiting what data users can access. I
need to validate incoming Odata queries to make sure they access data
they actually have permission to access.
There isn´t any out-of-the-box support to do that with WCF Data Services, right. However that is part of the authorization mechanism that you will need to implement anyway. But I have good news for you: do it is pretty easy with QueryInterceptors. simply intercepting the query and, based on the user privileges. This is something you will have to implement it independently the technology you use.
My answer: Considering the above, WCF Data Services is a suitable protocol in a multi-tenant environment where customers write their own clients accessing the entities at least you change EF. And you should have in mind the huge effort it saves to you.


How to provide data isolation/ controlled access over data stored in tables across schemas and databases

I want to provide controlled access to data which is stored in multiple tables. The access is decided based on certain run-time attributes associated with the user. I am looking for a solution which is extensible, performant as well as highly secured.
There is a framework level module which stores authorization/access related data for multiple other modules. Then there are n numbers of modules which manage their own life cycle objects. e.g. module Test1 has 1000 instances which are created and stored in its base table. As framework solution I want to protect access to this data by users hence I created a notion of privileges and stored their mapping to user in my own table. Now to provide controlled access to data, my aim is that a user is shown only the objects to which he/she has access to.
Approaches in my mind:
I use oracle database and currently we are using VPD (virtual private database) so here we add a policy on each of the base table of above mentioned modules which firstly evaluates the access of currently logged in user from the privileges given to him and then that data is appended into all the query to each of the base tables of other modules (by default by database itself).
PROS: very efficient and highly secured solution.
CONS: Can not work if the base tables and our current table are in two different schema. May be two different schema in the same database instance can be overcome but some of my integrator systems might be in separate databases altogether.
Design at java layer:
We connect to our DB's through JPA data sources. So I can write a thin layer basically a wrapper of sorts over EntityManager and then replicate what VPD does for me that is firstly get the access related data from my tables then use a monitored query on the table of my integrator and then may be cache the data into a caching server(optimization).
CONS: I want to use it in production system hence want to get it done in the first shot. Want to know any patterns which are already implemented in the industry.
I do not think your solution are flexible enough to work well in a complex scenario like yours. If you have very simple queries, then yes, you can design something like SQL screener at database or "java" level and then just pass all your queries through.
But this is not flexible. As soon as your queries will start to grow complex, improving this query screener will become tremendously difficult since it is not a part of bussiness logic and cannot know the details of your permission system.
I suggest you implement some access checks in your service layer. Service must know for which user it generates or processes the data. Move query generation logic to repositories and have your services call different repository methods depending on user permissions for example. Or just customize repository calls with parameters depending on user permissions.

AngularJS + Breeze + Security

We are trying to use AngularJS with Breeze, with a .NET backend. We have gotten things hooked up working together. However, we are having trouble figuring out how to lock things down based on the user role and the user's own data.
Can anyone point us in the general direction? We couldn't find anything explicitly in Breeze's documention.
There is no reason why Breeze should be insecure. Security is orthogonal. My question remains: what are your concerns?
Update 2 March 2015
Thanks for the clarifying comment ... which reflects concerns that are widely share. I really am going to have to write about this at length in our documentation.
Fortunately, I believe I can ease your mind about the specific issues you raised.
BreezeJS, the client library, can only reach the data that your server allows the current user to access. It's the server's job to grant or refuse such requests.
This is fundamentally the same story for a client written with any technology talking to a server written with any technology. If the server has a "Customers" endpoint, than a client can request all of your customers and will receive them unless you guard that endpoint with logic on the server. This is true with or without Breeze.
You may be thinking that the metadata describes your entire database schema and therefore exposes the entire database to Breeze client requests. That statement is not true on a couple of counts.
First, even if the client knows about your entire database schema, it can't do anything with that knowledge unless you go to the trouble of exposing every table in your web api with unguarded endpoints. This is entirely within your control and its not something you can do by accident.
Second, there is no good reason to send metadata that describe your entire database. If you let the server generate the metadata based on the Entity Framework model, you can easily limit the size and shape of that model to the subset of the database that you want to expose in your client-facing api.
After you've narrowed the model and the web api to the size and shape appropriate for your application, you must take the next step ... the step you'd take for any web api imaginable ... which is to guard the endpoints.
At a minimum that means ensuring that the user is authenticated and authorized to make requests of each endpoint. But it also means preventing unwanted responses even to authorized user requests. For example, you might want to limit on the server the number of Customers that can be returned for any given customer query. You might want to throttle the number of requests that you'll process in a single interval of time. You might want to filter the customers down to just those few that the user is allowed to see.
The techniques for doing these things are all part of the ASP.NET Web API itself, having nothing to do with Breeze whatsoever. You'll want to investigate the options that Web API has to offer.
The update side of things is actually much easier to manage with Breeze components for ASP.NET Web API. The conventional Breeze update mechanism is a batch post to a single SaveChanges endpoint. In other words, the surface area of the attack can be limited to a single endpoint. The Breeze SaveChanges method for .NET offers two interception points for security and integrity checks:
BeforeSaveEntity where you can inspect and confirm every entity individually before it gets saved to the database.
BeforeSaveEntities where you can inspect the entire batch as a whole ... to ensure that the save request is cohesive and legitimate. This is something you can't do in a simple REST-ish api where PUT/POST/DELETE requests arrive as separate, autonomous events
The Breeze query language is highly expressive so it is possible that the client may query the server for something that you were not expecting. The expand clause is probably the most "dangerous" in this regard. Someone can query the Customer endpoint and get their related Orders, their related OrderDetails, the related Products, etc ... all at the same time.
That is a great power and with it comes responsibility. You may choose to withhold that power by refusing to allow expand queries. You can refuse select queries that can "expand" by selecting related entities. The ASP.NET Web API makes it easy to impose these restriction.
Alternatively, you can allow expand in some cases and not others. Or you can inspect the query request within the GET endpoint's implementation and refuse it if it fails your security checks.
You could decide that you don't want certain entity types to be "queryable" at all. You can create just the specialized GET endpoints you need to support safe access to those highly sensitive types. If the supporting methods don't return IQueryable, neither Breeze nor Web API will attempt to turn the OData query parameters into LINQ queries. These endpoints look and behave exactly like the traditional REST-ish apis that are familiar to you now. And the Breeze client will be happy to play along. When you compose a Breeze query, the client doesn't know whether the server will honor that request. With Breeze you can compose any request you want and send it to any HTTP endpoint you desire. You're not limited to OData-style queries.
You don't need ONE approach for querying. You decide what entity types are exposed, how, and under what conditions. You can and should write the guard logic to ensure that the proper data are returned by a query or updated by a save ... just as you would for any web api. Both Breeze and Web API give you a rich set of tools for writing such guard logic. Your options are unbounded.
Finally, I observe that Breeze-oriented apis tend to be much smaller than the typical RESTy api ... that is, they offer fewer endpoints and (in this sense) a smaller surface area. As a practical matter, that means you can concentrate your server-side security budget on fewer methods and potentially improve both the quality of that code and your capacity to scrutinize your api's security risks.

How to get reports from web services in efficient manner

We have a distributed system with 3 sites. Each site has its own services that encapsulates both logic and data.All services are using mysql database as the persistence system and SOAP services. But we get a trouble with database reports since maintaining services encapsulation prevents from accessing database directly. So How to get reports from web services without breaking encapsulation provided by web services and in the same time maintaining efficiency.
Share a common data-structure known by the services and the clients.
I'd implement a very simple serializable data-structure, and have these entities to be interchanged, known between the client and the server(s). And of course all services would output the same data-structures.
If you have already a persistence layer (if not, build one), with DAO/DAL(s) entities, have them to be responsible of querying the data and performing the transformation between the original data to these new common data-structures. A helper class would do that automatically.
What I think it could be this data-structure, is an entity based on a set of rows and columns (array of object instances), plus, an array of columns identifiers, known by both the client and the server, so that your model knows which are the columns being requested by the client.
In this way you could have a client requesting 3 columns of the report, and a different client, might be requesting many others of the same report.
Additionally, I'd of course, not including any HTML in the data, just the raw data, and your clients to be responsible on how to present that data.
This above is a little bit abstract.. but hope it helps you anyway.

Which of these two APIs is the best to use REST or SOAP (for this specific architecture)?

Architecture :
database on a central server which contains a complex hierarchical database structure.
The clients should be able to insert data into tables through the API, The data would be inserted into multiple tables in the database at the same time, and not only into one table.
The clients should be able to retrieve data by using a complex search query.
The clients can upload/download files to the server which could have a size of multiple GBs
would SOAP be better for this job than REST ? can you please explain why ?
Almost all the things you mention are equally achievable using either SOAP or REST, though perhaps a little easier with SOAP. Certainly it's easier to create client APIs for SOAP interfaces; client tooling support is significantly more advanced on the majority of languages.
However, you say that you're wanting to deal with multi-gigabyte upload and download. That's a crucial point as REST is able to handle that sort of thing far more easily. SOAP is almost always tooled in terms of DOM processing, and that means building full messages in memory; you don't ever want to do that with a multi-GB payload.
So go with REST. That's definitely your best option for achieving all your listed objectives.

Why shouldn't I give outsiders access to my database?

Lots of sites today have APIs that allow users to get data from the site as XML or JSON using a GET HTTP request. Flickr and are example of sites with APIs. These APIs require the server to access the database, and then output the result as either XML or JSON.
Why do we need this translation though? Why not just create a user on the database (for example MySQL)? The user would be given limited access to the database, only being allowed to SELECT, and only certain tables and certain columns in those tables. Wouldn't this be a lot more efficient for the server (it wouldn't have to deal with the HTTP request), and it would be easier for developers, who could now access exactly the data they need, the way they need it.
Security considerations aside, so that you can change your database structure without affecting your clients. Also, poorly formed queries tie up your server, not the clients.
Can you prevent a malicious individual from crafting a super-complex SQL query that will peg your database's CPU at 100%? Can you prevent a lot of innocent programmers from crafting inefficient queries that will never be optimized that will do the same thing?
Coding to Contract - with APIs, you may change everything behind them without affecting outsiders use of them. Here you'd be tying them to not just MySQL but your schema
Caching - Allowing them any query almost removes any opportunity for caching that predictable queries over http that can be used. This is probably the number one way to remove the often number one bottleneck, the database.
Security - with this approach, it would be easy for a denial of service attack, even by accident. Not to mention the fact you'd have to give access to data layer, which is often put in a restricted zone where security can be tightened
Usability - not everyone is a developer or wants to understand a your internal domain. They probably prefer a pre baked straight forward and self-explaining API. An extreme example would be to give managers db privileges rather than reports.
Makes it easier to montior and control usage (implementing 'limited queries per X' for DB users may be harder)
Allows for presenting simpler structures to the user than may be used in the DB.
Means the user doesn't have to understand your DB structure.
Allows for DB portability. (Oh you've grown massive and now need to implement: sharding, move to bigtable, etc. - With an API the user doesn't need to know)
Allows for different (better? / variable?) caching of requests.
Means you don't have to pay for extra DB users (If that's how the DB is licensed.)
Portability too. Lets say for licensing reasons and scaling you make the business decision to move from MSSQL to MySql. Syntax ain't quite the same and your clients will all have to change their code.
Much better to just buffer it all off and keep the implementation abstracted away. Whose to say you're not persisting the state of the application using trained monkeys scratching marks on bottletops?
Security is the number 1 reason but I hope those reasons are obvious. The user tying up precious resources with bad queries is another good reason.
Beyond that though, why an abstraction layer?
Might you ever want to add some logging to database queries to diagnose speed or to help debug?
Might you ever go from MySQL to MS SQL or vice versa where SQL other than pure ANSI might break?
Should the customer really have to learn your schema rather than a more logical abstraction?
When a new programmer learns of normalization and can now see your whole schema including your carefully balanced denormalizations, do you want to put up with every uninformed criticism?
When a more experienced db person points out improvements, do you want to be stuck with your old schema?
Why to use an API is a question of why to use abstractions and my list here barely scratches the surface.
the web server gives you a buffer that you can control. if there is some bug in your sql server or whatever, you don't want it exposed directly to the internet. true, if the web server has bugs, it might be just as bad ... except you have that extra layer between the data and the world.
It's not as much a 'why not' than a 'why should you' question. Handling HTTP requests is a small penalty for complete control over what all data you allow or disallow a user from accessing. Further, should the nature / quantity / security level of data change in future, you will be better off with a JSON / XML response than allowing total access.
The thing to bear in mind when you're thinking of security issues is that it's really hard to anticipate all of the possible vectors that someone could use to attack you. For instance, are you really sure you've gotten your database permissions set so that people can't mess things up?
Therefore, you want to try restricting actions to only what you know to be good, not just trying to restrict the things you know to be bad. This can be done with a web service that you have absolute control over, but it's difficult to allow somebody to access the database directly and be sure that you're secure.
API is a kind of Wrapper around of database. Users do not know anything about database internal representation of data, he only need to send a number of unified requests and get unified response on it. How and when data will be processed on the server - it's not his headache.
