How to architecture backbonejs application - click event on each table row backbonejs - backbone.js

I am developing a application in which one of my template renders a table with n number of rows. Now in each row, i have a column with buttons like edit and delete.
When clicked on edit, a edit form appears in the same window in some div. That form needs to be populated with values fetched from backend.
Now nothing great in this.
My problem is this:
I have a view which renders the complete table using the following template structure:
<script type="text/template" id="ledgersing">
<div class="span6 widget">
<div class="widget-header">
<span class="title">Ledgers</span>
<button class="btn btn-danger pull-right" id="addLedgerButton">Add Ledger</button>
<div class="widget-content">
<table width="100%" class="table table-striped dataTable">
<% _.each(ledgers,function(data){ %>
<td><%= %></td>
<td><%= %></td>
<td><%= data.contact_number %></td>
<td><span onClick="alert(<%= %>)">x</span></td>
<% }) %>
</div >
In this it just alerts a id when clicked on x. Now do i need to necessarily use onClick event like this? I mean that i will need the id in whatever construct i use for processing. What can be a better solution? I know backbonejs can handle this mess with ease if application is structured properly.
So essentially i want to know from experts, what will they do in such a scenario. How will they structure the application? I am novice to this frontend framework.

Instead of using _.each in your templates, I'd go with one view per table row as each one has some bit of complexity (edit, delete)
In these view, you use the events hash to register your DOM events. Never use onclick in your HTML, this is a really bad practice.
Don't hesitate to look at the TodoMVC Backbone example for ideas on how to organize your app.

I'm also developing a backbone application for the first time and went thru exactly the same mistake.
I first I just tried to translate my php / asp / ruby / whatever_server_side_template_technology into underscore templates, and got something pretty much like what you had.
Now I can realize it's a mistake. You should use subviews. The events and the associated model will be connected to that subview. Pretty soon you'll have lots of view listening to events and updating themselves when data changes, but if you're carefull it will be ok.
Here's a demo app I'm working on:
and here's the github repo:
This is how I solved it:


Bootstrap pagination on ng-repeat

I have a table where I'm listing my restaurants
<table class="table">
<tr ng-repeat="row in restaurantList">
<td><img src="{{row.image}}"></td>
I'm getting all the names and photos correctly. But how can I paginate the collected data, 10 by 10 in bootstrap without plugins ?
If you are using both angularjs and bootstrap, it would be interesting for you to also use the bootstrap-ui library.
It is really easy to use and it provides a lot of UI components (one of them is a pagination directive).
I don't know if it is what you mean when you say "without plugins" ? That's just one js file to load in your site, and you already have all the required dependencies.
I hope it helps

angular only generate part when actually shown

I am using angular to show render a bigger dataset. In there are several keys and to each key corresponds an array with around 3000 lines. When the user first open the page all of showraw[key]-s are set to false, so they actuall on get a list of the possible keys in panel-heading-s and when they click on the heading is when they actually get to see the data. Before I added this part the page loaded very fast, now it takes considerable time (few seconds, and it is not because of fetching the data, as the whole dataset was fetched previously also, I just didn't show it all). As far as I can tell, angular basically renders everything even though its not shown (although I guess it might not store it, because every time I click one of the heading to show the data, it still takes a second or two for it to appear).
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading"><h2>Raw data</h2></div>
<span ng-repeat="(key,val) in">
<div class="panel-heading" ng-click="showraw[key] = ! showraw[key]"><b>{{key}}</b></div>
<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-responsive" ng-show="showraw[key]">
<tr ng-repeat="line in val track by $index" ><td ng-repeat="l in line.split(' ') track by $index">{{l}} </td></tr>
My question is the following: what would be the best practice in speeding up page loads? I do not wish to make the user wait for rendering of data that is not shown to her.

Change display text based upon value

I am displaying Errors on my Html page using Angular JS. The problem is I am receiving only error codes from the HTML . What are the various ways in which i can change the error code to the the Error text i like
<tr ng-repeat='item in errorsd'>
<td align="left" class="validationMsg"> {{item.message}}</td></tr>
If my item.message has one . I would like to display Beginner ,if its 2 Intermediate like that and so on . Should i use ng-if ? should i use ng-switch or should i input some logic on the controller side .
Should i use ng-if ?
ng-switch is more readable and hence a better option. Later when you look back at the code it will be intuitive to you and other developers about what this code does.
should i input some logic on the controller side .
Why put a logic in controller-side if the framework already provides a solution for such use-case?
I would do it like:
<tr ng-repeat='item in errorsd'>
<td ng-switch="item.message" align="left" class="validationMsg">
<span ng-switch-when="1">Beginner</span>
<span ng-switch-when="2">Intermediate</span>
<!-- and so on.. -->
I say use a switch statement inside of your controller.
So depending on the value, the global message would change thus displaying the correct one when triggering the validation msg box to show.

Insert data into html table provided in web application using selenium web driver

I am working on selenium webdriver and i want to insert data into the tables which are provided on web site, i have used sendkeys method but its not working for me. is there any other way to insert data into tables ?
Inserting data using selenium the only way to use is sendkeys() method. If I understand correct, your html table will be like below:
<table style="width:100%">
Get the xpath of the input table row of nth column, and use sendkeys() method
which works for me as code written above. Hope it will help you.
Before clicking to the cell it was having class attribute value emplty after clicking it switches from empty to current.
So now i am clicking every cell and then inserting value within it.
It is working like this now.

Does Bootstrap3 work with Firefox v25.0.1 and AngularJS? FireFox not displaying table

I am running AngularJS 1.2.3 and Bootstrap3 to create a simple task list app.
The code and Bootstrap3 CSS works everywhere (IE11.x, Chrome v31.0.1650.63 m, Opera v18.0.1284.63), except FireFox 25.0.1
If I add the link to bootstrap3 via
<link href="3rdPartyLibs/bootstrap3/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
then when AngularJS ng-repeat runs to create the table rows then FireFox v25.0.1 does not render the table header or rows and display them to the user However, if you look at the source, they are being created.
Here's an image of the page and an image of the source:
It should look like this:
FireFox displays this (notice there are no rows):
In FireFox, if I click the [Add New Task] button numerous times, it actually alters the DOM as I expect it to (adding rows to the table), but it doesn't display that to the user. However, the source is altered -- rows are added to the table -- and the source looks like this:
Referencing Bootstrap2 Makes It Work
All I have to do to make it work is reference Bootstrap2 on my machine (i have both locally) by altering the link to : (notice there is no 3 in the bootstrap directory.
<link href="3rdPartyLibs/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
After I do that, it works in FireFox too and looks like:
Does bootstrap3 work in FireFox? Is there some special initialization I have to do?
Is Bootstrap3 not ready for prime-time, or is it FireFox?
Figured It Out While Attempting To Convert To Bootstrap2
I decided to convert this thing to work with Bootstrap2 since that would mean all browsers would work. While doing that I discovered that if I simply add a wrapper to my table, then it fixes the problem.
Here's a summary of what I had and what I did:
***note:**If you see unclosed tags, that is bec. it's a summary, please don't try to tell me I need to close those tags. It is valid HTML in the real thing. thanks.*
I had
<tr ng-repeat="t in allTasks"
I simply wrapped my table in another div and now it works in FireFox. Looks like this:
<tr ng-repeat="t in allTasks"
Now it looks like it should in FireFox
