C Loading Code dynamically in the same way as the Java Compiler Api 7 - c

I have the following use case which I had previously solved in Java, but am now required to port the program to C.
I had a method A which called a method do_work() belonging to an abstract class Engine. Each concrete implementation of the class was constructed as follows:
users would submit the definition of the do_work() method . If this definition was correct, the programmer would construct a concrete implementation of the Engine class using the Java Compiler API. (code for this is included for reference below).
How can I do something similar in C:
I now have a structure Engine, with a function pointer to the do_work() method. I want users to be able to submit this method at run time (note: this only occurs once, on startup, once the Engine structure has been constructed, I do not want to change it) via command line.
How could I go about this? I've read around suggestions stating that I would have to use assembly to do this, others stating that this was not possible, but none of them giving a good explanation or references. Any help would be appreciated.
The solution doesn't need to be compatible with 32/64 bits machines, as the program this is written for is only for 64 bits machines.
For reference, the Java Code:
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
StandardJavaFileManager stdFileManager = compiler
.getStandardFileManager(null, Locale.getDefault(), null);
Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = null;
String[] compileOptions = new String[] { "-d", "bin" };
Iterable<String> compilationOptions = Arrays.asList(compileOptions);
SimpleJavaFileObject fileObject = new DynamicJavaSourceCodeObject(
JavaFileObject javaFileObjects[] = new JavaFileObject[] { fileObject };
compilationUnits = Arrays.asList(javaFileObjects);
DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
CompilationTask compilerTask = compiler.getTask(null, stdFileManager,
diagnostics, compilationOptions, null, compilationUnits);
boolean status = compilerTask.call();
if (!status) {// If compilation error occurs
/* Iterate through each compilation problem and print it */
String result = "";
for (Diagnostic diagnostic : diagnostics.getDiagnostics()) {
result = String.format("Error on line %d in %s",
diagnostic.getLineNumber(), diagnostic);
Exception e = new Exception(result);
throw e;
stdFileManager.close();// Close the file manager
* Assuming that the Policy has been successfully compiled, create a new
* instance
Class newEngine = Class
Constructor[] constructor = newPolicy.getConstructors();

In C all code must be compiled to native one before usage, so the only way for you is to use command line compiler to build code submitted by users. It may be GNU C++ compiler for example, or Visual C++ compiler (but for Visual C++ I don't know what about legal problems, is it permitted by license to do that).
So, first of all, select your compiler, probably GNU one.
Next, you can compile it as executable program or as DLL (assuming your software is for
Windows). If you decide to compile it to DLL, you have to use Win32 function LoadLibrary to load new built DLL into your process, and after that you can use GetProcAddress function to get method address and call it dynamically from C++ (you must implement a function wrapper and make it public in DLL).
If you decide to compile it as EXE file, you have to use CreateProcess function to run your code, send parameters via command line and receive data, may be, with pipe (see CreatePipe function), or may be with temporary file, or any other interprocess communication way available in Windows.
I think in your situation it is better to compile to EXE file, because in DLL if user code is buggy your main program may crash.


Read a line of c code from file and execute in a c program

I have a C program which calculates f(x) for some x values (main.c). I need to get a line of c code from file and that code is my function to execute (function.dot). For example function.dot will contain:
pow((1-x), 0.333);
I need to read this file, get that function and execute in my code (main.c). How can I do that?
Basic steps would be:
Read the line from the file.
Generate a new source file which wraps the line of code inside appropriate code.
Invoke a compiler to compile that code into a shared object/dll.
Load the library.
Call the function in the library.
If the single line of code in the file could be any language, it would be far easier to use something like Lua that can be linked into your main executable.
I will provide some options:
Switch to another interpreted language including python, ruby, perl, ...
If you are working on small project, I recommend this option.
Implement your own interpreter in C.
Parse your input, analyze it, execute it. You might find open source implementations: one choice is slang
Call C compiler and dynamically link it.
It depends on your operating system but system or exec functions help you to call your compiler to handle your input file. If you are using Linux, dlsym can open a shared-object compiled from your input file.
You might need to convert your input file into C program.
Very slow to compile but fastest to run.
You have several options I can think of:
1) Switch to any number of interpreted langauges (python, perl, etc.) which support this as an easy mechanism. (Example: in python
data = open("function.dot").read()
x = 5
eval(data) #note that this is unsafe if you can't trust data, and you might also need to play with environment
2) You could wrap the code in it's own c file... something like (but with more error checking etc... you probably don't want to do this)
void generate_c_program(char *line)
FILE *fp = fopen("myfile.c","wt");
fprintf(fp,"#include <math.h>\nint main(char *argv, int argc) {\n double x = atof(argv[1]); printf(\"%f\",(%s));}\n");",line); //this is also unsafe if you can't trust data
//now execute gcc myfile.c
//now execute a.out
//optionally cleanup by deleting a.out and myfile.c
3) Effectively write your own compiler / parser (which may be fairly easy IF you've done this before and the number of functions / operations you need to support is small or may be a much bigger deal and will rather not fit in this answer)... the extensible way would be to use LEX/YACC or similar)

to make a self-contained exe that extracts files and other commands

I am making a filtering sniffer in C and winPCAP that starts on every boot. For this I want to make a self-contained exe file that extracts (no, not compression!) the exe and DLLs to a new folder and performs other commands (like modify startup settings) silently, without showing any window/terminal.
The single file contains an exe and DLLs.
When executed, it copies the files to a folder and does other commands
It does it silently, without any windows or terminals or user intervention
I stress on the silent part, so I cant choose some easy installers. Can you reccomend something that generates this executable?
For the curious: its a stealth packet logger program for my college project. The "stealth" part will be tried out only on xp2 virtual machines with IE6 (yeah, old stuff).
EDIT: answering the commenters: it is of a malware character. So I am running it in virtualbox, never on the loose. And I can compromise only an unpatched xp systems with IE6, without antivirus, that is from an OLD install disk. Thats the scope of the IE css use after free vulnerability, AFAIK never seen in the wild. So there is no unethical behavior involved.
You can easily embed resources either by linking them in, with the compiler, or by using a special program and instrumenting the windows API.
Something along the lines of :
char file_to_be_altered[] = "MyInstaller.exe"
HANDLE hUpdate = BeginUpdateResource( file_to_be_altered, FALSE );
UpdateResource( hUpdate, "MyResType", "MyResName1", 0, pData, data_len );
EndUpdateResource( hUpdate, FALSE );
Then when your executable runs, you enumerate your resources and select those that have the type "MyResType".
struct res_entry { BYTE* pData; unsigned int len; }
HMODULE hModule, // module handle
LPCTSTR lpType, // address of resource type
LPTSTR lpName, // address of resource name
LONG_PTR lParam) //
std::vector<res_entry>& lst = *(reinterpret_cast< std::vector<res_entry>* >( lParam ));
HRSRC hRes = FindResource( hModule, lpName, lpType );
if( hRes == 0 ) return TRUE;
unsigned int len = SizeofResource( hModule, hRes );
HGLOBAL hGlob = LoadResource( hModule, hRes );
if( hGlob == 0 ) return TRUE;
res_entry t;
t.pData = LockResource( hGlob );
t.len = len;
lst.push_back( t ); // this is safe, because the resources are never deallocated
return TRUE;
void enum_entries()
std::vector<res_entry> lst;
::EnumResourceNames( hFileToQuery, "MyResType", &EnumNamesCB, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(&lst) );
You can do whatever you want with this data, e.g. CreateFile ... and the write the data out to disc.
NB: This is how installers may do it on windows, and this was developed to extract files to the temp dir and install from there.
The trivial way to do it is to create a very large array inside your program, and store the data to be extracted inside that array. When executed the program takes the array and writes it out to a file or files as needed, then executes the file you want to run once the files are extracted. See, for example, C Question: How to store data inside the executable file.
Once the program is compiled you can replace the data in the EXE using a binary editor to copy your files in place without having to convert your files to a C array or some other data structure every time you change your payload.
In order to keep the size down the primary program typically decompresses the array and expects a compressed array. A lot of installers simply use zip as the decompressor takes care of multiple files in one array, and you don't have to fiddle with adding a directory array and reference array - it's all built in, and command line zip compressors are common and easy to use.
Whether the primary program opens a terminal depends on how you program it. I expect you'll need it to be a win32 program so windows doesn't open a DOS terminal, and you simply don't open any windows inside your program. That's a separate question, though, so consider asking it as a new question.
As David points out, this process is typically automated in the linker stage. Each linker is slightly different, but you can check out Embedding resources in .exe using GCC for an example using one of the more common compilers.
I assume you know what you are doing, but keep in mind that there are a lot of unpatched stock winxp sp2 systems out there - assuming that you won't hurt anyone because you don't believe such systems are online is a poor choice. Make certain that your program doesn't have the ability to leave the virtual machines. There are ways, for instance to connect their networks without allowing the machines access to the internet, or your computer's network. Keep in mind that the Morris worm was a pet project that wasn't intended or expected to go wild either.

Recommended way to load .so package in tcl either statically or dynamically

I've an executable hosting tcl interpretor, and a library hosting a extension.
I want to be able to build the library dynamically (loaded with Tcl's load)
or statically (single executable, or so loaded implicitly).
The Executable code:
#ifdef GO_STATIC
extern int My_ext_Init(Tcl_Interp* interp);
Tcl_StaticPackage(interp, "my_ext", My_ext_Init, My_ext_Init);
My_ext_Init(interp); // THIS SHOULD NOT BE NEEDED !!
Tcl_SetVariable(interp, "is_statically_linked", "1", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
Tcl_SetVariable(interp, "is_statically_linked", "0", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
The library Code .. can be static or dynamic library ( .a or .so / .lib or .dll ):
int My_ext_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp)
if (Tcl_PkgProvide(interp, "My_ext", "1.0") == TCL_ERROR) {
return TCL_ERROR;
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, /*...etc...*/);
The startup tcl code:
global is_statically_linked
if {$is_statically_linked} {
load {} my_ext
} else {
load my_ext my_ext
The problem is .. I really shouldn't be calling My_ext_Init(interp); as it
should called by Tcl when I evaluate load {} my_ext
Made community wiki so that the recommended way can be put here.
Registering a “static package” is done in your application init routine, and should be done after the main interpreter is created (but obviously before you start running your scripts in it). It's a mechanism that's really designed to work the “Big Wish” method of program building, when you use Tcl_Main() to do the work of making an interpreter. When you're doing that, there's a callback into your code (typically called Tcl_AppInit though the name is actually arbitrary) that you can specify and which is the ideal place to put calls to Tcl_StaticPackage. The callback will be called at the right point for you to do the static package registration.
However, that's all considered rather old hat these days. A far better method is to always use dynamic libraries and to instead package everything together as a starkit or starpack. The advantage with doing that is that you just need to build your .so files as stub-enabled (strongly recommended anyway) packages and then you include them in your VFS during the packaging process. After that, you can just do package require and it will all work. (Or you can locate the shared libraries in the virtual mount when running and load them directly.) What's even better is that you can deliver a single .kit file that supports multiple platforms; starpacked executables can't be quite that flexible though, as there are some natural restrictions on portability of binary executables. :-)

directly execute binary resource

lpBuffer is a pointer to the first byte of a (binary)resource. How can I execute it straight away without dumping it to a temporary file?
HMODULE hLibrary;
HRSRC hResource;
HGLOBAL hResourceLoaded;
LPBYTE lpBuffer;
hLibrary = LoadLibrary("C:\\xyz.exe");
if (NULL != hLibrary)
hResource = FindResource(hLibrary, MAKEINTRESOURCE(104), RT_RCDATA);
if (NULL != hResource)
hResourceLoaded = LoadResource(hLibrary, hResource);
if (NULL != hResourceLoaded)
lpBuffer = (LPBYTE) LockResource(hResourceLoaded);
if (NULL != lpBuffer)
// do something with lpBuffer here
There isn't a function built into Windows for this; your only option is CreateProcess, which takes an EXE file.
It's possible to parse the executable file format yourself. You'd effectively be recreating what the LoadLibrary function does.
Here's an explanation of how to load a DLL and call functions within it: http://www.joachim-bauch.de/tutorials/loading-a-dll-from-memory/. To adapt this for your EXE, you'd follow the same relocation and import steps. Once you're done you'd call the EXE's entry point. (The tutorial explains how to call a DLL's exported function.)
Depending on what's in the EXE you might have problems loading it directly into an existing process. For instance, your own EXE performs various Win32 and C initialization code, and the embedded EXE is likely to attempt to perform the same initialization again. If this becomes a problem, your alternative is to put the embedded EXE in its own process; then, you're back to creating a temp file and calling CreateProcess.
If the resource is a PE file, then is no way AFAIK. If it is a simple compiled procedure try Tim's trick.
After Tim's answer update, it the most complete answer.

Vala vapi files documentation

I'd like to hack on an existing GLib based C project using Vala.
Basically what I'm doing is, at the beginning of my build process, using valac to generate .c and .h files from my .vala files and then just compiling the generated files the way I would any .c or .h file.
This is probably not the best way, but seems to be working alright for the most part.
My problem is that I'm having a hard time accessing my existing C code from my Vala code. Is there an easy way to do this?
I've tried writing my own .vapi files (I didn't have any luck with the tool that came with vala), but I can't find any decent documentation on how to write these.
Does any exist? Do I need one of these files to call existing C code?
Yes, to call a C function, you need to write a binding for it. The process is described in http://live.gnome.org/Vala/Tutorial#Binding_Libraries_with_VAPI_Files, however, this doesn't apply directly to custom functions or libraries written without GObject. You'll probably need help from #vala IRC channel if you have complex binding for non-GObject libraries.
However, most of the time, we use simple vapi files to bind some autoconf define or some functions written in plain C, for efficiency reason or broken vala, or whatever other reason. And this is the way that most people do:
[CCode (cheader_filename = "myfunc.h")]
namespace MyFunc {
[CCode (cname = "my_func_foo")]
public string foo (int bar, Object? o = null);
myfunc.h (and corresponding implementation in a .c linked with your project)
#include <glib-object.h>
char* my_func_foo(int bar, GObject* o)
example.vala could be
using MyFunc;
void main() {
baz = foo(42);
When compiling with valac, use --vapidir= to give the directory location of the myfunc.vapi. Depending on your build system, you may need to pass extra argument to valac or gcc CFLAGS in order to link everything together.
The only addition I would make to elmarco's answer is the extern keyword. If you're trying to access a single C function that's already available in one of your packages or the standard C/Posix libraries, you can access it easily this way.
For GLib-based libraries written in C you can try to generate gir-files from your C-sources: Vala/Bindings.
Doing it manually is no problem too. Suppose you have a library which defines SomelibClass1 in C with a method called do_something which takes a string.
The name of the headerfile is "somelib.h". Then the corresponding vapi is as simple as the following:
[CCode (cheader_filename="somelib.h")]
namespace Somelib {
public class Class1 {
public void do_something (string str);
Documentation for writing vapis for non-GLib libraries can be found here: Vala/LegacyBindings
This is actually really easy. Lets take an excerpt from posix.vapi:
[CCode (cname = "FILE", free_function = "fclose", cheader_filename = "stdio.h")]
public class FILE {
[CCode (cname = "fopen")]
public static FILE? open (string path, string mode);
[CCode (cname = "fgets", instance_pos = -1)]
public unowned string? gets (char[] s);
This implements the following C-Function:
FILE *fopen (const char *path, const char *mode);
char *fgets (char *s, int size, FILE *stream);
When discarding the instance_pos attribute vala assumes that the object is the first parameter to a method. This way it is possible to bind c-constructs that are roughly object-oriented. The free_method of the compact-class is called when the object is dereferenced.
The CCode(cname)-attribute of a method, class, struct, etc. has to be the name of it as it would be in C.
There is a lot more to this subject, but this should give you a general overview.
It would probably be easier to just access your vala code from c. As all you have to do is just compile to C.
