Database Table Design: Expanding a data table while maintaining backwards compatibility - database

The project I'm working on tracks data on a year by year basis. The user will log into the system and specify the year it wants to access the data of. For example, the user could specify the year 2004, and the .jsp pages will display 2004 data.
My problem is that from 2013 onward, the data for one .jsp page will be different, and the current database table schema needs to be modified, but backwards compatibility for the 2012 and before years needs to be maintained.
Currently (2012 and before), the relevant database table displays two columns, "continuing students" & "new starts" that is displayed by a single .jsp. For 2013 and onward, 4 columns need to be displayed. The original two columns are being split into two subcategories each, undergrad and graduate. So I can't simply add those new columns to the existing table because that would violate third normal form.
What do you think the best way to manage this situation? How do I display the new data while still maintaining backwards compatibility to display the data for older years?

Some options:
Introduce the fields and allow for nulls for older data. I think you rejected this idea.
Create new table structures to store the new data going forward. It's an least an option if you don't want (1). You could easily create a view that queries from both tables and presents a unified set of data. You could also handle this in the UI and call two separate stored procedures depending on the year queried.
Create a new table with the new attributes and then optionally join back to your original table. This keeps the old table the same and the new table is just an extension of the old data. You would write a stored procedure potentially to take in the year and then return the appropriate data.
One of the things to really consider is that the old data is now inactive. If you aren't writing to it anymore, it's just historical data that can be "archived" mentally. In that case I think it's ok to freeze the schema and the data and let it live by itself.
Also consider if your customers are likely to change the schema yet again. If so, then maybe (1) is the best.


Creating "View" to connect two Databases

I have two Databases, one which looks at Financial Year 2018- 2019 and another which will be looking at Financial year 2019-2020.
Now these are Sage Databases so they have a lot of Tables within each of them, the setup of each Database is exactly the same.
Now I had a report which looked at the current financial year no problem, but I didn't realise that they had it set up as the previous financial year would be stored in a separate Database.
I've said "View" within my title, but that's not really what I need as I need whole tables.
So my question is this, is there a construct within SQL that will allow me to create a new datasource of some kind which contains the 12 tables I actually need to populate my report and the data inside these tables be a union of the 12 tables from 18-19 and the 12 tables of 19-20.
I hope that make a least a little sense.
(I would just try and make use of a view, but there's multiple datasets within the report which make use of the joins in slightly different ways)

Linked SQL Server's table shows all fields as #Deleted, but when converted to local, all information is there

My company has a really old Access 2003 .ADP front-end connected to an on-premise SQL Server. I was trying to update the front-end to MS Access 2016, which is what we're transitioning to, but when linking the tables I get all the fields in this specific table as #Deleted. I've looked around and tried to change some of the settings, but I'm really not that into SQL Server to know what I'm doing, hence asking for help.
When converting the table to local, all the info is correctly displayed, so it begs the question. Also, skipping to the last record will reveal the info on that record, or sorting/filtering reveals some of the records, but most of the table stays "#Deleted"...
Since I know you're going to ask: Yes, I need to edit the records.. Although the snapshot method would work for people trying to view the info, some of us need to edit it.
I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this,
Thanks in advance, Rafael.
There are 3 common reasons for this:
You have bit fields in SQL server, but they are null. They should be assigned a default of 0.
The table in question does NOT have a PK (primary key).
Last but not least you need (want) to add a timestamp column. Keep in mind that this is really what we call a “row version” column (so it not a date/time column, but a timestamp column). Adding this column will help access determine if a record been changed, and this is especially the case for any table/form in Access that allows editing of “real” number data types (single, double). If access does not find a timestamp column, then it reverts to a column by column comparison to determine table changes, and due to how computers handle “real” numbers (with rounding), then such comparisons often fail.
So, check for the above 3 issues. You likely should re-run the linked table manager have making any changes.

Adding table values to a treeview

I am using Vb 2008 express edition and am very new to treeviews. i have basic knowledge of how to connect to a database. the database i am working with is a microsoft access database and has a large amount of tables with various information. two of these tables i need to put into a treeview. one has 2 columns called date and date id, the date will be the main nodes on the treeview. the other table has 8 colums, among them are the corresponding date id's from the first table, the purchase order id and the purchase order number. the child nodes will be the purchase order number.
Now i know there are a bunch of tutorials out there on treeview population through microsoft access databases but i have found none specifically with what i need, they are all just about dumping ALL the data from the database into the table. i just want specific contents of two tables. if someone could help me out with this i would be very grateful. i can give more information if needed on what i am working with or anything else.!
This is an example of what it needs to look like. i am upgrading this program from vb6 to which is why i already have the program.
What you will have to do is loop through the first table (using sql and a datareader, for example) and then create the initial (parent) nodes. (Note that the below is a general idea, you will have to figure out the loop and datareader parts).
looping structure
TreeView1.Nodes.Add(nodeName, nodeName)
next record
Then, loop through the second table, adding the record to the correct node...
looping structure
TreeView1.Nodes(parentNodeName).Nodes.Add(nodeName, nodeName)
next record

Cannot create new record through ACCESS form

FRONT END - Access 2010 (2000 format)
The system stores and retrieves data about technical documents. Broadly, there are three tables A, B and C, each of which maintains data about a different type of document.
The ACCESS front end provides a Search Form and Data Entry/Edit form (bound to the underlying table) for each document type. In all three document types, when adding a new record, the user will open the Search form and press a button called "Add". This opens the Data Entry/Edit form and in the Form_Load event is the line
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
When the data entry is complete, the user presses a "Close" button which simply runs the code
As I said, the design and code of the objects relating to the three document types is, for all intents and purposes, identical. However, while for tables A and B the process of adding a new record is seamless and extremely quick, for table C it has proved impossible to add a new record via the ACCESS UI. The edit form will open correctly to add the data, but when the user presses the "Close" button the form hangs, and eventually returns to the Search form without the new record having been added.
It is possible to bypass the UI by opening ACCESS while holding down the SHIFT key, opening the linked table, and adding new records directly. While this is acceptable as an interim measure, it is unacceptable in the long term. It should be noted that the system is about ten years old, and has been working entirely correctly for about nine of those years (apart from minor glitches moving between different versions of ACCESS).
Unfortunately this system is owned and operated by a major global corporation and it is very difficult for me, a subcontracted supplier, to get access to the SQL Server box to run diagnosis (SQL Profiler would be a good starting point). My gut feeling is that there is a subtle difference in the permissions model for that particular table but I don't know.
The situation is further complicated by the fact that I have a copy of the system at my work and I cannot reproduce the problem. Of course, there are bound to be subtle differences between the two architectures (for example, I don't know for certain what version of SQL Server it's running on, but I believe it's 2000, nor do I know how completely it is patched or updated) but the facts are that for one particular table bound to one particular form, it is not possible to add records, whereas for other tables there is no such problem.
I would be grateful if anyone has any ideas about how to go about diagnosing this or even solving it (if anyone has come across the same problem before).
Many thanks
As a general rule when you encounter problems to update a table, then this tends to suggests that the table does not have a PK or the form the query is based on does not have a PK exposed.
The next thing I would ensure is the table has a time stamp column as Access uses this to test for record changes behind the scenes.
Next up I would check the default locking for the form (while these settings generally don't effect odbc, they should be checked).
Next up is to check if the table has any "bit" column (true/false) and ensure that the defaults for such controls are set SQL SERVER side (they should default to 0). This null bits issue will cause updates to fail if not addressed.
I would also check if the form in question is based on a query or if the data source is set directly to the table. As noted the PK auto number ID of that table in query should be INTEGER value sql side – big int is NOT supported.
So check default values (both in sql table and on the form (those controls) to ensure nothing be set that would prevent the update.

Recommended way of adding daily data to database

I receive new data files every day. Right now, I'm building the database with all the required tables to import the data and perform the required calculations.
Should I just append each new day's data to my current tables? Each file contains a date column, which would allow for a "WHERE" query in the future if I need to analyze data for one particular day. Or should I be creating a new set of tables for every day?
I'm new to database design (coming from Excel). I will be using SQL Server for this.
Assuming that the structure of the data being received is the same, you should only need one set of tables rather than creating new tables each day.
I'd recommend storing the value of the date column from your incoming data in your database, and also having a 'CreateDate' column in your tables, with a default value of 'GetDate()' so that it automatically gets populated with the current date when the row is inserted.
You may also want to have another column to store the data filename that the row was imported from, but if you're already storing the value of the date column and the date that the row was inserted, this shouldn't really be necessary.
In the past, when doing this type of activity using a custom data loader application, I've also found it useful to create log files to log success/error/warning messages, including some type of unique key of the source data and target database - ie. if coming from an Excel file and going into a database column, you could store the row index from Excel and the primary key of the inserted row. This helps tracking down any problems later on.
You might want to consider having a look at SSIS (SqlServer Integration Services). It's the SqlServer tool for doing ETL activities.
yes, append each day's data to the tables; 1 set of tables for all data.
yes, use a date column to identify the day that the data was loaded.
maybe have another table with a date column and a clob column. The date to contain the load date and the clob to contain the file that you imported.
Good question. You most definitely should have a single set of tables and append the data daily. Consider this: if you create a new set of tables each day, what would, say, a monthly report query look like? A quarterly report query? It would be a mess, with UNIONs and JOINs all over the place.
A single set of tables with a WHERE clause makes the querying and reporting manageable.
You might do a little reading on relational database theory. Wikipedia is a good place to start. The basics are pretty straightforward if you have the knack for it.
I would have the data load into a stage table regardless and append to the main tables after. Once a week i would then refresh all data in the main table to ensure that the data remains correct as per the source.
