Which tools for my first mobile application [closed] - mobile

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm about to start building my first mobile app and wanted some direction. The app will need to:
run on iPhone, Windows Phone, and Android
access data from a database
be able to determine where it is (e.g., when I cross a state border, when I enter a city, or, generally, when I change locales)
the GUI will be relatively straightforward
After doing a bit of research, I have a few questions:
Should I use a framework (e.g., Rho, Appcelerator, or PhoneGap) or HTML5/CSS3/JS? Or, would I use both of those in combination?
I want to sell the app, so does that preclude building it as a website (i.e., HTML5/CSS3/JS)? In other words, if I build it as a website, doesn't that mean a user won't have to download it and install it like a native mobile app? I like the idea of making it a "native" mobile app vs. a website, although maybe I shouldn't.
Is REST the best way to access my data? My thought is to have a SQL Server database and build a REST service using .NET.
And other tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

If you use a tool such as Appcelerator then you the end product will be native. Appcelerator framework obfuscates the underlying native interfaces for android/iOS. There are a few instances where you'll need to know the differences between the two, for example when to use what Appcelerator class for each device, but in essence, you can write once and deploy to each device. Been using it for a while and is very nice. Appcelerator will give you all the hooks you need to tap into the devices natively.
PhoneGap will just wrap up your app and create a 'web app'. Basically a packaged website. IMO Appcelerator would be the way to go. This is more similar to your second bullet. You'll build the website, you just won't host it on a server. It will be packaged up and deployed to the device. In essence the phone becomes the 'web server' but only in the sense that the device is reading web pages that are local to the device.
As far as data, REST might be the best way to go. the calls would be quick. You may not really need to build your own DB. You might want to look and see if some of the data you are going to use is already out there. Unless you are collecting data. I don't know the details of your app so I'm not sure what help this opinion provides.
Hope this helps.


Need a good book and sample application for doing a cloud-web-mobile app using Grails, Html5/JS and Google app engine [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
After years /decades of using tasks managers: Lotus Notes, Outlook, Palm (that was a good one), etc.. and now using Appigo, after using Toodledo, a friend of mine and me (both programmers) got tired of how far are all those from our personal GTD style and we decided to build one, something that we can customize as much as we can moving forward. We will do it open source open to public.
Appigo and Toodledo a great inspirations from a functional and technological point of view. We like the server on the cloud, the clients on browser and mobile platforms.
We have been thinking this for a while but when we saw Grails and did some of the tutorials, coincidentally on the task manager subject, we said ‘great, we can use this technology to build ours, this sounds cool’. (at least for the web part and the model, the core part).
Following Appigo strategy also, we plan to use Google App Engine for hosting the back-end.
On the mobile side, since we do not have time for hard core objective-c and stuff and we have a decent experience on Javascript frameworks we decided to use the now popular HTML5/Javascript approach and we think we decided for Sencha but any other Framework may be fine (Dojo, jQuery, etc).
Not surprisingly, our mobile and web clients will communicate with the server primarily using REST and we plan to have a server-side MVC (Grails) and a client-side MVC (like Sencha or Dojo propose)
We do not want to bother too much about databases, we love the Grails idea of creating a model-driven objects and storage.
Our project will be open source and hosted on github for anybody to use it.
Ok, here is the actual question:
Do you guys know good books or sample apps or articles that can help us go through this end-to-end. Of course we could go alone, but we will greatly enjoy going through some books, tutorials first to glue of these things together, decide good patterns to use, learn tips, experiences..etc. We do not have experience with Grails. (but a lot of java and javascript web development), of course I can find books about Grails but we want something end to end, with a good sample focusing on practices and patterns.
Basically a book or article that somehow touches part of this topic “good practices and experience building something like a task manager that runs on Google cloud platform, has the server side done with Grails and the browser and mobile clients using robust HTML5 javascript frameworks”.
Can anybody point us into this?
I have done a couple of engines that are build using grails + the google app engine. My experience is that you are going to have to build up the knowledge thought actually doing the work.
It's very easy to start out but once you get about knee deep there are some very interesting problems that can crop up.
Now that being said the main resources that I have found useful are the following:
The link above gives a good java over view. But you will need to be able to distill that down to groovy.
and finally www.google.com
but i found that most of the blogs out there are dated to earlier version of grails. And a lot of the issues they were seeing have been fix in 2.0 or are no longer issues at all.

Should I use KnockoutJS, SilverLight, or both? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I know they both use MVVM. Both are used in web development. But should I consider using both in a web app? Is that redundant? I've seen I can use KnockoutJS with [ASP.NET] MVC. But I don't know if I can use it with Silverlight in that way or any other way for that matter. I'm a bit new to both, so I don't know how to go about it.
Silverlight and HTML/JavaScript/CSS are both client technologies. So you would choose one or the other. Knockout falls into that HTML/JavaScript category.
On the server you can use any web services you want. Microsoft or otherwise. But if you like ASP.NET MVC, you can use the actions it provides ass your web services. Or you can use WCF services for the web services, too. In MVC 4 beta there is even a special controller type made for service calls (the WebAPI).
But the real answer is "it depends". Your selection depends on what you are trying to accomplish, your skills, who will maintain it, etc.
Not everyone uses Windows, besides Silverlight does not work on Android, iOS.
They are used for different purposes. What exactly do you want to do in your project?
BTW, knockout.js is included in ASP.NET MVC 4 projects by default.
If you don't know what is knockout I think you totslly don't need to use it)
Maybe the question is: what to choose between asp,net mvc and silverlight?
It's totally different technologies just using same pattern.
If you need to support large amount of users on different devices including old browseres you'll better to use jquery (knockout) or you planning rich feature app for small group of people (like admin interface) its easier to use silverlight.
And surely the is no problem to use them together

Tiggr vs Application Craft [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
in the last months the development of mobile apps has become more and more a focus of mine. I already created a few apps with PhoneGap and also dived in into mobile frameworks like jQuery Mobile ans Sencha Touch.
In a next step I would like to use a mobile apps builder and I stumbled on Tiggr and Application Craft. There are probably even more.
So I wanted to ask if some people here already have experience with those two or maybe even another app builder and share it with us. As both seem to cover the same area and I am not so interested in learning them all. I would like to know if someone can tell me which is "better".
I know that there has been a big topic about PhoneGap vs Titanium Appcelerator that helped me a lot so I hope I can get some helpful answers about this topic as well.
Thanks for reading,
I have been using Application Craft for about a month (on and off) and so far i'm really impressed. They seem to be putting LOTS of work into it: things have broken only a couple of times, never anything serious. Also, they are building really thorough documentation, etc. they host the apps for free, and they seem to be adding features etc all the time. I would bet that in a year or so they will be huge; quality services on the net tend to grow fast thankfully.
I hadn't heard about Tiggr until now. From what i can see on their site, it looks as though their free service is far inferior to what Application Craft offer. They may be worth a try too?
Hope that helps
I haven't specifically tried Tiggr or ApplicationCraft, but as you've already mentioned there are quite a few different app creation systems out there, all of which work in slightly different ways. Many, for example MobileRoadie or AppBaker, supply a series of pre-built templates that you can customise and plug together in various ways. This is great if their templates support the type of app you want, but there's often no scripting support so if you want something custom you need to pay for their developers to add the features you need, or you should go elsewhere.
If you want complete control over how your app looks and works then you should use a more IDE-like system with built-in scripting support. Things to look out for in such a system would be a good code editor, a way of immediately previewing your app inside the tools, decent documentation, support, and examples. If you're planning a cross-platform app, you'll want a system that can simulate your app running on different phone screen sizes, so you can tune your GUI appropriately.
AppFurnace is a new cloud-based app development platform that provides all of the above (I should point out that I work for AppFurnace, of course).
Tiggr Mobile is a great service! Check out thier tutorials on creating an app that will run on any mobile device at http://blog.gotiggr.com/. They've also received good press and have an impressive gallery of apps that users have created and submitted.
You should probably put NS Basic/App Studio on your list as well. It provides a complete IDE, including a 'drag and drop' interface for adding elements to your forms. The overall feel is something like Visual Studio. You can program in JavaScript or Basic. More info at http://www.nsbasic.com/app.
(disclosure: I work for NS Basic)

Marmalade Mobile App Development - Is Marmalade a Good Choice? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I’ve got some apps on the cards, my target platform of choice is Android, however I’m aware that there are some SDK’s around advertising the ability to write once and deploy to multiple mobile Operating Systems. One such seems to be Marmalade.
This product in particular claims compilation to native code per device to achieve compatibility. What I’d like to know, before i commit to the price tag, or even developing outside the manufacturers intended frameworks – is peoples thoughts on the matter.
Compilation to native code would assumedly have high performance, however I am guessing there’s a tradeoff where you lose easy access to all of the API’s provided by google/apple, etc.
Looking for any other pros/cons and whether or not people who went with something like marmalade hit road blocks, wished they had not made the move.
My apps will not require a 3d engine, which seem to make up the bulk of the sample apps on the marmalade showcase. My apps will however generally want to store quite a lot of relational data & hit web services, so convenient access to sql compact would be nifty.
I work at Marmalade caveat.
The solution that we provide offers high performance because it does not rely on a virtual machine like other cross platform solutions do.
Additionally you can use native APIs directly using our EDK (Extension Developer Kit) that allows you to package up calls to native calls on iOS and Android. So you need not miss out on these.
Take a look at this blog by one of our developers who has taken his game across a whole bunch of platforms with little effort using Marmalade http://www.drmop.com/
For the last comment, we do provide sqlite support through our open source modules.
Look at Cut the Rope or Plants vs Zombies. I doubt that you need more than they need - and they use Marmalade to port games to non-iOS devices.
Regarding sql - you can use sqlite: https://github.com/marmalade/sqlite
The only trade-off is development speed. It's several times faster to write scripts in Unity and use their visual tools but you are also forced to use Unity tools and if you have more than 40K vertices visible per frame game will be slow at iPhone 3GS (10K for 3G and older).
With Marmalade in theory you should know Visual C++ but when you need some things specific to iOS or Android and no one still made library for that you have to take their EDK, native SDK and write libraries by yourself. It's not that hard and you can outsource that if you don't have time to learn new SDK.

Has anyone used PhoneGap? What has your experience been with their service [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm trying to develop a mobile app I've been thinking about for a while. I want to know if anyone has used PhoneGap and what your experience has been with using their service.
PhoneGap is a framework for developing mobile applications using HTML and JavaScript. It is not a "service" per se, though they do have some services available, like support and cloud builds, but I suspect that is not what you mean.
PhoneGap is a fine framework and can definitely get the job done if you need cross-platform support for your applications. But it does have some limitations too. So whether or not it will suit your needs depends on what you mobile application does.
If you application is a graphically intense game with real-time rendering, or heavy communications between peer devices or something, then PhoneGap might not be for you. However if your application does not require any of that and is more about using less intensive features of a phone (Contacts, GeoLocation, Accelerometer, LocalStorage) and your UI can be easily created using HTML and JavaScript, then I would say PhoneGap would be great for you.
Some would say that PhoneGap is fine for simple apps and that for really complex, robust stuff you need to go native. I am hesitant to say it is that simple. PhoneGap is capable of making very complex applications in terms of logic, UI, etc.
Where PhoneGap really shines is its ability to work on multiple platforms. If you need to support multiple platforms (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, etc) and do not have the resources to support multiple native code bases, then PhoneGap and the other cross-platform choices (Adobe AIR, Titanium, etc) are awesome choices.
That is the situation that I am in. I am a lone developer that needs to support 3+ platforms. There is no way that I am going to waste my time doing native development for iOS, Android, Blackberry, etc, when I can get exactly what I need with PhoneGap, AIR or Titanium. I can get what I need in a fraction of the time with MUCH less maintenance using one fo these frameworks.
