MVP: Is it the View or the Presenter that should know of the Model? - winforms

Relatively new to patterns, let me straight away show an example in the context of WinForms.
I have a basic MVP Passive View structure, which one should I go ahead with:
public partial class UserView : Form, IUserView
public event EventHandler Save;
public UserView()
new UserPresenter(new UserModel(), this);
public class UserPresenter
public UserPresenter(IUser model, IUserView view)
view.Save += (sender, e) => model.Save();
public partial class UserView : Form, IUserView
public event EventHandler Save;
public UserView()
new UserPresenter(this);
public class UserPresenter
public UserPresenter(IUserView view)
var model = new UserModel();
//assuming I have the logic to bind property values from View to Model
view.Save += (sender, e) => model.Save();
My questions are:
1) Who should know of the concrete instance of model User, View or Presenter?
2) What will be the benefit in that case?
3) Suppose my Model is never dependent on the View. In that case what's wrong if View knows Model? After all UserView is made to present UserModel isn't it?
4) If Presenter should interact with only interfaces of Model and View, then to call model.Save in Save eventhandler, where do I get the concrete instance of Model from?
There are two duplicate questions here and here, but they aren't exactly dealing with my scenario I guess..

Strictly speaking, you should have the following rules:
Model does not know the View or the Presenter.
View does not know the Model or the Presenter.
Presenter knows both Models and Views, but only through their interfaces.
The Presenter coordinates all communication between the Model and the View, typically by handling events that are raised by the View. So to answer your questions:
1) Who should know of the concrete instance of model User, View or Presenter?
Ideally, neither. The Presenter should be communicating with UserModel through an IUserModel interface. The concrete instance is injected into the Presenter (e.g. through its constructor).
2) What will be the benefit in that case?
The primary benefit is for automated unit testing. You can inject mock Models or Views to test units in isolation.
3) Suppose my Model is never dependent on the View. In that case what's wrong if View knows Model? After all UserView is made to present UserModel isn't it?
There's nothing inherently wrong with it. There are variations of MVP that support direct communication from the View to the Model, typically to take advantage of data binding. You lose some testability in exchange for not having to write the binding code from scratch.
4) If Presenter should interact with only interfaces of Model and View, then to call model.Save in Save eventhandler, where do I get the concrete instance of Model from?
Depedency injection, such as the simplified example shown below.
public class SamplePresenter
public SamplePresenter(ISampleModel model, ISampleView view)
view.Saved += (sender, e) => model.Save();
public interface ISampleModel
void Save();
public interface ISampleView
void Show();
event EventHandler Saved;
public class Program
static void Main()
ISampleModel model = new SampleModel();
ISampleView view = new SampleView();
SamplePresenter presenter = new SamplePresenter(model, view);

What's wrong if view knows model? After all UserView is made
specifically for UserModel isnt it?
Nothing. It's accepted practice in the Supervising Controller variant of the MVP pattern. The view interacts directly with the model for simple operations while more complex operations are marshalled throught the presenter. While in Passive View, everything goes through the presenter.
Additionally, see Jeremy Miller's Build your own CAB series to get a better idea on the differences between the two approaches: Supervising Controller and Passive View.

The Presenter should know about the Model, the View should not. A presententation layer is a good idea in many user interface applications. A presentation layer is simply an adapter. It presents an interface that's easy for a user interface layer to use (i.e., it presents lots of events, bindable properties, and so on) while obscuring the underlying data layer. This makes the data layer easier to re-use.
So why can't the view just talk to the model directly? It certainly can. The problem is that there is usually an impedence mismatch between the model and the view. In other words, the programming interface that's natural for the view to use does not match the interface that's natural for the model to expose. If you adapt the model to suit the view's needs, then you end up creating a strong coupling between the model and the particular type of interface you're using.
For example, your app might be a GUI app today, but what if tomorrow you're asked to produce a version for the cloud? The events and bindable properties that are helpful for Winforms will just get in the way when you try to switch to WCF Rest. If you use a presentation layer, then adapting your code to the new environment will be much easier.

If it's not too much for your introduction to presentation patterns, I'd urge you to take a look at the Presenter-first variant of MVP.
In this variant, and providing an answer to your question, the presenter knows both the model and view but only via interfaces. Neither the view, nor the model know of each other. The presenter co-ordinates each via events and methods.
Class Presenter {
private IModel model;
private IView view;
void Presenter(IModel model, IView view) {
_model = model;
_view = view;
void Initialise() {
// Attach handler to event view will raise on save
_view.OnSave += HandleViewSave();
void HandleViewSave(){
Very basic example but illustrates the point. The presenter is merely a conduit for communication between the view and model.
Creating the presenter can be done with Poor Man's DI or a proper container:
Presenter p = new Presenter(new CustomerModel(), new CustomerForm());
Note that AtomicObject recommend no reference to presenter, so it actually looks like this:
new Presenter(existingCustomerModel, existingCustomerForm);
The fact that the model and view have scope means the presenter also stays in scope via its references... clever.


How can I trigger some code to run in the view from the view model?

What is the best way for the view model to "ask" the view to do something, (e.g. manipulate on of the controls)? I don't think that the view model sending events violates MVVM as after all the INotifyPropertyChanged interface is an example of view models sending events to views.
I realize that having code behind in the view is not considered ideal from a MVVM perspective, so I could use an attached behavior to manipulate a particular control for example but the problem remains - how do I ask the attached behavior to do something from my view model?
I could have Boolean dependency property on my view with property changed event handler which runs the code I need to run. I could then bind this property to a property on my view model and then toggle the value of this property whenever I want to trigger the code to run. However this seems like a hack.
I could have an event on the view model and then explicitly attach this event to an event handler in the view in code but this seems anti MVVM - I should be able to achieve the connection using binding.
This must be a fairly common scenario, are there any standard solutions?
You could for example use an event aggregator or a messenger to send an event or message from the view model that the view handles in a loosely coupled way. Both the view and the view model know only about the event aggregator but they don't know anything about each other. Please refer to this blog post for more information about the concept.
Another common approach is to implement an interface in the view and inject the view model with this interface, e.g.:
public interface IDoSomething
void DoSomething();
public partial class Window1 : Window, IDoSomething
public Window1()
DataContext = new ViewModel(this);
public void DoSomething()
//do something...
public class ViewModel
public ViewModel(IDoSomething doSomething)
This doesn't break the MVVM pattern as the view model knows about and is dependant only on an interface.

Communication between winforms in mvp pattern

I'm dealing with a big problem for developing my app. It's a Winforms base application on C# implementing the Model-View-Presenter pattern, but I am new to this method. I've searched everywhere and haven't found an answer to my issue.
I need to know how I can use this pattern to allow communication between winforms, and how the presenter must show them without coupling the presenter to the form. I've seen a way using Factory pattern, but don't understand how to implement it.
Any help or point in the right direction would be appreciated.
The Presenter is responsible for coordination between the View and Model (if following the Passive View implementation).
This could look like:
A View instantiating the Presenter and injecting itself into the Presenter:
IPresenter presenter;
public View() { presenter = new Presenter(this) }
A Presenter instantiating one or more views and injecting itself into the view(s):
IView1 view1;
public Presenter() { view1 = new View1(this) }
IView1 view1;
IView2 view2;
public Presenter() { view1 = new View1(this); view2 = new View2(this); }
In your case, a Presenter coordinating multiple views might look something like this (pseudo):
public class Presenter : IPresenter
IView1 view1;
IView2 view2;
public Presenter()
view1 = new View1(this);
view2 = new View2(this);
private WireViewEvents()
view1.OnButtonClick += HandleButtonClickFromView1;
public void HandleButtonClickFromView1()
In this example, an event raised by View1 is handled by the Presenter, data is set in View2, and View2 is shown.
Keep in mind that no matter what your implementation is, the goals of MVP are:
Separation of concerns (UI seperate from domain logic).
Increasing testability.
Keep that this is just a basic example of how a Presenter might coordinate multiple views. If you want to abstract your View creation from the presenter you might move the creation into another container that the Presenter calls in to to create Views and subscribe to their events.
In MVP ,winforms should not communicate with each other.
Form A knows its Presenter A,
Form B knows its presenter B
Usually , you will modify model with form A through Prensenter A. Presenter B will listen to model changes,and will refresh Form B accordingly
If you need more coordination, you may consider using an Application Controller
I am just showing a dummy code in which 2 views are trying to communicate to each other through Presenter using interfaces. It is a simple example and let mw know if something is breaking. I have not tested this code to be honest.
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
internal class View1 : IView1
public View1()
new Presenter(this);
public string Username { get; set; }
public event EventHandler ShowDetails;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
internal class View2 : IView2
public View2()
new Presenter(this);
public string Position { get; set; }
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public class Presenter
private readonly IView1 _view1;
private readonly IView2 _view2;
public Presenter(IView1 view1)
_view1 = view1;
_view1.ShowDetails += ShowDetails;
private void ShowDetails(object sender, EventArgs e)
_view2.Position = _view1.Username == "My Name" ? "Arhchitect" : "Project Manager";
public Presenter(IView2 view2)
_view2 = view2;
public interface IView1
string Username { get; set; }
event EventHandler ShowDetails;
public interface IView2
string Position { get; set; }
But after this example some notes. To start with your application try to decide first weather you want to go with 1 View interface or 2. There may be chances and even ease if you can use a single interface.
I think the points made earlier about the model raising events to make a presenter aware of changes is correct. I do have a couple comments I hope will be useful.
First, the View implementation might not be a single form. Sometimes, it makes sense for part of the model to be maintained by a separate (probably modal) form that really acts like a complex control in the View. In that case, the interaction between the forms would be direct. The Presenter should not care how the View implementation is done.
Second, when it looks like forms need to interact that are not clearly part of the same view (a lookup form, for example) I would recommand using the Application Controller pattern. In this case, when Form A needs to perform a function (like, "Find Product" or "Edit Details") it will call a method on it's own Presenter to do that. The Presenter then calls a separate method on the Application Controller (which all Presenters reference, it's a singleton) and the Application Controller opens the requried form which has its own Presenter. In WinForms, this could all be done with a modal form, in which case the results are sent back through the call chain. Alternatively, some event raising between the Application Controller and Presenters would be needed - i.e. the Presenter raises events on the Application Controller about what it has done and other Presenters substribing to that event are thus notified.
More on the Application Controller pattern in MVP can be found on my blog post Using the MVP Pattern

In MVVM Controller doesn't exist physically ? Doesn't this violate the Separation of Concerns Principle?

I can't see it
How do you want to separate concerns then if controller is mixed with view-model ? controller is not reduced to just databinding there is also commands.
I mean if MVVM also has the responsability of a controller then this design violates the principle of Separation of concerns. Maintaining state of the view and orchestrating logics of View and Model are clearly 2 big tasks that should be separate and that's the reason behind C of MVC
So what if I want to have a separate controller: how hard it would be as WPF and silverlight makes GUI load first without allowing invisible class to load first like controller and then manage the view and model ?
Aren't you looking at this in with respect to the MVC pattern rather than looking at this in a separation of concerns angle? The way I see it, your question compares MVVM to MVC.
There are different approaches to MVVM: View-First, ViewModel first and Marriage type. I marriage type you can have another class that marriages these the View and the ViewModel. The said class loads first before anything, instanciates View and ViewModel then marriages both.
public class SomeScreen : ScreenBase, IScreen
public IViewModel ViewModel
get { return this.GetPropertyValue(ApplicationProperties.ViewModel); }
set {
this.SetPropertyValue(ApplicationProperties.ViewModel, value);
#region Constructor
public MainScreen()
#region Methods
public override IView GetViewToDisplay()
IView view = new MainView();
//Or maybe have a mechanism here based on settings which view to pair up with this.
view.ViewModel = this.ViewModel;
this.ViewModel.View = view;
return view;
With this example, there would be a total separation between them and no dependencies because of the interfaces and you can add a whole lot of functionalities to the screen/controller too.

How can I keep separation of concerns when using a grid in the presentation layer (esp. .NET)?

In a three-tier model (presentation-business-data access layers), I can consistently keep my lower layers agnostic of the upper layers. For example my data access layer never knows how it is presented or what busines rules are operated on it. My business rules are agnostic of how they're presented.
But I must pray to Demeter for forgiveness or at least ask fellow Stackoverflow members for advice on one thing: How do you present a "Table" to the user without referencing the Data Access object in the Presentation Layer? Time and again, I find myself referencing a ADO.NET DataTable in a GridView object. Currently I'm using third-party tools in both layers. The Table is from OpenLink's OpenComponents Table object; the grid is an Infragistics UltraGrid (Windows platform). Yet I'm guilty of the same infraction.
I am most especially interested in how this may be done with WinForm 3.5 .NET. Note my comments below: I believe the link in the comment is what I should have done, but I was hoping that I wouldn't have to get too fancy with domain objects. I don't want to be accused of over-designing. Is this a good balance?
Instead of using a datatype that represents a table, I'd use a Data Transfer Object. This would be an object that represents the logical structure of the data. It would contain nothing but data.
In this case, I'd define a DTO for my "data row" type, and then use a List<RowDTO> as the type I'd pass to the grid.
I'm not sure how other stackoverflow members would do it, but WPF, ASP MVC, Silverlight, what you would do is use the MVVM design pattern. I'm afraid I don't have any good links for you at the moment.
In MVVM, the key idea is that your View accesses data in the ViewModel. The ViewModel presents data to the View by exposing properties. In WPF and Silverlight, you use binding to access the data and use data templates to express the exact details of how to express it. Usually you will expose a collection with an ObservableCollection. In ASP MVC, you would context switch and access the model that way.
<body> <h1><% Model.MyHeaderMessage %></h1>
I would say that what you should do is in your ViewModel (similar to a controller) hit the server / service for data, and return the recordset. Repackage the data in simple data classes, and put them in a ObservableCollection expose this to the view via a property that returns ObservableCollection. If you are doing ASP MVC, expose the data via a property that returns an IEnumerable.
A very common pattern for this is the Model View Presenter pattern (MVP).
The key here is to define an interface which will represent your View. For instance, your view could have a property.
And a presenter that should be responsible for communication between the view and model.
So a view would be something like this:
internal interface IListClientsView
public string Title { set; }
public IList<Client> Clients { set; }
And the implementation in a web form would be this:
public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page, IListClientsView
ListClientsPresenter presenter;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
presenter = new ListClientsPresenter(this);
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
public IList<Client> Clients
set { GrvClients.DataSource = value;
Of course, this could also be a WinForm. The key is just make the WinForm inplement the IxxxView interface and call the related presenter. The presenter would look like this:
public class ListClientsPresenter
IListClientsView View;
public ListClientsPresenter(IListClientsView view)
this.View = view;
public void LoadView()
View.Title = "List of Clients";
View.Clients = new List<Client> {
new Client {Name = "Client 1"},
new Client {Name = "Client 2"}
This is a very simple example, you should check this article:

MVVM CollectionViews in WPF Application Framework (WAF)

In short my question is: How do you prefer to expose filtered/sorted/grouped ObservableCollections to Views in WAF?
I was fairly happy with my first attempt which involved filtering on the VM and exposing an ICollectionView of Model objects for the View to bind to:
public StartDetailViewModel(IStartDetailView view, StartPoint start, Scenario scenario)
: base(view)
this.scenario = scenario;
this.start = start;
this.startsViewSource = new CollectionViewSource();
this.startsViewSource.Filter += new FilterEventHandler(Starts_Filter);
this.startsViewSource.Source = scenario.Starts;
public ICollectionView FilteredStarts
return startsViewSource.View;
void Starts_Filter(object sender, FilterEventArgs e)
if (e.Item != null)
e.Accepted = (((StartPoint)e.Item).Date == this.start);
However, exposing the Model objects directly is insufficient since each item now needs its own ViewModel.
So, CollectionViewSource.Source is now attached to a collection of Views. The main problem with this is when applying filters:
void Starts_Filter(object sender, FilterEventArgs e)
//Since e.Item is now a view we are forced to ask the View for the ViewModel:
StartItemViewModel vm = ((IStartItemView)e.Item).GetViewModel<StartItemViewModel>();
This feels wrong to me. Are there better approaches?
So I reverted to a CollectionViewSource.Source of Model objects and maintained a seperate collection of child View objects to which the View was bound.
The question then of course is why am I using CollectionViewSource in a ViewModel at all?
I think the following prinicple applies: If the filtering/sorting functionality is a property of the View only (i.e. an alternate view might legitimately not provide such functionality) then CollectionViews should be used in the View (with code-behind as necessary). If the filtering/sorting functionality is a dimension of the Model then this can be dealt with in the ViewModel or Model by other means.
This makes sense once you realise that code-behind in MVVM views is perfectly acceptable.
Any comments?
I think the real benefit of CollectionView lies in when you are in need of reporting information as you step through collectionview items one by one. In this way you are able to utilize the CurrentPosition property and MoveCurrentToNext (/etc.) methods which may be desireable. I particularly like the idea of being able to report PropertyChanged notifications in MVVM when item properties in the collection changed/items are added/removed/changed.
I think it just makes a bit more sense to use in controls that require more complex notifications (such as datagrid, where you may want to raise PropertyChanged events and save to your datastore each time the selectionchanges or a new item is addd to the control).
I hope that makes sense. That is just what I am putting together as a beginner.
Also, I really don't think anything should go in the code-behind of a view except a datacontext and the shared data you may be feeding it from a viewmodel.
