Wrong number produced when memcpy-ing data into an integer? - c

I have a char buffer like this
char *buff = "aaaa0006france";
I want to extract the bytes 4 to 7 and store it in an int.
int i;
memcpy(&i, buff+4, 4);
printf("%d ", i);
But it prints junk values.
What is wrong with this?

The string
does not have the same binary representation as the integer 6. Instead, its bit representation is as four ASCII characters representing the glyph 0, the glyph 0, the glyph 0, then the glyph 6. This has hex representation
If you try blindly reinterpreting these bits as a number on a little-endian system, you get back 808,464,438. On a big-endian system, you'd get 909,127,728.
If you want to convert a substring of your string into a number, you will need to instead look for a function that converts a string of text into a number. You might want to try something like this:
char digits[5];
/* Copy over the digits in question. */
memcpy(digits, buff + 4, 4);
digits[4] = '\0'; /* Make sure it's null-terminated! */
/* Convert the string to a number. */
int i = strtol(digits + 4, NULL, 10);
This uses the strtol function, which converts a text string into a number, to explicitly convert the text to an integer.
Hope this helps!

Here you need to note down two things
How the characters are stored
Endianess of the system
Each characters (Alphabhets, numbers or special characters) are stored as 7 bit ASCII values. While doing memcpy of the string(array of characters) "0006" to a 4bytes int variable, we have to give address of string as source and address of int as destination like below.
char a[] = "0006";
int b = 0, c = 6;
memcpy(&b, a, 4);
Values of a and b are stored as below.
a 00110110 00110000 00110000 00110000
b 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000110
Because ASCII value of 0 character is 48 and 6 character is 54. Now memcpy will try to copy whatever value present in the a to b. After memcpy value of b will be as below
a 00110110 00110000 00110000 00110000
b 00110110 00110000 00110000 00110000
c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000110
Next is endianess. Now consider we are keeping the value 0006 to the character buffer in some other way like a[0] = 0; a[1] = 0; a[2]=0; a[3] = 6; now if we do memcpy, we will the get the value as 100663296(0x6000000) not 6 if it is little endian machine. In big endian machine you will get the value as 6 only.
c 00000110 00000000 00000000 00000000
b 00000110 00000000 00000000 00000000
c 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000110
So these two problems we need to consider while writing a function which converts number charters to integer value. Simple solution for these problem is to make use of existing system api atoi.

the below code might help you...
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char *buff = "aaaa0006france";
char digits[5];
memcpy(digits, buff + 4, 4);
digits[4] = '\0';
int a = atoi(digits);
printf("int : %d", a);
return 0;


why scanf can change other variable which is not argument?

Here is code
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
unsigned char mem[32];
int i,j;
unsigned char a[8];
for(j = 0;j<8;j++){
mem[i] <<=1;
mem[i] |= a[j] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
Input is a number in binary representation. I want to read them and store them into unsigned char array. When i equals 0, mem[0] = 0x3E. But when i equals 1, mem[0] will change to 0x0 as soon as scanf execute. And other inputs is fine. I have no idea about it. Input as follow
You are invoking undefined behavior by having scanf() write out-of-bounds of the array a.
8-character strings like 00111110 will occupy 9 bytes of the memory including the terminating null-character, so you have to allocate enough buffer.
Also you should limit the number of characters to read to prevent buffer overrun.
Another point is that you should check if scanf() succeeded to read what is expected.
There also is another undefined behavior: you used values of mem[i], which is uninitialized non-static local variable. Such values are indeterminate and mustn't be used in calculations.
In conclusion, the part
unsigned char a[8];
should be
char a[9];
if (scanf("%8s",a) != 1) {
fputs("read error\n", stderr);
return 1;
mem[i] = 0;
Also note that I used char instead of unsigned char because %s format specifier expects char* and there aren't seem any code that should require unsigned char instead of char.
a is too short it has to be char a[9] to accommodate null terminating character. Also use scanf("%8s",a);

getting values of void pointer while only knowing the size of each element

ill start by saying ive seen a bunch of posts with similar titles but non focus on my question
ive been tasked to make a function that receives a void* arr, unsigned int sizeofArray and unsigned int sizeofElement
i managed to iterate through the array with no problem, however when i try to print out the values or do anything with them i seem to get garbage unless i specify the type of them beforehand
this is my function:
void MemoryContent(void* arr, unsigned int sizeRe, unsigned int sizeUnit)
int sizeArr = sizeRe/sizeUnit;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeArr ; i++)
printf("%d\n",arr); // this one prints garbage
printf("%d\n",*(int*)arr); // this one prints expected values given the array is of int*
arr = arr + sizeUnit;
the output of this with the following array(int arr[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, -1};) is:
-13296 1
-13292 2
-13288 4
-13284 8
-13280 16
-13276 32
-13272 -1
i realize i have to specify somehow the type. while the printf wont actually be used as i need the binary representation of whatever value is in there (already taken care of in a different function) im still not sure how to get the actual value without casting while knowing the size of the element
any explanation would be highly appreciated!
note: the compiler used is gcc so pointer arithmetics are allowed as used
edit for clarification:
the output after formating and all that should look like this for the given array of previous example
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 0x00000001
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010 0x00000002
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 0x00000004
00000000 00000000 00000000 00001000 0x00000008
00000000 00000000 00000000 00010000 0x00000010
00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 0x00000020
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 0xFFFFFFFF
getting values of void pointer getting values of void pointer while only knowing the size of each element
Not possible getting values of void pointer while only knowing the size of each element.
Say the size is 4. Is the element an int32_t, uint32_t, float, bool, some struct, or enum, a pointer, etc? Are any of the bits padding? The proper interpretation of the bits requires more than only knowing the size.
Code could print out the bits at void *ptr and leave the interpretation to the user.
unsigned char bytes[sizeUnit];
memcpy(bytes, ptr, sizeUnit);
for (size_t i = 0; i<sizeof bytes; i++) {
printf(" %02X", bytes[i]);
Simplifications exist.
OP's code void* arr, ... arr = arr + sizeUnit; is not portable code as adding to a void * is not defined by the C standard. Some compilers do allow it though, akin to as if the pointer was a char pointer.

Polynomial Hashing vs Cyclic Polynomial shifting for strings

I am using this function for cyclic shift:
int hashcyclic(char *p, int len)
unsigned int h = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
h = (h << 5) | (h >> 27);
h += (unsigned int)p[i];
return h%TABLESIZE;
On a text file with around 20K lines (one word/line) total amount of collisions is 45187. On a text file with 40K+ lines (again, one word/line) there are 12922252 (!) collisions with the same algorithm.
With polynomial hashing:
int hashpoly(char *K)
int h = 0, a = 33;
for (; *K != '\0'; K++)
h = (a * h + *K) % TABLESIZE;
return h;
Now I'm getting around 25K collisions on the 20K word file and 901K collisions on the 40K word file(almost 12 times less than the cyclic shift).
My question is, does this make sense or is one of my implementations messed up? I was expecting cyclic to be the fastest for my strings (the 40K word file is a series of 8 letter words seperated by newline) but polynomial faces significantly less collisions.
int HashInsertPoly(Table T, KeyType K, InfoType I)
int i;
int ProbeDecrement;
i = hashpoly(K);
ProbeDecrement = p(K);
while (T[i].Key[0] != EmptyKey)
i -= ProbeDecrement;
if (i < 0)
strcpy(T[i].Key, K);
/*T[i].Info = I;*/
return i;
The same HashInsert function applies to the hash with cyclic shift, except now I call hashcyclic instead of hashpoly
My hunch is that the variation in plain text words isn't high, and so the cyclic hash isn't chaotic enough.
Let's look at two strings "cat" and "dog".
c 01100011
a 01100001
t 01110100
h starts at
00000000 00000000 00000000 01100011 (c)
and is then cycled to
00000000 00000000 00001100 01100000
then we add `a` to get
00000000 00000000 00001100 01100000
+ 01100001
= 00000000 00000000 00001100 11000001
which is then cycled to
00000000 00000001 10011000 00100000
then we add `t` to get
00000000 00000001 10011000 00100000
+ 01110100
= 00000000 00000001 10011000 10010100
we then return this number mod 41893 for 20810
Similarly, for dog
d 01100100
o 01101111
g 01100111
00000000 00000000 00000000 01100100 (d)
cycled and added o:
00000000 00000000 00001100 11101111
cycled and added t:
00000000 00000001 10011110 01000111
ends up at 22269
Because the ASCII range is small, and the cycle algorithm uses the entire space of the unsigned int, it takes long strings to really push the hash into a completely different space. Especially the last character, which really dominates the final modulus operation.
Another way of looking at it: there's very little interaction with a 7-bit ASCII character and the previous 7-bit ASCII character after you shift 5 of those bits away and replace them with 0s, especially for shorter words.
Since the polynomial hash only uses the table size, it's chaotic "faster", even for smaller strings. It doesn't have to fill a whole int before it starts being really chaotic. A single ASCII character is much larger the table size.
That's my guess, anyway. I'd confirm this by checking to see which strings collide. My guess is strings of similar length are colliding the most with the cycle algorithm.

How to interpret *( (char*)&a )

I see a way to know the endianness of the platform is this program but I don't understand it
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int a = 1;
if( *( (char*)&a ) == 1) printf("Little Endian\n");
else printf("Big Endian\n");
return 0;
What does the test do?
An int is almost always larger than a byte and often tracks the word size of the architecture. For example, a 32-bit architecture will likely have 32-bit ints. So given typical 32 bit ints, the layout of the 4 bytes might be:
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
or with the least significant byte first:
00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
A char* is one byte, so if we cast this address to a char* we'll get the first byte above, either
So by examining the first byte, we can determine the endianness of the architecture.
This would only work on platforms where sizeof(int) > 1. As an example, we'll assume it's 2, and that a char is 8 bits.
Basically, with little-endian, the number 1 as a 16-bit integer looks like this:
00000001 00000000
But with big-endian, it's:
00000000 00000001
So first the code sets a = 1, and then this:
*( (char*)&a ) == 1)
takes the address of a, treats it as a pointer to a char, and dereferences it. So:
If a contains a little-endian integer, you're going to get the 00000001 section, which is 1 when interpeted as a char
If a contains a big-endian integer, you're going to get 00000000 instead. The check for == 1 will fail, and the code will assume the platform is big-endian.
You could improve this code by using int16_t and int8_t instead of int and char. Or better yet, just check if htons(1) != 1.
You can look at an integer as a array of 4 bytes (on most platforms). A little endian integer will have the values 01 00 00 00 and a big endian 00 00 00 01.
By doing &a you get the address of the first element of that array.
The expression (char*)&a casts it to the address of a single byte.
And finally *( (char*)&a ) gets the value contained by that address.
take the address of a
cast it to char*
dereference this char*, this will give you the first byte of the int
check its value - if it's 1, then it's little endian. Otherwise - big.
Assume sizeof(int) == 4, then:
|........||........||........||........| <- 4bytes, 8 bits each for the int a
| byte#1 || byte#2 || byte#3 || byte#4 |
When step 1, 2 and 3 are executed, *( (char*)&a ) will give you the first byte, | byte#1 |.
Then, by checking the value of byte#1 you can understand if it's big or little endian.
The program just reinterprets the space taken up by an int as an array of chars and assumes that 1 as an int will be stored as a series of bytes, the lowest order of which will be a byte of value 1, the rest being 0.
So if the lowest order byte occurs first, then the platform is little endian, else its big endian.
These assumptions may not work on every single platform in existance.
a = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
^ ^
| |
&a if big endian &a if little endian
00000000 00000001
^ ^
| |
(char*)&a for BE (char*)&a for LE
*(char*)&a = 0 for BE *(char*)&a = 1 for LE
Here's how it breaks down:
a -- given the variable a
&a -- take its address; type of the expression is int *
(char *)&a -- cast the pointer expression from type int * to type char *
*((char *)&a) -- dereference the pointer expression
*((char *)&a) == 1 -- and compare it to 1
Basically, the cast (char *)&a converts the type of the expression &a from a pointer to int to a pointer to char; when we apply the dereference operator to the result, it gives us the value stored in the first byte of a.
*( (char*)&a )
In BigEndian data for int i=1 (size 4 byte) will arrange in memory as:- (From lower address to higher address).
00000000 -->Address 0x100
00000000 -->Address 0x101
00000000 -->Address 0x102
00000001 -->Address 0x103
While LittleEndian is:-
00000001 -->Address 0x100
00000000 -->Address 0x101
00000000 -->Address 0x102
00000000 -->Address 0x103
Analyzing the above cast:-
Also &a= 0x100 and thus
*((char*)0x100) implies consider by taking one byte(since 4 bytes loaded for int) a time so the data at 0x100 will be refered.
*( (char*)&a ) == 1 => (*0x100 ==1) that is 1==1 and so true,implying its little endian.

Binary representation of an unsigned long long

I am trying to get the binary form of an unsigned long long and store each bit of it in an array.
I have an input file like this:
0000000000000000 0000000000000000
3000000000000000 1000000000000001
where each entry is a 64-bit integer represented in hex. I am using an unsigned long long to hold this value then iterating over the bits and attempting to store them in an array, but some of the arrays have bits in the wrong position.
Here is what I have:
char key_in[17];
char plaintext_in[17];
//64-bit long variables to hold the 64-bit hex values in the input file
unsigned long long key, plaintext;
//I read an entry from the file with fscanf
fscanf(infile,"%s %s",&key_in, &plaintext_in)
//convert the numbers from hex to unsigned long long with strtoull
key = strtoull(key_in, NULL, 16);
plaintext = strtoull(plaintext_in, NULL, 16);
//initialize arrays with 64 positions that will hold the
//binary representation of the key and plaintext
int key_arr[64];
int pt_arr[64];
//fill the arrays with the binary representations
//of the plaintext and the key
int64_to_bin_array(key, key_arr, 64);
int64_to_bin_array(plaintext, pt_arr, 64);
//print both arrays
printArray(key_arr, 64);
printArray(pt_arr, 64);
here are the functions I created int64_to_bin_array and printArray:
/* Converts from an unsigned long long into an array of
integers that form the binary representation of a */
void int64_to_bin_array(unsigned long long a, int *b, int length)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
*(b+i) = (a >> i) & 1; //store the ith bit in b[i]
/* prints a one-dimensional array given
a pointer to it, and its length */
void printArray(int *arr, int length)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
printf("%d ", *(arr + i));
When I print the array for the third input however, I receive an incorrect result:
input (in hex):
1. 3000000000000000 2. 1000000000000001
output (in binary):
1 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001100
2 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001000
Can anyone see where I have made a mistake?
I get the correct output after both reading and printing in reverse, but my problem is I need the array to have its most significant byte first so I can manipulate it. Any ideas how that can be done? Would I have to reassign it to a new array and copy the elements in reverse?
Try reading it the other way around. Let's take the last octet:
00001100 = 0x0C
00110000 = 0x30 <---
That corresponds yo your first first octet, 0x30.
For the second number:
00001000 = 0x08
00010000 = 0x10 <---
That corresponds to your first first octet, 0x10.
You'll probably get what you expect if you print it like this:
for(i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
