How to specify -log parameter in cleartool update command - clearcase

I am trying to automate updating my clearcase view and build the code in a bat file. I want to run the update command and then check the log to verify its success. For this I want to save the update log in a specified location rather than its default location
Now, cleartool allows you to specify your own log file within the cleartool console
cleartool>update -log pname
but when i use the same as a single command, it doesnt work
D:> cleartool -log pname --------- THIS DOESNT WORK
any ideas?

you need to do (from cleartool update man page):
cleartool update -log pname /path/to/root/view/directory
A cleartool update outside a view won't work.
A cleartool update with the path of a root view directory will work.
If you specify that root directory, then you can execute the cleartool update command from any path, including D:\.
pname ...
If you do not specify –add_loadrules, this argument specifies the files and directories to update.
All specified directories, including the root directory of the snapshot view, are updated recursively.


Clear tool command (Clear case) for getting the versions of the files in the directory

In the clear case, I want versions of the file in the particular directory with complete file path. By right click on the file and after that going for properties in the file it is possible to take, but in case in the directory 100 files are there, so it will become very huge task. I want to know the clear tool command , which i can execute from the command prompt and after that I can redirect output to some text file
Example of path I am using:
M:\My_Project\Verif_Folder\TP\Functional_TP\ETP\ here
Check the command cleartool find, combined with a cleartool describe and fmt_ccase option:
cd M:\Myproject\...\here
cleartool find . -type f -exec "cleartool describe \"%CLEARCASE_XPN%\" -fmt \"%Xn\""
%Xn: Extended name: Same as default
%n output, but for checked-out versions, append the extension ##\branch-pathname\CHECKEDOUT
The result will be the path of the file, its name, and its extended path including its current selected version.

How to delete a view tag with special characters in ClearCase

I have a view, for some reason, it was named with a special character: "0x7f", at least I think so..
For example:
MyView123456 -> MyView'0x7f'123456
I can only found this view by
ct lsview #list all views.
And I found this "0x7f" when dump the outputs to a file.
And using vim.
Now I'm trying to delete this view totally.
I can unregistered and delete the view itself by -uuid.
But I cannot delete the view tag.
And I also found wildcard '*' seems not working.
Does anyone know how to delete this view tag?
P.s. I'm under Linux, and no GUI.
Try first if dome of the workaround described in "Removing ClearCase objects whose name begins with a hyphen", when using cleartool rmtag:
cleartool rmtag -- MyView*
Note the use of '--' in order to separate the command from its parameters
The wildcard being expanded by your shell, try and use it instead in the cleartool interractive session:
> rmtag -- MyView*
In Linux shell, see if a single quote is enough:
cleartool rmtag -- MyView'0x7f'123456
# or
cleartool rmtag -- 'MyView0x7f123456'
I was able to create and remove a view with binary data in the tag using Perl. You have to use the OCTAL value of 177 in the strings.
I created my view using this command line:
perl -e '`cleartool mkview -tag myview\177tag /net/bullwinkle/export/vobstg/binarytag.vws`'
And I successfully removed that view tag using this command line:
perl -e '`cleartool rmview -tag myview\177tag`'
If the view was unique enough, you could also use (on Unix) or at least try:
cleartool rmview -tag `cleartool lsview 'myview*123456'`
There is another mechanism, if all else fails: you can edit the vob_tag registry file. This would require an outage as the registry file is loaded into the registry server's memory on clearcase startup and only re/written after that point.
The process is:
Stop ClearCase on the registry server
CD to /var/adm/rational/clearcase/rgy (Unix) or {CC Install dir}\var\rgy (Windows)
Back up the vob_tag file.
load the vob_tag file in an editor. (vi/gedit on unix, but I'd use notepad++ on windows)
locate the problem view tag (you may need to search on the global path or some other component of the name).
Make note of the path to the view.
Delete the line.
Start ClearCase on the registry server
unregister the view or retag it with an easier-to-access tag.

Cleartool removing a checkedout file from a folder with rmname

How can I use cleartool rmname to remove a file, that is checkedout by some one else, from a folder? Is this possible?
The command-line cleartool rname -force is only necessary when the file is checked out in another branch.
That allows to bypass the error message: 'file' has checkouts
In that case, you need to check out the parent directory first, rmname, and then don't forget to check in the parent directory, or your file will still be visible by others.
See more at the technote "About cleartool rmname and checkouts"
There is a -force option available for cleartool rmname from command line that will allow the command execution to work even while there are checkouts.
This option forces the removal of the name from the directory when there is at least one checkout of the element, but it does not actually cancel any checkouts of the element.

Delete file from ClearCase checked out on another branch

I am trying to delete a file in ClearCase. When I attempt to delete it I get a message that the element has checkouts. When I do a version tree on the file I see that the file is checked out by another user, in another view, on a different branch.
How do I delete this file? In addition why doesn't ClearCase let me delete this file?
You can delete it through the command line and cleartool, by forcing its delete (option which isn't available with the GUI)
cleartool rmname -force theFile
Don't forget to checkout the parent directory first, then to checkin that same parent directory, in order for everyone to see that you have dereferenced that file within said directory.
See cleartool rmname:
Forces the removal of the name when there is at least one checkout of the element.
When used with –nco, suppresses the prompt for confirmation.
That will work even when you had this before:
, as explained in the technote "About cleartool rmname and checkouts".

ClearCase - file system path to element path

Given a file system path such as "D:\pkirkham_view\VOB\Folder" or "U:\VOB\Folder\", is there a mechanism to get the path which would work in the config-spec to to load that folder "/VOB/Folder/" ?
Either CAL or cleartool commands would be fine. This is to run on client machines with ClearCase LT installed.
(I haven't found anything usable in CCElement.get_PathInView() or the various cleartool ls commands I've tried)
There is no native command, but the only load rule you need is based on a vob name.
So you need a script able to:
1/ remove everything including the name of the view
(which you can obtain with a '<aPathTo>\VOB\Folder\;cleartool cleartool lsview -s -cview)
D:\pkirkham_view\VOB\Folder => \VOB\Folder
U:\VOB\Folder\ => \VOB\Folder
2/ Build your load rule accordingly:
load \VOB\Folder
3/ Append that load rule to your config spec (if you are already within the view):
cleartool catcs > aConfisgpec.txt
echo "load \VOB\Folder" >> aConfisgpec.txt
cleartool setcs aConfisgpec.txt
The OP comments:
So, if I create a snapshot view whose tag name is 'pkirkham_testing_view' on path 'D:\thursday', how is that a substring extract?
That is a good point, since one can name the root directory with any name.
I would recommend naming that directory with the tag of the view.
But that is not the case, you need to determine the root directory of a snapshot view:
start in 'D:\whatever\path\VOB\Folder',
try a cleartool lsview -cview:
if it respond correctly, cd .., and repeat 2.
When it exit with an error, remove the substring of that directory from the initial path. What remains will be your load rule.
