Tdbf/tdataset sorting multiple fields in delphi - database

I have a delphi application that uses tdbf which is based on tdataset with the advantage of not requiring bde engine. I needed the table to be sorted and I did this one a single field by adding an indexdef and then specifying the indexfieldnames.
I am trying to now get it to sort on 2 fields ie group men together and then women together and then have each group sorted on salary so that we see females from lowest earner to highest earner followed by men in the same way.
I have read every piece of material stating that you simply specify sortfield of the indexdef as 'gender+salary'. When I try use the index I get told that '+' is not a valid fieldname. I have tried every delimeter from '.'. ','. '&' and ';'. Every delimeter gets picked up as a field that doesn't exist. What is the correct way to sort a table on multiple fields?
Thanks in advance
Clinton Brits

xBASE (dBASE and it's derivatives) requires that fields in an index all be converted to the same data type, typically strings. To do that typically requires some common functions:
DTOS() - Converts an xBASE date to the format CCYYMMDD as a string
STR() - Converts a numeric to a string, with an optional width specifier (default 10) and number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Specifically, the syntax is specified as STR(<numeric> [, <width> [, <decimaldigits>] ]).
SUBSTR() - Extracts a portion of a string from another, with a specified starting position and number of characters
IIF() - Immediate IF, used to convert logicals (eg., IIF(Married = .T., 'Y', 'N')
Index expressions are indeed combined with the + operator. The error you're receiving is probably because you haven't converted to a common data type.
As you've specified the Gender column (probably defined as CHAR 1) and Salary column (probably a NUMERIC of some size), you can use something like
Dbf1.AddIndex('GENDER_SAL', 'GENDER + STR(SALARY, 10, 0)', []);
This creates a index on an expression like F 10000, F 200000, M 12000, where SALARY is converted to the default width of 10 characters (left padded with spaces) and no decimal digits. This should work for you.

I have not used the component, but it looks like they want to use index expressions that are similar to what we used to use in dBase III. On page 7 in the PDF version of the documentation, they offer an example under the Expressions topic:
( LONGFIELD2 ,1 ,20)', []);
You could try their SubStr function on your fields with parameters that would include the whole string and see if that at least gets you a result.


SSIS Derived Column Expression to skip null/blank value and take the next digits of string value

I am very new to SSIS and I am performing a task where I have to take the flat-file text document and then derive the columns with specific digit lengths. For eg, lines in the text document are:
101001A00000000000000309493020111139 112
I am writing derived columns such that certain digit lengths become my columns
Derived Column Name
substring([column 0],1,3)
substring([column 0],4,6)
I want to skip the null values here in order to take the value 112
how do write an expression for this?
For a non-null scenario, I can proceed with the same substring function but I want to handle these blank spaces or null values too.
Can someone please help?
You should use two derived column transformations in that scenario:
The first is to remove extra blank, you can use the following expression:
REPLACE([column 0]," ","")
If the word NULL is written as a text, you can use the following expression:
REPLACE(REPLACE([column 0]," ",""),"null","")
The second derived column transformation takes that output and split the lines into separate columns.

SQL Server string comparison with equals sign and equals or greater in the strings [duplicate]

I have seen prefix N in some insert T-SQL queries. Many people have used N before inserting the value in a table.
I searched, but I was not able to understand what is the purpose of including the N before inserting any strings into the table.
INSERT INTO Personnel.Employees
VALUES(N'29730', N'Philippe', N'Horsford', 20.05, 1),
What purpose does this 'N' prefix serve, and when should it be used?
It's declaring the string as nvarchar data type, rather than varchar
You may have seen Transact-SQL code that passes strings around using
an N prefix. This denotes that the subsequent string is in Unicode
(the N actually stands for National language character set). Which
means that you are passing an NCHAR, NVARCHAR or NTEXT value, as
opposed to CHAR, VARCHAR or TEXT.
To quote from Microsoft:
Prefix Unicode character string constants with the letter N. Without
the N prefix, the string is converted to the default code page of the
database. This default code page may not recognize certain characters.
If you want to know the difference between these two data types, see this SO post:
What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?
Let me tell you an annoying thing that happened with the N' prefix - I wasn't able to fix it for two days.
My database collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
It has a table with a column called MyCol1. It is an Nvarchar
This query fails to match Exact Value That Exists.
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM myTable1 WHERE MyCol1 = 'ESKİ'
// 0 result
using prefix N'' fixes it
// 1 result - found!!!!
Why? Because latin1_general doesn't have big dotted İ that's why it fails I suppose.
1. Performance:
Assume your where clause is like this:
If the NAME column is of any type other than nvarchar or nchar, then you should not specify the N prefix. However, if the NAME column is of type nvarchar or nchar, then if you do not specify the N prefix, then 'JON' is treated as non-unicode. This means the data type of NAME column and string 'JON' are different and so SQL Server implicitly converts one operand’s type to the other. If the SQL Server converts the literal’s type
to the column’s type then there is no issue, but if it does the other way then performance will get hurt because the column's index (if available) wont be used.
2. Character set:
If the column is of type nvarchar or nchar, then always use the prefix N while specifying the character string in the WHERE criteria/UPDATE/INSERT clause. If you do not do this and one of the characters in your string is unicode (like international characters - example - ā) then it will fail or suffer data corruption.
Assuming the value is nvarchar type for that only we are using N''

unable to update nvarchar(50) having czech letters in it [duplicate]

I have seen prefix N in some insert T-SQL queries. Many people have used N before inserting the value in a table.
I searched, but I was not able to understand what is the purpose of including the N before inserting any strings into the table.
INSERT INTO Personnel.Employees
VALUES(N'29730', N'Philippe', N'Horsford', 20.05, 1),
What purpose does this 'N' prefix serve, and when should it be used?
It's declaring the string as nvarchar data type, rather than varchar
You may have seen Transact-SQL code that passes strings around using
an N prefix. This denotes that the subsequent string is in Unicode
(the N actually stands for National language character set). Which
means that you are passing an NCHAR, NVARCHAR or NTEXT value, as
opposed to CHAR, VARCHAR or TEXT.
To quote from Microsoft:
Prefix Unicode character string constants with the letter N. Without
the N prefix, the string is converted to the default code page of the
database. This default code page may not recognize certain characters.
If you want to know the difference between these two data types, see this SO post:
What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?
Let me tell you an annoying thing that happened with the N' prefix - I wasn't able to fix it for two days.
My database collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
It has a table with a column called MyCol1. It is an Nvarchar
This query fails to match Exact Value That Exists.
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM myTable1 WHERE MyCol1 = 'ESKİ'
// 0 result
using prefix N'' fixes it
// 1 result - found!!!!
Why? Because latin1_general doesn't have big dotted İ that's why it fails I suppose.
1. Performance:
Assume your where clause is like this:
If the NAME column is of any type other than nvarchar or nchar, then you should not specify the N prefix. However, if the NAME column is of type nvarchar or nchar, then if you do not specify the N prefix, then 'JON' is treated as non-unicode. This means the data type of NAME column and string 'JON' are different and so SQL Server implicitly converts one operand’s type to the other. If the SQL Server converts the literal’s type
to the column’s type then there is no issue, but if it does the other way then performance will get hurt because the column's index (if available) wont be used.
2. Character set:
If the column is of type nvarchar or nchar, then always use the prefix N while specifying the character string in the WHERE criteria/UPDATE/INSERT clause. If you do not do this and one of the characters in your string is unicode (like international characters - example - ā) then it will fail or suffer data corruption.
Assuming the value is nvarchar type for that only we are using N''

T-SQL Regex for social security number (SQL Server 2008 R2)

I need to find invalid social security numbers in a varchar field in a SQL Server 2008 database table. (Valid SSNs are being defined by being in the format ###-##-#### - doesn't matter what the numbers are, as long as they are in that "3-digit dash 2-digit dash 4-digit" pattern.
I do have a working regex:
FROM mytable
WHERE ssn NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
That does find the invalid SSNs in the column, but I know (okay - I'm pretty sure) that there is a way to shorten that to indicate that the previous pattern can have x iterations.
I thought this would work:
But it doesn't.
Is there a shorter regex than the one above in the select, or not? Or perhaps there is, but T-SQL/SQL Server 2008 doesn't support it!?
If you plan to get a shorter variant of your LIKE expression, then the answer is no.
In T-SQL, you can only use the following wildcards in the pattern:
- Any string of zero or more characters.
WHERE title LIKE '%computer%' finds all book titles with the word computer anywhere in the book title.
_ (underscore)
Any single character.
WHERE au_fname LIKE '_ean' finds all four-letter first names that end with ean (Dean, Sean, and so on).
[ ]
Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).
WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen' finds author last names ending with arsen and starting with any single character between C and P, for example Carsen, Larsen, Karsen, and so on. In range searches, the characters included in the range may vary depending on the sorting rules of the collation.
Any single character not within the specified range ([^a-f]) or set ([^abcdef]).
So, your LIKE statement is already the shortest possible expression. No limiting quantifiers can be used (those like {min,max}), not shorthand classes like \d.
If you were using MySQL, you could use a richer set of regex utilities, but it is not the case.
I suggest you to use another solution like this:
-- Use `REPLICATE` if you really want to use a number to repeat
Declare #rgx nvarchar(max) = REPLICATE('#', 3) + '-' +
REPLICATE('#', 2) + '-' +
REPLICATE('#', 4);
-- or use your simple format string
Declare #rgx nvarchar(max) = '###-##-####';
-- then use this to get your final `LIKE` string.
Set #rgx = REPLACE(#rgx, '#', '[0-9]');
And you can also use something like '_' for characters then replace it with [A-Z] and so on.

Ordering by the first alphabetical char in a column in MYSQL

A table in a MYSQL database has address details- eg...
add1, add2, add3, district, postalTown, country
Ordering by postal town is usually fine, but some details have numbers in the postalTown column. For example 1420 Territet or 3100 Overijse. This will mean these will appear at the top above Aberdeen or Bristol. Is there a way of ordering by postalTown but by the first alphabetical character? That would mean the order of the above would be- Aberdeen, Bristol, Overijse, Territet
Write an expression that will return the first alphabetical character, then just Order By [that expression]
Order By substring(LTrim(
colname, '1', ''),'2',''),'3',''),'4,''),'5', ''),
If you want the rows sorted by the entire city name, and not just by the first character (as question title specifies) then use this:
Order By LTrim(
colname, '1', ''),'2',''),'3',''),'4,''),'5', ''),
Above is a guess (I haven't tried it), but the idea is first delete all numeric characters from the column value, then take the first character of whatever is remaining.
Also, if this works, and if you have any development access to the dataabse, (thinking DRY principle), I would add a computed column to this table, (or a separate view against the table), that is defined to use the above expression, so that this "extraction" of the town name is available to all other code that might want to access it without copying this expression everywhere you may need it..
You could write a stored function which returns the remainder of the column starting at the first alphabetic character (perhaps using REGEXP to find that index). Then order by the stored function.
Edit: instead of regexp in your function, depending on data format you could do a 'substring_index' on ' ' (space) and return the index of the first space, then call substring to return the remainder of the string after the first space.
Once you've created a stored function to return the string following the numbers, you can utilize it like this:
order by yourfunctionname(postalTown)
Stored Functions
First thing that comes to mind to me would to do the following on my ORDER BY, obviously, adding numbers 0 through 9. You'll notice crappy schemas produce crappy solutions. :) As the gentleman said above, you should probably think about a redesign of how you are storing your town data.
ORDER BY REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(FieldName, '1', ''),'2',''),'3','') ETC.
Create a view on the table, making whatever translations you need, and then query against the view?
