Replace null elements from array with some value in MIPS - arrays

I need something similar with this converted in MIPS. Eventualy using a procedure which gets as parameters the array, the lenght of the array, and the value that should replace the null elements of the array. I also have to print "finish" when done, which I also don't know. Thank you in advance.
#include <stdio.h>
int array[40];
int main() {
int i, n = 40; x = 6;
for (i=0, i<n; i++)
if (array[i] == 0)
array[i] = x;
return 0;


Does this code have anything to do with pointers?

Could somebody help me with this piece of code.
I have no idea that what it does.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int arr[5],i;
int a = 1, n = 5;
for (i=0; i<5;a+= arr[i++]);
int d = a;
technically this code has pointers. That is because arrays are pointers to the values that are stored in it(arr[0-5]). Every Element of the array points to a Adress anywhere in the memory.
int main()
int arr[10];
unsigned int x;
for(x = 0; x < 9; x++)
arr[x] = x;
printf("%d ", *(arr+x));
return 0;
in this code you can see that you can use an pointer notation to navigate trough an array.
now to your second question. the code that you gave us here is first initializing a array with 5 elements, a int named 'i', a int named 'a' with the value 1, and a int named 'n' that has the value 5.
then you go into a for loop that repeats 5 times. in the for loop you give a the value of the array[i]. but because the array is not filled with numbers it comes a number that is anywhere in the memory.
next you give the variable 'd' the value of 'a'. and at least you print 'd'.
I think that you want it so that you go into a loop and it prints the elements of the array.
int main()
int arr[5], i, a = 1, d;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
arr[i] = i;
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
a = arr[i];
d = a;
printf("%d ", d);
return 1;
i think that is what you want.
Of note, we've not put anything of interest into arr, however notice the semicolon on the end of this line:
for (i=0; i<5;a+= arr[i++]);
That's a succinct (confusing?) way of saying
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
a += arr[i];
So a is summing up whatever is in arr.

Print descending array C

I have to create functions for print array, fill array witn descending numbers.
I created functions for printing array and creating descending array.But I faced with a problem.
If I use my own function printArray() it prints something unclear. Where is the problem, what i do wrong?
Please, help.
Here is the code in C. value - is value of array
Function for printing array:
void printArray (int arr[]){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < value; i ++)
printf("%3d ", arr[i]);
Function for creating descending array:
int createDescendingArray(int a[])
int i;
printf("\nDescending array is created.\n");
for (i = value; i > 0; i--) {
a[i] = i;
printArray(a); // print of created array
Main function:
int main(){
int arr1[value]; //create new array
arr1[value] = createDescendingArray (arr1); //fill array with descending numbers
However when I don't use my print function in function createDescendingArray() and print it in Main funktion with standart method like this:
{int i;
for(i = 0; i < value; i++)
printf("%3d", a[i]);
It shows descending array as ascending (look at the picture)
How it works?
You have been using a variable named value in your function which prints array, without initializing it, hence the garbage value.
you should initialize it in the function or pass its start value as an argument to the function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void printArray(int *arr, int length)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
printf("%3d ", arr[i]);
int *createDescendingArray(const int length)
if (length == 0)
return NULL;
int *a = malloc(length * sizeof(int));
printf("\nDescending array is created.\n");
for (int i = length-1; i >= 0; i--)
a[i] = i;
printArray(a, length); // print of created array
return a;
int main()
int *a = createDescendingArray(20);
printArray(a, 20);
return 0;
these changes should most probably do the trick but again, there is no initialization of value in the function that creates array as well
EDIT: stop creation of array if length is 0
EDIT2: fixed code to consider 0 as an element
EDIT3: Fixed code with suggestion from #CraigEstey in comments, tested and working
EDIT4: fixed for loop and removed cast on mallock
The function
int createDescendingArray(int a[])
int i;
printf("\nDescending array is created.\n");
for (i = value; i > 0; i--) {
a[i] = i;
printArray(a); // print of created array
is wrong.
According to the output in your question, it seems that you have defined value as 4 (you are not showing us the code with the definition). In that case, your code for the mentioned function is equivalent to the following:
int createDescendingArray(int a[])
printf("\nDescending array is created.\n");
a[4] = 4;
a[3] = 3;
a[2] = 2;
a[1] = 1;
printArray(a); // print of created array
I did nothing else to the code than unroll the loop.
Since the array a has a size of 4 elements, valid indices are from 0 to 3. Therefore, by writing to a[4], you are writing to the array out of bounds, causing undefined behavior.
If you had written
for (i = value - 1; i >= 0; i--)
instead of
for (i = value; i > 0; i--)
then the unrolled loop would be:
a[3] = 3;
a[2] = 2;
a[1] = 1;
a[0] = 0;
This is better, because now we have fixed the undefined behavior; you are no longer writing to the array out of bounds. However, this is still not what you want. If you want descending output, your unrolled loop must look like this instead:
a[0] = 3;
a[1] = 2;
a[2] = 1;
a[3] = 0;
This can be accomplished by changing your function to the following:
int createDescendingArray(int a[])
int i;
printf( "\nDescending array is created.\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < value; i++ ) {
a[i] = value - i - 1;
printArray(a); // print of created array
Here is a small test program:
#include <stdio.h>
//NOTE: It is customary for constants to be written upper-case,
//not lower-case, so the line below should normally not be used.
#define value 4
void printArray (int arr[]) {
int i;
printf( "\n" );
for( i = 0; i < value; i++ )
printf("%3d ", arr[i]);
int createDescendingArray(int a[])
int i;
printf( "\nDescending array is created.\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < value; i++ ) {
a[i] = value - i - 1;
printArray(a); // print of created array
int main( void )
int array[value];
createDescendingArray( array );
The output is:
Descending array is created.
3 2 1 0
In this test program, I took over most of your other code, but I did not take over the function main, because it was also causing undefined behavior:
int main(){
int arr1[value]; //create new array
arr1[value] = createDescendingArray (arr1); //fill array with descending numbers
In the line
arr1[value] = createDescendingArray (arr1);
you are assigning the return value of the function to a variable, although the function did not return a value. This causes undefined behavior. You may want to consider changing the return type to void in the function declaration, if it does not return a value.
Also, even if the function did return a value, arr1[value] would be writing to the array out of bounds, as valid indices are from 0 to value - 1.

Get pointer to column of 2D array in C

I am new to C programming and especially to pointers. In the program I wrote, I tried to write a function that returns a pointer to specified column of array. See the code below for better understanding (or confusion :) ):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// function for getting pointer to specidifed column index
// 'ind' is index of requested column, 'ncol' is number of items in column
int* get_col(const int* arr, unsigned int ind, unsigned int ncol);
int main() {
unsigned int n;
printf("Input matrix size : ");
scanf("%i", &n);
int arr[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
arr[i][j] = i * n + j;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf("values in column %d: \n", i);
int *col = get_col((int*)arr, i, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
printf("%d ", *col);
col = col + 1;
return 0;
int* get_col(const int* arr, unsigned int ind, unsigned int ncol) {
int *result = malloc(sizeof(int) * ncol);
for (int i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
*result = *(arr + i*ncol + ind);
return result;
As you see get_col function accepts pointer to array, column index and column size (n of elements in column, i.e number of rows) as arguments and trying to return a pointer to 1D array that contains values of column at requested index. The problem is that result is not correct. In case n=3 results are like below:
Input matrix size : 3
values in column 0:
6 0 0 // supposed to be 0 3 6
values in column 1:
7 0 0 // supposed to be 1 4 7
values in column 2:
8 0 0 // supposed to be 2 5 8
I think that the problem lies in my understanding of pointers not the algorithm implemented. Actually, at first I didn't use pointer in my get_col function like below:
int result[ncol];
// ... do my work here to populate array
return &result;
Then as compiler complains warning: function returns address of local variable [-Wreturn-local-addr], I converted result from array to pointer in get_col function like above. What is the problem in this code? Did I use pointers in get_col function as it should be?
In the following line:
*result = *(arr + i*ncol + ind);
You're always writing to the same memory address.
Change it to one of the two following options:
*(result + i) = *(arr + i*ncol + ind);
result[i] = *(arr + i*ncol + ind);
Regarding your second problem when you used:
int result[ncol];
// ... do my work here to populate array
return &result;
You should understand that result variable in this case (static-memory allocation) is stored in the stack. So, after your function returns, the variable values doesn't exist anymore in the memory. That's why you need dynamic-memory allocation. In dynamic-memory allocation, that values stay in the memory until you call free by yourself.

My pointer in an array doesn't work as it supposed to

I wanted to create a function, that would accept an 1:array_of_int, and 2:size_of_array, then return sum of the 3 biggest int. Code follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int max_3(int arr[], int asize)
int max_arr[3];
int max =0;
int sum = 0;
int* pi;
for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
for(int i =0; i<asize;i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
pi = (arr + i); // to know the address of the max int of 'i' cycle
max_arr[j] = max;
*pi = 0; // make the max int = 0 so that the next 'i' cycle doesnt have the previous max in it
//(so it can look for another max value - the second one)
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
sum += max_arr[i];
return sum;
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
int arr[6] = {1,5,9,12,16,14};
printf("%i\n",max_3(arr, 6));
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
The pointer pi doesn't make the value of the current max value 0, and the next cycle in for (int i..) make the biggest one again as from the previous. So instead of returning max val1 + val2 + val3, it returned 3 * val1 (the biggest one) -- in my particular example - it printed out 48 instead of 42 (12 + 16 + 14) - as it should. But how when I make the value of address (which my pointer point to) as 0? I do not understand that properly.
Your if statement:
if (arr[i] > max)
isn't going to be entered after the first time you find max (i.e. when j > 0).
You need to zero it after:
max_arr[j] = max;
max = 0;
The following proposed code:
performs the desired functionality
is very straight forward in its' algorithm
incorporates a bubble sort for selecting the top three entries in the array
eliminates the 'magic' number 6
modifies the second parameter to type size_t as that is the type returned by sizeof()
the expression: sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]) lets compiler calculate number of entries in array
the statement: int arr[] = {1,5,9,12,16,14}; lets compiler allocate room for array
avoids modifying the original array, when sorting
and now, the proposed code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> // memcpy()
void swap(int *xp, int *yp)
int temp = *xp;
*xp = *yp;
*yp = temp;
// A function to implement bubble sort
void bubbleSort(int arr[], size_t n)
size_t i;
size_t j;
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
// Last i elements are already in place
for (j = 0; j < n-i-1; j++)
if (arr[j] > arr[j+1])
swap(&arr[j], &arr[j+1]);
int max_3(int arr[], size_t asize)
int localArray[ asize ];
memcpy( localArray, arr, asize*sizeof( int ) );
// sort array
bubbleSort( localArray, asize );
// calculate sum of max 3 entries
int sum = localArray[asize-1] + localArray[asize-2] + localArray[asize-3];
return sum;
int main ( void )
int arr[] = {1,5,9,12,16,14};
printf( "%i\n", max_3( arr, sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])) );
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
a run of the proposed code results in:
After the very first iteration of the outer loop (the loop for(int j=0; j<3; j++)) the value of max and pi will never change.
In that first iteration of the outer loop, you will find that the fifth element in the array will be largest, max will be equal to 16 and pi will point to that element. You set max_arr[0] to 16 and set *pi to zero. Then the outer loop starts over with max still being equal to 16. And now there will be no value in the array that will be equal or larger than that. So you set max_arr[1] to 16 as well, and set *pi (where pi is still pointing to the fifth element) to zero again. And the same thing the next iteration.
The natural solution would be to define max and pi inside the outer loop:
for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
// The variables will be redefined and reinitialized each iteration of the loop
int max = 0;
int *pi;
for(int i =0; i<asize;i++)
if(arr[i] > max)
max = arr[i];
pi = (arr + i); // to know the address of the max int of 'i' cycle
max_arr[j] = max;
*pi = 0; // make the max int = 0 so that the next 'i' cycle doesnt have the previous max in it
//(so it can look for another max value - the second one)
There are a few other problems with the code, like for example the possibility that pi will never be initialized. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure when that will happen and how to solve it.

C: adding elements to an array

I'm trying to test a program that creates an array with 0 elements in it, then adds elements to it (reallocating memory each time), and then printing out the elements. But, I keep getting errors when I try to run it.
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int num = 0;
int n = 10;
int **array = malloc(0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
array = realloc(array, num * sizeof(int*));
array[num-1] = &i;
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
printf("%d", &array[j]); // error 1
return 0;
I'm sorry I didn't include the errors with the original post. I think I fixed one of them. Here is the other:
Error 1: Format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'int *'
This answer is based on the assumption that you are printing a simple array, since you don't show what output you expect. You are using one more step of indirection than you need, and too many variables. Take note that indexing is different from length (often by 1).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) {
int i, n = 10;
int *array = NULL; // no need for double star, or fake allocation
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
array = realloc(array, (i + 1) * sizeof(int)); // remove the *, add 1 for num elements
array[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d", array[i]); // remove the &
free(array); // don't forget this
return 0;
Program output:
In practice, you should assign the result of realloc to another pointer variable, check it's ok, and then replace the original pointer var.
printf("%d", &array[j]); // error 1
The & is the address operator. So it is making something a pointer. Your array is already an array of pointers to integer.
By using the & you are trying to print the address of the integer pointer itself.
Try using * instead of &. * means that you want to print the value of the integer pointer.
printf("%d", *array[j]); // error 1
