Auto suggest Implementation in sencha - extjs

can you please tell me how to implement auto suggest in sencha .I googled it and found two or three solution .But all solution auto suggest using web service ,But i have array of data ,from this data(example names ) i want to use this array in autosuggest .can you modified this link so as i can use this.
i found these links

take a look at this example "Custom Search Fields "

TypeAhead is build-in ExtJS combobox. You can hide the trigger and it will look like a textbox with autosuggest.
Look at this page for a good tutorial on how to customize your combobox.

Take a look at my blog, it may be helpful to you. Sencha touch 2 auto complete.


How to do a documentation page like sencha's?

In the sencha documentation page, when I click a class, a class tap appears, and there will be a toobar up there usually features two buttons (are they buttons) "properties" and "methods". When the mouse is on these two buttons, a overall properties/methods list will appear.
It seems that list is dynamically generated. Can anyone please help. I'd like to do a similar page on my site, but I don't know how to do this.
Sencha uses JSDuck ( to generate the documentation. There are instructions in the repo regarding how to add your own classes to it, and it's pretty easy to do. Additionally, you should be able to see the source for how they are handling the menus/dropdowns.

How to reuse content with Sencha Touch

I want to build a mobile site in Sencha which showing HTML content on a tablet device, containing many objects/divisions/containers with similar layouts and properties.
Take this example window:
Is there a best practice or recommended way to achieve reusability and DRY for writing those containers in Sencha Touch 2?
What types of objects would you use? Does it make sense to use HTML div objects + CSS?
Also, does it make sense to use Sencha in this case?
Here is how you would achieve that layout using Sencha Touch:
Unfortunately it is pretty hard to explain, but hopefully it makes sense.
I've also created a very simple example of this layout, viewable here: (make sure you press Run).
As for which objects/components; they would all be Ext.Containers. Ideally you would use the MVC structure to create custom classes (which would extend Ext.Container) for each of these items.
This is definitely a great use case for Sencha Touch. It is great for creating rich applications like this.
Best approach to render the list of items in the Orange and Yellow containers is probably with a DataView.
Relying on itemTpl to draw each item as per the official documentation of the Ext.dataview.DataView component or using an item renderer, as per the dive into dataview article. (Note that the code in that article may not work as sencha as changed a lot between the different beta versions - #rdougan's associated demo on github may be more recent).
I did expand on the layout code contributed by #rdougan to add an example of how to implement the Reusable dataviews (gist).
That demo code also contains a quickly baked solution for data injection (applyStore and injectStore), so to make it possible to define an "OrangeContainer" once and only once and pass down different data for the "highlighted" and "list" versions of the views at the top and bottom of the screen, respectively. I have no idea whether this is a good or reliable way to do it. I would be interested in feedback on this.

ExtJS grid and cell merging

does anybody know if it's possible to have the cell merging feature in the ExtJs grids?
then is the ExtJs grid working exactly in the same way in all browser and in the Android phones browser as well?
Out of the box a Grid(View) will never support this and negative margins won't work on all browsers. The more I think about it I must say no, you can't do this a save way.
The only possible solution is a custom rendered Table with a custom storebind. But I wouldn't do that.
Maybe this answer is kind of late, but it is a solution, it was created by a Sencha developer:
Row Spanning Solution.
And he also gives some suggestion here.

Build ExtJS tree on fly

I am beginner in ExtJS programming, and I looking for the best approach to implement the following:
I need to build ExtJs tree dynamically, on fly by dragging and dropping available nodes and leaves to the treepanel.
Please suggest anything, any help will be greatly appreciated.
Also, you may want to check out Saki's website below - it has some good code examples. Look at the "Drag and Drop" section where he has a tree and grid example.

Where can I find an AutoComplete TextBox code sample for Silverlight?

I've searched around for a while today, but I haven't been able to come up with an AutoComplete TextBox code sample for Silverlight 2 Beta 2. The most promising reference was found on but the online demo doesn't currently render and after downloading a getting the code to compile with Beta 2, I couldn't get the Silverlight plugin it to render either. I think it is fair to say it is a compatibility issue, but I'm not sure. Does anyone have any alternate sample code or implementation suggestions?
You may want to take a look at my blog:
You simply write in your XAML:
and then in the class file, you need to implement that method, which report suggestions to a delegate. The options can be hardcoded, requested to a web service, or whaterver.
Take a look at the combobox(very close to a autocomplete text box) at worksight's blog Silverlight ComboBox
There is also another good example here:
This is a Silverlight based mail client that looks a little like Outlook. When I go to send mail and start typing in the "To" text box, an auto-complete pops up and populates the control for me based on values in a list... I think it automatically stores the addresses in isolated storage, but that's just a guess.
This is a really handy tool for checking mail while away from my home PC... at work for example... and it is loaded with impressive Silverlight functionality.
